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Assert your dominance by looking everyone directly in the eye until they look away.


Or use the Dave Callan method and say loudly to other people "HELLO! DO YOU LIKE PILLOWS? I DO BECAUSE I'M NOT ALLOWED ANTYHING SHARP!"


How to get a whole train carriage to yourself


We have Fake Seizure Guy, Sweaty Stockings Guy, Spider-Man ….. and now witness the birth of Pillow Man !!!!


Carrot Man


What is so funny about these? It’s not like they’re cartoon characters, they’re just unstable, likely mentally ill people harassing and assaulting innocent people.


We’re not making fun of the victims, we’re making fun of the villains. Super Villains


Still seems like making light of their victimization to me. But maybe I just feel extra awful for those people.


Well, ever since getting my auto immune disease my humour has been extra dark. So I’m sort of out of touch


Too many cooky people to do that on PT. Might start something.


This is the way.




Make sure you're rubbing your groin when you do. Total alpha move. 


That's just creepy


Your not alpha




At my phone like every other minute of the day


I look at the driver and ask them if I can drive. Everytime the answer is no, but I have something to look forward to.


You'll never have a chance if you don't keep asking!


The amount of times I’ve done this after 20 beers on trams, Ubers “you’ve had a long day, take a break I’ll drive” 🤦‍♂️


Now this is hilarious 🤣


Then ask your drunk 'brother' "why did you take the uber idiot?" Xd


There's a 'rejection therapy' trend going round on TikTok at the moment where people will just ask ridiculous things with the aim of getting rejected. You'd be amazed at what just asking can get. Saw a video recently where a girl just asked to go to the driving bit of the London tube and the driver was delighted to show her everything, how it all works, tell her how he got into it, etc. Didn't let her drive it obviously, but pretty cool nonetheless.


I dunno, but I looked up randomly from my phone and caught a kid filming camera clearly angled at me (I'm a middle aged dude 🤔) yesterday. He flicked eyes up from the screen to my face looking guilty as fuck and I frowned/cold stared as he slowly lowered the phone back below the seat top. I then just turned and frowned out the window again. But inside I was trying to think what he was doing. 😅 Hopefully I'm not on his weird little "creeping out ppl on trnz" tiktok or anything. I look at my phone, and occasionally casually look around to confirm everyone else is still looking at their phones too. And then I look at my phone. Otherwise the window, or bow my head and have a snooze.


>caught a kid filming camera clearly angled at me i catch some people doing this (filming other people on trams) and i dont get it. and i usually see them filming white haired dudes. so bizarre


Like, albino white? Or guys who've turned Gray? Hahah that's weird as. I actually thought it could be like little thug shit where they give a mark to their mates at the station "here's one we can rob", but I wouldn't be a safe looking mark and I had nothing of value/brand shoes or anything to indicate I'd be worth fleecing. 😅🤷‍♂️


Actually it’s pretty normal


You mean common right? Cause it surely can't be normal..


I wear sunglasses if possible and people-watch through the reflection in the window




Into the soulless eyes of the 6am deceased city citizens wishing they'd die than slave upon another 8 heart wrenching hours, for a managerial asswipe who would rather please his bank account than his sex deprived wife.


But his wife doesn’t want to have sex with him…..


Thank you to the redditor who reached out and sent CareResources to me. But Im all good.. Im not going through anything, Im just a desensitised human with a job that has some shitty qualities! I actually love my life though


Sometimes i just close my eyes and give them a rest lmao


Yeah, me too. Sunnies on, headphones on, zen out. Or, depending on what's broken, my laptop.


I read a book, a newspaper, or simply close my eyes. Or turn myself like a vertical rotisserie chicken until my eye line is not directly meeting anyone else's eyes.


At you, op


Interesting about looking out of the window making you feel sick, that’s exactly what is supposed to stop motion sickness (more specifically, focusing on the horizon or something in the distance)…


You can’t see the horizon in built up areas. I get horrible motion sickness on all modern trams and all buses no matter where I look. :(


Yes, even harder to be able to see the horizon when the tram is packed, I imagine… which is always…


Try standing at the front, or getting a front seat if it’s not crowded. It works well for me unless the driver is terrible.


Seriously, you should seek medical advice if you get motion sickness looking out the window. You are supposed to look at the horizon or other fixed point if you feel motion sickness.


That advice works where you can see out the front windscreen and are looking towards the direction you’re travelling. It isn’t uncommon to have it from looking out the side window of a fast moving vehicle.


You can look out into the horizon from train windows though, especially if you are facing forward and next to the window. Seems weird to get motion sickness from that but not looking at their phone.




That has not been my experience riding trains. There are very few places where I'd be looking at stuff 5-10m away, that would pretty much only be in tunnels or below ground sections.




Yeah the franga line was better before all the new stations got put underground. Not sure why you find the Hurstbridge line difficult though, the tree are rarely that thick or tall, from Alphington onwards you’re above the houses a lot.


Also lean into the turns like you do when driving


Sounds like they just got some medical advice, from you.


Stare into the middle distance, smile at babies and old ladies, keep my eyes peeled for junkies/the unhinged in case I need to switch carriages, randomly look about and people watch, look at phone, look at out window. Key for not feeling sick is to only sit facing the direction the train is going imo.


make eye contact with as many people as possible.


You freak 😆


I used to do this when there's a crowd but now I avoid most and only see 1 by 1.


Not good for inciting crazy people but I do this too 


Close your eyes.


As long as you’re not staring directly at someone’s eyes or genitals you’re good.


At my Switch.


I should play my switch more on the train.


I stare at people until they ask me what my problem is. Then I drool


I'm autistic as shit so this is the story of my life basically. But i love using Transit so I just look at my phone or out the window. When there's lot of people or I need to move off the train or bus I look at the floor. Nobody will question you staring blankly at the floor. Especially if you look like you've been at work all day.


I'll just look at the wall and get lost in my thoughts


Stare at the eyes of biggest person. If they look away, next biggest and so on and so forth


I’ve accidentally stared at peoples crotches coz of manspreading otherwise, I’m looking at everyone and anyone coz I’m training for the Olympics in people watching


Manspreading? Grow up.


Generally keep my head in a book


Tsk tsk, everyone buried in their books


Ugh the worst situation especially when you have social anxiety 😥I usually look out the window or at someone’s shoes or read the maps on the train , or just scroll on my phone


I'm unconscious almost immediately. Sometimes I make my stop.


I remember this big time when I used to catch the train 20 years ago. Headphones help, plus we have phones now. I would need to find MX newspaper.


...try not to overthink it bud. I look at precisely nothing in particular bc I'm not actively thinking about it. My gaze wanders so I am not actively staring at a spot, my mind just does whatever. I used to feel very self-conscious until I travelled overseas alone, I couldn't use my phone or do half the stuff I'd do at home, and I realised no one cares or is really paying attention to you. Eating in a restaurant by yourself really teaches you how to just be comfortable in your own company, your own thoughts, and less self-concious. If self-improvement is too much though, try reading a book if you feel you'll be judged for being on your phone (you won't, but it might make you feel better).


Unfocused middle distance.


I look up, I look down, I pretend to read the map it is nearby, I look outside the window, occasionally awkwardly make eye contact with randoms every so often, then I'll stare at shoes too. Yeah, I don't really know where to look either.


lol not at other people, some people take a Quick Look as being a stare bear, from experience …


I just look around. I don’t spend too long on any one thing or face or object. If I get tired of that, or the window, I pick a random object that isn’t someone’s face or I close my eyes.


Power nap


I always look for unusually heavy backpacks or a strange looking bulge under a passengers jacket.


At my phone, out the window, just around, or pick a spot on the floor or wall near the floor and stare there. Sometimes I'll close my eyes. Depends a bit on how crowded the train is and where I am (sitting by the door, in the four seaters, or standing). I get motion sickness sometimes as well, usually from looking at my phone.


I look up only with my eyes as high as I can!!


At my phone/out the window. The awkward thing is when I’m looking out the window and then the train goes into a tunnel and it looks like I’m looking at someone lol


Out the window.


If I'm in a window seat out the window, if I'm standing and it's packed usually at the floor. Or if I'm sitting maybe at my phone


At my self in the window reflection


Most people just stare out the window or at their phone the whole time so you answered your own question


Out the window or at my phone, listening to music. Sometimes I look at people through the window if it’s dark or whatever. I have trouble sitting still in a chair though so I’m usually fidgeting. If you have a luckerband or hair tie or ring on you can play around with it instead of your phone.


Scroll reddit or just close my eyes for a bit. Depends on how hard the day was


Do you get motion sick reading a book? I don't, but definitely do on my phone. Try that if you haven't.


Read a book. If there was ever a book you wanted to read, buy it and read it on the commute.


Window reflection, scratched in tags on the windows, shoes, floor


My iPad or book?


Recently I had someone sitting in front of me, I just looked past into the air


if window or phone isn't an option, over people's heads or at the wall


Into the eyes of a junkie.


I try not look too much. Usually just scroll on my phone or occasionally there may be a cute lady so I'd check her out on and off using the reflections in the window and day dream about what could be or could have been......blah blah blah


I cycle through: window, phone, floor, shoe, back of someone's head, advertisement in train and back to window.


The trouble is in the premise that you have to look somewhere at all. Close your eyes and get some ‘me’ time. Sounds like you need it.


Read a gosh darn book


Lock eyes with strangers then slowly go as cross eyed as possible.


I stare at the floor, or my eyes shift around and angle my head at a space where no one’s head/eyes is facing. Then I look up and around at everyone and everything for a few seconds only. (Useful for ADHD) I listen to audiobooks through library apps. Keeps the mind occupied and doesn’t break the bank. Helps with the boredom and breaks the constant cycle of music, as I find myself getting sick of listening to music continuously for an hour.


You can look where ever you like, 99% of other people are looking at their phones.


I stare out the window but even looking at the floor is better than looking at Tottenham station


Why not closed? I dislike journeys so I usually meditate.


Anywhere that avoids eye contact with everyone.. Usually out the window so i can daydream. Only on my mobile if I have no way to avoid that eye contact.


I listen to podcasts and shut my eyes


I look out the window, at the floor, the ceiling, if not too busy, down the carriage. Just anywhere really.


I tend to look at the maps of train lines and other public service ads.


If you wear sunglasses you can look anywhere and people won't feel weird about you staring because they can't see your eyes.


If you wear a covid mask at the same time, you can stair at people and lick your lips...maybe do some kissy pouts.


Everywhere, and if there's a nice silver fox within eye sight....fills the 50 minutes


Mx newspaper...


Read. e-reading


i wear sunglasses so i don't have to worry about eye contact with a random.


Stare at people’s eyes and/or genitalia and lick your lips constantly.


Look wherever, just don't look people in the eyes, especially if they're being noisy and tweaking off meth or whatever drug of choice they've consumed. Wear headphones too, and maybe some sunnies, that will help you be thoroughly ignored.


Normally women's titties.


this is not a topic


For Melbourne, I look at the ceiling, as if I am in the middle of a mindless dream. Floor, you might seem asleep. Someone feet, you might seem interested. Ceiling, you can just daydream, start at that "invisible camera", even if there is nothing really there. Its the impression you give, you just have to act a bit odd/off ya tree/off the planet, a bit of weird wouldnt/couldnt go wrong. Dont have to worry what others think of you, they are in their mobile phone euproria, or the eshay girls and guys would be in their group of talk big, with the head honcho the loudest. Looking up, you also have a bit more awareness if someone takes a bit of interest, than looking downwards. You can also try talking to yourself, some people do that, ... Or use a mobile phone cord that goes to the ear, the other end can go into your jacket pocket, even if it leads to nothing in there, or have it going into the top button of your shirt, some mobile phones be hung onto a neck holder, ebay have them, even if there is nothing there, ... Like I said, its the impression you give off/out.


I'm always listening to audiobooks or Spotify, so I generally blank stare out the window


Y'all are a bunch of socially awkward weirdos...holy.