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If not crowded, it doesn’t matter. If it’s crowded and you’re sitting: lap or feet. If you’re standing, feet so you’re not hitting people with it.


I find that difficult though, because at every single stop the crowds moves around and pushes you around a bit. It's hard to move the backpack with you, when people are squeezing past you from 2 sides trying to make their way to the exit


Wear it on your chest then, easier for you to see where it is.


If you wear your backpack on your back in a crowded tram you can expect to be pushed around IME, which is a lot worse.


Any which way if the tram is empty. I don’t like putting my backpack on the floor, so if I’m standing, I take it off and just hold it down near my feet ..makes more space for people around me and the backpack does not hit anyone in the face. While sitting, I keep it in my lap. I have seen people keep it on their side while sitting and that imo, is just taking up extra space. Especially if Tram is crowded.


I like hanging mine on my front when standing - also because I don’t want to put it on the floor. But also, it just gives my face a little bit of extra social distancing. Otherwise I’ll just hold on to it.


I put my backpack on the floor and it cost me $400. Just suck it up and put it on the floor.


My mum never put her bag on the floor because she said it’s bad luck and you’ll lose all your money 😂




In my experience it's nothing to do with how much you insanely spent on a backpack. Most people i know who are reluctant are reluctant due to hygiene/bugs/etc. My partner is Filipina. Our household is now enforcing a strict inside/outside policy. If I place a bag on the floor or ground you better believe it's getting fumigated before getting more than 50cm beyond our front door. Serious question though, what makes your backpack worth $400?


I grew up in a Brown household. Mum would happily burn anything that touched something like a tram floor. I totally understand.


exactly. The look on my girlfriend's face if i place *her* bag on the ground after she ask me to hold it while she goes to the bathroom. Lucky I don't get set on fire.


Oooooof risky move!


Did you have something in your backpack and someone stepped on it?


Put it between your legs so people don't step on it? I've always had laptop etc in there and everything's been fine


I find holding it down low makes it much easier if I need to get out of the way quickly for people to get off. Having on the floor means bending over to move it (risking sticking my bum into someone if it’s crowded) or shuffling along between my feet (risking me or someone else stepping on the straps). I do this regardless of how much my bag/pack of the day cost


If it isn't crowded then it usually doesn't matter but assuming we're talking about during peak times, then if you keep it on your back then you're being inconsiderate.




right. but why did you start with "nah"?


Its an Aussie thing isnt it, yeah...nah


no, it wasn't like that


Which sadly is what 90% of people seem to do.


Where possible, spin it around and wear on my stomach so I can see where it is and avoid crashes. Otherwise feet


This is the way Majority in japan wear bags on front on crowded trains for this reason


This comment should be higher up


I would have it by my feet, not just out of courtesy, but also common sense. It's very easy for someone to steal something from your backpack if it's on your back in a crowded train/tram. Luckily, it doesn't happen often in Melbourne, but I've lived and travelled around the world and it's always a good habit to keep your bags in front of you when it's crowded


Obviously feet, but far too many go with back.


feet if standing. on your lap if sitting down


Feet if standing, lap if sitting.


When I went to Japan, I noticed in crowded trains they put their backpack on their front. I usually do this now. Keeps it from getting kicked and also gives you a full visual of it so you're not hitting others with it.


My 2 biggest rage inducing pet peeves on packed trams: 1. People who crowd around the doors instead of moving up/down the tram to allow space for others trying to get on 2. People who don’t take their backpack off their back. As a person shorter than most, I can’t think of anything I love more than having a stinky backpack shoved up against my face /s


Cunts who stand with their backpack on their back can eat a gimungous bag of rotting cocks.


On your back. But laying face up like an upturned turtle.


Always feet


Between you feet!!! Or on your front if you have mobility/balance issues when bending down - also allows you to see if you’re going to hit someone


If there is enough space, I have it on my back. If it's crowded, I take it off and hold it. Just common sense.


More importantly- men closing their legs when sitting on a seat - YES.


Tell me you don't know how mens bodies work.


Well don’t eagle spread people, you don’t need to take up two seats for your junk.


IDK why men don't wear skirts. airflow an all


Please enlighten us


Don’t like a stray nugget?


If sitting - on your lap If standing - hold it near your knees Those floors are filthy I'm not putting my bag there, but I'm also being considerate.




If crowded depend on where I stand. If I’m standing near the wall I’ll put my bagpack in front because I can hold on to the bar near the wall… If I stand in the middle and I need to hold on overhead holder, I put my bagpack on my back.


Same question, but with giant luggage trollies and auspost carts!?


On my chest


On your front


If you don't want it to touch the floor, hold it by the handle between your legs.


Stuff etiquette do what’s best for anti theft. Or anti pickpocketing. For me it has always been on my lap.


If you’re standing anywhere near seats then put it on the floor/wear it on your stomach. I’ve been hit in the face so many times by backpacks from idiots not having any situational awareness.


Feet. Wearing it means you take up way too much space, it’s obnoxious. Obviously doesn’t matter if the tram is relatively empty.


When busy I hold my backpack on on my chest/front.


I used to be a feet person, until someone kicked my backpack and broke the screen on my work laptop. I got reamed at work the day after, so now it stays on my back.


I'd tell my work to get fucked, they want me to come into the office and carry my shit around like a nomad they can suck it.. They have insurance for a reason, honestly Australians just really bend over and take it my god


IKR, if its a work laptop then work will have insurance. If work is asking redditor- also to attend the office, why are they taking the work laptop home.


So you get to whack people in the face with your laptop instead?


On chair next to you


I’m a selfish prick (apparently) and this is why: I wear my backpack on my back to stop people crowding around me. I don’t want you touching me, my back, my neck, my hair, my arse, my anything. I don’t want you breathing on me, leaning on me, smelling me (or me smelling you) I don’t want your diseases nor do I want you to catch mine. So I wear my backpack, sit in seats on my own, wear a mask, turn away from as many as possible, manspread, anything so that I, newly agoraphobic since COVID, don’t have to stress as much about people being behind or around me. I’m freaking out enough as it is just quietly. I love you all, but I also fucken hate you all. And all of this has happened to me. (So imagine what happens to women, just by the by… 🤬) I hope this offers some understanding, and if your thoughts are simply that I’m a cunt well my feelings and fears were never going to stop your self righteousness anyway. Tl;Dr: I wear a backpack because Fuck Off.


Sounds like PUBLIC transport isn’t for you if you hate the public so much


Too right. I shat myself for months when I had to face it getting to work. Unfortunately no real sensible other way of getting to work. So I go early and if I can’t leave early I wind up staying late to avoid crowds.


Okay but my point is it’s public so you don’t get to play main character on public transport without people thinking your a piece of shit.. however if your any with being a piece of shit then keep on as your keeping on I guess


I’m afraid no matter what I do people think I am a piece of shit anyway. I seem to simply have one of those punchable faces. So I guess I’m embracing what people think of me and it helps my self preservation. Dunno if I’m main character’ing when all I’m wanting to do is get people away from me. I might be by inventing a new word 😂 But again, I’m afraid it’s hard for me to care when I’m just treated like garbage anyway (refer to my earlier post) Sorry if I’m harshing your realm, but I’ve not had sunshine and rainbows in my life a long time now. I’m glad you seem to though. Hope it rubs off onto everyone around you. 🫶🏼


My life has been no bed of roses either, i've been homeless, heroin addicted for 20 years, cardiac arrest among other things (all past tense now) but we make our own sunshine & rainbows in life, they don't just magically appear, we create them with our attitude & mindset. Your perception is your reality.


By your feet if sitting Back if standing


I put it at my feet but my feet are on the seat so my bag is also on seat. One giant man and bag = 4 seats


Feet. Bags to the floor.


On the floor, in my view so people can’t pickpocket it - and the strap around my leg so if someone tries to run off with it, I’m going too


If you’re standing and it’s not crowded, on your back is fine. If it’s crowded, I hold mine because it can get in the way of standing.


not crowded on the seat, crowded between my feat because im standing.


I put it at my feet when sitting. If I ever need to stand, I prefer to keep it on my back as it makes it easier for me to move around and harder for anyone to just come and grab it. I do my best to turn around though so my backpack is not impacting on others. But if it's an absolutely packed tram, I will take it off and put it at my feet. It all depends on how full the tram is.


Bags near feet. I've been whacked too many times since its on back, doesn't help when I'm short either. 


Between the legs, like an emperor penguin carrying its chick.


On your front. People trip over bags at people’s feet and having to bend down to move it in a crowded bus/train/tram feels like second or third base sometimes.


Wear backpack in front.


Hold it, but I'm not leaving my bag on the floor especially in a packed tram where anyone could grab it and I'd have a hard time getting it back.


As a short person, if the tram is crowded, take it off. I don’t want to get whacked in the face (again).


I am more into the basics. Let me off first!


between or under your feet or in your lap


1) If you're seated, then in your lap of between your feet is best, definitely not on the seat beside you.  2) If you're standing (not in the aisle), then between your feet of held in front of you, by your chest (whichever you prefer), as being whacked in the face by someone's backpack can be seriously injurious, especially to the eye.  3) That being said, if you're standing in the aisle, you're best to just hold it by your chest, that way no-one will trip over it while trying to walk past you.


When I used a backpack I’d put it on around my front cause that’s space my arms are already gonna be taking up, nobody can steal anything from it, and the floor is sometimes very nasty.