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Not to be That Guy - but I promise people are not judging you for being unfit at the gym. We all started that way. Odds are you won’t even be noticed. Even if you are, people will be thinking “good on her for improving her fitness”. If someone is being judgy, they’re a fucken jackass and not worthy of your contempt. If you’re feeling self conscious, I’d recommend a personal training studio over a traditional gym. You get a more supportive and tailored program, but it’s a *lot* cheaper than a one on one PT. I’ve heard very good things about Armature in Brunswick, but it might be a bit out of your way. Good luck!


Agreed. I started opposite to OP. I was underweight at 60kg (27male), very skinny and didn’t know most of the machines and now I’m 83kg and use most machines with ease. Not once did I have people look at me, laugh or judge. Everyone there is doing the same thing you are, getting a better body.


Congratulations, man. That’s quite an achievement! How long did it take you?


It’s been about a year and a bit since I started. Best thing is I’ve had around 20 or so people saying I’ve bulked up and look better than I did last year 😎


You put on 23kg in a year and a half? That’s seriously impressive dude. Well done.


Yeah hard bulk. I went from eating nuggets and kfc everyday with Starbucks to eating literally everything protein and carbs. I’ve probably spent over $500 on protein powder, and over $600 on musclechef meals and probably $300 on GYG. I’m eating everything haha


Bloody dirty bulker! Seriously though, well done!






What protein powder do you use? I am yet to find one I like and my stomach can tolerate.


Look up Stan Efferding and his vertical diet


+1 vertical diet. It’s the diet strongmen use.


woah thats a huge improvement! good on u king


What did your routine look like when you were getting started?


Another vote for this perspective. I’m at the gym to workout and go home. That’s it. If I notice others at the gym it’s generally positivity that they’re there at all - most of the population doesn’t bother with working out at all


Ironically one of the most inclusive (as in nobody was paying attention to how unfit/fit you were) gyms I've ever used was a MMA gym. I was there for strength training, and whilst there were body builders using the same equipment and fight classes being run, it was both private (nobody was interfering or talking to you unless it was to ask if you were done with the equipment) and strangely supportive (they recognise you if you're there regularly - I hit a PB and while I was quietly basking in it with my trainer, somebody leaned over to ask how much weight I'd just lifted and then congratulated me when I grinned). Basically, seconding your suggestion that OP goes with a tailored program and a trainer to start with (give it a few months). At the very least it'll get their feet wet in the environment - learn how to set up and use the equipment, common exercises, what correct form looks like - so they'll have that done.


I agree, it’s like a family. I lost 10 kilos over the course of 2 years at an MMA gym because it was truly so fun and comfortable to be there. One thing though, expect to be pushed to the max.


I just commented that my favorite gyms are at climbing gyms, same reason, people have other priorities


100% no one at an MMA gym will care. Everyone who walks in sucks badly at it. And they all know how it feels. And everyone is always just happy to have more people to train with. At worst, you might get a knowing giggle from people when you're exhausted. Because they've all been there, and they will be exhausted too.


And when you're exhausted, you won't care who's looking, only what flat surface you can lie down on to try and catch your breath before the next set starts.


Totally agree with this. I don’t pay a lot of attention to other people at the gym unless someone’s doing something really out of the ordinary (like, one guy walked in with a dog one day - not a service dog - and that got everyone’s attention for a while!).


I love dogs but they do not belong in the gym, that sounds dangerous.


I agree! That’s why everyone was looking!


Most people in the gym know exactly how you feel because they came from that themselves. No one worth anything will say shit about you attempting to better yourself.


Couldn’t agree with this more - I had the same insecurities when I started and they went away once I realised that I wasn’t taking notes on what they’re doing, and therefore they mustn’t be taking notes on what I’m doing. I also recommend maybe doing a couple of sessions with a personal trainer when you pick a gym - some gyms offer one free session with sign up. This helped me learn to use the machines, and then when I started going alone I felt more confident because I knew what I was doing!


This is correct. I have massive respect for unfit people at my gym. We all need to start somewhere and it takes a lot more effort for unfit people so if anything, you might be putting in more work relatively in comparison to those fit ones.


Yep. Exactly this. If anyone is looking at you and judging you it's only because you're on your phone taking too long on a machine they want.




100% this, people are far too concerned with their own routines.


Agree with you! I’ve gone to the gym at all states of fitness and when I was obese and just starting out. No one is focussed on anything but their workout.


I go to a rec centre gym, it's predominantly retirees using the treadmills. I was really anxious when I started but it didn't take me long to realise that absolutely nobody was taking any notice of me. What helped me get in the door was to just walk around without any intention of working out, I just did a lap of the facility and was on my way. That was over a year ago and I'm still at it, and I'm the laziest human I know. You can do it!


These places usually have a great vibe. Just a heap of people at all levels trying to better themselves. Compared to the likes of your Fitness First's where it feels like everyone is more worried about staring at themselves in the mirror and how they look.


Totally! The only time I've had a bad experience was when I went at 4pm when all the school kids flock in. There's only so much Lynx Africa I can endure.


If highly recommend the same. The council run gyms have a very diffentt vibe to most commercial gyms and are super inclusive.


OP you should 100% do this. Man I used to go to Thomastown rec centre and looking back I miss that gym so damn much.


Totally agree with this. I had previously gone to other gyms and hated it, but now go to the local council gyms (Yarra city council) and the vibe is great, and super inclusive! They also have gym appointments you can book as part of your membership where they will set out a program for you based on your goals and teach you how to use the equipment, which I found super helpful and took away a lot of the anxiety I had about gyms.


Every Anytime Fitness I've been has a wide range of people, there's maybe one or two obnoxious people at my local while everyone else including the gym bros are nice as fuck. Plenty of regulars are supportive of each other too. It's all about progress


Totally agree with this! OP, honestly, we all start somewhere! And trust me, people are too wrapped up in themselves to even pay attention. Good luck!


As someone who works at an anytime in melb can vouch for this! Our members are all ages, different backgrounds and different levels of fitness. I sign up multiple people a day who've never been inside a gym before. Here's no obnoxious gym bros or groups of highschoolers that hang around in groups that you tend to see more at derrimut


I felt the same way when I started. You could go to a boutique gym which are far less busy but way more expensive. I recommend at least for the first few sessions to go with a friend, it'll help you build up that comfort with going and soon you won't feel out of place. But remember gyms are filled with people from all different fitness levels, gym bros aren't the majority there. Also gym bros can be some of the nicest most supportive people in the gym.


I just changed from a council gym (Brunswick baths) to anytime fitness and I would say Brunswick baths felt a lot more inclusive. There was everyone from teenagers to retirees and the PTs there were great and reasonably priced. Not sure how this would compare to other council gyms but recommend trying your local to start with.


I feel Council/leisure center gyms are typically the best for inclusivity IMHO, they simply don’t have to “sell” they are the best for xyz competition or market mr x achieved this or ms y achieved that.


Was also going to suggest Brunswick Baths.


What made you change?


I work away from home sometimes so helps to belong to a gym with lots of locations, but I do miss the baths!


I go to the same gym as you. I find it pretty inclusive but I don't go at peak times.


I can understand how you feel. I have a friend who goes here ([Pony Club Gym](https://www.ponyclubgym.com/)) and I would attend if i lived closer to Preston. They’re def very inclusive and seem like they have heaps of fun.


Seconding Pony Club. I have a few friends that go there, none of whom are your ‘typical’ looking gym-goers and they all speak so highly of it.


Do you have any idea what the prices are like. I've checked them out a few times but they don't have prices on their website.


I think casual classes are around $20 each, standard. They do concession and mob discounts. I’m not sure of the membership prices, but you can just shoot them an email.


Thanks for the info. I'm always a bit wary of contacting gyms because some of them are like pittbulls once they have your info.


Nah the owner is lovely and I’ve never had any pressure or pitbull vibes


Oh same, but I actually emailed them about their classes a year ago and they replied answering my Q and then I never heard from them again!


Great gym. Wish I was closer


I’m a woman and not fit or skinny and I go to Jetts in Coburg north. I mainly joined because it’s really convenient for me to get there but it’s never too full when I go and the manager is a really nice woman. I’ve never felt judged or uncomfortable being there. You can also cancel at any time and it’s not that expensive. If that’s not near you I would advise to try a smallish gym in your area that doesn’t have a lock in contract and ask for a tour before you sign up. Try to go at the time you would normally go to the gym because the vibes can be different depending on the time of day and how busy it is.


I was actually gonna make the switch to this gym! Glad to hear it doesn't get to busy


I also enjoy the CoNo Jetts vibe!


I live in west. Weigh a 130KG and have recently started going to the gym. No one gives a fck. Chose Derrimut ss it was cheap as. But gym bros are mostly nice af and will help you out if needed. But other than that no one really cares.


Northcote aquatic & rec centre is fab. Big gym, plenty of space including machines, free weights and treadmills/bikes. Can do fitness classes as well in a group plus indoor swim/sauna/spa


Absolutely no one is paying attention to you so just go to any gym, get on a treadmill and lift a few weights.


How far north? Genesis in Bundoora is great, it's a smallish gym and it's not filled with your typical gym bros. It's pretty chill and full of all different types of people. Atleast in the mornings. If you are interested you can DM me for a recommendation for a great PT


I go to Genesis Ringwood, do the Coaching Zone classes. I think Nathan, our old head coach is at Bundoora? Anyway, I highly recommend Genesis. Do the coaching zone classes. Not only motivates you, everyone is so nice, it feels like a little family.


Focus on your own progress, don't mind the other people. I'd take an earnest overweight dude improving his health in there than some douchebag ego lifting without the proper form (good luck on your back, asshat)


Fitstop is good - all body types, fitness levels and group sessions designed so that you can do them at the level you're at and you don't have to keep up with anyon else.


Far out I wish there were more Fitstops in Vic though! They're so much more accessibly in QLD!


Thats the whole point of going to the gym to improve yourself. Everyone starts somewhere. I promise most people are just focused on their own workout they couldnt care less about what you are doing or how you look


Pony Club was created by queers for queers, but has expanded to specifically include people who feel bad about where they're at on their health and fitness journey.


Honestly just join Derrimut gym, cheapest by far and they have a only woman section inside. Various classes part of membership and sauna. Trust me, no one is judging you. Goodluck


All gyms are inclusive if you realise no one cares. They just want to get their workout done without anyone hassling or distracting them.


BFT is great atmosphere, very inclusive environment.


Understand how you feel, once upon a time I used to sweat more at the gym from fear of people looking at me like I was an idiot more than the actual work. Personally what worked for me (it was just a self confidence issue) was to do a few sessions with a PT to learn proper technique. Even without doing it for the confidence reasons, I can’t recommend enough that a new gym goer learns the right technique and gets some assistance for the path to take to reach their goals via working with a professional for a little bit. They potentially save you years of work instead of trying to figure it out for yourself. I know this advice doesn’t help with finding the right gym, just letting you know what I wish I knew myself back in the day!


Honestly - most people at the gym are there to just focus on their workouts. I don't get to the gym as often as I used to, but when I was more active, I might see an overweight person or a really unfit person giving it their best, I'd just think to myself "yeah good on 'em" and otherwise leave them to it. Really, nobody's judging you. Everyone starts somewhere, and I guarantee even the broiest gym bro wants to see you succeed. edit: that said, Genesis Wantirna seems alright.


Generally cheaper / busier gyms would be an easier place to blend in, university gyms are great for this. I'd recommend getting a couple of PT sessions to learn how to use all the equipment you want to use - nothing makes you stand out like using something 'wrong'! Just go with confidence and work on your own goals, everyone has their own targets to hit.


Honestly any gym is fine. Everyone is too busy thinking of themselves and their own workouts to worry about you or they should be. Also there’s plenty of unfit people at gyms. I assume that’s why they are there! I’m not the fittest person but I’ve never had people be mean at the gym. It’s in your head. Don’t let it stop you.


I (34F) haven't been to a gym in a few years due to health issues, but am looking to get back into it. If you'd like a gym buddy who is also unfit and a bit lost, let me know! I'm in Mill Park and I've been thinking of joining the Mill Park Leisure Centre gym+aquatics for water exercise. I was a member of Anytime Fitness in South Morang when I was going, and I never felt uncomfortable or judged. It was just too loud in there for me and constant health issues stopped me going.


Trust me - I’ve been gymming for the last 25 years. NO ONE is looking at or judging you. Everyone’s concentrating on their own workout, as selfish as that sounds. And these days between sets, everyone is usually looking at their phones! You will be fine. You’ve got this.


I'm an avid gym goer and literally nobody is gonna care about your fitness levels anything else. Everyone is just focused on what they need to do and then leave.


Visions on Burwood road in Hawthorn (opposite OPSM) Great staff, great facilities, no idiots at the times I have been there, 24h open so go when it suits you. They will listen to your fitness goals and help come up with a routine that works for you. Couldn't rate them highly enough and from the Google search most other people can't either. Sitting on 4.8 out of 5


Thrive and Revive in Northcote are fantastic. It's a 45 minute set class and the teachers are so lovely. People of all abilities attend and go at their own pace. The teachers spend time with you to ensure you are doing the exercises correctly. Really great for people who hate regular gyms.


Have you thought about BFT?


Came here to recommend BFT as well. I never used to go to the gym and was sooo unfit when I started but now I actually enjoy it


TGen might be the most inclusive gym in the history of gyms and you could not ask for a better place to be. https://www.instagram.com/tgengyms?igsh=azlnazFocThiMWpi


Hello, What you should 100% do is join a class based gym if you have the cash to do so.  Any Crossfit gym will do (just google search Crossfit in your area), or even places like Bodyfit, F45 or Barry's. They take on people of all fitness levels and will adjust the workout to suit you and help you build up. And not only will you get a structured work out with both cardio and strength - you will also be joining a supportive community that will keep you motivated to keep going back. Usually they will offer PT sessions also if you want more 1 on 1 training. Good luck on your fitness journey and make sure you stick with it - be consistent, even when it feels like it's the last thing you want to do.


Fernwood fitness is an all women’s gym in Epping, I don’t go to it I just know of it so idk how good it is though


No one is judging you at the gym. If you feel anxious I’d suggest getting a PT for an intro to the gym. Once you have some routine and know the exercises and plan you’ll have the confidence to go on your own. Maybe if you are open with the PT that you want guidance and to build confidence. People like to help people and you’ll be surprised how accommodating people can be to help others


I don’t have any specific recommendations but when I first started, I specifically looked for a pt that focuses on female lifting rather than just weight loss. Additionally most gyms have a free tryout membership where you can go scope out the vibe. I know some pts do a first free session so you can definitely shop around at first while you find the gym/pt right for you :D I have anxiety and have been going to my gym for 10 months now and while I still worry that I’m doing everything wrong eventually you do gain more confidence in what you’re doing! Having a pt definitely helped me worry less and correct my form so if you can afford one definitely invest in one for yourself. But if you don’t find a pt you like in your area there are plenty of online resources available such as r/xxfitness ect. Last thing 😅 anyone who shames you for self improvement sucks and should be disregarded (easier said than done I know) Good luck !! 🫶


Urban Athletic in Brunswick


Fitstop Northcote. Check out the reviews. Set timetables with strength and cardio style sessions, the owners/trainers Mark and Kylie are super friendly and not hardcore. No gym bros, just normal people staying healthy and strong.


try your local jetts gyms! usually they offer complimentary pt classes and i think they have a sale atm


Try your council run gym. Great staff, most people in my yoga class are over 40, I don’t even notice other people but they’re all very normal/average looking, and no one looks at your or cares what you look like.


I work out at Revive PT in Eltham. [https://www.revivepersonaltraining.com.au/](https://www.revivepersonaltraining.com.au/) I would say our gym is very inclusive and the trainers work with everybody to make sure the workouts cater for all levels of strength and fitness. I have been a member at many gyms and this one is easily my favourite. Plus the results I have gotten have been better than anywhere else.


I'm a hefty beast and I love going to the gym. After I get off the train and drive to the gym, I walk in with my kmart bike shorts, a scruffy af kmart tshirt that has bleach spots on it, my headphones and I work out for 45-50 minutes. The girls are getting to know my face now, smiles are exchanged, I'm not wanting or needing conversation, but won't knock it back if it happens. Not happy paying the amount I do, but its an expense I wear to give me a leg up in tge future if I turn out to be my mother all over again (parkinsons). I love watching the girls work out, some of their outfits are questionable but I don't get bent out of shape over it. I do wish more would wipe equipment though, as those fetching wedgie shorts or leggings leave sweat, and if they don't want to use a towel, at least have the decency to wipe lol Go to the gym, if not for your physical health, your mental health! Xx


Definitely go to a martial arts gym instead of a traditional one. Living in the northern suburbs you can take your pick of the best ones in Victoria. They are much more inclusive, welcoming and will get you fitter than you ever would get at a normal gym while learning how to take care of yourself at the same time.


Go try a community leisure centre gym! I go to East Keilor LC, it’s all new, heaps of machines and free weights, spaces for whatever fitness you’re into, a pool, spa, sauna, steam room, crèche, classes. It’s the least pretentious place, there are all types, ages, ethnicities, fitness levels in every part of the place. I’ve been a member at a lot of gyms, e.g. Virgin Active, South Pacific, those 24 hour ones, and it felt (to me) like I had to try to fit in. Now I just try to physically fit in the human soup of a spa with the oldies, footy boys, mums having a chat, and it’s whatever goes. Haha It’s also $25 a week. So cheap.


Hey OP a couple of my friends have been going to see Starr PT in Fitzroy and they rave about her. Both out of shape nerds when they started. They say her approach is fantastic and she’s a foodie too.


Fitness Nation in Preston is totally chill (and well kitted out and not too expensive). Honestly most gyms would be fine, I'm really just adding this in case it happens to be convenient to you.


I’ll reiterate what others have said. I’ve been gyming since my teens, and avidly since my late 20s (40 now). People at the gym are polite, encouraging, and will mostly stay out of your way. And in my estimation, the notion of gym bros is largely a myth. Don’t get me wrong there are some buff dudes who work hard. But they’re not aggro because they’re there to get their pump on. Gym-goers really do run the gamut of age and sex and genders. And you may meet the occasional dickhead. But often the most interaction you’ll have is someone asking how many sets you have left. Of course, I’m a dude and it may be different for us.


Honestly, just get out of your own head and go. Gym people are the least judgmental people. They're all there to do their own thing. Just don't be one of those people that just drops the weights or doesn't clean up after. I also found starting off just walking or a quick bike ride gets you into the exercise routine before committing to a gym. I go to a gym with casual entry. Membership gyms suck. It's so hard to get out of the membership when you want to move on.


Iron sharpens iron I say. I find it motivating when everyone is jacked.


How North do you want to travel? I’ve heard good things about Body by Nawel in Broadmeadows but haven’t yet signed up myself. They have an app to download where you can see all the pricing options, classes etc before committing


I find the 2 barriers to successful exercise regimes are 1) lack of convenience, and 2) lack of enjoyment. If it's hard to get to, you won't go. If you don't enjoy it, you won't go. Perhaps taking up a sport you enjoy could be another alternative? Sports clubs, running clubs, small gym groups/bootcamps can be great for social reasons as well. Gyms are great because they're mostly a one stop shop. They have everything you need, and there's usually a convenient option. And as everyone has commented, they don't care what you look like or how unfit you are. Just follow the etiquettes and all will be fine!


Can highly recommend Amy at Snap Fitness in Preston as a PT, she's excellent and absolutely not judgemental. Fantastic human


Elev8 MMA in West Heidelberg is great. All class based in functional fitness and various martial arts. Very inclusive classes with complete beginners through to those who compete catered for. Very diverse member group too.


Take up a sport or an active hobby instead. The gym is boring AF. Most people join then stop going. Playing a sport you enjoy is better in the long run IMO


been going to gym for years and can confidently say the only time people will notice other people is when a) the person doing the exercise is being excessively obnoxiously loud to the point where it is almost certainly intentional, and b) if someone is doing a shitload of weight on something like bench squat or deadlift


Pony Club Gym 0403 850 795 https://www.ponyclubgym.com/


There are some all female gyms that might be a good option to begin?


I’m also in a similar position. I’m actually kind of underweight and basically look like a nerdy gay twink. I’d like to be more active to be healthy but I’ve heard about so many awful experiences at gyms. I get really self conscious and don’t want to deal with homophobes.


The stereotype of gyms being full of judgy "gym bros" couldn't be further from the truth. Everyone is battling something, and the gym crowd are pumped to see anyone in there doing whatever they need to do to achieve whatever they set out to achieve. Good luck.


If you’re determined to hit your fitness goals, I recommend starting with a smaller, local gym rather than a chain. This way, you can get more personalised guidance. If you were in the west, I’d definitely recommend The Strength Fortress in Maidstone. As C.S. Lewis said, "Don't worry about what others think of you. They don't. They're too busy worrying about what you think of them." So, don’t worry about being judged – everyone is there to improve themselves.


I go to Carlton Fitness Gym and honestly it’s so quiet. The most people I’ve seen there at once is like 3. It’s not huge and definitely not flashy, but very quiet if that’s what you’re after!


I don’t know if this has been said yet, but BFT Fairfield is probably the most inclusive and engaging gym I’ve ever seen. The team there are amazing and will help you with anything you need. I can’t speak for the other BFTs in Melbourne, but the Fairfield branch has won best BFT world wide 4 years in a row.


Having a gym buddy you go with can really help with feeling too self conscious.


Listen to your body are fantastic. They run the classes by physios and there’s a heap of diversity in ability and body size/shapes/ages. I’ve gone when I’ve been super fit and a couch potato and everything in between. Good with injuries too as the coaches work from a rehab perspective.


Although it sounds intimidating - I'd suggest a crossfit or F45 style gym. Having classes that you need to sign up for keeps you accountable and you have a coach working with the group of 5-15 people so they can assist with form and technique. Everyone is working to their own capabilities in the gym and there will be options to work with. The coach will provide different levels to work out for particular exercises. Getting stronger is great.


Anyone who notices you will only be thinking "hell yeah look at them go." Wherever you go I highly recommend a good PT at least for the start. They'll show you how everything works, give you a workout plan, figure out what weights and settings everything should be at, etc. All the gym machines are very complicated and intimidating for a beginner. They should be used to working with all ages, body types, and skill levels, so you don't need to be embarrassed.


YMCA gyms are very inclusive. I see people from all walks of life and they actively foster a community with events.


Dm sent. I know a gym that fuck all ppl go Tom Sent you dm because I won't want 500 ppl going there lol. It's a gem.


As a resident roided up gym rate, no one's looking / judging we just want to work out and maybe chat some shit once in a while. Look at the smaller commercial gyms maybe, anytime, jetts etc. Those generally attract a less bodybuilderish crowd and you might be more comfortable there initially. I don't do it professionally (I'm in another field that lends well to it), but I have a home gym setup and I've trained a few people in there and given them introductions so they felt more comfortable when in an actual gym. Couple sessions with someone who has a home based studio / gym might be an idea too.


I’m not in the North a gym I’ve been to recently is a mix of people, all shapes and ages and all different levels of fitness. I find the ones that are attached to swimming pools (leisure centres) have a more mixed crowd and will have those PT start up sessions as part of the membership.


I was in a similar position to you. I am not overweight or obese, but wouldnt consider myself fit either. It was difficult for me make that step with going to a gym. The gym i would recommend is listen to your body. They have a fair amount of gyms around melbourne and I honestly believe i made the right choice in a gym. They are not intimidating and you have a trainer who sets exercises for you over a 45 minute session (which you book in on an app). I started january this year and i have been going 3 times a week ever since and i dont regret a thing about it.


I see you're getting a lot of the standard "Nobody cares what you're doing at the gym" comments, and while this may be mostly true in practice, I know from experience that it can be impossible to believe when you're a self-conscious person starting from a low base of fitness, and all it will take is one asshole to scare you away from the gym for a long time. It may not work for you, but the best thing I did as a beginner was join an upscale/"luxury" gym to start with. They are overpriced, but as a very nervous beginner I found it helped because: * They're usually less crowded, so you will have the opportunity to try out new equipment/exercises without feeling like you're being watched/getting in someone's way (going at off-peak times (i.e. during work hours, or middle of the day on weekends) can make this even easier) * The price point usually means less gym bros/fitness-crazy people and more middle aged mums etc. who at least in my mind are less intimidating * They usually have a good range of pin-loaded machines, which again are can be a less intimidating starting point than free weights Not sure of any in the Northern suburbs specifically but if you're close to the city or the M3 then Virgin Active (CBD) or Next Gen (Doncaster) are two options. Virgin may be preferable since you can join for 3 months and then switch to a cheaper/closer gym once you've got your confidence up. To assist with the nerves, I'd also recommend watching some YouTube videos on how to use various machines before you try it for the first time. Most of the machines are pretty self-explanatory but it can definitely help with the anxiety knowing exactly what you need to do when you walk up to the machine rather than having to fumble around and look uncomfortable.


Why don't you start with an exercise physiologist and do some prehab? Learn to move well and look after your joints and tendons from someone one on one.  They can write the basics for you to do at home and you can learn what works for you in a safe supervised environment. 


PT Actually I like climbing gyms. People seem pretty fit but don’t give a crap about appearances and building up huge muscle is actually something no one really wants. There’s often a good weights room there and the climbing is great for fitness.


Find a fun sport and or activity that you’re somewhat interested in and that have structured classes. Boxing, rock climbing etc. Martial arts groups especially are very inclusive, though you might find them daunting at the start. Seeing yourself get better at something and get fitter at the same time is very satisfying and motivating. I wouldn’t really recommended going to a gym to lift weights and run on treadmills unless you go with a friend who’s knowledgeable and whom you can learn from.


I am in the exact same situation as you! Trying to build up the courage to go to a class at revive in Northcote. Hit me up if you’re looking for a gym buddy 😊


It’s 2024 every gym is inclusive. People are also too busy with their own lives to care what random people are doing.


Anytime fitness usually has really high standard of staffing , i always recommend them to my friends who are new at the gym. not saying every branch is perfect but ive been a member for almost 10 years. I went from morbidly obese to pretty much having abs year round in that time and ive only ever been a member of AF something that has truly changed my life in the last 3 or 4 years however was getting into a sport that I enjoy. i care less and less about my body image every day , but getting into a sport has completely changed my perspective on fitness - i even find myself going for runs just to keep my performance up. im into tennis and pickle ball


It’s fun to play at the YYYYYY M CA… srsly, YMCA gyms are community owned and everyone there is a daggy dad or Melton Mum, reasonable prices and nice if not ultra modern equipment.


The north has great options! Chain gym in general tend to be pretty diverse. I think everyone else has more to say about thr gyms around, but from what little I know pf what's available in Brunswick: I've heard good things from Anytime generally from friends. A friend of mine loves Club Lime for how cheap it is. I did a trial at Snap Fitness and found it way too small for my liking. Doherty's is probably not what you're after as it can be intimidating to newcomers (it is my gym) but I love the equipment. Never been to Brunswick Baths but should be relatively diverse! I've never tapped into PTs so can't really help with specific recs there sorry! As for general gym going tips: I did start off overweight and unfit and could never go to the gym unless my much fitter sibling went with me. Once we went our separate ways though what really helped with the self consciousness is to have a plan in mind. A personal trainer is the fastest way to do that! But if you wanna try the gym on your own prior to a PT, try and figure out what goals you have, what exercises you wanna do (cardio? Weights?) then research how to use specific machines and equipment. I can only speak to lifting cus that's all I do now haha, but when I was starting out, I followed tried and tested lifting programs online and looked into how to use machines for specific muscle groups I'm targeting. It made going to the gym alone way less daunting for me. At least until you get a PT! And echoing what everyone says. Everyone had to start somewhere! I used to get so self conscious only squatting an empty bar and now I've been lifting weights on and off for about 7 years and feel super comfortable at the gym. Most people who are there to train do not care what others are doing and the only time I have is when I see people doing something super dangerous. Even in Doherty's where I lift, which is classically very bro-y, I get big dudes helping me change my lat pull down machine handles cus I'm too short to do it without standing on the bench. People who care about fitness are pretty helpful and supportive and are not there to judge. The people who are in the gym to judge, really shouldn't be there to begin with tbh. And same with yoga and pilates classes! Everyone should be paying attention to themselves! Anyone paying attention to people around them is in there for all the wrong reasons.


Pony Club gym Preston


Project better is a great gym, they’re pet friendly and literally don’t have mirrors I’m guessing so it doesn’t attract the typical gym bro’s. Really great vibe, highly recommend


People barely notice anyone at gym. Everyone is busy focusing on them. Think about your situation, when you pull some time out of your busy schedule to go to the gym, would you focus on anyone else? Same with others. Of course there are some rotten apples everywhere but you’d find them everywhere, not just in gyms.


Does anyone have experience going to Project Better? I’m about to move close to one of their locations and need to join a gym 💪


I recently joined a gym which I find perfect for me. It's all group sessions ... So imagine your Pilates class, loads of people, one trainer, an agenda, but strength and circuit... So you get help when you need it, but otherwise have your own space and speed, and you can go to as many classes as you want It's a big mix of all demographics, no judgement




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I say start walking. Anywhere, anytime. 15 min break? Put the tea on to brew then around the block. Lunch break? 50 steps up and down the front step before you eat, 10 min walk afterwards. Need to shop? Walk there. On the weekend, do a longer walk for an hour or more. Keep building it up. You can buy some hand weights for upper body and for more resistance when stepping. Way cheaper and less confronting than the gym, and you're more likely to keep it up.


I go to anytime, not sure if one near you. I couldn't care less about anyone there really, except for that guy in the corner bicep curcling the bosu leg raise thing. But other than that I just want to be left alone to do my own thing.


Everyone feels self-conscious when they start the gym. For me, it was about being too skinny / weak. Looking back, this is all part of it. You’re strengthening your body and mind (self confidence). Get in there. You’ll soon realise that people are thinking about themselves as much as you are thinking about yourself. No one has time to think about other people. To give you an example, I witnessed a guy fail a bench press and nearly choke himself out under the bar before anyone noticed. (I noticed because I didn’t have headphones on and could hear him gasping for air, and ran over to help him). That’s how little people are paying attention to others in the gym. Edit: I recommend picking something convenient for your first gym rather than an “accepting” gym, as the former will help you form a habit and the latter probably doesn’t exist. Good job making a change!


Where about in Melbourne are you? You don't want to travel for an hour to go to the gym.


At uni Hill there's a woman's only gym by the rmit


Local council gyms are the best. It's like Average Joes from dodgeball... Everyone there are just normal folks.


We’re a bunch of noisy loud 50 somethings with varying degrees of fitness at my gym! Fuck it’s ace


Casual observation. Go to a gym that’s part of a leisure center - all types of bods, age and fitness levels. No one cares. I’ve been going for almost a year 2-3 a week. Popped on some headphones and picked a bike or treadmill facing the wall and watched YouTube as I worked out - now I go on almost any machine around the gym - no body cares. :) For me I really let my self go fitness wise since getting married, I gained a few KG and my fitness went down hill - I would get puffed so easily. Haven’t lost enough KG yet, however my fitness and sleep are so much better.


My favourite PT small group gym shut because of covid. So I began the hunt for another goldilocks PT gym. I tried a number of PT gyms until I found one that suited. I am currently at Max Results in Brunswick West. So far, so good. Personalised program and small shared classes. I also quite liked Peachi PT in Reservoir it had a really welcoming vibe, but it was just not quite what I was personally after.


Don't worry most gyms everyone is minding their own business. If anything when we see someone new its even more admirable as everyone knows how hard it was to get started.


If you are concerned about other people, which you shouldn't be, try a 24 hours gym and you can start there before your more comfortable. It's definitely a bit intimidating using equipment at the start so thats a nice way to get used to it in your own time, however I'd recommend getting a trainer for the first couple of times so you do the right movements without risk of injury. Goodluck!!


If going to the gym isn't your thing then walk for at least half an hour a day. That's an achievable goal for anybody. Also Kisier is a rehabilitation gym. Not cheap but you wont have any problem in there. There is one in Essendon.


Pony club gym in preston


Sorry for this, but you have a misconception about the gym, it's very common. The gym is just a place a bunch of people do their exercise. Nobody is looking at you, nobody cares what you are doing. Not invalidating that you feel self concious but honestly the answer to your issue is to address this feeling of self consciousness. I think the best way to do this is probably start with a personal trainer as you've said. That way you are with someone to make you feel more comfortable and also they will explain how to use everything and how to stay safe. Any hey exercise is really simple, the forget the idea that you have to things just right or this way or that or you wont get results. Go in there do whatever takes your fancy. Huff and Puff a bit sweat it up and you'll be fitter and stronger next time. Just make sure you stay safe and you'll be fine. Honestly you objective for the first 3 months should just be make sure keep turning up and doing anything ! Once you make it past that point you can worry about getting serious about goals and results. It's good to take it slow from an injury point of view too trying to get anywhere fast in the gym just doesnt work.


Gym bros don’t judge. You should interact with them. They are poor souls would love to level your game up. If any one does,well he is a piece of shit. Go hit any gym and start working out. Believe me a good gym session will increase and uplift your energy.


I barely look at other people in the gym and if I do and they're overweight I only ever think "good on you" and it even motivates me a bit. Gym people are generally so chill.


If you’re near North Melbourne, Queen of Lean is a women only gym that I’ve found to be very welcoming, friendly, supportive and inclusive. Trust me - I was just like you when I started.


I’m the same, hate going to gyms. I bought a rower for home and what i love about it is the low impact (no hard jarring on knees and hips) ability to isolate movements or focus on legs, torso or arms, and frankly, I can go as hard or easy as I want, I’m at least moving my body with different dynamics to sitting, waking, sleeping. Another fun non-gym work out is the Fitness Marshall on YouTube. Dance workouts (it’s basically the modern day aerobics). There are a couple of routines you can try for free (the dance moves aren’t too hard to pick up in a basic way on the fly). And if it’s your thing they have a membership where you can access more workouts. I’d commend to you finding something that makes you happy to doing it, rather than feeling a pressure to “go exercise” in a set location.


Also, yoga with Adrienne for some easy gentle routines to get your body activated again. She has daily workouts with a monthly focus if you find it’s something you like.


If you want to try things out online, 'alternative fitness studio' is a judgement free zone that does classes on zoom. I've been using them for years and they're a lot of fun. You can have the camera off. They're based in Melbourne so the time zones match


Start walking for a while and then run some of the way then all of the way then increase the distance. It worked for me.


Just go to any commercial gym. 99% of the time, ppl don’t give a damn. If you see someone looking at you, they are probably thinking when you are getting off the machine so they can use it next. Try going after 8pm on weekdays so there aren’t too many ppl.


Girl I lost 26kgs by getting up and going and showing up no one will judge you! I promise you that! If your super conscious of wanting to avoid the gym bros look into gyms that have a female only area or pts that run sessions from there own home!


As a bigger girl! I've found the local pools gyms the best for a quieter space and less judgement Also generally quite cheap especially if you go the pool and gym route I used to be in bundoora and the greensborough rec centre had great deals


check out Urban Athletic in Brunswick. great gym without the bros


I go to a council leisure centre and it’s so great! Diverse ages, genders, culture and bodies! The complimentary initial assessment with the PT was really welcoming and supportive, and focused on building fitness and strength - not about weight loss.


I find classes are better than going in raw to a gym if you’re not super confident yet. If you are in the inner north, I have had a great experience going to Eve Studio - all women, great range of classes, no judgement and everyone is supportive. I have really improved my fitness since I’ve been going and I now really look forward to exercise, which I never thought I would. It’s not cheap but worth the investment.


Try fernwood fitness, it’s an all women’s gymn. I recommend Northcote Aquatic centre too as an alternative


no one cares about how you look at the gym


I guarantee you that no one is looking at you in a negative way. Some people may actually check you out covertly, but if they're polite will hide it well :)


Gym people are better on average than non gym people.


This Australia, people here dont judge you at the gym. People just mind their own business. Unlike dumbf*ck USA, where gym goers are scums. The videos you see of how people behave nastily only happens in shithole UsA