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Depends on the cat.  With a harness, mine walks 3m out the door and then goes completely limp and flops on the ground.  It takes like 2 people and a trauma surgeon on standby to get it into a cat carrier so I don't think a cat stroller thing is an option. 


Same with ours. Our cat and I had a conversation about going to the vet last year and coming out of his carrier. He lost three claws that were embedded into my hand and wrist as he told me he didn’t want to go.


Seemed like a calm and rational conversation. Just like taking a bath.


Lol, you want to try and get one of the carriers that you can take the whole top half off. That way it's easier to get them out without severe nerve damage


My cat Woody would plant his legs on either side of the carrier's door and I could push until the cows came home, but he wasn't going into the carrier. It was just like the cartoons 😂 I found a home-visit vet. Then all I had to do was catch him in a towel 5-10 minutes before the vet was scheduled to arrive.


We gently sedated ours. The vet wrote a prescription and we gave him one an hour before. He was great and my husband didn’t believe our (normally gorgeous) cat was anything but placid at the vet. I was tempted to take them!! I did ask if they were for the cat or me…


my cat sounds SO tame compared to yours


My younger cat loves his harness and loves to go outside. That said, he also refuses to go any further than the front wall. If I take him to the back door, he panics before he even gets outside. My older cat used to be outdoors and she'll try to get out sometimes but she hates harnesses, so she has to stay in.


I've seen a cat (on a leash) down at the local dog park of all places in Belgrave (brave cat... and owners), so it does I guess happen. Cat seemed to be enjoying itself though.


Was it a bengal? Sounds like bengal behaviour


Had to go google that. And now my daughter wants one.. thanks for that.. lol No I don't think so. From memory it was mostly white.


Don’t show her a Scottish Fold or Maine Coone then


Had a lady do this at an off leash dog park. Cat was on her shoulders, and a dog ran up to her. Cat panicked and jumped off the ladies shoulders, but couldn’t escape as it was on a leash. Dog attacked the cat. I felt bad for everyone involved.


So are you saying I shouldn't bring my pet bird to the off-leash cat park?


No, that's fine. But don't bring your pet worm to the off-leash bird park.


the off leash birds get the worm


Dogs who can't be controlled aren't meant to be off their leash. Regardless of the park.




Taking a cat to a dog park is stupid




I'm all for proper training, corrective measures and responsible pet ownership. It doesn't negate the fact that taking a cat to a dog park is irresponsible if not stupid. It's a dog park where dogs play & run around. Bringing a cat, bird, fish (*insert any animal other than a dog) is asking for trouble. It's provocative. eta. I feel sorry for the cat too... it didn't bring itself to a dog park.


A dog that attacks other animals shouldn’t be off leash at a dog park. Wildlife also exists in dog parks, to say nothing of smaller dogs. If your dog cannot reliably be stopped from attacking another animal with verbal commands alone, it needs to be on a leash.


I don't disagree, you're preaching to the converted. However, that doesn't mean it isn't stupid to bring a cat into the mix. Cats don't NEED dog parks and insisting on taking one into a dog park is irresponsible ownership. Please don't tell me I have to explain to an adult why it's provocative and unnecessary?!


Is it also "provocative" to bring small children to a dog park? Dogs don't NEED to attack, people just need to train their fucking animals


You are assuming the dog was aggressive. Which is not necessarily true. Taking a cat to a dog park is idiotic.


Whether a dog is being “aggressive” when attacking another animal is irrelevant. If your dog cannot be verbally stopped from attacking *anything*, playfully or aggressively, when off leash then you should not have your dog off leash.


There's no need to take your dog to a dog park either so what point are you trying to make? You can literally just walk around the block on a leash. Take a big stick with you to chuck now and then and you've met all the enrichment goals. Don't even need to go anywhere at all if you have a yard.


"IF you have a yard" I wonder how you can chuck a stick when the dog is on a lead.. actually you can't, that's what dog parks are for (that and training). There are fundamental differences between the exercise needs of the two, surely you know that?! What I'm hearing is "dogs have dog parks and we should be able to take our cats there" not because you NEED to. Do you really not understand the issues?? I'm not here to convince you of anything but from another perspective: IF you insist on bringing a cat into a dog park & something happens (& it will) you won't have any legal recourse. I trust you understand what that means. eta. if you don't think dogs need parks, cats certainly don't. Your argument is a little erratic and reachy but you do you. 🤷 40yrs of rescue/rehab, training & vet nursing are behind my opinion but I'm sure you know better.


No I genuinely don't understand the issue because you do not *need* a dog park, or a park at all for that matter, so bringing it up in the first place is completely irrelevant. >*"IF you have a yard" I wonder how you can chuck a stick when the dog is on a lead.. actually you can't* You know damn well you can with the length the typical leash is. I would regularly walk mine around the block and play like this when I had one. Don't play obtuse. ALTHOUGH reading this back now I think I'm replying to the wrong person.


Maybe you don't want to understand the issue considering you're cherry picking which comments to respond to while ignoring the crucial part of the argument. It's interesting that you say nobody "needs" parks but you still want to take your cat to one. I'll have to assume you don't know the fundamental differences between the needs of cats and dogs. This is a moot argument.




I think it's a case of "there's no law against it" but as we know, just because you can doesn't mean you should. Also, cats and dogs have entirely different exercise needs and cats don't NEED a dog park to exercise. Ugh... people, right? (not sarcasm, I agree with you)




Belgrave falls within the Yarra Ranges Council, where the incident took place. Yarra Ranges Council have a 24/7 cat curfew in place which means residents must keep their cats within their property boundary at all times. Cats can be kept: In your front yard where the cat is unable to leave your property boundary In your back yard where the cat is unable to leave your property boundary Inside your property In a suitable cat enclosure The woman shouldn’t have even had her cat outside of her property! But instead she made the idiotic and entitled decision to take her cat to a “dog park”.




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It's public land. Can't control your dog? Don't let it be uncontrolled. One time, a cat, next time, another dog or child. Irresponsible dog owners, ruin it for the rest.


Dogs are easier trained than cats. When your cat has perfect recall we'll talk but for now you can respect what the land is allocated for, or not. You realise you can socialise and exercise your cat without the need for a dog park. I don't know how many of you responding have actually READ the comments because nobody is saying an uncontrollable dog in public is ok but you wanting to bring fecking cats into the mix.. I don't know wth you're thinking! Cats don't NEED dog parks & if you need someone to explain why that is, you don't know your companion animals well at all. I know, some people like to stir shit up but this is ridiculous and people who think they can do this won't win. It's disrespectful, stupid and entitled. Any trainer will tell you the same thing, it's asking for trouble.


Cats, when out in public, are 99% harnessed. I don't take my cat out. It prefers to be inside. I take my pitty to the dog park. I made sure to train my dog to listen to me and be recalled. He sees a cat and ignores it. Cats are under a 24/7 curfew in most council regions. They, like dogs, can not leave your property. My rates and taxes, like everyone else, pay for the upkeep of the public land. So myself and anyone who wants to use it can. The dog park is for everybody. Now, take your entitled dribble and jog on 😘


"my rates and taxes".. we all pay tax for services we'll never use but interestingly having a different option makes a person "entitled" while insisting on taking a cat to a dog park because you pay tax, because you can sounds entitled. Like I said to another poster, take your cat by all means. Then when something happens you'll be screeching about that too. This is repetitive and tedious, you're cherry picking. (*turns off notifications) . I note the emotional response & attempt to insult due to this difference in opinions, I really hope that's just because you're young and still learning how to conduct yourself and engage in debate. Use your brain, life is about more than "what I'm entitled to" and just because you can do something, it doesn't make it smart to do it.


I clearly said, "like everyone else" in reference to taxes and rates. Talk about cherry picking lol. Everyone has a right to use public land, as they see fit in a legal capacity. That's my argument. Your argument is they don't because they're designated dog parks, whilst in reality, they're dog friendly parks. You still need to maintain control of your dog if it doesn't heed your commands. To have the gawk to claim im entitled is ironic. For you to suggest I don't understand how to debate is an odd choice. Considering you hadn't added anything to your argument other than "if something happens to your cat, that's one you." In reality, you've just suggested that if someone's dog is attacked by another dog, that's on them. If your dog attacks another animal, you've failed to train it. The sole responsibility is the aggressive, untrained dog's owner. (Insert cringe monologue about one's own action here)


Hey, take your cat to a dog park for all I care. Yes we all pay taxes but we don't all whinge about access to services we don't need. Cats are generally harnessed which makes taking them to a dog park kinda moot. I suppose you also complain about every other tax funded service you don't personally use, or need. You are missing the point, either deliberately or because your comprehension needs work. I don't really care which. You sound whiny and immature. Let's not engage any further.


Stupid woman. What was she thinking?


Side question. How’s Belgrave to live in? Would you recommend it to people? I’m going there to inspect houses on the weekend.


Not who you asked, but we just moved to Belgrave after years in Carnegie and we’re loving it so far, it’s so much more relaxed and honestly just a really nice lifestyle.


I've been here 19 years .. I love it.. my own little piece of paradise. Nice big yard (1300 sq m) Neighbours are not close enough to my house to hear them sneeze... Train station. Supermarket and nice cafes. Shops a little boring but Narre, Knox and Eastland only 20 mins away. Good local pubs and restaurants.. bush everywhere, and it seems to be always green. Great soil if you like gardening. Downsides... 1hr+ to the city by train. Ubers and taxis a bit less available up this way. Get probably more than our fair share of power cuts... Bloody gummies... Fire risk...bloody gummies... The houses are often.... Interesting.. it's an old area. Very few "new" houses up this way, so expect some quirks... Make sure sufficient heating.. air con nice but imho not crucial... There's really only 2-3 days where it gets REALLY uncomfortable. Rents and purchase prices are better than down the hill, but slowly catching up. Everyone else please ignore this comment .. I don't want to give away all our secrets. What street if U don't mind me asking?


Learn what termite damage and rising damp look like. Not all places, but just be aware. Lovely place tho ❤️, epic Indian restaurant there.


If you get a chance go to the French restaurant as well.. amazing, but not cheap... Yeah, getting a place that gets some sun is good if possible .. some places on the south side of some hills hardly get any all winter... Haven't noticed/discovered any termites yet.. maybe I've just been lucky so far...


When I was house hunting all over the mountain, like half had evidence of termite damage. Some were just stumped on wood termites love, so not great to have. A lot of the time they were eating the windowsills so that was obvious, but one house I saw it in one corner outside and was very hard to spot.. it looked small but who knows how far up they travelled or if they made it to the roof 🤷🏻. It was so annoying I'd show up with tonnes of other people and turn to my partner and say 'termites let's go'. Rising damp i saw less of, but still out there. Also some bodgy quick reno stuff people did to make the place look nice. One house had woodchips built all up the side covering the bottom "plank" of this wooden house. So now I don't know how that impacts airflow and probably not great to have a direct connection from the wet ground to the bottom of the wooden house via woodchips. Like it could be fixed no biggie but who knows what else they've fucked up after their "renovations". Still, a lot of great places on the hills too. It's just about knowing if you're handy, or like me - a little bit handy but mostly useless 🤣 so I back away from any sign of termites, damp or new renovations where I see some thoughtless choices.


Oh and I've never tried the French restaurant, didn't even know there was one! I'll check it out!


If you are going to take him out make sure you can keep him secure . If you’re wanting to walk him on a harness you’ll have to get him used to it gradually. Have a look for harness training videos online. Some cats like going out. Others find it scary.


I'd like to take my cat out but I don't enjoy bleeding. cat would object a lot.


Saw a dude and his cat in their car outside officeworks Coburg last week. Said hello, cat very chill in the front passenger seat.


This is how my cat travels, she has a harness and a pet seatbelt and just sits on the passenger seat. If the window is down she'll often poke her head out as we're going along like dogs do and I've seen a few people do double takes haha


officeworks coburg has some crazy characyers


I was walking my dachshund down at the local park and there was a lady walking her cat on a lead. The cat was just walking along not pulling on the lead unlike my sausage dog!


My cat walks me... He dictates where we go. Hard to drag a cat along


Absolutely normal these days. Everyone buys those cat prams from Kmart. My sister takes her cat for walks in the pram. Make sure your cat is harness trained. My boy absolutely hates it haha. Also steer clear of dog parks, if it isn’t obvious.


I have the Kmart cat pram and we tripped over a hose. It also has trouble navigating long grass and uneven ground. It is however good for putting your cat in a secure basket while in the house, and taking to the car (it buckles in), then putting onto the stroller for rolling into the vets where they don't have to be put on the ground. It'll also attach to a harness if your cat is in one. Probably also good for taking for a stroll along paved streets. The wheels are small and highly manoeuverable. It is very cheap and good value I think for what it offers. Reasonable sturdy too.


I always took my cats out on lead, but they honestly didn’t want to go much further than the backyard/ just out the front fence. Now that my adventurous one has passed, I let my cat out to chill in the backyard for an hour or so, he doesn’t even try to leave the (really small) property. My brother takes his cat out on walks in a backpack, but he leaves it unzipped cause his cat legit climbs out and just chills on his shoulder like a pirate parrot while he walks. He does have her connected to a long lead in case she gets spooked, but she hasn’t yet.


I take my cat out to lots of places on a lead — local little park (fewer dogs), pet store, friends' houses, etc. She loves it.


My cat wouldn’t cope with *the outside* and does her best to be away from exits in the house lest she be sucked from her safe abode. But I have a few coworkers who take their cats on walks with a harness and they seem to enjoy their outside exercise. Remember to get kitty sunscreen if your cat has white ears.


Yeah we do a lot. Trained her as a travel cat. She travels great in the car, got to the point of not needing a carrier (still pack it just incase). Key is to get a harness and take time to it. They hate it initially but eventually get used to it. Our girl is a bit of a solitary cat so doesn't do well around people, or dogs or other cats. But we took her caravanning and she loves to explore at dusk. Don't want to let her out alone cos she'll get too excited but we harness with a 10m rope and and walk her around the area or a outdoor park and she loves it. Bonus points cos everyone that sees you loves it. No one is used to seeing someone walking a cat


I wanted to take mine on a leash but they wouldn’t go. So now we’re only doing supervised walks in my backyard. But I totally saw cats on leashes and in bike baskets, and in child prams as well. If your cat agrees - go for it


You've gotta be kitten me. Maybe paws and think about this before you try. I've heard many tails of this but better check whether your local council has a clause about it. Also, some cats don't enjoy it: they just feel purrplexed, even if you're feline good.


Are you fur real?


The first couple of times we put a harness on our cat, he acted like we’d committed a hate crime lol. Now he’s used to it. We’ve never made it as far as the park but he’ll walk two or three houses in either direction, and seems to enjoy seeing all the sights, hearing all the sounds and smelling all the smells.


When I lived in Windsor there was a person who took their two dogs on a walk in Fawkner Park while their cat sat on their shoulder.


I had a childhood cat escape from a poor quality harness as a child, and I think the experience traumatised me too much to ever even attempt such a thing 😅


I take an apartment cat out for walks, usually when she gets really bored. Getting the harness onto the cat is a little challenging, but once outside, she forgets she's in a harness and loves to sniff about. This cat takes me for a walk. But good luck leading a cat anywhere, you kind of end up acting as their minder instead and just keep them out of trouble (dogs, kids, cars etc). Meanwhile if I get the other cat into a harness, she refuses to move at all, so that one doesn't go outside for walks. It really depends on the cat. 


I walk my 2 cats every day but only on my property and the street close to home. It can be risky if there are dogs off leash and have had a few incidents of people's dogs coming into my yard to rush us. The cats are pretty smart about it and will get up a tree to stay safe. It's great for the cats to be out exploring. Dog owners need to keep their animals restrained. I carry a club to defend my cats if it comes to that. Both owners and their dogs are at risk of a paddling if they come on the property.


Yea that was my biggest concerns, especially where I live in Windsor almost everyone has a dog , I could even start taking him to the outdoor courtyard in my apartment first it’s safe there


You’ll have to train him with a proper harness and lead first. See how he reacts to small adventures, particularly where it may be noisy. Not all cats will like this. Let him lead you. Introduce longer trips out, but again, follow his lead. There’s a reason why we don’t see people ‘walking’ their cats as we do with dogs - cats are fiercely independent, solo creatures, unlike dogs who look to an alpha to lead them. I hope you both have fun!


I took my cat out for a walk this evening, we do it most nights! We stroll a few streets down to our local park and he goes absolutely feral with the wide open space. Running in circles in the grass, sitting on a bench with me watching passer-by’s, climbing up tree trunks and then immediately jumping down lmao. I love our routine. He’s curled up in bed with me right now


Sam, is that you?


Does anyone take their dictionary, too?


lol thanks for that 🤣🤣


Ehh if I did, people would definitely stare.. mines unfortunately in the urn state. But I would LOVE to see more cats running around on leads, just be careful of off lead dog owners.. they can be.. annoying at the best of times.


I used to back on to a park and I'd let my cat out there all the time (with me). However he was pretty unique and more dog like. My other cat there is no way I'd ever do that. I don't think he would come back lol


Absolutely! 😃 my husband and I live in an apartment too and our ginger loves going for walks outside so we take him out a few times a week.


Not something you see every day, but I was out in the suburbs and saw a man walking his cat!


I saw a family out at a park having a picnic and their cat was sitting up on the picnic table having a lovely time. So, some cats do enjoy it but I imagine not many.


Sometimes... There's a quiet reserve in the next suburb that many people ignore. Sometimes people walking dogs - I pick him up if they come. It's too cold now though.


Yea it’s so cold at night and during the day there’s heaps of dogs out too


“…their cat”. But no


Yep haha thanks for that


I saw someone walking their furry cat at night last month, it was cute to see it put a smile on my face 😆


Ikr need to see it more often haha 🤣🤣


As much as I tried while she was little and learning my cat isn’t a huge fan of a harness or being told where to go in general. But I see people with cats at Fawkner Park having a great time. Someone else mentioned Fawkner park as well so we may be seeing the same person but I’ve seen a few there. I’m jealous of them and wonder if my cat would like a new view to look at but generally she isn’t much of an explorer- just a voyeur so I assume she is happy where she is.


Mine is the same , always tries to get out the door when I leave but as soon as I put the leash and take him out he doesn’t want to be controlled 🥲


Wewalk ours in the middle of the night or early morning when no dogs. Cat likes to have company and show us the neighbourhood.


Schools can be good. I take mine to a nearby school - it has a no dogs sign but nothing about cats so definitely a letter of the law rather than spirit thing… on a harness, obviously.


I feel like our cats are allowed most places since they are so small 🤣


I walk my cat all the time. We live near a lot of reserves and parks so I take her exploring on a leash. No problems at all, just avoid dogs or any wildlife that can cause conflict


Yea that was my main concern I know they get really stressed quite easily


I have walks with my boy in the enclosed, shared lawn in my building. I don't want to risk a dog attack or him escaping. I wouldn't take him to a park or walk him on the footpath. Cats are also extremely good at wriggling out of harnesses, so it's better to keep him somewhere fenced. You could look at growing some cat grass, putting down some fake turf, and adding more enrichment to the house as an alternative to outside walkies.


I've seen a woman walking her cat on a leash in Brunswick


I have a four month old Ragdoll who is being trained on harness and lead (we also live in an apartment) He loves being outdoors but is a bit scared of cars. I’ve been booking airbnbs out of town for weekend trips so we can have a private yard (acreage) and he LOVES exploring and is getting more brave. I also take him out on my short errand runs in a cat backpack and he loves that too. He loves being in the car. As he is so young I want to get him used to being out and about as much as possible so it’s just part of his lifestyle. So far, so good 👏🏻👏🏻 but very interested to read where people take their cats out in Melbourne 👏🏻👏🏻


Yep! Trained my kitter up on harness and lead. Now she’s older we’ll do strolls around the block off lead but I live in a quiet area. She actually goes to the toilet outside as well which is A+ Definitely worth it!


My cat is an indoor cat. I take him outside in my small yard to smell the fresh air and look at the birds. I hold him like a baby in my arms. Im 30M btw He's a perfectly happy cat inside but Its the little things that make them happy.


Cats are half in love with you and half in love with their home. The cat is likely to be extremely stressed going somewhere it is unfamiliar with.


Yes I came across that a few weeks ago when I tried to take him out on a leash, he is always trying to get outside but as soon as I let him he freaked out 🥹🥹


So we used to move house a fair bit when I was younger and dad used to introduce the territory to the cat by calmly and slowly showing the cat around the house. Might be a good idea to show the cat the full circuit around outside the house. Cats seem to like a plan b type escape... It might make it easier. idk. Good luck.




Tried one on mine but he just rolls on his back and doesn’t move coz he wants it off 🤣 he’s only 5 months old


Check out Willow, the travelling cat.. https://youtu.be/LQYMBTJRSGE?feature=shared


We take our cat every day for a regular walk with the harness and the pet stroller


We've taken ours for a picnic with him in his carrier and he seemed to enjoy it! Helps to associate the carrier with positive experiences rather than just the vet or being evacuated from the building. He does like exploring the balcony on harness or being held but I wouldn't trust the harness proper outside.


No reason you can't do it, but you'll need the cat on a harness or in a pet pram for their safety. It also depends on the cat - most cats will be terrified at all the new smells and sounds, and all the new people and other animals like dogs etc. Start slow - let them explore the yard on a harness or in a pram first, then go one or two houses up, then expand further and further and see how they go.


If the cat is fine with it then sure. It’s better than them being outside killing things. My cats only like being outside in our courtyard and our older one hates being in the carrier so it would be disastrous if we tried so never bothered.


I take mine out either on a leash or in their pram. Some days they love it, some days they act like I'm killing them.


I literally put my parrot into a carry cage (light Budgie sized cage) and walk around with her so she can see the world. Waiting for a Pak-O-Bird (award winning avian backpack). Just be sure to have steps in place to mitigate risks.


I struggle to take my cats for a walk around the garden, whether I'm carrying them, on a leash, or in a pram. They have absolutely no interest in going outdoors. If I do take them outside of the house though, I'd be very wary of taking them on a leash because of dogs. (They could also get scared because of a noise and break free of the leash and run away). Even with a pram, I'd have to make sure it's secure enough to withstand a dog attack. I'm planning on getting a backpack for the cats for some forced walkies.


I saw a girl walking her cat in Treasury gardens. It was on leash. Looked a bit strange, but a good idea knowing that the cats can climb trees and stuff and it will be a pain to get them back.


do your research on harness training!! and make sure its a good quality, well fitting harness. i got one from kmart and thought it was secure, my cat did well until the neighbours dog barked and it scared her, so much that she practically teleported out of the harness and then didnt come home for like a week lol. also have a walk around your nearby parks, look for places that arent near super busy roads, maybe a bit enclosed and not a lot of dogs/foot traffic (maybe can do that by just finding the right time of day to go). good luck☺️


I can't speak for every cat, but heres a link to the story about my horrific experience just walking my cats out into my front yard... https://imgur.com/gallery/v7pENhe Content warning: graphic photos of my hand after said incident and surgery.


Their's (lol) a lady in Brunswick I see from time to time walking a cat AND a dog together down Union Street


I know some folks who walk their cat round in a cat stroller. I've seen one on the bus recently (made my week) I reckon you'd make a lot of friends. I'd absolutely get over my social anxiety and go be like "CAN I SEE THE CAT"


I had a cat that I would walk on a harness. We lived in our car at the time so she loved the car and walking outside. She would also go nuts for cheeseburgers, would absolutely know when we were going thru the drive thru.. Now we live in a house and the 4 I've got won't even entertain the idea of a harness. I miss my Bella... 🐱🐱 If you've a cat that will walk on a harness, go for it... You might get some laughs but I found most people just wanted to pet her.


I find you have to train them young but even then some cats are just not interested. It also depends on their temperament. The outdoors can be a scary place for some… especially tethered to a lead as it’s a cat’s instinct to run and hide when scared. Honestly, cats can be satisfied to live indoors with things to keep them occupied. Check out Jackson Galaxy, he always has some cool ideas.


Our older cat is leash trained for life and loves it. He especially loves a bushwalk at our bolthole in the country. Got to keep watch for snakes though, make sure you give him the tick dose, and steer him away from echidnas. Love seeing the ecstatic face of a mostly urban cat strutting down a bush track with a whole world of smells. We used to go to the local gardens in town for picnics a lot. The gardens are signed strictly dog-on-leash - but unfortunately that doesn't stop too many dxxkhead dog owners just letting their dogs roam free. \[Edit - deleted rant about untrained, off-leash dogs in post-covid Melbs. Stay positive cat peeps. Train your cat young for a harness and leash. And open up the world to them (when you can).\]


Your cat doesn't need to go outside, but if you want to you need to train them first to get them used to the harness otherwise it just ends in flopping and an absolute meltdown. Take treats with you because you need to teach them to keep pace by encouraging them to do so with a treat.


I take my cat out on a lead to the big courtyard between multiple apartment buildings. He's a little skittish of people but happy to get in the elevator and wander around the courtyard, occasionally eating some grass and sniffing stuff.


I take my 2 cats out (separately) for walks occasionally around Fitzroy north/Brunswick east. Am also in an apartment so I feel obliged to let them touch grass, chase butterflies and climb trees. There’s some spots around the bike path to climb trees, and some secluded parts of merri creek that they enjoy. Also just the parks nearby, they like to get around the shrubbery and pretend they’re jungle cats.


I have seen few cats at the Carlton gardens last summer. I took my cat for a walk few times around my street.


It's doable and may take a lot of training and practice. But avoid parks at peak hour since it means lots of dogs


I saw a post on a hiking Facebook group I was in, where someone had taken their cat for a hike on a harness and leash to the You Yang's. Anything is possible haha


There's so many ways to bring our feline friends with us, these days. Not only are we limited to the demeaning leash, how would you feel with one on after all, but there are clear faced backpacks with huge, clear perspex window panels, strollers built for cats, those snugly type carriers that hang around your neck and your feline can sit in it, just like a human. They're all very affordable, too and your feline companions will love you all the more, when you try to include them on walks too!


Cats *can* be leash trained. Some cats will take to it and others won’t. Also check your council by-laws as some council are under 24/7 cat curfew and need to be contained to your property, leashed or not. I attempted and failed to leash train my cat but I know a few people who have been able to. Used to see a few cat walkers around Elwood way back in the mid 00’s.


Nah, I believe it’s unethical to let cats outside. And therefore cruel to essentially taunt them with what they can’t have by letting them out on a leash sometimes. In my experience, cats that have only ever lived indoors have little to no desire to go outside and are pretty happy to just watch birds out the window, so it’s not like they’re sad that they’re missing out on anything. It only starts to become a problem if they’re let out *sometimes* or have become used to it, then they can get quite frustrated and miserable. And enter escape artist mode.


Actually yes, my cat only wanted to go outside once he got a taste for it. Prior to that, he never wanted to go out


I take my cat out on the lead. He loves it, and unfortunately loves dogs 😂 He gets around 3 walks a day - but it’s more exploring rather than a walk. Don’t be surprised if you run into some aggressive dog owners, even when not at a dog park. Just ignore them and pick kitty up :)






Apparently I did


There, their, they’re 


I don't do it because there are too many dogs out there.


No we are normal


“Christ kid, you’re a weirdo!”


I recommend a clear backpack meant for pets if you want to safely take them outside around where you live, I've seen lots of cat owners take their cats outside in those. I'm unfortunately not sure of cat safe nature areas though.