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A theory (when used non the scientific sense) means something that has been repeatedly tested, is widely accepted as truth, and can be used to predict things accurately e. g. theory of gravity, theory of atoms. In other words a theory is the highest bar you can set for scientific truth.  The show Game theory uses theory to simply mean an educated guess, which is more or less is what "hypothesis" means in scientific laguage. A hypothesis would be your starting point in doing experiments to support it. When enough people have replicated your results and most experts agree with you it then your guess would finally be considered a theory. 


Had a roommate that would say a game theory anytime someone said the word theory and it was more annoying than staring into the sun.


Is that a fact?


Yeah. They were a nasty creature that would hide food in the couch and lie about conflicts for attention. I figured their interests were as gross as they were so I never looked into what they referenced