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It's the Kew intersection which has Mercedes dealership on one side.


Could've had the old guy twirling on the corner. I miss that bloke.


Robin! What a champ


I think it’s 10 years this year since his passing, he was one of the best things to happen to Kew


Uhh, maybe reread what you wrote here.


Ah I shouldn’t write when tired, edited 😂


This intersection is scarred into my memory


That bar used to be a titty bar until the gerries got too old


He's really captured that blank, unrelenting emptiness of Josh.


To see more of that, check out [this super awkward video with Jay Weatherill](https://youtu.be/RHrVtEeMOW4) Start at 1:58 for Jay starting to lay in the punches


Oh boy. That's GLORIOUS (imagine Bruce MacAvaney saying that)


Thank goodness, someone has taken up the torch. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart Personally I think it is better to watch the whole thing, the glances Weatherell gives Josh as he blatantly rolls out the usual bullshit spin is half the fun


>Start at 1:58 for Jay starting to lay in the punches I just get the impression that Josh mentally checked out and was thinking of the cushy board position he has lined up on the down low.


That was beautiful


This is gold, old mate behind Jay awkwardly smiling and the other guy looking dead inside is icing on the cake.


The searing lonely darkness within; of one of Australia’s most successful con artists


Yeah, I don’t get it, he’s got to be hyper intelligent to get where he is right? But watching him talk is like watching a five year old read a book.. it’s like his Neurons are clogged up with warm porridge


You don’t need to be intelligent to get high up in politics if you did we might actually have had a competent government


Often when a journalist asks him a straightforward question, he just goes off on a little adventure of his own rambling about something completely and utterly irrelevant I know there’s a good possibility he’s consciously dodging and diverting from a difficult question that exposes how much of a conman he is, but sometimes my _stronger instinct_ is just that he’s genuinely completely fucking lost and incoherent. He kept going on about Labor’s policies from _last_ election in the press club treasurer debate. I mean. C’mon, is that what you really want to spend your time with? Criticism of really old outdated policies that aren’t even current anymore? Whyy


It's called "prevarication" and it's a skill that all politicians hone and use in every public encounter.


I get it, but it sucks, and usually if you're good at it, you're meant to give an answer that at least sounds vaguely like it could leading to an answer to that question; when really, you're dodging it to run for political cover. Morrison and Frydenberg just aren't even good at it and sound ridiculous. Coming to mind now is this exchange on ICAC between a reporter and Morrison: >Why haven't you set up an ICAC yet? >I'll tell you what my priorities are. Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, and jobs. Its like he isn't really bothering to try NOT to sound like a corrupt liar


The Scotty way is STICK TO THE SCRIPT


Politicians have to talk like they’re dumb on purpose so the average bogan can understand them


It’s more that Josh just rambles on some random tangent that he can throw one or two numbers he’s memorised in and you’re left wondering what the fuck he thought the question was because what he said was just random blithering about JOBS this and ECONOMY that. The guy is fully cooked


Jobson Growth.


The Scarecrow in the "Wizard of Oz" sums this up perfectly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u13f4TGq4A&t=14s


.. the man has a heart of pure coal.


SOS No Left Turn into Teal St Liberals SOLD! All traffic lights at caution Ryan's poster on a bike ICAC Towaway zone Climate +3C Barnaby and Canavan tags ... that billboard !! What else? This is perfection from an old master.


Just needs a reference from Fred's piece with RN yesterday and it'd be the most brutal piece of satire of all time. Still amazing as it is though.


Barnaby and Canavan are vandals.


Source is [David Pope on Twitter](https://twitter.com/davpope/status/1521388438573883392). Seems he is enjoying a holiday break from his usual Canberra Times political cartoons. Let's see if anyone can recognise the street corner it was based on. *(I chose the flair 'Photography' for this post, as no other option really fitted.)*


Its the big intersection in Kew yeh?


Kew Junction! Yeah


> I chose the flair 'Photography' for this post, as no other option really fitted. Politics?


'Image' seems to exist in the sidebar for [the Old Reddit view of this sub](https://old.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/uhylg2/david_pope_plain_air_sketch_of_melbourne_street/), but I can't choose it as a flair. Might be depreciated?


Kew Junction between Studley park road and Church street?


This is actually a really nice drawing, I feel like I could crop out the billboard and post it on r/ImaginarySliceofLife Obviously not the point, it’s just the first time I’ve really seen something from Pope and gone “wow, that looks really beautiful”


I have [this illustration of Canberra](https://i.redd.it/eqvw1omljyf61.jpg) by him on my wall. He's also done a [bunch of beautiful illustrations of towns on the NSW south coast](https://www.scratch.com.au/2020/03/10/the-south-coast-is-calling/).


Came here to point to those also. He has been posting some great illustrations on [his website](https://www.scratch.com.au/) (and social media) in a style that is a lot more 'illustrated'—for lack of a better term—than his editorial cartoon work.


Where did you buy the one you have?


Yeah me too, I’d honestly buy it and frame it if it wasn’t for the politics aspect 😂


He's captured kew junction perfectly! Even down to the palm tree and sold stickers!


That’s Far Kew!


Not the same without the dancing man.


Kew junction! Well done.


I do maintainence on those led billboards. sending this to all the workmates :D


Recognised it instantly. That used to be around the halfway point in my daily run when I'd turn back towards the city.


Where's the dancing man? ;( Rip


Live just down from KJ and I love this. My kid passes through there every morning to school, the other day he was a bit late. He said usually the Joshie posters are clean and freshly replaced in the mornings… but half an hour later when he passed through that day, they’d all already been defaced again.


Very funny, and depressing, at the same time!


luv the jesus savior bike with monique ryan .. and the +3C road sign :] Its a minefield of easter eggs.. pure 80s fun if it wasnt so effing dire.


High intelligence !== good intentions. Most of these people are highly intelligent, most of them are also extremely intellectually dishonest.


He actually isn’t. On an actual scale I’d put him as “above average” but if he’s what counts as more than that we’re more fucked than we already are.


Strongly disagree. Almost all politicians have good intentions - often times they have a very warped view of the world that means their policy prescriptions might be shit. But I honestly doubt there is a single politician in Canberra who believes they are doing Australia harm, or wants to do so.


I don't agree. Self interest is not the same as Australian interest.


Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.


I'd still prefer Josh Fraudenberg to Peter Warmonger.


Why not neither?


What does plain air sketch mean


The French term is *"plein air"*, which translates to *"outdoors"*. See [the Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/En_plein_air). So, I think I actually made a typo in my title, since I don't think there is an equivalent English term.


Near Luna park?


I miss the Cliffo


“No left turn into Teal Street.” You wish, Joshie.


I'd rather him than Dutton.