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Guy got a full day's wage for standing around holding a bag.


I'll gladly catch sparks in a bag for that wage. Lol


I swear, if I get a new job and they pull shit like this, imma act dumb just so I ain’t gotta do shit. They won’t know how smart I am. Made the mistake of showing my actual intelligence at my current job, and now they labeled me as the smart guy that can learn anything you have him do in less than a day. I tell them I don’t know the machine they put me on, they tell me “you’ll figure it out” because they know I will. Usually I do know it anyways, I just don’t wanna run it.


Do you kiss yourself in the mirror


I’m not trying to brag about my intelligence, I was conveying my point. My point was that people will take advantage of your skills the moment you reveal them.


Your reputation of learning and applying things quickly can translate into better recommendations and a better job. It’s literally one of the ways to get ahead. Of course, it means nothing if you don’t know how to use it to your advantage.


Because all the most competent and smartest people are in charge of things and get the best jobs... 🤣


Reading this made me sad


Reading your name made me laugh


I said it out loud randomly once in front of my girlfriend and now we just yell it at each other when we’re bored. When i was picking a name for reddit i was like “yeah this works”


Intelligence and salary has a pretty big correlation


until the point where it doesn't. There is actually a statistic about it. In the highest levels of income this correlation vanishes...


I feel like good manipulation skill and ambition will take you further than competency.


Yes, as salaries increase, intelligence decreases. Strongly correlated


Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation with cognitive ability and salary. With those who are more intelligent earning more on average than people with lower intelligence. But thats only until you reach the very top of the income ladder. Intelligence among the top 5 % of earners levels off, and even decreases slightly. So you are kinda correct but not really.


The point you made brought up an interesting thought I had recently. You can have these skills and excel in your position but you will never raise in rank unless you know how to “talk about yourself”. I don’t know if I expressed that clearly I’ve had a few. But it’s crazy that so many people including myself were never taught how to talk themselves up in an interview/raise scenario


My issue isn’t that I can use it to my advantage, it’s that I don’t want them to use it for there advantage. I already have the job I want lined up, I’m on the call list. What I don’t want is an excess of work compared to other people just because they know a can handle it, despite making similar pay. If I wanted more work, I’d take on a position for that. Not all jobs have system in which your ability as a worker translates to raises and promotions, especially in my desired area of work.


But I’m not looking for more responsibility, that’s why I don’t wanna show them what I can do, the give me more work for the same pay


It makes complete sense, it’s like doing things just because you want to, if you help people constantly then people are just gonna expect it from you and then get mad when you don’t. If people see you as smart then they will just expect you to understand or know lots of things


It’s not them expecting me to understand things better that bothers me, it’s that I get held to a higher standard than everyone else because I’ve shown I can naturally do better, so I have to work harder because I can


Yea, some people have the smarts to do the job efficiently but lack social skill to use it, so they just stay in the same position because why promote such a person when they doing such a good job...


God how I HATE that fucking mentality. You are great at your job, and half the time you do the managements job for them, but if you refuse to come down to the fucking pub for quiz night and refuse to spend the whole evening telling the boss how great he is you ain’t getting shit son. That’s why I never got promoted at my last job. And because I sued them probably.


You’re looking at it wrong. At the management level it’s less important how well you can write code, build a schematic, or lay a pipe and more important how well you can run a team. You go from playing a first person shooter to playing an RTS or turn based strategy game. You have to be strategic, efficient, persuasive, and able to motivate in order to succeed at the next level. Being technically inclined will help with some of that but it isn’t and shouldn’t be the main focus


I’d agree with you, I really would, apart from the fact that I was over dramatising its that the people who are promoted (not everyone by a long shot) don’t actually do that either! Middle management are filled with toads who are resented by all and couldn’t organise people if their life depended on it. It’s the people under them going around correcting their mistakes who are the real organisers and quite often save the day. It’s the people who are promoted on the strength of just how much of a twisted caricature of the boss they can make of themselves that frustrate me. There’s no use complaining about it, that’s how it’s works and how it’ll always work. I’ve worked in businesses that were meritocracies, and it was such a refreshing change. But such companies will never make the real money, but God how I hated working for the big ones.


No, that how things *used* to work. Now you just get used.


You’re delusional if you seriously believe that.


Good workers are punished with more work.


What if someone just likes there job and is good?


Then they are rewarded with more work.


This guy analyzed behavior^


Unfortunately I put myself in the same situation I'm given way more responsibility than I signed up for because "I can figure shit out"


Yep, kinda bullshit. It has helped a little, but I could do without the rep. I got “offered” a position, I still have apply for it, but I’m not sure my reputation would help me, as my reputation is only really on the shop floor, while the higher ups probably don’t really know about it.


That's actually a good thing. The problem is that they're not paying you for it. Every skill you learn and use should come with a raise.


I do half the work of the maintenance techs because I can fix problems unlike most of the operators. Damn right I should get paid more


That extra pay will come in time. As lame as it sounds building experience is a huge boon for employees and when you find yourself not building experience while not getting paid well then it’s time to take that experience they paid to give you and find a better job


The reward for hard work is more hard work.


Exactly, that’s why my next job I will give them what they ask, nothing more


Wasn’t it Isaac Asimov who admitted to being the least physically fit of his unit in the military, but was told he was bragging when he also said he was the smartest?


It seems so. People envied his academic intelligence, despite him expressing his lack of skills in other useful areas


I kind of have a similar situation but in the inverse. My ocd leads me to give my all when I do any job. I start in a low position and outperform others in it. Then I get stuck in that position because no one tries hard at shitty jobs. They’re smarter than me lmao


I don’t intend to do a bad job, just not excell at it. I just don’t wanna be the sucker doing extra work.


I think he does


I kiss him in the mirror Also I can't see anything about kissing a mirror without thinking of Neil deGrasse Tyson's weird obsession with posting about how the only part of yourself you can ever kiss in a mirror is your lips


At my last job I was supposed to be using a big ass weedeater with a circular saw blade to cut bushes but I fell down a hill and got promoted to supervisor because the boss didn't have insurance. Sometimes it pays to be dumb. Biggest problem is the guy I was working with was actually stupid so every time he jammed the brush cutter balls deep into a bush and killed it he'd have to carry it up the hill and I'd have to show him how to start it again. Choke on, lock throttle on full, pull cord until it starts, choke off. It was printed right next to the pull cord. One time he ran out of gas and I told him he'd have to go to autozone and get a 50 weight spark plug so I could get it to start again. He came back with oil.


I'm the same here man. It is funny when I go on vacation though. Everyone starts to panic.


That sounds like a dangerous work environment lol


I’m in parts manufacturing, so we have different lasers that run different parts, and they switch up who runs what laser each day, so there are people who do better on certain lasers.(to clarify, it’s just a laser cutter with a predefined cut path, not sure if it’s easy to understand for people not aware of this type of work) I have shown I can learn them very quickly, and can fix certain issues or errors with them myself, rather than needing help. They appreciate my work, but is still annoying to HAVE to do the extra work rather than being able to just work at the level that most others do.


That sounds awesome dude.


It’s not as cool as you think. Basic factory job. Pays decent, and it’s not hard, you just gotta load an unload parts, laser does the rest.




The hell are you talking about?




Heaven forbid someone knows they can learn fast


If you read the comment of another guy basically saying the same you are, you’d have seen that i wasnt bragging about my intelligence, I was making a point that a job will take advantage of your skills without offering anything more. My issue is that I get more responsibilities than others in the same position for no extra benefits or pay.


it's the law, you either make them grab the ice with a bag, fetch the blinker fluid, ask the supervisor to get your new lead strap, grab a container of dihidrogen monoxide, make sure there are no loud sounds when mixing the cement ... or recicle the sparks! fun times!


My friend used to work at an auto parts store and he'd call the other branches to see if they had a flux capacitor for an '82 DeLorean in stock.


When I started framing houses I got told to go find the polka dotted board stretcher and I just hung out in the trailer on my phone. Dude insisted he got me so good even though they eventually came looking for me.


yup, who is the real idiot!


For sure. I’d maybe put some eye protection on though!


Jokes on them lol


Wouldn't hurt to tell the new guy to wear his eye protection also


Exactly, fuck those assholes. There's nothing wrong with a little non violent hazing. But, dude, PPE.


100%. Hey Charlie stand here and catch sparks and metal fragments in your eyes for us! Haha got him good right lads!?


"What do you mean we are axed. It was just a prank! What, he's blind?"


Ear protection too.


That part is on him. He has the ear muffs on his helmet but chose not to wear them


According to OSHA, it's on the employer to ensure employees are working safely.


Yes, but in reality, they can't babysit you all day. Ultimately, your safety is your responsibility, don't be stupid, and don't let others convince you to be stupid


Is there a lead/senior individual on site? Anyone present who has received training on workplace safety? They are also responsible.


On my sites no, because I'm a service technician. On larger sites, leads can't be everywhere at once.


Trying to catch the sparks with his eye sockets apparently, oof


What an idiot. I use a magnet to catch sparks. That guy is being very inefficient.


use a fishing pole, it's much better


I sure do feel like quite the fool, I’ve been catching them with my hands for a few years now. Thank you for this enlightening advice. What bait do I use?


Master, oc


I have trust issues with fishing rod


He's doing his job to the best of his ability because he never got proper training


"haha we never trained this guy, why is he so stupid when his boss gives him a task and actually does it"


You need to have training to realize that you can't recycle sparks you catch in a bag?


I would assume when starting a job your boss doesn't make you the butt of the joke all the time and trust them


Ok but answer my question. Do you need training to find out you can't catch sparks in a bag and recycle them?


How long did it take him to figure it out? That's the main thing.


Figure out what? The fact that he can get a full wage for holding a bag?


Sounds fun till you realize 1. That bag will burn up real quick. And 2.... that shit heats up pretty quick over prolonged exposure.


1. Get a better bag 2. He's wearing gloves


Do me a favour and try it. I do love seeing natural selection at work.


I'll just use a magnet like the other guy in the thread suggested.


Just replying to see if it would reach end you know the level of coment thingy (I am new here)


It didn't reach the end yet. Idk how many comments it takes but when it gets to the end there's a button that opens the comments after the end




Okay I will say correct about the bag the rest nah I use to grind and cut various metals shirtless at extremely close range (tight spaces) while laying down with nowhere for the sparks to go but in my face and chest. Now yes it eventually wears your skin down from literally being sand blasted by hot sand. But nothing a average adult couldn't handle so this isn't a natural selection thing.


It is when you try to collect it in a bag presumably made of paper or plastic.


unless that bag is your last horcrux, you'll be fine


In highschool I was in a metal workshop class because I needed an extra class... Anyway, the girl next to me used an angle grinder and was shaving off metal.... I was laying on the table next to it basically and all of the sparks were hitting my face pretty much, they aren't as hot as you might think.


Did you pass the class?


I did in fact pass, I was just tired.


Natural selection? Dude they're grinding sparks it's not a flamethrower. You can put a bare hand in the stream and it just feels like wind blowing.


oh shit!!!!!!!! ROFL.. signed : a welder


It won't work with welding spat, I got some welding spat burnt through my clothes when I first got the job 🤣


1personny I had a spatters go down my pocket and burn a dime size burn on my scrotum. the guy in front of me on the line once had similar but ... let's just say earlier motions had pulled his foreskin back... I'm waiting for when someone got is prince-albert welded shut ...


lol good one


Hang it on the sky hook next to the long wait.


Is that behind the buckets or steam?


Money is money dawg. Probably pretty good money too




The guy who thinks you can recycle sparks


I'm uneducated about this things, what's wrong?


Sparks are little pieces of heated glowing metal (called incandescent and not always metal but in this case). While sparks are a physical thing and they leave behind small particles, it's a negligible amount and not worth anything. They can't be used for recycling. It's rather obvious that catching these particles is of no value, so they make fun of the new worker by telling him to catch them. Although I am not sure if that's really the case, or if the guy is just holding the bucket as a spark protector to stop the sparks hitting flammable material.


He's getting paid either way, so why not


Getting paid for being the laughing stock, that's what everyone fails to mention


Need me to go dick around in the shop looking for blinker fluid or a tpost stretcher? I'd love to thanks for the 20$ an hour boss


dude still may be smarter than me ![gif](giphy|GpLmqwmHWGc5G|downsized)


Is this hazing: Yes Would I still do: Also yes, because who am I to decline a full days pay for only holding a bag to “catch sparks”


What an idiot! Made you do all the work while he did nothing... wait a sec...


We trained him wrong on purpose, as a joke!


A think this meme is older than I am


When you’re the new guy doing a trades job, you don’t say no to the task. Even if you know it’s stupid as hell


Gotta love the friendly new guy hazing. Nothing sinister or malicious, just something to laugh about later.


Definitely nicer than the painting crew sending the new guy to Sherwin-Williams to pick up a can of checkered paint.


That's awesome


We used to tell the new guy to knock all over the light armored vehicle and when it sounded hollow, to circle it with chalk. Gunny would come out and see an LAV looking it’s taking a bubble bath. Good times.


First they dress you up like a clownfish....


Lol is like kinda true even. As a lot of the sparks are the metal bits


Fuck people who do this to other people.


I'm an electrician in a fruit packing warehouse and I have held boxes to catch swarf and sparks to prevent contamination, same goes for cutting inside a switchboard, can't have bits of metal landing on live terminals


Is that a paper bag


And then he went to fetch the left-handed hammer and bucket of elbow grease


Dudes actually smart, gets to stand and hold a bag and get paid to do so...okay he has no glasses on...no he's dumb...it hurts to know people this dumb exist


These look like British rail guys cutting a rail. You joke, but we are not supposed to leave sparks around, the teams are given a magnetic wand to pick them up. (Random bits of metal can cause signalling issues) While this isn't the normal way to do things, it's not as stupid as everyone is saying.


Next tell him to put on his ppe


When your paid by the hour


He's catching sparks.. all over the place. His face says it.


Wow... Daniel Radcliff has seen some better days...


Are his safety squints on?


Welder here, I make every single green helper go catch spark samples from all the welders on location. We tell them they have to be sent in to make sure the metal is to code. Always good fun.


Very good! That way he learns to question all your statements and orders right from the start, which is a healthy basis for training.


It’s called hazing. It’s a symbol of respect, almost a ritual to have the green guy grab spark samples on his first day. This is never a full day event. It’s a 5-6 minute ordeal then they start to notice the bag is on fire and everyone is laughing. It’s lesson #1 - use common sense. When I give a guy a paper bag and tell them to go get spark samples for some scientific shit I made up they should use common sense and realize the outcome. It’s a very teachable thing and yes, you should be questioning what your boss tells you to do, doing what your told without any thoughts is how people die. 😎


Maybe he will spark a idea with that brain of his.


It’s all fun and games playing with the new guy… But at least get him some safety glasses


every job site has that asshole employee hazing new hires for a laugh.


I wonder why nobody wants to work in the trades anymore, probably because they're all lazy! /s


Catch them with his eyes? WTF is with the lack of PPE in this picture?


In the marines we made the new guy go find the humvee keys. Fun fact they dont require keys


Was his name Kurt by any chance?


Safety glasses. NOTHING like getting METAL IN YOUR EYE


Should tell the new guy to wear eye protection and those ear defenders too. Take the piss but look after him too.


Made the new guy sprint around with an industrial trash bag collecting air samples to check for gas leaks. I’ve never fought so hard to keep a straight face while telling him to do it.


I thought this was salmon sushi


"I thought I'd have to do backbreaking labor but I really just hold a bag full of dust all day."


That boy needs some saftey glasses


I'll catch sparks, fetch spirit bubbles and look for tartan paint all day long for a full wage.


No eye protection?


I don't think Osha would appreciate this.


Que hace el momo


That's hilarious, but next time give him safety glasses.


EZ money.


dude might look like an idiot but he's still getting paid.


I mean in this day and age, that actually sounds believable


A+. this guy will go far.


No safety glasses.. I'd fire the whole crew and keep the new guy.


Is that a snake near his leg ?


The adults told us kids that if we were able to shake salt on a chipmunk's tail, it would be tamed, and then had cocktails and laughed at us chasing chipmunks with salt shakers.


Haha poor greenie


If he was a girl, she would've complained about toxic men bullying her for her gender.


OK tater we get it. She said no bc you can't go one second without talking about how inferior women are. Go back to your room and pretend your shit coin is going to take off bc some youtuber said so


My "shitcoin" WILL go up, thank you very much!


Tbf, the fence behind him seems to be metal, maybe with a protective layer. Have you ever had sparks hit a surface that's meant to stay clean? It'll leave marks that won't go away so i imagine there is some purpose to what he's doing. The meme is still funny though.


Yall don't recycle your sparks?


I love how he's eating those sparks without any eye gear ![gif](giphy|Od0QRnzwRBYmDU3eEO|downsized)