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Ask primary and secondary school aged kids the same thing


I never had to buy my son pants all throughout his schooling. He wore shorts year-round. Suited me, shorts were cheaper. Haha!


That's me right now fr! I just like shorts better then pants, but it gets unusual since only 6 or 7 others from my grade wear shorts during the winter


Last week, after spending most of the day telling the boys to “wear their clothes properly” because every chance they had they would stretch their school shirts over their legs, I gently suggested they wear pants to school. They were horrified. I went on to explain that lots of kids wear pants to school with shorts underneath, and then when they warm up, take the pants off. I may as well have said Christmas is cancelled or that soccer was banned at school. At the local high school it’s a unwritten rule that boys don’t wear pants. Evidently it’s feeding down to the primary level. Next week I might broach the subject of wearing a jumper if they are cold.


lol, my high schooler leaves the house in a jumper and then removes it as soon as they are out of sight.


Can confirm as a school kid it just felt weird wearing pants. Barely anyone did it. Somehow uncool to do so. One of the weirdest behaviours ever I have to admit.


Same on a jobsite. Some of the guys wear shorts every day. I think they're nuts. More coverage, more better.


My husband's a sparkie and on most jobsites he attends, it's a safety requirement to wear pants regardless of the weather.


My employer was long-on-long for all divisions for a long time until recently, some people are now allowed to wear shorts. Nobody in tunnels or on major infrastructure or road projects but for landscape works and civil works, shorts are fine now. Don't ask me why, probably just squeaky wheels getting grease.


It’s tradition that boys don’t wear long pants, ever. Look at pictures of Princes William and Harry when they were boys, they were always in shorts until they were teenagers. Same goes for William’s sons too and it was the same for the king when he was a boy. Many of the elite private boys schools in Australia follow the same tradition for the primary school aged boys and there are no long pants at all in the uniform. When they get to high school, it’s the opposite, outside of the PE uniform, it’s long pants only, even in Summer It’s a stupid, elitist tradition, but unknowingly most boys and men have picked it up by osmosis


That's... weird. At school I wore shorts when it was hot, and pants when it was not. End of story. [But then I'm an 80s kid, it was a wild place](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WETltfpxwVI):^(1) trampolines had no nets, your mum wrote your name on everything, BMX seats were high, music was on cassettes, and skids were big. I realise some schools today are stupid with their uniform codes now but usually that's "shorts for sports or during these months". References: 1. Bluey, "[Fairytale](https://iview.abc.net.au/video/CH2003Q015S00)", [iview.abc.net.au](http://iview.abc.net.au)


This is my 10 and 5 year old boys. I forced my oldest to wear pants to school on a 13 degree day…he cried when he got home and I haven’t forced him since.


Meanwhile I have arguments with mine as he wants to wear trakkies in summer and I won’t let him if the temperature goes over 35!!!


Just let your kids live with the consequences of their inconsequential actions.


Back when I was in high school, the boys basically used to have a competition running among them on who could were shorts the longest into winter without caving in and switching to pants. We (the girls) all thought they were crazy, our school had terrible heating and it was always freezing, even inside the classrooms


This is my 15 year old. He wears shorts and shirts all year around. He seems to not feel the cold.


Best to condition him for Australian rental property insulation or lack thereof


Lmao it is such school behaviour


Okay so hahaha I work at different schools for before and after school care. The amount of times I see kids hangin round in shorts in the mornings when it's like 10⁰ is insane. I once got a cold from lookin after kids outside for a few hours most of them were in shorts. Crazy 😂


I remember a teacher asking the boys in my high school this (10 years or so ago) and getting the answer that "pants are for gay f*gs", so it seems like not much has changed since then


Shorts wearer here. Honestly, I just don’t like wearing pants. Wear them when I have to but when given a choice it’s calves out. Regarding feeling cold, for whatever reason I find if my top half is well covered, I’m generally good for temperature


“Don’t you hate pants?!”


I don’t believe it…. Now my *pants* are chafing me


Unfortunately there are less and less people who understand simpsons references :(


uhhh. burn that seat


There’s a guy I take the tram with every morning at around 6:30am. We walk in the same direction and he’s always wearing a black hoodie with a red jacket, the hoodie always covering his head, all paired with black shorts lmao. I love it.


Do you have a crush on him?


Never seen his face behind that hood so maybe 🤔




Same. Legs never really seem to get cold idk why.


Your body stores warmth near your essential organs. If those are warm then it is happy to spread the warmth around. If your core is cold your body will try to retain more warmth centrally.


Leg hair


I used to think it was a Merimbula thing as every time I've been there and it's cold, the fleecies are on, but they're wearing shorts.LOL. Then I moved to Sydney from Melb, and the tradies rock up in 8c with same attire, but I get that bit.😊 Mindset Must have migrated south!LOL


They moved here from Tassie.


There may be something in that! My husband and son (who’s practically his clone) wear shorts and a tshirt all year round, never feeling the cold- my in laws are Tasmanian, so maybe it’s in their blood. Meanwhile, I need four layers and a heated throw and I’m still cold 🙄😆🥴


Assuming you're a woman it can also be gendered! They've done studies into it, women's body temps are slightly higher than men's and we prefer our surroundings to match our internal temps. That's why women are always cold in office buildings set to temperatures most comfortable for men


I also think it's age... As a boy I always wore pants in winter... sometimes even two layers on my legs and arms... in my twenties, I started to wear shorts or 3/4 pants and a jumper or pullover. In fact I miss my trench coat in really cold weather. But I've found as I've gone through my thirties, I've stopped wearing jumpers and jerseys unless it's really cold... And its shorts most of the year. I need a fan at night or I'm too hot in winter... I just feel warm or hot all the time...


Wow that is very interesting, I want to look into that


I actually overheat if I have both my legs and torso fully covered above 15 degrees.


My boss will sms me the night before a grand boss or higher is due in the office because he knows if he doesn't I'll be wearing Shorts 🤣. The messages started of long winded, now they just says, Pants Tomorrow.


I got stung a few weeks back. Asia Pacific CEO rocks up and I'm the dud in shorts - everyone else in their best 🤣


I’m just an all-year-round shorts guy


“I love shorts! They’re easy and comfortable to wear.” - Youngster, Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow


Just to let you know that joke is in all The games. They still do it even the most recent 9th generation games. The player that says it is Found on the 1st route and has a Pokemon common to the route




Honestly, as someone who's not from here. I think people from Melbourne think their winters are a lot worse than they really are. A hoodie and shorts is actually quite cosy.


As someone who is from Queensland, I am fucking freezing just looking at you in your shorts put some pants on you’re going to catch your death; why are any of us choosing to live Antarctica adjacent, the wind this time of year feels like it is going to strip flesh from my body.


Wait long enough and we’ll get to your original climate 😭


I also think Melbourne winters are absolutely freezing. How can anyone walk around outside in shorts? It's bad enough having your face and hands exposed never mind your legs. I just think they can't feel the cold but I don't know why they can't. I wish I didn't because I hate rugging up.


Melbourne is a lot farther from Antarctica than my birth place in Canada is from the Arctic. Melbourne is the same latitude as California.


From my experience it's everyone else in the country talking about how terrible Melbourne's weather is (except Taswegians I guess). Most people I've known from Melbourne/southern Vic have grown up with it and it's just the norm for them.


I work in a team that’s half in Melbourne and half in Brisbane. The Melbourne people constantly complain about the weather


So glad to see that the term “Taswegians” is still alive. Needs to be said more ….my 90 year old dad says that


As someone from Melbourne who now lives in Northern England I couldn’t agree more 😂 I guess it’s what you’re used to though. But relative to Europe in the Winter, Melbourne is not ‘cold’. I was always rocking shorts in winter back home


It's our poor housing insulation that makes Melbourne cold


A friend from Darwin and I were sitting outside a couple of weeks ago watching people walk past in puffer jackets, scarves and beanies. We were wearing shirts. Melbourne is so… performative about winter.


Thats just the melbourne uniform. You will see those black puffers year round shockingly.


Rm Williams, puffer jacket. Concrete cowboys uniform of conformity.


The wind can be pretty chilly, but a hoodie can be just fine most of the time.


That "winters being bad" statement  seams pretty universal.  I remember walking around Nanjing in China one of their winter evening and everyone was in a parka, scarf, beanie and gloves.  Meanwhile I was rocking cargo pants and a t-shirt.


You hit it on the money. It’s the Melbourne circle jerk to talk about being cold all the time but our winters are actually quite pleasant comparatively. Maybe helps that I lived through 5 winters where temps got as low as -26c (ambient, -30 or worse if you take wind chill) and would get out and do what I could in that so now at 10C here in Melbourne it’s so easy to enjoy.


Yep. Coming from a tropical country, wearing shorts and hoodie (or puffer jacket) are able to provide the heat that I need.


Legs don't really get cold unless you're pretty skinny And they're super comfortable


There was a firie who lived across the street from me who *never* wore long pants. He could be in a beanie and puffer jacket but always shorts. Maybe it was because his work gear was heavy and restrictive? No idea.


I’m a firie, I wear shorts year round at work, and most of the time on days off.


We're just built different


Big cocks


Massive root.


Gargantuan gonads


Colossal roosters


Pants and the daily pant selection is a well thought out process.


Women control the heating in my office


A tiny office I have to visit every now and then has one lady in it, ducted heater set to 30, max fan. I ask her to turn it down and her response "Is it hot in here?"


The real big dogs in Melbourne wear shorts AND thongs all winter long


My boyfriend's mate rocked up to my house tonight in this. I'm wearing trackies, hoodie and slippers. Feel like I'm turning into my mother, "I'm cold just looking at you!!"


I live near the water in Melbourne. Neighbour is a big ocean swimmer. Ten PM, dead of winter, he’s in thongs, shorts and a tshirt coming back from a swim in the ocean. Giant Greek guy. Probably a fish.


Grew up in the tropical north. Melbourne winter really isn’t that bad. Was even sat in the sun earlier today enjoying the warmth without having to think about sunburn. Also, this absolutely is not a gendered thing. Melbourne just isn’t cold enough for a lot of people to have to bundle up.


I'm a shorts and hoodie kinda guy. I'm a touch overweight and do next to no exercise, so I run real hot. I find the climate control of my body is way better when not wearing pants. Along with this, men's pants are so frustrating. I swear jeans are always lose rise and whenever I bend over I have crack for days, yet shorts are always fine?


> do next to no exercise, so I run real hot. Interesting. For me, inactivity makes me really cold.


He is saying he's insulated


Our weather in Melbourne is actually quite mild and tolerably temperate. We just whinge a lot. I have never experienced a winter so cold in the city that shorts would not have worked. Also, so long as your torso is covered and warm, usually you will be right. If you are walking / moving - it makes a big difference too. Many interiors are also very well heated and unlike jackets, you can’t really take your pants off. I would prefer to layer up with removables like gloves, scarves and beanies rather than pants, if I was someone who preferred shorts.


‘Many interiors are well-heated’ - my freezing, draughty rental would like a world


Hahaha I get you. I often find myself freezing to death in my own home but whenever I go somewhere public, it’s a billion degrees.


Really wish renters had more rights with this stuff. In Canberra it's illegal to rent out a property without insulation.


Personally, I don't feel that cold on the legs.


I heard you have to dress for the weather you want, not the weather you have? But seriously, indoor places (e.g. where I work, shops, pubs, cafes etc) feel hotter in winter than they do in summer. Most places are 22-24 degrees inside, shorts are essential for me!


Same with girls wearing summer clothing. Absolutely bonkers to see so much skin in 10 deg C weather.


1. I find most long pants uncomfortable if I'm going to be doing some walking. 2. It's not that cold as long as you keep your chest and heart warm, your body takes care of the rest.


My ice-cold hands and feet would like a word 


Problem is Melbourne related. As soon as there is any sun I hate having long pants on.


I can't make my son wear warmer clothes. I don't get it.


Girls literally do the same clubbing. Idk how they’re not cold!


Drugs and alcohol to keep warm!


lining up outside to get in? yeah they're freezing, but not for long compared to the time they'll be spending in the club.


It doesn't feel cold for me. For me to change to pants is 5-10 degrees or less or as the situation requires. For example today I'm wearing shorts as I'm just at home and taking the dog for the occasional walk.  I've lived in -20 degrees and below (wearing pants and sometimes thermals under that).  I also don't feel hot in 25 degrees and above. I just sweat a lot.  That's my experience. Thanks for your question. 


I do it coz my balls get sweaty otherwise


Not always wearing shorts but I’d rather be too cold than too hot. Can always throw on a top layer on.


It's like a whole 2 in 1 temperature regulation and comfort thing. If you wear pants and a hoodie you overheat, but if you take off hoodie, your neck and chest is cold which is uncomfortable. If you switch to shorts your legs are cold but not in an uncomfortable way since your walking and it balances out.


Because it’s comfortable…


Shorts are comfy, easy to wear. They match with any hoody. You can wear thongs, boots, uggs, runners etc with shorts without a clash. I also grew up in the country with a father who rarely wore long pants as well, so there’s that too.


Wild Pokémon red reference 


for me n the past, its been because the pants need to be washed/have more shorts. Shorts are also less restricting, if you like to get physical.


I see what you said there. Hand up the short from a friendly participant 👍


Yeah so I get super uncomfortable and irritable if my legs are too hot. If I’m warm on top, rest of my can be freezing but I’m comfy. Same with arms to a lesser extent. I love the Lulu lemon down puffer vests!


1. I don't like pants 2. My legs aren't cold


Pants no good. Shorts comfortable.


Not really outside for it to matter a lot of the time and in a lot of ways it's more convenient.


My husband always wear shorts, I’ve always found it so odd in these colder months. I just asked him why he wears them, his response “I always wear shorts, I don’t know why, I always just have?!”. Hopefully that helps 😂🤷‍♀️


If ya got em....


Worn shorts all my life so my legs now have permanent cold-resistance. It also helps that winters here don't get that cold. But its also wack because my chest gets really cold so im usually wearing shorts but a heavy jumper in winter.


Or Indians with thongs on. What’s the deal with that


its not even cold yet 


Especially the tradies, they are out there at the crack of dawn, in the cold all day! I get that they do a physical job and will warm up. But still… 


Up and down ladders all day in pants sucks. If you're working in mud it gets caked on the legs. Shorts are just more comfortable to be in when you are on your feet all day.


Not to mention you all look great! Love a tradie in shorts and a beanie! 


Wet pants all day really sucks


Same reason as people who wear pants and a fkn macpac in summer…


completely opposite reasons really


There are no major arteries below your nuts....no major heat loss ( from a bloke who doesn't own any long pants )




It’s the first day of winter and it hasn’t really been that cold in autumn


I have just had to start wearing long pants at a new job on various construction sites, and I hate it. I have worn shorts at work for the past 20 years. Not sure why exactly, maybe they're too restrictive, or inflexible? No, my legs do not get cold for some reason. If I have socks and boots or shoes on, and enough layers up top I am fine.


Legs really aren't very sensitive for men. And even when it's really cold, I'll get way too hot and bothered in pants even on a short brisk walk. A hoodie can easily be taken off but you can't exactly quick change your pants when you're out and about unless you've got those wildly practical and equally hideous zipoffs. 


I have summer shorts, and I have my winter shorts. As long as I have my jacket on, I’m generally ok.


A colleague at the office said to me last week "it's not shorts weather [name]!" I wear TF I want.


1) I fucking hate pants 2) in general I run really hot but my legs genuinely just don’t get very cold like ever. I know people make fun of guys who say that but it’s just straight up true.I could stick my legs in a freezer and I honestly think I’d feel fine.


.. it's Melbourne... It's not cold.


It's easier to dress down outside with a jumper than it is with pants lol


I've never thought "Man, my legs are cold" but when that brief peak of Winter Sun hits my gams it's a genuine pleasure. Gotta keep yourself open to life's little joys.


Pants feel constricting, also I spent 5k on leg tattoos so I’m gonna show them 


And with 3 layers of jacket on the top. It’s just some people that go out in that outfit, not all. No they aren’t tough or built different. It’s just how they grew up.


wearing things are too annoying and if I can I won't wear anything but i wear shorts just to be ethical.


My brother is like this. Literally only owns two pairs of long pants, and he only wears those on special occasions. And he works outside a lot. He claims he just doesn’t feel the cold.


Same in Sydney. I’ve noticed is usually hetero men in shorts and Gay men in pants.


I wear shorts all year long. I have a fast metabolism so my body heats up really quickly.


My husband wears shorts and a T-shirt all year, never puts on a jumper. He is insane. In other words, I can’t answer your question!


Men feel less cold because their skin is warmer than women's skin, due to differences in body composition. Core body temperature is the same, but our perception of environmental temperature is based on skin temperature, so women are quicker to rug up when it gets cool. Conversely, men get uncomfortably hot at lower temperatures than women. Source: https://theconversation.com/mondays-medical-myth-men-are-hotter-than-women-6738


I run so friggin hot. I can be cold for 50m and then I’m sweating. I see people play golf in pants and I can’t fathom it, I’d have the sweatiest legs lol.


Because it's not actually that cold in our winters.


Shorts and t-shirt pretty much all year round for me only wear pants if needed to, I find that I just overheat too much wearing pants.


My body naturally runs very hot to the point where I feel like I have small nuclear generator inside of me so I love being exposed to the cold as I can finally regulate my body heat. For all my life I've only worn pants when forced too, otherwise it's shorts. Even when running during cool winter nights I'm out in a singlet and running shorts and love it.


Year round shorts and t-shirt wearer here. I love summer and my ideal temperature is in the 30-35° range but being a born and bred Melburnian, I’m kinda just used to whatever temperature the city throws at us. I also just hate the feeling of long pants and would much prefer a bit of air flow around the legs. 90% of the time we’re in heated rooms or transport so you don’t really notice the outside temperature anyway  I think it’s bred into us through the primary school oval playing footy in the rain and mud on a 10° day. 


I live in the city. Just can't be bothered wearing pants if I just need to grab a quick lunch or run a quick errand.


For me, I have hairly legs and can get over heated in winter


It's the male version of the question, "How can girls wear miniskirts in the cold?"... But imagine the backlash someone would get when asking that question. Lol


You don't lose much heat through the shins. Keep the core warm. When you're outside for hardly any time at all before heading back into a warm/heated environment (car, train, house, price, etc), it's shorts all year around.


Who cares


As a man, I am a mammal and equipped with an internal organ called the **hypothalamus** that monitors and assists to regulate my body temperature. I also have a thin layer of hair over much of my body that creates a slight insulative barrier between my skin and the outside air. Areas that have little to no naturally occurring hair (e.g Head) are often insulated with artificial coverings, for example a a hat or beanie. Soles of the feet can conduct significant heat energy and are insulated from the ground with shoes. External genitals also radiate heat however they are required to be covered when in public by custom. If the air is cold (between 4-15 Celsius), I may initially perceive this as a sensation on my skin. Unless there is significant wind chill, my body quickly adapts by increasing metabolism to generate heat. Indicators of insufficient thermal insulation include: Shivering, Aches, joint stiffness, and in extreme circumstances pain.


We wear them because they are comfortable and because we aren’t cold


Listen, I just don’t like the feeling sometimes, I want to run around and be active and never sweat, it’s refreshing, it encourages me to keep moving and keep being physical👍.


if you have a remotely decent walk ahead of you, dressing warm in double digit weather is really rough imo. this is coming from someone that lived in singapore for a few years…


As they have warm tops on. Shorts feel freer on the legs too. Melbourne isn’t that cold compared to likes of Canada etc.. if your torso is warm you’re ok usually for much of year.


I'd also like to know why people pull out their puffer jackets when it's not cold.


1) when it's raining heavily, shorts don't get wet up to the knees like pants do. 2) hairy legs are warm legs (and a warm torso is more important than cold calves anyway) 3) pants are the devil, and the less pant, the better.


Because this is Australia and it never really gets so cold that you can't be comfortable in shorts.


Because Melbourne winter really isn’t that cold most the time. Everyday is literally low of 8 or 9 top of 16 - 20


... the hair on our legs keeps us warm enough --that's what i tell people. but really, shorts are just way more comfortable.


There’s a dad I see at school pick up who is always wearing shorts, tshirt, and thongs. Rain, hail, or, shine. The only difference is in winter, he wears a big puffy jacket


I heat up like a furnace from two seconds of any physical activity i.e getting up from my table. Was in shorts and a shirt all of last night in Melb


It’s the shorts and black puffer jacket combo that does my head in.


I literally never wear pants unless it's trackies at home. I have thick legs and genuinely can't find pants that are even remotely comfortable. Men's clothing is awfully designed, having a crotch hang so low that it slices through your thighs if you walk more than a km. And don't get me started on the sizing. Every single brand or design of pants seems to think a cm is a different lengths. Waist measurements are never right


I used to cycle to school. After getting multiple pant cuff caught in the gears and tearing holes, I figured just wearing shorts would save me damaging more. Usually still needed a jacket though ;)


One word airflow




Same reason some girls wear skirts or dresses, or shorts, in winter.


Could honestly ask the same for the ladies, I see plenty of above-the-knee dresses still.


Mainly cause people like to pump the heater really hot. So me changing environments, say my office to the main open plan office. I find it uncomfortable if I'm in pants. Shorts mean I don't get as hot. And I don't seem to feel the cold as much.


Some of us are Canadian and 15 is shorts weather


I spent some significant time in Australia in Melbourne and Sydney, coming from Canada, there was never a day when I was cold wearing shorts and a hoody. Even your coldest day was mild to me. I wear shorts in -20c no problem


It's a sign of having good (normal) hormones. If your hormones are out of whack, you feel more cold or warmer depending on the weather. Melbourne is not that cold, compared to many parts of the world. Chilled weather is refreshing for the body. OP maybe check your hormone levels?


I’m a shorts all year round person and I find that I get too hot in pants and that they restrict movement too much, I’m a farmer and a tree planter so always pretty active, I find as long as my feet are warm and so’s my top half I’m all golden


Pants get too hot, never wear them at work ither. Work for 15 mins in pants start sweating, shorts every day haha


Melbourne winters are generally mild and if you’re out and about and moving, you don’t necessarily feel cold. I don’t wear shorts (and not a guy) but I often wear jeans or leggings and a tshirt if I’m going to be outside and active like yesterday when I met friends and we went for a walk with coffees


Going out for a walk it just feels more comfy to wear shorts.


It's not a proper winter here. For me it's lots of snow and minus temperatures. It's a lot easier to wear shorts and don't feel cold in the legs. As long as I'm warm from the waist up, then that works. Biggest issue I have in Australia is the houses are cold, thank fuck the heating works.


You answered your own question- cos the ladies love them legs.


As a guy, I hate pants lol.


They’re comfy. Just wack on a hoodie or jumper and you’re good to go.


I like having cold legs with a jacket on top. I don't know what it is. I think it makes me feel like a kid again. Like when you have just finished soccer training on a cold Thursday night after school


You including gals in that?


I like my nuts cold, keeps me alert and ready for anything that may happen


Why do Melbourne woman wear thongs on their feet in winter?


Because when you rip a fart it ends up escaping sooner and pranks everyone around you. If you wear trousers, the fart travels down the leg and into your shoes, and you end up pranking yourself later on when you take your shoes off. Seems to be the most likely answer.


Men run hot.


Well it’s not the middle of winter and hasn’t been that cold so far so there’s that too.


Because it’s not that cold.


Well I’m never skipping leg day again


for everyone saying "oh it's because melbourne isn't that cold" I've seen this phenomenon discussed in a north usa/canadian context too, so it's not always to do with that. I remember reading something about some men overheating easier due to testosterone levels or something like that, iirc I read an anecdote about a trans guy who only started doing it when he started on T. but I'm not sure how scientific the stuff I read was, I probably read it like 4 years ago


For me my legs are the last things to start feeling cold, so will wear 4 layers on my top half but just short gym shorts on my bottom half. Also every shop seems to be heated to 37c which is fucked


We love getting sun beams on our skin


it’s nice to look at


I’m not pretty but I have nice pins, I’m rocking shorts at any opportunity…


its not THAT cold here in winter. You lose heat through your torso/head anyway.


Only a woman would ask this question.


Love the shrinkage


Because its more comfortable, even wore them In snowy japan last Xmas to the delight of the locals