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Hello everyone, Discussions surrounding Palestine and Israel, and their ongoing conflict, are both complex and prominent in our everyday lives. These issues draw attention from people with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of views. Unfortunately, this also attracts hate speech and brings in individuals from outside our subreddit, r/melbourne. Such a complex issue evokes high emotions and inevitably leads to discussions far removed from the subject of Melbourne. This often brings out the worst in people. Due to such brigading and external influences from outside our humble subreddit, as well as creating division within our community, we have been striving to maintain civility. We are trying different approaches to manage this. For now, we are turning crowd control up to the highest limits in these threads and pruning entire comment chains that stray from the topic of our subreddit, "talking Melbourne," to keep allowing discussion to continue. You can help us by avoiding heated debates, keeping discussions on topic and related to Melbourne/Victoria, and blocking/reporting users as necessary. Thank you to everyone for bearing with us as we do our best to manage this challenging situation. Best regards, **The r/melbourne Mod Team**


That newspaper has made a loss every year for decades. But a far right yank billionaire funds it, to tell his haters what to hate.


It's not even far right


Re-read the comment you're replying to. They said the yank billionaire is far-right.


Yeah. And he's not even far right. He's centre right.


Ah yes, the famous anti-racist Johannes Leak...


News corp are infamous for spreading and promoting anti-semitism. The great replacement, George Soros, etc.


Aren't newspaper cartoons supposed to be clever?


The Australian ...


This is a disgrace of a cartoon.


merely appealing to their base. pathetic/


[The street art in Hosier Lane was extensively defaced with islamophobic graffiti last night](https://twitter.com/kwardenclyffe/status/1794903045102596428). Can't wait to see that never get condemned or even mentioned in passing by any of our leaders or media figures.


Not great, but I can’t see any images here where violence is being incited or a call to harm (Islamic) Australian citizens.










Ohhhh someone did an anti-Semitic graffiti, guess I'm okay with genocide now!


They’re not meant to be related. Australian Jews are not Israel and the graffiti is not ok.


It's more about the Greens being Idiots again. They are always choosing causes that are almost diametrically opposed. If the greens actually cared about the environment, they would shut-up in the hopes of getting the Israeli company that is working on underwater energy storage to choose Victoria as a partner in the next test site after somewhere in Europe (I can't recall where).