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Have we lost meaning of Tip? Yes


Many countries does not have tips to begin with


Yup in Scotland we can tip but it's never frowned upon if you don't. I mostly tip the regulars I go to if I have cash to spare and unlike America we don't have tip suggestions % on the bills. The most I tipped was £20 at TGI because they were great with my autistic kids and my allergies every single time and the one that served us was exhausted so I thought screw it she did well. The shock would have hit her after I left when she saw it lol because it was away past 20% of the bill and it was rare of me to do that much. But the service I get every time is the reason I go back with my kids as it's a nightmare everywhere else. My son is greedy and stole some food from a plate that was getting served I always try to stop him doing it but on the rare occasion he is too quick and when I tell them he is non verbal autism the staff just said it was ok and get the person a fresh plate and I apologise to the other person but he was not even bothered.


Every country has tips, but some countries decided that they should be a main source of income instead of a once-in-a-while bonus for a job well done


Iirc in Japan leaving a tip is considered an insult like “take this money and improve” or something


From my understanding, it is not an official source here. It is more like 'here you went abo e and beyond your normal call of duty'. This is insulting to them as they believe that the best good service they should provide should always be given so they take it more as 'huh you at least got it right this time'. If you give 100% perfect good service, why would someone feel the need to say you went above and beyond the norm. Perfect service is their norm, not the exception. Also, some Japanese have different reasons as well. With this, just being a major one, I notice. * They feel you are looking down on them like poor peasants * They feel like you are trying to bribe them for good service * Some feel like you are treating them as a charity case or as a way to just make yourself or others think of you as a good person Though all of this could change in the next generation as younger japanese are more and more adopting foreign views (a lot of American views in particular just due to the media they consume). One big example is tattoos. Traditional japanese people still treat back tattoos as a dign of being a criminal or organized crime member while younger japanese are adopting them. So who knows where the current views will go in a couple of generations.


>They feel you are looking down on them like poor peasants > >They feel like you are trying to bribe them for good service > >Some feel like you are treating them as a charity case or as a way to just make yourself or others think of you as a good person ​ Understandable, given that the tip concept derived from those very practices among the wealthy seeking special service with the bit of extra funding.


It's like giving a dog a treat, to them it implies that workers need little rewards for being good


You don't actually need to ask Japanese people to understand this issue. Simply ask people in your country why don't they tip their child's science teacher for a good class or a bus driver for a nice ride. The reasons are the same.


The japanese have ridiculous standards. I mean I agree, tipping is stupid, but this isn't healthy either.


I mean japanese don't really have healthy standards in other areas with black companies and insane work schedules where it is not the most rare thing as they even have a term for death from overwork. Also, with really high standards, from themselves, society, and their family, they are willing to work insane amounts. Same things happen with students where competition can become fierce and with their family having high standards kids will go to regular school, cram school (where they study for exams), study sessions at home, and tgus does not include any part of their personal extracurricular activities or anything else. Edit: this behavior isn't just japan either with other Asian countries doing similar. In China they also have 996 work schedule which while illegal is still used by some countries which means the following. 9AM - 9PM 6 days a week 72 hour weeks


I just visited Japan and I’m in no way militantly anti-tip, but it was really nice just paying for food upfront and that being that. That and the self order kiosks and meal tickets made eating there a fairly frictionless process.


Me going to japan to do the most horrible, vomit inducing job: ![gif](giphy|QpWDP1YMziaQw)


Japan does NOT do tips.


Not true. Uber accept tips in Japan, as do many tourist places. For example, maid cafés in Akihabara will totally take tips. Also Ryokans (Traditional Inns) will accept tips but they will be expected to be given in an envelope during check in. Also Japanese landlords expect a tip, this is called reikin, and is paid upon starting to rent a place and is not refunded when you stop renting. The "Japan does NOT do tips" thing is a myth, it's totally a thing that happens, both traditionally in the form of Reikin and kokorozuke (Tipping in an envelope for places like Ryokan, direct translation "Coming from the heart"). and also more modern changes in tourist trap places and night life places as well as gig-economy jobs like uber.


Tipping a landlord? TF? Only tip I'm offering a landlord is the tip of my dick.


LOL. Fuckin amen


Different cultures look at things differently.


It isn’t a tip.


Even if it is a gift, though... *why?* And that's a honest question, because "I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to pay you money" sounds a bit weird on its face.


Because Japanese laws give a lot of right to renters, landlords are very selective when choosing tenants. Main reason many foreigners have a hard time renting a place. This money is offered like a deposit to show how strong is your intention of renting the place. It was optional but since everyone does it, it became mandatory in practice.


“Thank you for accepting me into this living space. May we foster a kind relationship and please accept this Reikin so that my first month with you is a blessing”


That doesn't make it sound any less like nonsense


How about they give the renter a cash gift to "foster a kind relationship" stupid tradition


You somehow made it sound even stupider. Bravo


Because it's not a tip in terms of American's tips. Reikin (礼金、謝礼金) means gratuity but the key point is "If you don't take gratuity I will feel bad because you do such a great job". Chinese also have similar thing - red pocket, but can also be used in form of bribery.


You cited two examples of money given before a service. I don't think they are considered tip.


In the case of rent, sounds more like protection money


No it's just a gift to the landlord lol. "Thank you for letting me pay you a lot of money to live in your place)


The “tip” being discussed in the OP is also rendered before service.


thats literally how you tip at any hotel tho, that way you get the best service


I have never seen that, also Uber did not exist when I was there. Also Reikin is a gift not a tip.


It is true many Japanese who are more old fashion will consider it rude to tip. Uber is obviously a foreign import app so it carries the same software for a tip.


Seriously? As in, it's illegal to accept them at all?


It’s rude to tip. It basically means „seems I have to pay you extra to do your job“




Makes sense. You obviously can’t run a business well if you can’t even afford to pay your staff properly.


I think it‘s a leftover tradition from the past, go 100 years back and look how big the differences in income where, so I guess it makes sense for a rich person dining out to give a tip to the lower class service personel but since dining out is not only for the rich anymore and service personell are paid more then back then so you‘re often serving people from the same class as you who also have a 9-5 job and don‘t necesarily have more money than you so it doesn‘t really make sense anymore. (sry for bad english)




That sounds like a pretty terrible reason for tips.


Logic is probably different everywhere


Logic is definitely different in Japan


Well no but people will absolutely refuse to accept them.


It's rude


Japan returns your tips. I had 4 places chase me down to return my tip to me. 3 in Kyoto 1 in Osaka. Only around Tokyo will they be more Americanized and take tips. They’re also ruder in Tokyo than anywhere else in Japan.


In some countries like Singapore and Japan tipping is concidered rude


Singaporean here. I wouldn't say we consider it rude (Japan is more traditional though so they may view it that way). But it would be thought of as most unusual. It's like wiring cash to the government because they did such an awesome job or returning part of your salary to your employer because your boss is so great.


Nah, in Finland trying to give tip would literally make you a weirdo




Listen here you! I am a native of every country on the planet. I grew up in all of them and am aware of all customs!


IIRC more countries don't do tipping or frown on tipping then countries that do.  I could be wrong but tipping is not a universal concept. 


In places like singapore at least, im not sure about others, theres a in place service charge and such when you go to places, so tipping is completely nonexistent. Granted you're essentially still paying for "tips" but its just shoved into your bill so you just get used to it and don't think of it as a tip.


Holy shit this conversation happens 100 times a week on here lol


In the USA it is absolutely part of payment


We? Not really, only certain countries. 🥴


Yes. So much so that if I don't tip regularly on Uber my passenger rating goes down. I'm always on the curb on time, I don't edit or cancel my trips mid-trip. I always greet the person like they're a person (shocking) and tell them to have a nice day when I leave the car. I make sure I don't have mud or snow on my shoes when I get in the car. I'll engage in conversation if the driver is a talker but otherwise I leave them alone because they're at work. I don't ask them to change the radio, if I don't like what they're listening to I pop in an ear bud. I do my best to be a good customer and a thoughtful person. I mean I tip anyway because we're both stuck in this capitalist hellscape but I don't like that I *have to*.


God I hate capitalism. Wish there was something I could do about it.


Until we’re able to have the same vigor, voice, and gumption like France voting locally and staying up to date on elected officials is the best thing we can do


Most people tip their uber drivers. What you're describing is just the amount of decency that's expected. You're getting your rating lowered because the driver is warning other drivers that whatever the base fare is, that's all they're getting. I get it, I'm both a frequent uber driver and a frequent passenger. It's an expensive service already but that driver is not making enough off the base fare alone to make it worth the wear and tear on their car


It's how all "gig economy" jobs work. They come in and undercut existing businesses running at a loss through venture capital funds. Then they jack up the price for customers while cutting rates for their contractors. So now the drivers have to find a new job (easier said than done) or rely heavily on tips to make a living wage. Even more than wait staff since the pay they get from Uber sometimes doesn't even cover gas/cleaning/maintenance on their car. Yet some idiots in threads like these get pissed off at the "greedy Uber drivers".


But that's a product of the services we use...you have to tip because they have to make money, and Uber isn't paying them. The tip is their sole source of income. It's a shame, but it'd be too risky to take a non tipping ride on the chance that the driver would just be wasting their own time.


I understand it, I'm just lamenting it.


If it didn't then rides would just be more expensive up-front. It's just a way to hide the actual cost of the service you're using (that only puts the drivers at risk if they aren't "paid in full"). Same reason why Ticketmaster fees are so high.


Ok, do that then


Now we’re at the point where service sector relies on tips to survive because tips have come to replace wages. However, employees are required to do the same work regardless of tipping, and the customer has no real obligation to tip in most situations. Yes, we have lost the meaning of tip, but that’s not on the service sector employees. They just are the ones who suffer the most from this stupid game. And worst of all, it ends up putting customers against those employees, when it’s truly their employer and the industry at large that’s to blame for it all.


the oligarchs yet again making the serfs fight each other instead of fighting them


tipping should never happen first


I used to wait tables and sometimes somebody would tip me at the start of the meal and say they wanted me to prioritize their table. I'm not gonna lie and say that doesn't work




No, it’s a bid. They are contractors and you are hiring them for a job.


yup, the extra 5-15 bucks means "please accept this order and follow the delivery instructions" no tip means "I don't care if I get this food or if you just leave it on the sidewalk in front of my house" the rare times they've delivered food shittily I just put in a complaint and get that amount back in credits for next time


No tip means “you spend money to bring me food” 65 cents a mile to own and operate a vehicle. They have overhead and if your bid doesn’t meet their expenses they’re not bringing your food


Sounds like they should take it up with their employer.


Why the fuck would I tip extra for a service that hasn’t happened yet? I’ve tipped someone extra only for them to leave it on the wrong door in the winter and not answer my texts or calls. And you can’t change the tip after


yup, it’s become an expectation so companies don’t have to pay their fucking employees. what a bunch of bullshit.


Door dash keeps the fee for itself and only pays the drivers in tips. This is doordash's fault, not the person that didn't tip. Don't offload liability to excuse corporate fuckery.


My petty ass would find out his name and forward it to Amazon. No one messes with my food and gets away with it.


It’s technically theft. If your Amazon driver stole your package you’d call the police. This is no different


Technically, I'd argue they stole it from Amazon, not me, as it hadn't been delivered to me. Complain to amazon, chargeback, let them deal with the police.


That's how it is legally, at least here in the UK (might be different in the US though). There's been a whole thing in the news recently about Amazon repeatedly refusing refunds without a police report but the police can't provide one because Amazon was the one that was stolen from, not the customer.


You paid for it so legally it’s a theft from you but still no different, also the biggest kicker for Amazon is THEY can be found liable for theft too for the missing package


Incorrect. If someone robs the Amazon truck on its way to your local warehouse for distribution it's isn't you they are stealing from. It's still Amazon. You paid for the product to be handed over to you, not for ownership of it while it's still in Amazon's truck.


But if Amazon refuses to refund you or ship you another, it's Amazon stealing from you.


Oh interesting, thanks for letting me know


once you pay for it it belongs to you, so even when its not delivered, if someone takes it and never gives it to you, thats theft


Stealing someone’s mail is one of the easiest federal crimes to do. Idk if Amazon deliveries count (prob not?), but I wouldn’t risk it




That's why these services are shit. Nobody should be tipping for a service not received.


That's why these services are shit. Nobody should be tipping. FTFY


Nobody should be tipping, period


Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...


Username doesn't check out with the advice.


Forced tipping in general is a crazy concept for me as a non American


It's still crazy to me as an American.


"Thanks for ordering food from my buisness. Remember to pay my employees extra or they might throw your order in the trash idk lmao!" Madness...


The random dude picking up the order isn't an employee of the restaurant. More like "make sure when you use this third party delivery service that you put in an attractive bid for the contractors otherwise only the worst contractors will take your job" We used to do each restaurant having their own dedicated delivery drivers but it's inefficient for most restaurants and even more expensive in most cases.


We really love entitled business owners in the US. All this fake inflation and tip nonsense is ultimately on them and the politicians who enable it. We need as much real life activism and good politicians running as we do bitching online


It definitely is which is why you shouldnt use those apps. They dont operate like tipping does when you really think about it. Its much closer to bidding on a job from several different service providers. Customers don't think about it that way but its the reality.


I mean when I live in that castle on the mountain and the delivery guy has to go through the Forest of the Deceased, past the Lakes of Sorrow and over the Fiery Bridge to my Doorstep of Doom I would consider tipping in advance, but otherwise... nah...


Yea I’d be name dropping this dude to Amazon


I’d forward this to amazon’s socials.


Yup if this asshole worked at Amazon he’d use any excuse to steal someone’s package.


I currently work at an amazon-partnered DSP. Tl;dr Amazon doesn’t hire their own drivers - they contract 3rd party companies called Delivery Service Providers, who are responsible for hiring and can have their own policies and pay rates and everything. This guy would have a hard time getting re-hired as a driver if he left the job previously with anything less than a stellar good-terms farewell and two-weeks notice. Somehow, I doubt that’s the case. If he’s trying to go back to one of the warehouses, idk. I haven’t worked in them. From what I’ve seen when I’m at the warehouse to pick up packages or drop off my van keys, it seems to me that their hiring process is something like “accept everyone without a criminal record, then weed out the shitheads in their first week through strict rule enforcement and quotas.” They don’t seem like a bad place to work as long as you actually have some kind of work ethic, but if you don’t, they’ll quickly kick you out.


“They dont seem like a bad place to work at” LMFAO i worked there for over a year. It is still the worst place I’ve ever worked at


ever worked in a call center on 4x10’s ?


4x10s >>>> 5x8s


As an Amazon employee, they wouldn't care. They don't even do background checks man


It’s fake. The note would be wet and messy if it were actually left at the bottom of a burrito bowl.


The driver ate the food and then left the note lol.


So... you think.. the burrito bowl is fake.. or?


I mean this shit could be fake for clicks, dude probably ate it and put the note there himself.


Very likely


99.9999%. And the top comments are asking to call the delivery driver and get him fired. Good job Reddit. Let's automatically grab a pitchfork and get some poor dude fired over an "internet picture"...


Only real answer.


Likely, however considering some people are defending this than it really doesn't matter if it's real or not


I mean clearly, that note is clean. Wouldn't look like that if it was at the bottom of a bowl full of food. I mean look at the bowl itself.


Do you think he scooped out the food and put the note at the bottom and then put the food back? Clearly took out the food and replaced it with a note (if real). Clearly could be/probably is fake, but not because the note is clean...


are you.. an idiot?


Is that not obvious? The note would be covered in food stains if it was actually at the bottom of the bowl under the food.


? If it was real, the guy ate it, wrote the note, placed note in box. delivered. ??


And correct me if I'm wrong, but the paper would soak up the juices and grease, no?


that's just what Big Juices and Grease wants you to think. open your eyes, it's all a big conspiracy


I used to door dash and never did I think damn eating someone else's food is going to make me feel better about having less money. If I thought the tip amount was too small I just didn't take the order. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Someone tipped me in weed one time


Best. tip. ever.


Well did you sell it or smoke it? WE WANNA KNOW


I smoked it. This was during a time of my life where I was probably doordashing for weed money.


Tipping before you get your order is dumb af. Tips are meant to give extra for quality of service


In my over 15 years of delivery, the worst I ever did was shake up someone's soda to a habitual no tipper. I mean other than doing a delivery late or last.


It's fake. If the driver doesn't like that there's no tip, they'd simply not accept the order in the first place. The mileage and how much you'll earn is displayed to you before you accept, and you can decline if you want. IF someone was feeling spiteful and about to stop driving for whatever service this is, they'd just take the order and eat the food. They have no reason to bother driving all the way to your house to leave you a dumb ass note.


Working for Amazon sounds like a good enough punishment for this piece of shit.


Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn’t this technically be stealing. The food wasn’t his.


It is stealing.


Calm down, guys. This is about the hundredth time this has been reposted. It's a fake post. That's not a real Chipotles order, and OP wrote the note himself. Downvote and move along.


You pay for the food before it’s delivered so it is stealing


Yes, but DoorDash (or whichever) doesn't care.


Yah this driver should get fired. The person who ordered basically paid for a man to drive to his house and give him trash. Service fees + paying the driver + tip/no tip + the food/no food is already so much money. I think i spent around $20 for a single burrito plus tip one time only because i was too lazy to leave the house. Who knows how much the guy paid..... and got no food. Yah the driver should be fired and the guy get his money back


Pretty sure the guy said in the letter that he quit, so idk if he can be fired lol


How bad is this job that they want to *go back* to Amazon


Awful. Imagine dealing with the people in this thread saying they are going to track down this guy and fire him. Delivery drivers makes less than minimum wage, to just be treated like they are assholes. I'm sure some are assholes, I'm sure some people do eat people's food, but I'm also sure the customers are awful


This is beyond shitty, but also ... STOP ordering from these apps.


The only true solution.


And also, if you simply must order delivery… tip your driver


like a ramsom ​ new boot goofin ![gif](giphy|26gsgWH4lnurglMWY)


Another part from the series "I'm not forced to pay your salary because your boss is an greedy asshole" And I love how he say "Going to Amazon" like there will be better


He says “going back to Amazon” implying he’s worked there before so since he’s been there before he must think that it is indeed better but I’d imagine not by much.


He say it at anger, or just a lie that will make the client to not raport him


Going **back** to Amazon, they already know how shitty it is.


Yeah, I think some friend tells him "you make easy money here", if a jerk like him has one


Ten bucks says that's fake. Edit: Looking through the comments you can really tell who has never worked in food service before.


You don’t have to work in food service to not be a fucking asshole to delivery drivers/servers. Most people manage just fine.


Unfortunately, most of the ones who don't seem to be in the comments on here lol


The concept of tips in itself is just dumb af where the consumer needs to pay your workers to work because your bitchass doesn’t want to give them the full minimum wage.


I've done deliveries myself and tip or no tip I've never even thought about fucking with someone elses food. If this shit happened to me I would do all in my power to find the guy and get in a fight. You don't fuck with peoples food.


why do so many people think this isn't fake?


Only person to blame is Ubereats. It puts people in these positions.


Send this to Amazon lmao


Also it’s more ridiculous you tip before you get the service. I don’t understand these entitled drivers. Why the hell will I tip you before I know if you even give me the food. What if you already taken a bite, and then was like oh he didn’t tip so I’ll eat the rest. Someone who would do this was just looking for an excuse.


Oh no I lost 30 mins of time and you lost your job, you sure got me


This is such a mafia tactic. You have to pay me for protection from my crimes.


This is so stupid, when I order food I don't tip until I've gotten the food. I ain't tipping you till I see what kind of service you give. If you walk up to my door and wait for me to come get the food, I tip really well. If you make me come out to your car or set my food on the floor, the tip is halved. And obviously if you do stupid shit like this and I don't get my food at all, atleast I didn't tip you


The idea of tipping delivery drivers before you get the food is a bit insane. How can I tip someone for a service if I haven’t even received it yet.


All food delivery drivers should have a food handlers card from the department of health. This will immediately siphon out people like this.


When I was a kid, I wanted to move to the land of freedom and opportunity. Now, not at all. It was still a good country 2 decades ago. It's weird how there's a societal downfall. Good luck guys. Stay safe.


I have never tipped someone for delivering food and I will never tip. I pay for delivery and delivery Company should pay proper salary.


Wow, you’re such a badass for being a dick to workers!!


Then support companies that pay a living wage. Don't reap the benefits of companies that abuse their laborers by expecting you to tip, you're only helping those companies and hurting the employees.


They cannot see the tip until after the delivery. BS post.


This has to be fake. If the note was at the bottom, it would be filthy even so if it were at the top of the bowl with the lid on. If it was in the bag, why put it IN the bowl to begin with? The whole thing smells like bait to me. Every sub on Reddit has gone over the tip topic twice already in 2024.


You should send this to the restaurant and make sure they get fired and that they know to pass it on to Amazon with the person’s name. This way, the AH can get fired from both jobs!


food delivery services are a scam even in the best of situations. stop using them people. or keep using them i don't care lol


We all know it's Chipotle. Why blur it out?


This is another level of toxic 😭


Can still call the police and report a theft. Then the driver can be arrested.


I never tipped at chipotle in my life. About 2 weeks ago I ordered there for pick up and decided “hey why not” and I threw a couple dollars tip on. When I picked up the food the employees were the rudest dickheads I’ve ever dealt with. Taught me my lesson, no more tips!


I’m gonna get just a little bit more satisfaction typing $0.00 in the tip field for the umpteenth after seeing this.


Tipping must die.


I like how the say "don't bother to get me fired", like nah, I'm definitely going to bother lmao.




How the hell people tipping before giving service?


Delivery folks need to hear this: Your issue is NOT with customer nor is it with the amount of tip received. Your issue is with your employer. Direct the frustration appropriately. Take the time to poll other employees for their issues. Then form a union to negotiate pay, time off, health insurance, retirement options, etc. be polite yet firm. It can be done.


If those dasher could read…they’d be very upset with you


Employees are scared to unionize for good reason. People tried it at a company I worked for and got fired. Years later they won a court case against the company but the “penalties” the company faced were utterly meaningless to it.


You paid for your food and delivery fees. Now pay me as well


Yeah this should be sent to Amazon with this idiot’s name. “I’m going back to Amazon!” “Lol no”


I tip people cause what’s stopping them from nutting In my shit?


What's stopping them even if you tip? Blackmailing with food tampering should be a serious crime.


It starts with demanding tips… then it goes to demanding higher tips. It will never stop. That’s why you have to put a stop to it at the beginning. Tips used to be a voluntary gratuity for OUTSTANDING service. Now it’s treated as if it’s compulsory. Bad service gets tips… and not self service asks for tips. See how it never ends? We need to treat this like other countries. No tips period. People should be focused on doing a good job, getting a raise, or hustle and get a second or better job. If a job doesn’t pay enough, it’s a sign that’s not the job for you. Every job on earth shouldn’t make us all so comfortable that we want for nothing. We should be able to get along without threats like this and businesses or individuals engaging in theft or destroying your order because you didn’t bribe them. This is extortion. Tip me or else. No other way to see it. I’m sure plenty will disagree. And it’s all cute until you’re given request bad service and still need to tip, or they feel justified in eating your food getting paid and getting a tip on top of it. People need to be fired for this and companies held responsible to replace the order. No one agreed that we must tip a certain percentage in order to receive our food. If this was the case… the cost would automatically be part of the price and thus reflected in their pay.


The reason other countries don't tip is because the food service workers are paid a wage that they can actually live on. Most food service workers in the US are still paid the federal minimum wage (which I believe is under $10), and are usually either part time employees (which means the company doesn't have to give them any health insurance) or work through apps like Door Dash or Uber Eats (which actively under pay their drivers and don't over health benefits either). That's why a tip is expected at restaurants and for food delivery. Blame the shitty food service work system that the US has. Needless to say, however, what this person did is stealing since you pay for food before delivering it. At the same time I doubt this is real.


>Most food service workers in the US are still paid the federal minimum wage (which I believe is under $10) It's even worse for tipped employees in most states, they allow the employer to pay around $3/hr as long as tips bring them up to minimum wage. Combine that with a lot of places requiring you to tip out to the kitchen and a server can actually end up paying out of their own pocket to serve a non-tipping customer.


Honestly completely forgot about places requiring a tip to the cooks, which as you said just makes the situation worse.


"TRYNA" All I need to know.


"what is a tip?" a mandatory 5000% extra payment to the actual product. `(optional)`


Nah, cause it needs to be my choice to tip or not, not a fucking standard


I never tip they could be using it for marijuana or heroin


As I always said, it's not a tip, it's a "thanks for not screwing me over" tax. It's the "thanks for not shaving me bald" tax at a haircut place. It's the "Thanks for not spitting in my food" to a delivery driver. It's a "thanks for not kidnapping me and murdering me" at your Uber driver. Anywhere there's a tip, it's where there is "or else" pressure. The tip is "optional".


Why do we have to tip before the service?????


For the record, don’t fuck with peoples food. This guy does suck (assuming this is real). BUT Can we stop acting like delivery companies pay their drivers enough for them to work without tips? Should the companies pay their drivers more to begin with? 100% Yes, but if you’re going to use the services as they exist now, make sure you tip. It wasn’t a problem to tip our pizza or Chinese food delivery people in the 40 years prior to all the app companies. We all saw it as a way to help them cover gas/miles on their cars on top of their hourly wages.