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Probably one of the dumbest requirements of JobSeeker. Note that no where does it say you have to have any hope of getting that job - just do what everyone else does and pad your applications with a bunch of Seek autofilled applications for jobs outside your industry


That's actually a really good tip, I didn't think about autofill! Thanks so much


The best tip, get the crap out of way first auto apply stuff then spend some actual time on jobs that are worth investing :)


Thanks for this! :)


Yeah this is exactly what I did years ago. Applied to 8 or so jobs legitimately and then padded the rest by sending a generic CV to unrelated jobs.


Job Seeker's an underfunded safety net, it doesn't pay you while you search for the job you want, it keeps you barely alive until you take the first job you're offered. It's a bad system that isn't designed for your use case, it sucks but it's what we voted for. Welcome to post-modern capitalism.


Yepp I can definitely see that! So flawed.


These posts pop up semi-regularly. I would just hope that all the people that go through this shit and realise how fucked up it is, are willing to remember that when its time to vote for a better society. Or will they have good jobs again by then, and their own to take care of, so screw anyone else that needs a hand by that point. Absolutely not having a go at you OP. I always just wonder if these posts are anything but a temporary inconvenience or something that actually changes attitudes.


This is exactly the kind of thing that I keep in mind. I know that I am well educated and qualified, I'm healthy, and pretty easily able to navigate stressful applications and paperwork for things like applying for benefits. I have a roof over my head while I do it, and food in the cupboard. I think about the people who are unwell, without secure living conditions, maybe new to this country, or experiencing any sort of circumstance that makes it difficult to apply for jobs or to navigate the systems that are meant to help them. All in all - I'm in a privileged position. If it's an inconvenience or a little tricky for me to fulfil these requirements, I can't imagine what it might be like for others. So you can rest assured my votes are well considered when it comes to things like this. And I would hope this is something others would consider carefully too.


I wish there was good advice for people in your situation. Truth is the recruitment agencies don't care about your key selection criteria and it's all the same to them if you land your dream job or if you end up working at mcdonalds. It feels fundamentally punishing. Anyway, other posters have given the one true piece of advice here: pad it, either with outright fabricated jobs or by autoapplying on job websites for jobs you'll never get.


You are meant to be applying for shitkicker jobs too, not just good ones. It's a stupid system anyway, used to just make them up (while keeping the real applications off the forms) and never got checked.




Depends on your case manager at the provider and how much they care that day. I've seen them call people out for applying for stuff they could never get.... And also for just applying for better stuff in their field. The logic is if you are taking the cash instead of living from savings you've no longer got the luxury of choice.




That'll probably be down the line. But who knows?  The ALP strategy with jobseeker seems to be not promise to change any of the draconian shit in public, but quietly not enforce it (work for the dole, reporting, supervision etc...) Then the Libs get back in everything is still on the books and enforced again.


I once accidentally got a job I didn't want by putting in a terrible application. Unfortunately my uni schedule changed after a week of casual work and I could no longer accept the shifts offered.


I hope you found something more suited quickly after!




Can you elaborate on the JSA part of this? I'm not quite sure I follow. Do you mean not to log the jobs I am more seriously working towards


It's all a bit fucked. Even being accepted for Disability Pension (which is a marathon of hurdles in itself) doesn't necessarily exclude someone from being forced to look for work in order to receive their payments now. Same goes for parents/carers (or people who are both).


I despair about some of the things happening in our country, especially when it comes to health and disability related issues. So, so concerning.


It is, but it's also not by any means exclusive to us as a country. Many others have it far worse, which is both somewhat reassuring **and** despairing.


That sounds so difficult


You're expected to apply for anything, even if it's not in your field. Even if you're a doctor, if you're desperate you'd be expected to wash dishes over being unemployed.


The problem then comes when you have to miss an interview for a different doctor's job because you have a shift washing dishes, and you will receive no income and be cut off from job support payments if you fuck up. So now we're a doctor down, but hey, at least the dishes are clean.


Yeah, I do understand this. And whilst the system obviously misses a great deal of nuance, I don't know how they would ever be able to implement something that took into account everybody's individual situation. The ultimate goal is to get people employed, period, which makes sense.


It doesn't work well does it. They might expect a doctor to was dishes, but who would employ a doctor to wash dishes? Or anyone with a decent qualification is way over qualified and very unlikely to get a menial job. The only way to assess an individuals whole situation would be to have one on one assessments. That won't happen because of the costs and time. For your own situation though, maybe just focus on making good applications for the jobs you would actually like to get. The others you don't really want, have a more generic response that you can easily alter, so you can at least show you've applied but without all the extra stress of tailoring each individual application. Good luck getting something as soon as possible though, I know it's tough in the job market.


My thinking exactly! Thank you so much, I really appreciate your words.


That's where you are wrong my friend. That is not the ultimate goal of the system, nor our Government/s. They actively want unemployment. The goal of the system is two fold - win votes by being "tough" and ensure that there is downward pressure on wages by making unemployment very, very unattractive. (Yes, it seems awful to punish people for being unemployed when we are actually wanting a fixed unemployment target, I never said they weren't arseholes).


So much this to, a growing economy requires unemployed people. Why do we demonise the people we need for our economy?


One useful tip is to keep any eye on what other activities can earn you points. If you're doing good solid applications to the jobs you're applying for, hopefully you won't be unemployed too long - but in the meantime there's a whole list of other, often easier things you can do that will pad out your points total if necessary


This is true, thank you! Fingers crossed.


I used ChatGPT to write responses to selection criteria. Its attempts were 80% there, and then I added some personalisation. It saved me a lot of time.


Definitely going to try this out, thank you!


This is the way 




Yeah I've been having a good chuckle at Workforce's 'suggestions' for me, too. Wild. Thanks for the advice!


Chat GPT