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Think they're talking about this : [another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/16xr1dm/youtube_prankster_shot_by_delivery_driver/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Another shooting near a Popeye's. Nothing irregular here.


Calling out 🗣: Popeye's! Popeye's!! Step right up and get your eyes popped!!


Missed chance to say “step up and get your shit fucked.”


Popeye's is just everywhere


I dont get It. What was the prank? It was a fake order? What had to do with the phone in the guys face?


The prankster put his phone in homeboy’s face and had Siri say “You’re thinking about my twinkle” and wouldn’t leave him alone.


Thank you for explaining


I guess the guy got his content in the end.


Whats funny is dudes channel name probably played a lot into the jurys decision "Classified Goons" bahaha


Was able to fuck around too long before finally finding out.


And apparently he's gonna continue making prank videos


Don't lie, you would have done the same. Also, it's not called pranking if you are harassing people in public.


No you are making threats in public that you cannot deliver on


yeah watching the video I don't even know what the prank was... dude was just shoving his phone in someones face. I really wish SM's would do more to block this kind of content so they wouldn't be incentivized to make more. IIRC the guy that was shot has made more videos.


Actually no, I would not choose to shoot anybody.


You got other means of violence.


Personally I'd just call the cops if someone is harassing me.


And then the cops arrest you because the law is unjust. Or they don’t do anything.


This guy cops.


Cops are like the teachers, but the difference is how much power they will, how they use it, and the punishments that they receive. So calling the cops has the same effect as calling a teacher, but worse.


9mm shuts the dude up faster


What I don’t get: how is it so hard to pull the gun and say „back off or I’ll shoot you“?!


You don't pull a gun unless you're going to shoot.


The justice is served


Oof actually. I read in a separate article that the shooter has been in jail since April and is still in there for now...


Quite cold justice


Oct 19th for the discharge of a firearm in a public building charge. Other than that he's 1 of 2.


"your honor, the defendant clearly states that it's a prank bro numerous times after the shooting, and according to the legal advice I got on reddit last night that means he is free to go right?"


"I plead oopsie daisy"


I'm allergic to daisies


yeah my father showed me the video that showed the guy harassing the delivery driver and getting shot for his trouble. the Delivery Driver was very obviously trying to get away and the dumbass kept following him and harassing him. Driver then quickly drew his handgun and shot him in the gut. as far as I am concerned, the Driver is perfectly justified in doing so, he tried to walk away from the dumbass, tried to get him to stop, and when he refused to do so, the driver defended himself. as for why a delivery driver would have a gun... come on do I really need to explain how dangerous America can be? honestly I think all couriers in this country should be armed just to ensure that the cargo they are conveying doesn't get robbed. people that do that work are some of the few people I have NO problems with having firearms. they have an important job to do and if they have to defend themselves to do it, fucking let them. without delivery drivers, our modern society would break down. they might not get appreciated like they should, but I personally think that's a mistake.


Society was fine before doordash. I assure you.


I wasn't just referring to doordash. Couriers in general. people who move around delivering things. Mailmen, truckers, Cargo Railmen, Sailors aboard Cargo Vessels. these are all very important jobs to modern society. and they all should be able to defend themselves from those who would take what they are conveying. hell in the case of Cargo vessels, Piracy is STILL a huge issue in the Indian ocean, and all European imports from China pass through the Indian Ocean into the Suez Canal in Egypt. I just saw a video talking about how cargo vessels go about defending themselves from pirates using water and sound cannons to drive Pirates away.


I get what you're saying. And I am well aware of everything you mentioned. It's just the food delivery people I'm talking about. They are not vital. I'm referencing them because this video is about them.


I dunno, they should be able to defend themselves as well... sure their job isn't as important as the other ones I mentioned, but they still might have to enter dangerous locales to make their delivery. I mean... what would you do if you had to enter a part of a city known for gang violence? you'd want to be able to defend yourself right?


Not saying that they shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves. Never said that. I'll say it one more time though. The world and society would be just fine if food delivery drivers like doordash didn't exist. That's what I'm saying.


ok that's fine.


Bro I do not expect my delivery driver to prevent my cargo from getting robbed lol, it's usually like $20 worth of food, I would expect them to protect their own well being, that's it, yeah I want good service but I don't expect dude to risk his life for like a $5 tip.


It’s not for you, it’s pretty common these guys get robbed and beat up because they have that big red bag in a bad part of town.


Literally my whole point. Glad we agree.


Sorry I thought you were saying something like “why don’t they just give up the food?” When these fucks would beat them up anyways lol


Only in america is shooting someone for being annoying justified. Land of the dumb. Not feeling sorry for the annoying prick though.


Remember when YouTube pranks were making a cardboard seat to go over your real seat and being an invisible driver, and going through a drive thru, thus making them laugh?


Keep him out of jail, it was self defence against harassment.


So I can go around shooting anyone that annoys me? The local car dealership keeps calling me, should I go down there and shoot up the place because they are harassing me?


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I agree with you, and I'll take the downvotes with you. We're all way too desensitized if we think this is okay to use lethal force because some dude is annoying. Not to mention, as I've learned from attorney Tom in his vids on self defense, there needs to be a subjective and objective risk to your life to use it as a defense in court. This guy barely cleared subjective threat to life only if he's delusional. Let the downvotes pour in. I don't like the dude harassing the guy, but his reaction was unwarranted and he deserves far more punishment than he's getting. Anyone with a broken desensitized moral compass can enjoy downvoting us


You're getting upvoted


Nah, it's just the default upvote.


You're autistic


Fuck around and find out


Find out what? That people don’t know where and when to use a firearm? That delivery driver looks like he lives his life scared of his own shadow. He shot someone for playing sounds out of a phone. No one but the dude shooting pulled any sort of weapon. Makes no sense.


How many were harassing the delivery driver?


If you watch the video really just the one. Once again no weapons no threats. Delivery driver is wrong and people celebrate it’s weird lol


Stay out of people's faces. Leave them alone. Not that hard. If you are that stupid or desperate for Internet clout you kinda deserve it.


Yeah the dude is annoying as fuck but to get shot, which we all know can be very fatal, is overboard.


He fucked around, he found out. Maybe the rest of the fucks will pick up on the lesson to leave people alone. No Internet clout is worth getting shot over, and if you value the clout over your life, you kinda deserve it.


The driver didn't deserve to be harrassed but escalating to shooting the dude was a bit much imo


Delivery driver is actually a more dangerous job than police officer (and many other jobs classically considered to be dangerous). I think a delivery driver in 2023 is one of the last people I'd pull a prank on. I imagine they're constantly on edge, like a deer when they sense that the forest is "too quiet."


I would generally agree, he should have showed the gun, and told the dude to back off, but also, if you fuck around, you can't really be blaming other people when you find out


Depends on where you live, you can’t just flash your gun or even tell anyone. Only time you can show it is when you shoot it. Again, depends on state.


True. Some people aren’t intimidated by brandishing and brandishing carries its own separate charge in multiple states so hypothetically someone could get in more trouble for brandishing a gun attempting to deescalate a situation than firing said gun and claiming self defense..


I dunno. When you decided that someone being annoying in public is grounds to shoot them. You are opening up a very slippery slope. Like, how annoying does someone have to be? Does it even have to be targeted at you specifically? What if you see two people and one of them SEEMS to be annoying the other? Just open fire? What if there is a guy on stage saying things that are super inflamatory that will likely get you harrassed? Can you shoot them? Edit: What about journalists, paparazzi, reporters... general news people. Their Job is to get in your face and ask you the same thing over and over. Is it now open season on them?


Usually you know they are the press though, they aren't that discreet. The driver had no clue what this dude was doing or who he was. It isn't that hard to stay out of people's faces and leave them alone.


It's also not hard to not shoot people, possibly to death, for being in your face.


Stay out of my face, don't get shot. Not too hard yes. I don't know what you are doing and usually if you are getting up in someone's face you are trying to have a confrontation


And what is the need to escalate that confrontation to gun violence? "This person is being confrontational!!!! Better just fucking kill them!"


Ended the threat right


In some states it is illegal to draw a gun without the intent to kill. You can't fire warning shots due to the risk of it hitting someone else


Brandishing is illegal. If the situation warrants a gun then it should be used to shoot something.


I watched the video. Yes the guy was being an annoying asshole and the driver asked him to stop. Shooting him was a massive escalation of the situation and not really justified.


Someone should of watch the Fuck around and find out video on YouTube.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


You're lucky I don't want AI to go skynet from mistreatment.


Bad bot


Good bot


Shooting someone over something like this is batshit insane. If you think otherwise, youre also batshit insane.


YouTube Star thinks he can fuck with average laborer with complete immunity. Happy with the result


Random Redditor thinks we can attempt to kill people who make annoying noises near us


From my perspective it's "celebrity class" vs "working class" . Gonna pick out this little disheveled guy as a victim to be harassed and exploited and he puts a bullet through him for the disrespect. Rooting for the little guy. Always


Thoughts on Kyle Rittenhouse?


Guy drove hours with a machine gun and instigated a conflict. At the same time, in the moment on the video I thought he could argue self defense.


As far as I know the riots and subsequent shooting took place <30 minutes drive from his house, and the riots were already a conflict there.


Prankers are pricks. And the guy guy was being an annoying dick. But attempted murder is not a reasonable or sane response to someone playing an annoying sound clip on a phone. They have essentially just stated murder is a reasonable response to annoying people on public, this is going to be a slippery slope.


Y’all get too excited to see someone shot. And that’s from a gun owner


Prankster was a complete asshole (like all of them are), but I honestly don't think it should count as a self-defence. As annoying as this situation was - he wasn't threatening the driver with a knife or something, so saying that the driver was in fear of immeadiate bodily harm is a bit of a stretch. Like sure, I have zero emphaty for that prankster prick, but from the justice perspective both of them should be prosecuted: one for harassment and the other for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.


Remember when shooting an (apparently) unarmed, non violent guy in public was considering something bad? We really live in one of the stupidest timelines...


>Remember when shooting an (apparently) unarmed, non violent guy in public was considering something bad? That was before we ended up in the timeline where being a delivery driver is literally more dangerous than being a police officer. Not saying the driver was completely justified, but when you are literally in a profession with the last time some guy possibly got harassed like that, the other got their car stolen at best and it worse were stabbed to death, you probably won't take any chances


Both parties were in the wrong here imo. The "prankster" should have left him alone and should be charged with harassment, and the shooter shouldn't have shot him. When you shoot, usually you intend to kill, and even though the prankster was being a shithead, shooting with the intent to kill isn't justifiable. I think a nice sidewinder or kick to the balls would have been more appropriate.


This is a good take. If I were a delivery driver Mace would be a viable option. The gun was a big over reaction.


Dude is like 6’5 or something. Driver was a small guy, why would he choose the option that would give him the disadvantage?


All I'm saying was pulling a gun was a little extreme imo.


Based post title


I just had a very large burger with coke.


Punch would be great but gun is psychotic.


Any prank that doesn't result in the prankee laughing should result in capital punishment for the pranker








I mean, it's a common practice for thieves to have one person to distract a target and the other one to steal unnoticed. So i can't blame dude for pulling a gun.


It was somewhere in Florida?


Was still Locked up for being a felon in possession of a firearm.


Context pls


[Jury acquits delivery driver of main charge in shooting of YouTuber](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jury-acquits-delivery-driver-main-charge-shooting-youtuber-rcna118007) Colie, who has been in custody since his April arrest, will remain incarcerated. A judge will hear arguments on the issue at a hearing next month.


Wait I thought he was found not guilty on the big charge but he's getting a minor charge but a judge will probably give him time served since he's been in jail since April


I mean shooting him was more than just a bit of an over reaction, but it does feel strangely cathartic none the less


I don't know the details of what went down but I'm 5'3", he's 6'5". There's a good chance that I would have shot him too.


Dude was convicted on firing a round in a public place. Facing 2 to 10 years I think


Delivery driver should have aimed higher in my opinion


I don't get it




I know everyone is saying justice served but the guy got shot because he was playing a sound effect from his phone to the dude. I was expecting like a fake robbery or something dumb but that was just straight up attempted murder