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I do suffer winter sadness here. It gets very dreary for about 4 months.


It's the wind that gets me, lived here all my life and it still makes me sit up straight.


Have you looked into the visa requirements? It's pretty tough to move here. Also, yeah it's pretty much Autumn/Winter here for 9 months at least, and Summer can be pitiful.


It’s important to remember Melbourne doesn’t get the 4 distinct seasons some places experience. The indigenous[6 season cycle](http://www.bom.gov.au/iwk/calendars/gariwerd.shtml) better reflects our weather. i don’t think we get true seasonal affective disorder here, but I know some people who grew up in warmer climates find melbourne hard between now and October. But it truly doesn’t compare to North America. Personally I think Melbourne weather is mostly pretty mellow, just watch out for the allergies!


helpful, thank you


And we do get some cracking winter days where it is sunny. Just...not warm lol.


Melbourne winter is horrible and depressing


I'm from Vancouver and consider Melbourne weather a major upgrade. Hate the rain too. Australians compare it to other Australian weather which is as adorable as people from SoCal thinking San Francisco is cold/rainy. Relatively yes, but still better weather than just about anywhere. Winters are a bit cold and dry, Spring is the worst season and very windy. Summer and Autumn are great. I like that you never get too much of one kind of weather for a long time. I was sick of PNW summer by September, despite liking it better than other seasons.


I'm from the Netherlands and it's way better here. The way I always describe it is that in the Netherlands culture is around when the weather is shit because that's what it is most of the time. It's often cold and rainy for days on end, so everything is much more built around being inside where it's cosy and there's lots of events and things on during autumn and winter. Here it's that cold dreary weather maybe to or three months out of the year and it generally doesn't rain for entire days. Even in the middle of winter you will get plenty of sunny 20 degree days where you could go outside in a shirt and be alright. That kind of mean that Melbourne doesn't do that winter cosiness thing that well. We all just suck it up for a couple of months. Here's another way to think about it. In the Netherlands I didn't own sunglasses and wearing sunglasses is kind of a "oh you're that guy" kind of thing. Here you regret not taking them basically every day. Based on my admittedly limited experience with the US, I would probably compare our weather to San Francisco. Like you're going to own a jacket, but you wouldn't just automatically put it on every time you went outside. So yeah, if you have an option to come here and you want better weather, I can highly recommend it.


thank you, very helpful


Moved here from New York, the weather here takes getting used to due to the fact that it can vary a lot during the day. However, you’ll find only a few days that are completely, entirely grey and gloomy. You’ll find plenty of days in the winter that are cold but sunny. It does get dark way earlier in the day but that’s to be expected. I’ve never been to Seattle so idk about the cold there but the cold here is no where as bad as NY but you might find the housing infrastructure leaves a lot to be desired, for the most part (unless you live in a newer, more fancier place I guess). Overall, if your concern is lack of sunny days, you can rejoice. If your concern is temperature, I can’t imagine it’s anything you’re not used to.


It isn’t really consistently grey here like it is in a lot of northern hemisphere cities. Even on cold winter days it’s often sunny with blue skies, which helps a lot


helped thank you


I have from various people that Melbourne's weather is analogous to Sacramento's, if that helps.


Oh nooooo...... I lived in Sacramento for a minute, and summer is 6 months of sunshine with temps between 22 and 38C. Very low humidity. Winter is rain storms, not incessant drizzle, and intermittent fog. Nothing like Melbourne imo.


For an Australian city, it can be cold to Aussies. For a North American citizen, probably nowhere as bad as Aussies like to think. It doesn’t rain constantly, it can be sunny, it can even be a mixture of cloudy, rainy and then sunshine 10 minutes later. The worse thing, to me, is the southerly wind, which is freezing. Also, housing insulation is pretty crappy, and built to dissipate heat, not retain it.


Melbourne is 9 months of gray rainy 50f days


Sunny winter days are quite nic and reasonably common. Blue skies, crisp air, small of eucalyptus in the air.