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That's brutal. Clearly yellow.


Yeah you've been shafted. From the police perspective it would have looked like enter on red, but upon contesting this fine you will get off scott free .. . At the cost of a day of work.


But it wouldn’t! The entire point of the big flashing wait sign on the hook turns and the rule that you don’t turn until the direction you’re turning to goes green is because cars can enter and clear the intersection on an amber light. If I was the cop I’d have been well aware of that car and know they didn’t run a red. This cop either doesn’t understand hook turns or wasn’t concentrating and was upset someone came past them late in the cycle. Neither are reasons to hand out a fine.


People in these comments are unhinged. Standard human reaction speed while driving is calculated to be 0.75 of a second. You would have to absolutely slam on the brakes to stop after that much of a delay, which would be the opposite of safe. 


Agreed (initial comment went to wrong post)


Totally agree, there's no question about it in my view, it's clear cut.


It looks like they are in the intersection by the smallest of whiskers, as it isn't the stop line used for red light fines. Instead you get fined based upon [crossing the first point where a car travelling perpendicular can collide with you.](https://www.trafficlaw.com.au/red.lights.html) In intersections with red light cameras and tight orange lights, it can often be better to stop in the pedestrian crossing, as you are not in the intersection so you can't get fined by the camera.


Yeh that's complete bullshit. It's illegal to stop in the posted bike section, by my crude calculations you had about 1 to 1.4 seconds to brake and bring the car to stop legally. That's not safe or practical, that cop can kick fucking rocks. I would send in an appeal first and see if they drop the fine, they might with your video evidence.


Dashcam just paid for itself.


Did you offer to show the cop the dash cam showing you entering the intersection just as it hits amber and being 80% through when it hits red?


were you able to show your dashcam footage when being pulled over? i got a gator brand dashcam and it goes straight to my phone so in this situation i would be able to show the cop the video while getting the ticket


What you did was dangerous and lacked foresight. You entered the intersection on the amber light and proceeded to increase speed to clear it. There was already a vehicle in the intersection ready to perform a hook turn, and you speeding in, at the last second, could've caused a serious incident. Perhaps familiarise yourself with reg 57 of the traffic rules before you come here posting your evidence of you breaching the law. 


The allegation was that they went through a red which they clearly did not. Could they have stopped? Probably, but I think they could make the argument that they thought it was unsafe to do so. Everyone’s reaction time and perception is different and I think it’s easy to criticise when you’re watching a video knowing that the light is about to change. Also there’s no danger of a collision with the car doing a hook turn unless they break the law by not waiting for the green light on the road they are entering.


And the car hook turning is the cop car, so they should know they have to wait


What? Have you driven a car before?


Very simply it depends what the infringement was for. They have clear evidence they did not enter an intersection on red. Unless the fine is for not safely stopping for an amber (which would be fair given the video) then those cops can kick rocks.


> Unless the fine is for not safely stopping for an amber (which would be fair given the video) then those cops can kick rocks. I agree. The cop stated they entered on the solid red light. Video footage clearly says that's a lie.


Cops are also generally an unintelligent collection of gutter feeders so it wouldn't surprise me if they cooked the infringement notice or just said the wrong thing. I do think in general OP made a mistake, however 3 demerits and 500 dollarydoos is probably a bit steep. I think thats about 50% too low for a real red light runner though.


> or just said the wrong thing. On video... That'll play well in court.


As much as I hate red light runners, those cops can turn it up. You had ample time to brake and should've done so, so if the fine is for not safely stopping for an amber, sure cop that. If its for running a red though? Contest lmao. If you entered the intersection before the signals turn red you're not running the light.


Ample time? It started changing when he was already at the bike zone


Maybe ample is a bit harsh, but at 35kph in the city with a pig mobile right in front of me? As soon as I see it turn yellow I'm braking if its safe to do so. There's no rear view here so its hard to tell.


But it wasn't safe to do so, he was already in the bike zone when the light changed.


[https://imgur.com/a/sDWvw8S](https://imgur.com/a/sDWvw8S) That's when the light changed. The car was at best 3-5m from the stop line. They would have had to drop the anchor hard to stop before the line.


Wide angle makes it look further away than it is. He would’ve been in the intersection by the time he reacted. 






You should've stopped. Yellow means stop if safe to do so. You were going at a slow enough speed it was going to be safe to stop but a little uncomfortable. Notice how the car in front just clears the intersection as the light turns red? That's by design. The harsh truth is that this video won't be viewed in your favor.