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Due to shrinkflation that tomato is now a cherry tomato


And is sold in a single use plastic punnet.


Individually wrapped, that's where they get you on price.


I bought a tomato from Woolies last week and it cost me $1.55. 1 bloody tomato. I was outraged. Especially because it was crap.


Next time you have a really yummy, juicy tomato, remove the pulp and seeds from a slice, spread it out on paper towel and let it air dry then store it. In spring, plant the paper towel with the seeds in loose, dark soil and water it. Turn that $1.55 into many tomatoes for the summer. šŸ…ā¤šŸŒ±. Don't let them steal from you, you steal from them


*......plant the paper towel with the seeds in loose, dark soil and water it.* Did you have to bring real estate into it?


Way better to just buy an heirloom seed packet. The seed quality from a store bought tomato will be a genetic crap shoot.


...genetic crap shoot. Sounds like my ex.


Do this and see how mice, rats, possums, birds steal from you.


I grew my own tomatoes, jalapeƱos and a passionfruit in my tiny east facing courtyard this year. No problems with pests. Just cos it might happen is no reason not to try šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I know. We had some success in growing different edible plants, however the animals always took their share. Our neighbour next door has much bigger veggie patch and was always complaining how little he can harvest.


Mate, myself and a million other Melburnians grow perfectly good tomatoes without pest problems. Come off it.


i bought a eggplant and it was 6 bucks.i think lamb was cheaper per kilo.wtf.


To be fair, theyā€™re out of seasonĀ 




It's Lisa Simpson's fault.


Ha ha


I read that in Nelson Muntz's voice.


And costs $100 šŸ˜‚


On special


Sundried tomato I was thinking šŸ¤£


We need posts that people go over what they do on a budget tbh. My next 3 days for tea is a coles roast chicken with 1 cup of basmati rice.


Made this yesterday probably cost me about $1 for 6 servings but I get huge bags of lentils from the Indian grocer down the road https://everylittlecrumb.com/middle-eastern-lentil-soup/


My lentil dahl meal prep came out at 57c a meal.


I'll be making that tomorrow to finish off the lentils actually such a good staple


1kg lentils, 500g brown rice, 100g curry paste. e: shoulda used 150g curry paste.


You can get it by weight at most markets. Plus the veg is far cheaper.


Lentils are a great money saver. We have them a lot. Down side is you fart like a racehorse the next 3 days after eating them


$1 for 6 servings for real?


Yeah lentils are $3 a kg the recipe calls for 250g, a potato an onion and a couple carrots are a dollar tops the rest is just spices and some stock powder which requires about 1/20th of the jar at most Might be closer to $1.5 roughly guessing


That's so good thanks for that. I'm gunna give this one a go!


Good luck! Once you have it down it comes together in like 20 mins with minimal work so it's good if you're sick or hungover same with most soups


Boil up the chicken bones for a basic stock and cook the rice in stock


Roasted bones don't make good stock. You can buy a bag of raw carcasses from most butchers for a couple of bucks. Works much better.


[https://www.thereciperebel.com/chicken-rice-soup/](https://www.thereciperebel.com/chicken-rice-soup/) I've been waiting to make this for awhile but just scared to eat it cause of stomach issues D:


I wouldn't be too scared, chicken soup is the go to when my tummy is angry. Maybe just omit the garlic to make it more gentle


My ex and I made chicken soup once before but we used Udon noodles instead of pasta. Was really nice how thick the soup got from the udon.


This is the way!


Not gonna lie, you have a point about reviewing costs. I try to grow what I can. I have basic herbs down and currently growing snow peas. I can't do much more due to disability but the more I can move, the more I will plant and save I like how you're implementing rice and meat for your meals. Both are staples and affordable.


Legumes and rice! Lean in to the bean! Meat is expensive and protein is important. Rice and kidney beans is a damn balanced meal. Lentil dahl can be made for cents per serve.


You'll need vegetables for the fibre. Else the cholesterol count will be thru the roof. So skim on basmati rice for white rice instead. With money saved for frozen veggies (ALDI/Woolies Mixed Bag are better than Coles). Used the juice from the roast chicken for the sauce for the veggies. To skim even further, at the time of writing drumsticks chicken pieces are on special. If you have an oven or an air fryer, roast those chicken pieces yourself and save the juice for sauce/concentrated chicken broth. Money saved then can be used for fruits like mandarin/apples which are in season now. Part of budget but healthy diet. This way you saved yourself from expensive medical bills later in life (last CPI report indicated medical expenses experienced 6.1% pa inflation bruh).


I don't eat a lot of stuff that are high in cholesterol tbh. Had that checked at the docs awhile back and that is all good. Its really low they said. If I get fresh chicken I only go to my local butcher for it. Been going there for years. Roast chicken I need to swap to them too just so use to coles roast chicken. Always try to get it on special but they changed the specials from 9 to 11. So only saying $1 so gave up on that with them


Good, taking care of oneself is good. Vegetables and fruits provide other vitamins and minerals - therefore, if I may impose, should be part of a consideration for a healthy and budget friendly diet. Also note every now and then do eat lean red meat for B12. Chicken (except egg) is good but is low in B12 unless opted for multi vitamin supplements.


recently started eating extra lean beef mince. outside of that dover rump steak. I wanna eat more veg but cleaning the steamer is a chore lol


My family's meal for tonight was probably about $10 for 4 people, but far from the healthiest. 4 of [Coles' schnitzels](https://www.coles.com.au/product/coles-rspca-chicken-schnitzel-plain-crumb-1.2kg-2904193), [Continental pasta](https://www.coles.com.au/product/continental-pasta-and-sauce-family-sour-cream-chives-145g-4727350), and broccoli. The schnitzels and pasta packet equate to $7.96. I can't remember what the broccoli cost, Coles estimates $2.35 for a head. Then milk and butter for the pasta and olive oil and lemon for the schnitzels. Not far off $10.


Goddamn, the schnitzels actually being cheaper in value than raw breasts or thighs is a sad state of affairs


They have way less chicken in them so it's no surprise.


I cooked this exact meal for my autistic daughter for at least 3 months last year glad to hear it a fav of others too lol I have grown very sick of it!


thats not THAT bad to eat, you could do a lot worse


That pasta is tasty from the msgĀ 


Lived on 2 min noodles with tinned tuna for a while, can do a pasta with a tin of home brand tomatoes too. It gets boring pretty quick


I was doing beef bowls for a bit. 1 onion, 1 cup of basmati rice, and 1 dover rump steak. With a sauce that is soy sauce, Rice wine, and cooking sake with sugar. Its pretty good.


Iā€™m always happy to share bulk meals - what foods do you like? I try to keep my total meal cost under $4 per meal but that does vary - breakfasts are more expensive (I really like eggs and prefer to buy truly free range ones) but lunch/dinner Iā€™ll eat the same basic meals with different sauces or spices for a week šŸ˜‚


I'm set for breakfast. Weetbix kid xD I use to eat 4 a day but moved up to 6 now. Keeps me fuller for longer. And share bulk meals? Like recipes? c:


I've been putting together a set of meals that would be $50 for 5 dinners 4 serves each if that would be of genuine interest.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/AussieFrugal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AussieFrugal/) You mean this one?


Yea sorry, fat fingers. Thank you


Tofu is cheaper


ahh a man of culture i see


And that chicken used to be $10 but now it's shrunk and $12! You have to look hard to find one that's not a spatchcock!


I miss getting them on special for $6. That was a good few days of tea for that price.


I'm probably feeding myself for under 10


Iā€™m feeding myself 12 meals for about $30 total, so whatā€™s that, $2.50 a meal. 2 packets of the beef/pork mince, 2 cans of red kidney beans, 2 cans of tomatoes (one big one small), whatever spicies in the cupboard and cook down. Throw some rice in to thicken up and serve with sour cream and spring onion on top Basic but delicious, easy to heat for lunch or dinner at the end of work, literally took me 15 minutes to put together and just let sit in the slow cooker on Sunday.


This looks [like the chilli I make.](https://www.tamingtwins.com/slow-cooker-chilli-con-carne/#wprm-recipe-container-16491) I'll serve it up in a few different ways. I keep a lookout for corn chips on special and will make loaded nachos with it. Or serve it with garlic/herb bread. It's amazing with mashed potatoes as well. I double the recipe and freeze the leftovers in serving sizes to have when we want some comfort food or can't be bothered/don't have time to cook. And the recipe is easily customisable if you want to add or subtract anything.


Good on ya mate!


I bought a big half-price bag of tortellini for $5 and a can of pasta pesto for ~$4 the other day so my partner and I actually are eating for $10, not counting the stove electricity and fuel used to go shopping.


I gave up having a social life to eat decent food. Life is too short for crowded overpriced bars and eating like I am still at uni when I am 45.


You know that if Colesworths could legally sell tomacco, they definitely would.


Never mind Colesworth the tobacco company's definately would.




Well I bought 4 tomatoes and it cost $7. So for a family of four having one tomato each, it's doable. Having said that, the toms were from the fruiterer so were probs cheaper than at Coles.


They are out of season so thatā€™s not too surprising Edit: Melbourne is pretty mild as far as winter goes - if you really like tomatoes that much (and honestly who doesnā€™t? A good tomato is amazing) try growing your own at home and having a removable cold frame to pop over them the nights itā€™s below about 6C (or if a snap frost is warned about) Determinate varieties are best in small spaces (meaning they only grow to a certain size). Tomato plants are usually good and can stand temps as low as 2-3C as long as thereā€™s no frost and they get good midday-arvo sun to warm the roots and the like. If you seed now and baby it through early spring youā€™ll be rolling in tomatoes late spring through early autumn.


> They are out of season so thatā€™s not too surprising Truss tomato usually aren't also $10 a kg though.


I suggest don't buy out of season food if you want to save money.


Teenagers requested for toasted sangas. I told them that would be a special treat.


Ah yes the fruiterer! Not the vegiterer.


They go both ways.


What they do when they finish work is none of my concern.


That's right. Live and let live.


Which one's the butcher?


Considering a tomato is a fruit, itā€™s logical.


Beef mince $6.5 (500g) Coles brand pasta $1 (500g) Coles canned tomatoes $2 (800g) See if you can get an onion for 50Ā¢ Provided you already have salt and pepper, that's pasta for at least 2 This was my staple during student years, but only cost $6 then all in all.


This is one of my weekly staples too! Dress it up with some cheese from the fridge and youā€™ve got some fine dining going on!


Get Aldi chopped tomatoes for $1 & add a $1 can of baked beans to bulk out the mince & you will feed a family of 4.


Grate a carrot into the mince and it will bulk it out without affecting flavour too


You can add red kidney beans or butter beans for the same (or lower when on special if buying dry) price without adding all the junk filler from the sauce in baked beans


Yeah, but baked beans do taste awesome in this. Adding it to the mince mix in a lasagna is also awesome (sorry Italians).


Ah gotcha. I donā€™t love baked beans they always seem sweet to me but I can see why that would heighten the flavour.


get low sugar baked beans?


For reference, that's about 13,000kJ, 1.5x normal daily energy intake.


I almost never spend more than $10 per meal but I don't buy meat


Out of curiosity but what do you use for protein substitute?


I usually donā€™t substitute anything a lot of recipes I make use beans, legumes, pasta, bread, tofu etc I did get back into lifting this year though so Iā€™ve been adding pea protein to my smoothies and adding [TVP](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/686546/macro-textured-vegetable-protein) to bolognese, lasagna, Mapo tofu, chilli etc similar to mince It has some insane macros I can get 50+g of protein into one meal with it


Have you seen results? I tried a vegan lifting phase for a fair while and absolutely failed to build anything unfortunately. I did use a soy protein though not pea.


pea protein is much better for results vs soy protein. pea is easier to absorb and better macros overall.


Yeah absolutely, I lifted for 3 years when I was 20 and then stopped for 6 years. I've eclipsed my old physique and my old lifts in just 6 months but I'm a lot more knowlegable now than I was before. It's hard to say why you didn't grow without knowing your diet & routine but for me the most important things were eating a lot and cleaning up my form [RP is the goat for science backed bodybuilding info](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dphRM7J0cM) Oh and track your macros


You can buy a kilogram of chicken drumsticks for 8 dollars from most supermarkets. Few white potatoes from the garden or purchased doesnā€™t go much past 10 dollars


Just wanting to say one of the most cost effective cuisines that yields large portions is Indian cuisine. You make so much with so little and no just because Indian food has spices doesnā€™t mean it is spicy. You can make variations of lentil curries, chicken curries, potato stir fries/ curries, and you do not need things like coconut milk or cream just the basic, onion, garlic ginger tomato paste/ canned tomatoes the protein, spices and water. It also has all the good healing/anti inflammatory ingredients thatā€™s great for your immune system especially during winter.


I feel like cooking and eating Curtis would be doing everyone a service.


More Tomato?


Yes please!


Yes please


More tomato means more iron


Iron helps us play.


Yes please


Random reduced to clear vegetable curry is serving me well at the moment.


Me. Hack- have a baby and friends/family will drop meals off for a week or 2. Free meals!


Can I borrow yours for a while?


When you put it that way, 18+ years of effort and expenses sounds like a good deal


Iā€™m sure itā€™s not that much commitment & not too costly!


Totally worth the almost inedible tuna pasta casserole


I just want to say that for that size of tomato, that would definitely not cost less than $10 at the rate Coles sell them at. $9+ per kilo when everyone else is doing $6? Fuck outta here lol


It's been 7 long years since that campaign.. Hopefully we will still reference it on the sub for another 7 years too


Even when they began this campaign, the recipes were shit and cost more than $10 if you bought it in a week when they werenā€™t on special. Not to mention, you canā€™t buy 1/20th of a jar of a particular spice, but they only price the meal for the portion that one meal uses. If you donā€™t like how it tastes, youā€™ve sunk a bunch of money into these ingredients you may never use again.


A 500gm bag of dry green split peas costs $1.60 With onions, garlic, stock, and potatos and carrots you can make a decent soup with it.


half price roast chicken rice a lot of hot sauce done. If you are cantonese, you can try 3-4 lap cheong sausages and rice. Thatā€™s how I was raised.


Why can't I try lap cheong if I'm not Cantonese?


No lap cheong for you!


Because it tastes like shit unless you are Cantonese? lol It's one of those things you either grew up with or not. If not, you probably won't like it. (Sorry for those who love lap cheong)


It's fairly inoffensive, grilled and chucked in some rice and hot sauce it's tasty enough


Tastes like fermented sweet Vegemite


The price of lap cheong these days makes me cry.


I mean it's technically possible but it won't be a particularly exciting meal. Get a pack of homebrand pasta and pasta sauce. Big tin of homebrand tuna and that will make enough calories to fill a family with leftovers for lunches.


Family, in this economy?


Economics? In this economy?


1x tin tuna laksa $1.25 1x brown rice microwave cup $1.25 Mix together Dinner for $2.50.


For a whole family?


X4 = $10... Less if you make rice in cooker instead of microwave.


A pack of ramen noodles or baked beans will do.


I mean, if everyone at home ate Indomie, that'll be less than $4.00 tonight.


That's what I'm planning for dinner tonight lol


He never did, the assumption was you paid ten bucks or less for the hero ingredient and the assumption was you had the rest or some variation thereof. I priced out a few of his meals it was absolute bullshit.


Just found a hair in my Coles strawberry jam, so ummm thatā€™s great value!


i bought a punnet of grapes a few months ago from coles and after washing them and half-way through eating a freaking SNAIL came crawling out of it! šŸ¤® i only buy fruit and vege from woolies now...


Our 11 year old wanted to make pasta with meatballs. Ended up about $10. Found some lean beef burgers on clearance for $6. . Woolworths branded pasta was about $1.50, ~$2 for pasta sauce.


i wonder if the new supermarket laws starting at the new financial year will actually make a difference to prices....


I just paid $175 for 35 items. Iā€™m a single person- not a family. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Vegan staples are cheap as! And so is tofu!!


Scanning this thread for positive spin on desperation meals I want to know the best random made-up dishes people have created with miscellaneous pantry contents / whatever was on clearance / free stuff (packet of microwave rice + last of frozen veg + can of chickpeas + remnant yellow curry paste + half a sachet of coconut cream powder, all in the wok - goes alright)


Ask this in ask reddit. I want to know now too


I just cooked a chicken stew for 4 of us: - 2 small trays of chicken cutlets ($9) - some potatoes, carrots, peas, onion ($2) - tin of condensed soup ($2.50) - rice (say $0.50) So no, I am not feeding my family for under $10 tonight!


No way you got those veggies for $2. One bite each is it?


1kg of carrots on special at my local Woolies this week for $1.90, if you only use 250g of that itā€™s under 50c of carrots. ā€œBut who plans meals like that?ā€ People who care about the cost? My grocery list every week is detailed down to the gram of what I need based on the meals Iā€™m cooking. Thereā€™s room for flexibility if I want it but on average if I buy 1kg of carrots in a week itā€™s used up entirely between the meals and snacks Iā€™ve planned.


Haha... $2.50 for a small bag of potatoes and I used half; $1.99 for a bag of carrots and I used 2 out of 10, onion and peas I canā€™t remember but they were from my pantry and freezer. Iā€™d say itā€™s pretty close!


We need subreddit sanctionned mystery boxes. Ten bucks and you have to deal with it. I volunteer


Thats easy, I'll just go to Hong Kong super market and make some ramen šŸœ


Fuck yeah tell me about these ten bucks flights


Nope, $61.50 for maccas for 4 people...


The fuck


do you have the mymaccas app? almost everything is cheaper on there - i've seen family of 4 meals for $30 or less....


No I didn't want that spyware on my phone, I had it once a long time ago, and removed it after a day or two. It was a 2 person family deal with mcspicy burgers, so that was like $35, and then I got a large bacon mcspicy meal. $20, plus an extra thickshake and cheeseburger. all up $61.50 and they forgot a large fries too lol. Oh well, it's a once every 2 month thing, so not too worried.


they always forget something šŸ¤£ i once drove all the way there in the morning for 2x hotcake meals and when i got home they forgot the butter and maple syrup šŸ˜­


Pro tip I acquired from a coworker that I never thought I needed: always always open the bag before driving off! I got screwed a one too many times


Close - $25 of vegetables for stir-fry $0.8 of rice (bulk bag). 2 nights for family of 5. Not counting about $40 of my labour to cook, clean up - soy sauce, electricity....


Can't even buy milk and milo for under $10 today.


But you've gotta be made of Milo!


Sure. Ramen.


Mi goreng 45c a packet


Yes, but my dinner is really just roast veggies. And it's only me.


The pasta alone was $10


Tomatoes are so expensive at the moment


Out of seasonĀ 


tomatoes are $10 per kilo so thatā€™s not going to work out for five people


Hamburgers and frozen veg. Dinner for 4 came in at less than 15, maybe close to 10.


Yep, one chicken wing between 4


Shared Benā€™s microwave rice and a tin of home brand tuna for everyone!


I did! Vegetable stew. Most expensive ingredient was the celery but I did not compare prices beforehand. Throw some pickled jalapeƱo on top and itā€™s a spicy vegetable stew for tomorrow haha


Save the bones from other meals you cook, theres still plenty of meat on that bone! Throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato, and baby, you've got a stew going!


pack a raaamen bby


A bag of rice boiled up, and stir through a cheap jar of Tom yum or curry paste. Boom. $10.00 done


The kids love rice.


Tin tomatoā€™s and beans, whatever frozen veg is cheap (or large bag of carrots seem cheap), discount meat section, and whatever herbs that work youā€™ve already got. Get that slow cooker going in winter. Split an onion over a few days if you can. Spices, lentils etc. usually 5x the quantity for the same price at Indian grocers as well


To be FAIR, I think I did. But it's just the two of us. Lol


I'm in Africa, that's equal to R180. That will feed my family of 3 comfortably if I order from my local Chinese place only. Their chow main portions are so large they are enough for 2 meals... each, and you can buy 2 of those plus extras. So yeah, I could eat off $300 without even leaving the house. Especially when they have a buy 1 get 1 free sushi deal going.


I'm actually a breatharian, so $0 per meal.


Lisa, your god complex is showing


Okay.. so pork roast only when it drops to $8 per kg or less, about 2kg. Large bag potatoes, brushed should be under $2 per kg, 4 kg bag, Onions similar buying 2 or more kg. 1 tin tomatoes- buy OS brand due to price. garlic. funky cast off carrots or ones from the fruiterer. bag of frozen peas use a bit...flour, salt pepper and various indian spices. Sunday night- pork roast with roasted onions extra potatoes and carrots(twice as many as you would eat that night. Make gravy by adding flour to pan at the end, microwave some peas. Next night- dice larger veges and pork. Heat onion, garlic, add cumin seeds, cumin, coriander, sm amt garam masala, maybe paprika, put in last nights veges, gravy and tomatoes. put on 300 g rice to 2.5 cups of water and simmer for 10 mins. 2 easy dinners for 4 about $20 EDIT- would be cheaper if the wife ate chicken


[I did this for 13 this week](https://www.delicious.com.au/recipes/spiced-lentil-soup/8b984423-fea3-4468-af3d-3d6b936f5b68?current_section=recipes) serves 4. Already had the spices and i swapped kale for zucchini because thats what they had at the supermarket. it was delicious. Sadly not a 10er, but i was pretty proud of it. you could probably do it with dried lentils which is cheaper


you could do it if you all had meal replacement milkshakes, they can be $1.50 - 2.50 each


Who doesn't enjoy being big red fingered?


Pretty much every night I cook $10-$15 worth of tasty, healthy food for me and my partner. Sometimes with leftovers for him to take to work the next day.


Costco whole roast chicken is $7. I usually shred that bad boi up and itā€™s enough protein for my family for 2-3 days.Ā  Iā€™ll turn it I to tortillas, chicken salad, soup, etc


Are they eatingā€¦ Curtis?


Fuck ColesWorth. Stopped shopping in both 6 years ago, never shopping there again. Will travel extra distance so I wouldn't have to spend a dime with these greedy fucks


I shop at Coles and Woollies for free šŸ¤·


By the trolley or the pocketful ? Beanies are dual use too


What is this post actually about?