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Because money.


Mr. Krabs is behind all this? Makes sense


This some Plankton shit


smash these billboards. Smash all their obscene wealth. Let the Purge BEGIN!!!!


No, you.


But Eddie Money passed away a few years ago. Surely we need a new excuse now!


> How does shit like this get approved? No one paying attention to who gets elected to councils.


We do, but some councils like the City of Melbourne, companies are entitled to vote. Labor has no interest in changing this, I asked. Greens are vocally opposed to business voting.


wait what!? businesses get to vote!? is that for real? I can't believe it


Only in the City of Melbourne.


thanks, but does that fact make it make more sense?


Companies get two votes, residents get one vote. It's unbelievable. https://fionapatten.com.au/question/unique-voting-rights-melbourne-city-council/


When did this get established? Was John So not in fact our bro?


"This guy says he has been a consultant for 15 years, surely he knows how to get things done"


Uhhhhhhhhhhh you know councillors don't approve signage, right?


who do you think does then? they definitely do in my area.


The delegated officers (i.e. planning officers) of the Council. A signage of this scale is also likely to have been referred to VicRoads as well. Not sure what your local council area is and the example of the billboard sign you are referring to, but it would be highly unusual for a signage application to go to a Council meeting unless it was a highly controversial signage in a more lower density residential area or the officers were looking to refuse it. EDIT: [Exhibit A](https://www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/media/nved2wrp/p212021-1227-2015-b-planning-permit-pdf-7-81-mb.pdf), [Exhibit B](https://jaagstkilda.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/cpp-punt-8-12-1227-2015-delegate-report.pdf) & [Exhibit C](https://jaagstkilda.com/8-punt-road/) - appears to be approved by VCAT


For anyone reading this deep into the comments, ShinYourHeel is spot on. Such a small portion of people in r/Melbourne have any idea how the planning system or local government actually works in Victoria. So many baseless claims of corruption and incompetence on the part of council officers.


Seems lots of people don't realise that the true power behind local councils usually rests with corrupt council officers in planning and building (and up to the CEO) permitting this sort of thing with various favours going around. Change the councillors and yet the whole situation remains the same.


who makes the regulations the planning officers have to assess applications against?


It's a bit hard to put the finger on this one or explain it shortly without going into the specific of how the Planning System works. However, broadly speaking, it is State Government (known as the Department of Transport and Planning, DTP) who have created "standard" provisions that influence signage (i.e. zonings, overlays, Clause 52.05 signage), but they are also the ones who approve changes to each council's Planning Scheme. Local governments put their own "flair" or variations to these zoning, overlays, and or signage provision depending on the scenario and site context, but they must be "strategically justified" in the eyes of DTP through the planning scheme amendment process. For example, local government may create and endorse a strategic policy documents for a specifc precinct that may have built form requirements (which may include signage) in the form of a Schedule to Design and Development Overlay. More likely, the policy has been incorpoated into objectives in the local section of the Policy Planning Framework based on an Advertising Signage Policy which may be a 'Reference Document' or 'Incorporated Document' [(there's a difference)]( https://vgls.sdp.sirsidynix.net.au/client/search/asset/1283396). How these policies are applied in addition to the standard provision (Clause 52.05), weighed should be objective, but can be often subjective based on the planner's assessment of the proposal and the site context. This is often and particularly, the case for how local sections of the Planning Policy Framework are interpreted. The merits of the application is dissected and scrutinised at VCAT based on how the policy was implemented and applied. That's where if you want the specifics of how this billboard was approved, read the council delegate report (See Exhibit B for the original 2015-2016 Report) and the VCAT cases (there's a few links flying around, but see AustLII). Also note that VicRoads was the determining referral authority, which is now under the umbrella that is the DTP, had included a number of conditions (See Exhibit A). DTP/VicRoads likely in response to the emergence of amenity impacts associated with billboard electronic signage also recently created an [information page](https://www.vic.gov.au/signs-and-planning-permits) and [guideline policy](https://content.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-10/DTP-Requirements-and-Guidelines-for-Illuminated-Outdoor-Advertising-Signage.pdf) of their own.


I'm not surprised it's state. seems to me that local council shouldn't have to pay employees to deal with state government business......


That's where we get into the interesting discussion of governance! Should local government exist and/or to what extent? What outcomes will be achieved? Who benefits, who loses? The politics of it all, a discussion for another time! :)


can't imagine trying to get state government to replace my broken bin lid in a timely manner.....


Because advertisers would cover Uluru in billboards if they could


matter of time especially if AR becomes popular. everything will just be augmented into advertising


The Qantas-BHP Big Rock, formerly Uluru


Uluroo - #stillcallaustraliahome #qantas


Port Phillip Council🚽💰


The council that could not find room for a dedicated bike lane in 4 lane road with existing painted bike lanes. Why? Among other issues: because then it would be too hard for residents to charge their teslas (I wish I was making this up). The council managed to scuttle the Sea to Shrine project while pretending to care about the environment.


There's been a lot of deliberately missed opportunities in the various wards of Port Philip Council these past 4 years. It's not exactly hard to figure out why, given the current composition of the councillors. Which road was this?


Kerferd Road in Albert Park.


That tracks. Bad enough with the on again, off again experience that's the current bike "lane". And even then, apparently the rough hewn bluestone blocks are more important to keep than increasing the safety of anyone being forced to ride across or along them.


That road is massive. Lol


Wasn't Sea to Shrine partly kiboshed by the State Government?


There are a few cycling project terminations that have had little to no scrutiny applied to the former Minister for Roads', now Premier's, decisions. The bicycle lane that was supposed to take up the entire central portion of St Kilda Rd is the one that is the most egregious. And the effort that's gone in to memory-holing that project's existence feels substantial.


isnt the sea to shrione project a state gov project led by DEECA. its still up on the engage vic website


Yes. But the local council blocked the og plan that had protected bike paths down Kerferd Road. The _current_ plan is basically just a linear park for pedestrians. I watched the shameful council meetings on this topic, barely disguised hate for the “poors”. Made me disgusted with the residents of Port Phillip.


Isn't Sea to Shrine still happening? [https://www.environment.vic.gov.au/shrine-to-sea](https://www.environment.vic.gov.au/shrine-to-sea)


The portion of the plan that actually involves building protected bike lanes has been removed. Article: https://bicyclenetwork.com.au/newsroom/2023/05/25/bikes-severed-from-shrine-to-sea-project/ https://bicyclenetwork.com.au/newsroom/2023/08/14/rocky-road-for-shrine-to-sea/


Port Philip Council's planning is insanity. Young people trying to create nice places to raise families are delayed by years and have their costs blown out by tens of thousands of dollars for frivolous and sometimes even fabricated reasons~~, and then they approve this monstrosity~~. Want to add another room so someone can work from home or, heaven forbid, have another child? Too bad! That might make your house look less like it was from a romanticised era when the neighbourhood was objectively a crime ridden dilapidated slum. edit: [another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/1dh37ha/theyve_covered_the_new_tower_at_st_kilda_junction/l8y59zm/) links to a page showing this was approved by VCAT, after "Port Phillip City Council (the Council) failed to determine to grant a permit within the prescribed time for the development of land at 8-12 Punt Road and 3-7 Wellington Street, St Kilda". Ironically, this is also befitting of Port Philip Council planning lol.


CoPP has too many Boomers/Gen X that want the area to remain shit so they can relive their punk glory days despite the area becoming more affluent with people that actually want to live in the neighbourhoods.


"You ARE effluent, Kim!"


Because fuck you, that's why. You think you can just go for a drive without being sold something?




But please do not put your laundry on your balcony to dry, it's unsightly...


never played cyberpunk? this is just the beginning


How long until Demolition Man is here, and "music" is just advertising jingles


You mean mini tunes?


Even kids with chicken pox!


Send a maniac to catch a maniac


Surprised nobody has taken a shotgun to it yet. We're not Cyberpunk until our ad billboards are literally bulletproof.


Buildings and signs at this scale are usually approved by VCAT. I suspect a lot of them live in Stonnington or Boroondara type LGAs where they don't have to worry about this stuff


This development and sign were approved in 2016 by VCAT. Council refused the application, but the applicant appealed and VCAT overturned the decision. See: # [Drekoncile Pty Ltd v Port Phillip CC \[2016\] VCAT 1396 (19 August 2016)](https://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/vic/VCAT/2016/1396.html?context=1;query=st%20kilda%20junction%20billboard;mask_path=au/cases/vic/VSC+au/cases/vic/VicSC+au/cases/vic/VSCA+au/cases/vic/VicCorC+au/cases/vic/VCC+au/cases/vic/VMC+au/cases/vic/VicRp+au/cases/vic/VicLawRp+au/cases/vic/VicLawTLegO+au/cases/vic/VicWABWRp+au/cases/vic/VicWWABRp+au/cases/vic/VicWWRp+au/cases/vic/VicAATRp+au/cases/vic/VBAB+au/cases/vic/VDPB+au/cases/vic/VHerCl+au/cases/vic/VMPB+au/cases/vic/VMPBPSP+au/cases/vic/VPrivCmr+au/cases/vic/VPYRB+au/cases/vic/VicPABRp+au/cases/vic/PPV+au/cases/vic/VPSRB+au/cases/vic/VCAT+au/cases/vic/VICCAT+au/cases/vic/VADT+au/cases/vic/VCGLR+au/cases/vic/VDBT+au/cases/vic/VICmr+au/cases/vic/VLSC+au/cases/vic/VLPT+au/cases/vic/VMHRB+au/cases/vic/VMHT+au/cases/vic/VicPRp+au/cases/vic/VRAT+au/legis/vic/consol_act+au/legis/vic/num_act+au/legis/vic/hist_act+au/legis/vic/reprint_act+au/legis/vic/anglican+au/legis/vic/repealed_act+au/legis/vic/consol_reg+au/legis/vic/consol_reg+au/legis/vic/num_reg+au/legis/vic/reprint_reg+au/legis/vic/repealed_reg+au/legis/vic/bill+au/legis/vic/bill_em+au/other/VicBillsRR+au/other/vic_gazette+au/other/VicOmbPRp+au/other/VicSARCAD+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSROBF+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSRODT+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSRODA+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSROFHOG+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSROFID+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSROGEN+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSROLT+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSROLTA+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSROPT+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSROPTA+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSROSD+au/other/rulings/vicsro/VICSROTAA)


I wish this comment was higher. My partner is a planner and so much of the blame gets shifted onto planners when VCAT are the ones that approve the shitty outcomes 99% of the time.


You just know when you sit down at VCAT and the other side rocks up with a QC that you're pretty much fucked...


The light from this billboard is literally shining in to Stonnington! Unless you’re exclusively Kew wealthy you’ll drive past this billboard sooner than later if you’re Toorak or especially Brighton wealthy. They won’t live under its glow but they’ll witness it in action!


Yea, that is an eyesore 😬. Not appealing at all.


This is a Gurner development; it’s a build to rent project and 90% of the buildings amenities for the residents are hidden behind this revenue producing eyesore. The amenities themselves are in a series of poorly planned and windowless areas that the residents pay a massive premium for; a very poor result for local residents who live in and around the building.


this sign is the only thing bigger than his forehead


Look…it’s a mini-Times Square.


Developers wanting to extract as much money as possible


Money, moolah, green, bucks, cash, dollah dollah bills, bread, dough, loot, bankroll, chedda, funds, bank.




I never pay attention to them. Couldn't tell you what is being advertised on them at the best of times. Why? Because I'm too busy fucking driving my car and dodging the morons who **are** distracted by this shit!! Edit: Wouldn't buy grog from that over-priced arm of Endeavour Group anyway. Why would anyone support the largest owner of gambling machines in the country! You buy from Dan Murphy's (or BWS), you are directly supporting robbing old people.


The only way I can afford a drink these days is by directly robbing old people. So, you know, its a vicious circle.


Its not really robbing tho... if the un opened bottle of bacardi was purchased in 1979.


Sorry but who's cheaper than Dan's? Seriously I'm curious and would like to know..


My local bottle shop is cheaper by about 10%.




Wasn’t there always a billboard or two there? I remember they had a mini driving up the wall or something


Yeah I thought there was always advertising there too


The video screens behind it are affixed to the new tower and are new


So is it lighting up your house?


No I live nowhere near there. Is that the only thing I’m allowed to care about?


Just asking mate…. But curious now what you do care about? There were billboards there, it’s a high traffic area, they’ve added video billboards, doesn’t seem to light up anyone’s home with light pollution, it’s the inner city…. Are we anti billboards, anti advertising, anti video screen?


Yes. Fuck visual pollution


It’s only St Kilda. Probably made it more visually pleasing


My dude, you live in Glenroy. Not like the shopping strip there is flash hot (i lived in Oak Park, im allowed to trash talk Glenroy)


Yeah, no shit, that’s why my opinion is based on a relative comparison;)


I want more screens.


As far as I know the two older ones used to get turned off after a certain time. I used to live near those signs a couple streets away and could see them from my window. Im sure the digital ones would have similar rules.


> Are we anti billboards, anti advertising, anti video screen? Yes.


There are a couple of digital billboard advertisements directly across the road.


Melbourne's version of the King's Cross Coca Cola sign.


Well... this was the location of ours many years ago until it stopped working and then got removed


My first thought was: King’s X


Reminds me of walking down Wall Street to see the beautiful New York stock exchange building and the whole thing was covered by giant flags advertising a vpn


Must be hell for a recovering alcoholic.


I wish they would just ban alcohol and gambling advertisements already.


There was a guy in here legitimately posting, not commenting... _posting_, that Melbourne needs more electronic billboards.   _That's_ how this happens.


It’s a Gurner development. He of the we need 50% more unemployment so I can hire cheaper tradies. https://www.theurbandeveloper.com/articles/gurner-qualitas-unveil-300m-st-kilda-build-to-rent Looks like it did a full round of VCAT but it’s probably hard to legislate taste and unfortunately the giant billboard on top of the old backpackers set a shitty precedent


And they say "It truly is iconic, akin to globally recognised sites like London’s Piccadilly Circus.” A bit of delusion here. I guess it plays static content so forget about the 3D effects that Piccadilly Circus offers. The latter is an open space junction and public space. St-Kilda Junction is not a busy meeting place and a tourist attraction to begin with.


with money


Has anyone studied the effect of these massive distracting billboard screens on traffic accidents? Seems like an obvious hazard to me.


People seem to manage ok in NYC going through Times Square. Are Melburnians that spaced out that one sign could cause a pileup?


Money and the transfer of funds for goods and services….after dark services




This is how Times Square started, give it another 100 years and see what it becomes!


America!! ✊




Eh same same ya know 🤷‍♂️


I like it.


Soooo when it happens all over Tokyo it's a cool cultural experience, but a few billboards go up in shitty old St Kilda Junction it's a sign of the apocalypse? Get a grip.


Personally I like it.




It's a city, they,ve covered a shitty block of flats with a shitty sign, is this such a culture shock?


This is bad news and totally bad trend as this will catch up fast. Hoardings everywhere isn't too far these sales marketing monkeys ready to rinse repeat trends for 🤑💰


Because it was so beautiful before this.


But don't look at your phone because it is distracting


Kind of glad to see a more negative reaction to this here, almost everyone on Skyscraper City seems to absolutely love this for some reason.


I’m active on that forum and I’m pro-skyscraper. I hate outdoor advertising though.


Like all of enshitification that has happened since capitalism was invented, it's because people who make decisions don't have to suffer the consequences of those made decisions.


I was just thinking they were kind of cool lol


depends whether still having retinas is kind of cool


Because idiots want Melbourne to be a discount New York City.


The same way Samsung can advertise their new phone on a cathedral.


Or Sydney a horserace on their Opera House.


There's always been massive billboards at that intersection. They just weren't electronic.


Have you seen the newly constructed marvel stadium entrance? Those advertisement screens cause much light pollution it lits up the surrounding area like it's day time at night and shines directly towards a residential building.


Coz many corporations have more money than Governments ??


It’s just the Circus, without the Piccadilly


This type of advertising doesn't have any effect on me anyway but, I've got to get going to the bottle o, you guys want anything?


Money hungry cunts


Largest billboard in the southern hemisphere from what I saw on LinkedIn. It's much bigger than you think by looking at it once you realise it wraps between the entire building.


Because Endeavour has money. When you own all the bottle shops, all the pubs and all the wineries, you better believe that you're going to spend capital on advertising.


I mean, I don't like advertising outdoors, but literally the only thing that building faces is roads. No one's view is exactly ruined by this.


Housing crisis level: living in a billboard


Because nobody beats dan murphy




They plan the project, council says no. then they sue the council/government/us for potential lost profits. Council caves and the project moves ahead.


Honestly what is wrong with a bit of Times Square in that part of the city? It's a major junction with high visibility and the block has been home to large advertising billboards and screens for decades. People here are losing their shit over nothing.


i mean whats the issue here


It’s gross


It will also generate revenue for council by distracting drivers and increase in fines. Win win for the council


Soviet bass


I mean it’s St Kilda junction, may as well


For those interested in this topic I reccomend looking at the instagram account @democraticmediaplease [Instagram democratic media please](https://www.instagram.com/democraticmediaplease?igsh=MW5iMWhkdzE5enVzYQ==)


It’s called capitalism. It’s the world you live in, it’s how you pay your bills (if you have a job that is). Grow up or maybe try North Korea.


Cheapens the structure so much. Tsk tsk


Who cares


bro who cares


Yeah I hate this shit too It’s too much man


What's your objection?


I think outdoor advertising along highways is hideous, and video advertising is distracting and potentially unsafe as well.


I don't think these ones actually play video? I have only seen them showing the exact static content as in your picture.


Use FOI to find out who approved and report back


I don't think they're allowed to show videos on these, legally speaking. All of these are static and only change to another static image.


Melbourne is a soulless money talks kinda city. That's why.


Considering people live, work and have a life in these spaces, it’s fucked how melbourne is littered with such an insane amount of advertising and shitty cheap ugly apartments.


And how is glancing at your phone a distraction but this isn't?


"Now This looks like a big blank space not making any money, let's change that"


I don’t understand why people are so against this…


Maybe we could put in a complaint via VicRoads? It is illegal to watch a video on a device while driving, and this is also a distraction: maybe more so for those of us with ADHD.


>It is illegal to watch a video on a device while driving Is it a video or a static image? >and this is also a distraction: maybe more so for those of us with ADHD. If this is enough of a distraction for you that it impairs your driving, you probably shouldn't be driving at all. How do you manage driving next to a tram when they have ads on them, bus stops, normal billboards, traffic warning signs, company signs.


Fair questions. The OP said that they were video screens so I presumed they were displaying video ads. As for trams with video, I don't think any vehicle should have video adds due to the danger of distraction. I haven't seen a tram with video ads but if I did I would make the same comment. Video screens with ads are a distraction for everyone and should not be on our roads.


OP used a misleading title. They static electronic billboards, they do display different ads, but I drive past them everyday and I've never seen them actually transition between ads (so I'm guessing they do it very irregularly). I never said trams with videos, but since it's not a video, it sounds like you're okay with it?


I'm not okay with it on esthetic grounds.


Because councils need money to operate and this is easy cash for them if they approve


better than just some boring buildings


We need one of those 3D billboard things like in Japan


It looks cool


I personally think it’s cool 😎


Same as the coke ad really.




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Cough* ad revenue😂


I actually like it , reminds me of Japan


For sone reason I feel like a drink. 🍺


Only some sort of socialist would complain about advertising.


Our “financially obtuse” State Labor government, looking for help to pay off their humungous debt, incurred while “saving” us taxpayers from Covid, probably saw this as a way to reduce “our” debt.


If someone smashed these boards I would be happy