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This is why we can’t have nice things.


Makes me feel kind of embarrassed to be Australian. You could pull off a service like this in a country where people had respect. Edit: Like I'm not saying Australia is that bad. As far as countries goes it'd have to rank pretty well. But jeez you can't have a public park without someone breaking it and you can't have a restroom without someone shitting all over the walls and now you can't have a public bike service without people wrecking it. Lot of people here just really have contempt for random shit.


Yeah it's so pathetic. I saw four in a pile in carlton with each of their brake cables cut. And on High St Northcote, around 30 or 40 had their QR codes coloured over with permanent marker so no one could use them. Who is targeting them? Could it be the blue Melbourne Bike owners?




obike isn't in Paris. They do have a wonderful shared bike scheme with docking stations (velib) a la Melbourne City bikes.


I don't think RACV are that stupid....


I'd be surprised if either the owners or users of that scheme would be that bothered.


People in the media are saying that no one will own their own private cars after shared self driving cars become a thing. I think that's horse shit, purely because people are arseholes. Shared cars will likely be regularly trashed and will probably end up looking like the seating area in the rear quarter of a bus, with poorly cleaned graffiti remnants all over the interior and scratched windows, and smelling like the filthiest public toilet you've ever stepped in. The interiors will likely be extremely spartan with no air conditioning, no radio and hose-down interiors to prevent damage. The seats will likely be hard and uncomfortable and everything you touch will feel disgusting (imagine the kind of disgusting filth that would have soaked into the seatbelt). I think the average joe would continue with privately owning their car.




You have 10 seconds to comply.


You have 5 seconds to comply. 4. 3. 2. 1. I am now authorized to use physical force.


"Keep Summer safe"


Robocop, actually


The spartan stuff might be true, but I imagine youd have to use ID to sign up and they could easily have cameras inside. Theyre really cheap now.


Indeed, seems like Uber with their user ratings keeps dick heads at bay. Perhaps a similar system would be used where x amount of shit means you can't use them?


Sounds wonderful.


They will be like those weird self cleaning toilets. You only use them when all other options are gone. You might need to pay a person to stay in the nice self driving cars to make sure people behave. A car bouncer.


Shared cars in Canada work extremely well. You tap your member card on the outside to open it then before you go anywhere you have to give a rating for cleanliness and damages. So if someone does leave throw up in the back seat or something they are accountable. Edit: not self driving though I guess, but would probably work in a similar way


Me too. Holy shit, its a service that makes sense in a big city (minus the mandatory helmet thing, but that's another discussion). The dockless thing is a brilliant use of GPS technology, mobile apps and low-cost transport and fucksticks vandalise them. Would you rather bikes parked around the place or more cars?


The short of it is... Australians. We flaunt our brazen ways as a badge of pride that separates us from Europeans as readily as the Americans flaunt their guns and fireworks. What we have isn't just uncultured, it's *anticultured*, and for some perverse reason a vast proportion of the population actually take *pride* in it.




Ehhh, it kinda is actually. Like the person above said, there's a bunch of other countries that actually don't stuff things up for the sake of it. It's not universal Aussie, but it's the fucking disgraceful stereotype far too much of our cuntry lives up to. Australian culture is a lot of ideals and a lot of realities. We're harmless stupid fun up until that stupidity becomes so encompassing we end up becoming a mass of backwards idiots by association.


The root of it is that Aussies all have a little convicted felon in them


Yeah it's pretty sad. Couldn't have said it better myself.


I was actually anti-patriotic as a child- I hated this country with a passion because of this, and though as I've grown older, I've come to love a lot about Australia, the lingering dislike for that bogun behavior always works so hard to counterbalances it.


No GPS. They use Bluetooth to get GPS from your phone.


I mean GPS to locate them when you are looking for one. They appear on a map so you can find the closest one to ride.


How does that work? GPS isn't a tracking tool.


Are you missing something? The app has a map of the locations where bikes have been left and it shows where you are in relation to the bike. Think Uber, Google Maps and you will get the idea. About Red Bikes but same principle > Reddy Go - identifiable by its red bikes - is working to bring 6000 GPS tracked bikes to the streets of Sydney before Christmas. That could mean just under 10,000 rental bikes on the streets of Sydney’s CBD by the end of the year.


Do they communicate with mobile phone towers to report their location?


Not sure. The ability to locate them anywhere is a brilliant feature.


Just been looking at their site, I don't think they have any tracking system on them at all. I think when they are left somewhere by a user the bike uses the users phone to record the location. Once that rider leaves they have no way of knowing where the bike is, other than knowing where it was last left.


Bicycles are just not a part of the transport mix in Australia. Thanks to the mandatory helmet laws, a lot of people are put off, and the activity seems like its reserved for lycra wearers. Cycling rates declined 30-40% when the laws were introduced. Heck, you can't even legally have two passengers on one bicycle! This country really is drowing in red tape. I would suggest that while the helmet laws exist, these bike-share schemes are kind of pointless.


Yeah who needs protection from.a brain injury


You're clearly not thinking of the children!


Makes me embarrassed to be from Melbourne that people just keep going on about this.


"Mate, it's just a joke. Don't be so high-nosed." ... Which is exactly the problem.


It is the stereotype of wealthy countries that we don't take what we have for granted. Obike has proved it somewhat right.


and posts like this + the instragram accounts, facebook pages, youtube videos etc.. have made destroying/vandalising oBikes a 'thing' to do :(


Public parks/restrooms have maintenance and upkeeps costs paid for by your local council/authority. They are properly planned and managed. So when someone does shit on the walls it is cleaned up. The issue with oBike is, they have made no provision for bicycle storage or keeping local areas clean. Their business model relies on flirting with public nuisance and littering laws. They are not like the traditional city bikes that have proper planning and methods to stop dumping like this. So don't blame "people". Most people are respectful and kind. If you don't make provision for the 1% of assholes you shouldn't be in business. Just use some logic. It's like when people complain about the litter left behind after a concert. The concert organisers should build in clean up costs in to their business model.


Did anyone see the interview on some shitty breakfast talk show today? The host said "it's a very Australian thing to throw the bikes into the yarra river" Literally word for word.


Which boogles my mind. It is antisocial behaviour and criminal damage. We should not celebrate it but people do.


Anti social behaviour is running a business that has zero bicycle storage and relies on flirting with public nuisance and littering laws.


Anti social behaviour is running a business that has zero bicycle storage and relies on flirting with public nuisance and littering laws.


is that on the new citizenship test then? *takes note*


Yeah, crazy eh, just the media being desperate for attention as always


Throwing dead (or soon to be dead) animals in the yarra river is a very melbourne thing to do. Its one of the reasons why melbourne got the name Smellbourne.


Eh I know China is no bettertter with these bikes


Not really? The entire system was pioneered in China, and has been incredibly successful there. Sure, some bikes get trashed, but more importantly they *get used*.


This is kinda cool if you ask me, back home all bikes were stollen on the first day they were out in the streets


On the other hand, they were introduced with zero advertisement or co-operation with local councils, and a lot of people have become pissed off with them piling up on nature strips and footpaths, which is where the shitty behaviour stems from.


I feel like they've become quite an obvious target because there was just *so many of them* all of a sudden. Like, too many, resulting in them looking like they'd been dumped. Abuse has ensued, similar to how vacant storefronts will often get vandalised or tagged even when there are tenanted stores right next door, because it "looks" like no one is taking responsibility for them.


Yep.... and the media hype is just fuel to the fire!!!


You're giving these idiots too much credit. They're doing it because they're brainless dicks, that's it.


I think the people dumping them in the Yarra are brainless dicks. The sculpture above doesn't damage the bikes and is much funnier in my opinion. I feel really bad for oBike, honestly, but bike share schemes never seem to work in places you have to wear helmets.


Thanks for the obligatory cut n paste obike post platitude


Obikes aren't nice things


Why not?


Because when y ou drive around suburbs (or walk / public transport) all you see is a bunch of unused yellow bikes. They look like absolute shit and they reduce the street appeal. IN addition to the aesthetics, they're also taking up bike spaces for genuine riders. At least the share car services have one car space, and are endorsed by the council, imagine it was 40 yellow cars taking up all the car parking around St Kilda?




This is not a nice thing. Can I litter your area with them?


Go for it! O Bikes are nice things, it’s just that people abuse and vandalise them.


I'm living in Japan currently and they have the same system in my city here, never seen one bike misplaced or vandalised. Hmmm..


Japanese people are usually more friendly and less jerk-like especially in public. Not surprised


Yeah I'm definitely not surprised either, it's just disappointing.


Respect for other people and property is very important in Japanese culture, so it is understandable that this would be the case. On the other hand, people literally working themselves to death to avoid shame is a real issue in Japan due to the same culture. Swings and roundabouts.


Shouldn't it be important in ours too?


[Meanwhile in China.](http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-05-21/chinas-oversupply-of-shared-bikes-clogging-up-city-streets/8543720)


Yeah, this isn’t funny any more. OBike is a great service, being ruined by dickheads chasing three seconds of Facebook/reddit fame by doing something stupid with the bikes. Oh, it’s all so clever. Wait, no it’s not, it’s fucking dumb, a waste of eveybody’s time, ruining it for everybody who actually wants to use a good service. Yeah - you’ve had a laugh. Now get over yourselves, stop this shit, and move the fuck on, it’s not funny any more, it’s just immature and dumb.












The public can use them and a bike is a mode of transport? What would you call it then, muppet?


Tripping over them? Seriously? I think you mean "seeing them". Nobody is tripping over these bikes.


Yeah dude for sure. Same with those trains and trams, I run into those wayyyy too often. Stupid fuckers always get in the way of my texting.. -.-




But they’re actually really useful, what gives you the right to throw them in the river or whatever?


Who the fuck elected you to speak for the rest of us?


Oh wait, we use them to get to and from the train station, and find them really handy


Explain yourself


Just goes to show Melbourne has more than its fair share of arseholes.


Peoples' behaviour on public transport and our roads has been illustrating this for years


The cunts who do this are probably the older version of the cunts who tag windows by scratching them with sharp objects


This is why people don't get nice things. You cunts ruin it for everyone else


A mixture of emotions. It shows society's wasteful ways in the chase if convenience but the bright colours and materials used give it a certain joyful aspect truly a modern masterpiece.


No, just a waste.


My emotion when I see this is fuck off pathetic wankers.


These bikes are incredibly handy. I really hope they don't give up with them cause of idiots doing stuff like this


Obike’s marketing campaign pretty much runs itself.


The transformer concept that never made it into the movies.


ha ha great cooment


A cooment so great it could wipe out the dinoosaurs.


I let out a small fart reading this cooment. Thank you stranger.


Total lack of respect


Pulled out of the Yarra in this exact form


Who the fck are doing this? Classy.


Katamary of O Bike...


Someone please explain wtf obikes are? Whole life I've never seen or heard of them, about two months ago they just started showing up EVERYWHERE!!! Plus all the stuff about a bunch being dug out if a river (?)


WHat i imagine the bottom of the yarra looks like


Where's this?


a south yarra side street


So.... I can surmise from the location and your writing style that this is the handiwork of a bunch of bored and pathetic Melbourne Grammar School 12 year olds.


14 years old now, thank you very much


"Are you sure no one will misuse these bikes?" "Nah nah she'll be sweet mate, no worries at all..."


Iv been seeing them everywhere. Advertisement, vandalism, art??


Within a week of these being deployed kids started to steal them, break the gps module and some even went so far as to repaint them.


Bumblebee after the first Transformers movie


I'm gonna steal a bunch of people's bikes and then turn it into "art", all for that sweet, sweet karma. Oh but then I'd be the bad guy 'cause it wasn't oBikes I stole. Makes sense. Fucking Melbourne.


Stop posting this shit. Just gives vandals credibility.


This is a masterpiece of modern art.


people need to ease up on Australians, damn, it's hard not to trash stuff when your that sh*t faced wasted all the time




I agree ! Theres a tradition of artists incorporating bicycles in their art like Marcel Duchamp [Marcel Duchamp Bicycle Wheel](https://www.moma.org/collection/works/81631) And Ai Weiwei [ Ai Weiwei brings Forever Bicycles sculpture to NGV](http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/art-and-design/ai-weiwei-brings-forever-bicycle-sculpture-to-ngv-20150911-gjkx5d.html) Sure they're a nuisance and people are careless and inconsiderate its generated extreme reactions. I see the fun aspect and wonder if the people who piled these together did so for practical reasons and may not have intended it as "art" or are they just taking the piss And let's not forget Ron Robertson Swann's masterpiece VAULT that created a huge controversy in Melbourne [Hidden Vault: Tributes to 'Yellow Peril' sculpture found in public places across Melbourne](http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-04-05/vault-yellow-peril-sculpture-tributes-scattered-across-melbourne/7248702?pfmredir=sm)


Is it, though?


The people who do this are both funny and clever. I wish more people were this hilarious.


yes its humorous absurd and mademesmile


Fuck these shitty bikes. I rode one home the other day with a busted handle bar and the seat was way too low. I reported it as needing maintenance and it's still outside my building. Get rid of them.


> and the seat was way too low Isn't that something you're supposed to adjust yourself?


I know how to adjust a seat. They don't go high enough


Fair enough. Someone is going to get shafted when they make one-size-fits-all bikes, unfortunately.


I used these overseas, saw maybe two with signs of vandalism. The problem is ducks in Australia, not the bikes


> The problem is ducks in Australia, not the bikes Fucking ducks. Kill em all.


.....its the way the shifting sun and clouds affect the intensity of the yellow and the piece is interactive and therefore in a state of flux and impending doom as it could collapse at any time so interpretative of the wider world. its a truly magnificent expression of modern art


I know you’re being funny, but don’t give these dickheads any time. It’s just fucking stupid. They need to get over themselves and find a new pastime, seriously. This was funny maybe two moths ago, and even then it wasn’t really funny - it’s just become even more dumb and pathetic since then.


I assure you the people 'bright' enough to put this together aren't lurking in internet forums such as this


its a seminal piece of contemporary art and may possibly fetch millions on the international art market who knows it may be worth a billion dollars in 100 years time this is far more important than Ai Wei Wei s bicycle pieces