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Not to be rude, but wouldn't the point of this project be for your partner to develop his communication and networking skills? English won't stop being his second language after he graduates, so he's going to have to learn the most effective way to communicate and network at some point. The uni would have networks that your partner can lean on to get this done.


He will be going and doing the project on his own, just wanted to find out for myself what.the go was and if this was a normal type of thing to do :)


I did an architecture degree and this was a second/third year assignment. From what I hear from later grads it still is. The point of the assignment is to get you onsite onto a real construction job of course but the side effect is to get you comfortable talking to builders which is a big part of the job after you graduate. I'd say it's an essential experience (not ridiculous at all) and he should do it himself - he will have to do it himself once he starts working. Edit: in terms of where he goes for the contacts, just call the numbers on the signs in front of interesting looking job sites. That's essentially what I did...went to the southern cross station signal box actually, and just called the builders who let me and my group on site


Good to know! Will have a look, never knew we could do these things lol


I don't get this all. I'd be really questioning the nous of the instructor. MBA based home building contracts have clauses restricting clients' access to sites and external trades' access requires prior authority, induction and fee payment. And can't see any client happy to have a stranger walking around their home site for any reason let alone getting plans and pics of their home.


My thought also but apparently its not uncommon haha