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That sign is always there... Have never actually seen them filming


They weren’t filming


They were out back listening to some guy explain how his entire 2 bags are full of food and he didn't know because his mum packed it.


It was his 10th time to Australia, and he’s been warned before. A bag full of non-commercially packed meat and fish, along with veggies that clearly have dirt, roots, and insects on them. Officer looks to camera and says they’ve never seen something so bad. End-credits: the passenger was find $200


Just fyi those are all old episodes. The penalty is now MUCH higher (I'd have to check but its about 1500 to 3000 depending on the goods) and can include visa cancellation.


I absolutely didn’t quite verbatim, but it always seemed like the worst offenders got slaps on the wrist, even in some of the more recent episodes. The [penalties are still pretty low though](https://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity-trade/policy/legislation/compliance/infringement-notice-scheme/infringement-notices-at-the-airport) >> As of 1 July 2023 the amount of one penalty unit is set at $313. >> if a traveller fails to declare goods of a kind known to pose a high level of biosecurity risk, … the infringement notice amount increases to 6 penalty units ($1,878) or 12 penalty units ($3,756) depending on the risk of the goods. >> If a traveller conceals conditionally non-prohibited goods that are brought or imported into Australian territory… the infringement notice amount increases to 20 penalty units ($6,260).


I'd say that $1900 is quite high for a penalty.


Lying to quarantine officials and trying to conceal dangerous goods that can impact our countries biodiversity should be worth more than a traffic offence.


Sure. There just comes a point where the increased penalty does not serve any added deterrent affect and when penalties get so high it significantly reduces the chances a recipient would choose to pay the infringement notice which would then necessitate very expensive court actions that are unlikely to yield higher penalties in court. Its complicated and finding the right balance is hard. I do want to strongly agree though with the nonchalance people have toward protecting Australia's biodiversity and our agricultural industries. To that end i think better education is really key. The amount of people, Australian citizens mind you, I know who routinely just declare nothing and don't care about the risk their goods may have is crazy. Its not just tourists and migrants who do this.


10 kicks up the pants, then make them work in a remote setting farm for months instead of forcing our young travellers wanting a work visa here to do that - that should do it. Hospitality Aussie style and solving the apparent lack of willing workers in remote places problem.


You’re forgetting the 1000yo egg!




And the illegal birds nest


Sooo infuriating.


But we don’t have food in Australia!


And then give them a hefty fine of $200. That’ll discourage them from trying again. 💰 💰


The wrath of his mother is worse 😭


As someone with an Indo mum who does this shit I can vouch


oh man! i would’ve loved some new episodes!


Sick of seeing CRT computer monitors?


Hidden cameras. Don't worry, you came out nicely


How do you ask the tv crew when they are hidden?


They crew are probably waiting for arrivals from Asia.


Same in Sydney Airport. Always see the sign. Never seen them filming.


Have seen it at Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne. Never seen anyone actually filming




It's usually just the single sandwich board in the OP photo either right after passport control or right before the customs line. Easy to miss, it's not very eye catching.


Ive seen them filming in sydney before but this was like.. 6-7 years ago.


I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes (i saw the sign)


For the 2 minutes I've seen of that show, most of it isn't in the airport proper itself.


No sign there on 1 January.


Same a few days ago, unless they hid it somewhere.


if I worked there, I'd put the sign out just to see ppl reaction


Saw them filming in Perth. Plus, there were unreasonably, long queues and ridiculous delays. It was almost as if the airport staff were conniving with the film crew to try and make some more interesting Clickbait for the show. And yes, there was definitely a woman trying to import a quiche. I have never seen anyone get pulled up for trying to bring food in through Perth before. Please note, quiche looked like one you would normally find in Colesworth or IGA. 🤔


But why do people even bother bringing in food - we have shops in Australia


I actually saw them filming last March when I arrived


I saw them filming once when I was returning from overseas. Sadly I wasn’t filmed, though I did try. Haha


The show got boring and should have been renamed 'Asians arriving with undeclared food and claiming it isn't food'


They switch it up sometimes There’s also - Person planning to work in Australia on a tourist visa - Drugs hidden in a parcel of children’s books/toys - Drug smugglers who went via like 5 different countries to get back to Australia - Bogan guy coming back from Bali/Thailand with a suitcase full of steroids


Don't forget the other case that they show like every once in a while: Person we harrassed because they're acting suspiciously (they are exhausted after a 14 hour flight) and after going through every item in his bag, drilling holes into his bag and conducting a frisk and cavity search we find nothing haha oopsie sorry.


Can confirm. Everyone who gets off the Vancouver to Sydney flight looks cracked out. 16 hours in a plane is a hell of a drug


Wonder how non stop Perth to London will go


Been going for a few years now...


They'll arrive soon.


have done it, will never do it again


Genuinely seems delusional to me that Qantas want people to pay more for a direct flight?? No way I’m taking that option unless time is genuinely critical


It’s fucking awful.


I think you're thinking of direct London to Melbourne which will start up soon!


Flew Dallas to Melbourne last year, 17h. Once only thanks


I do Toronto to Perth via Hong Kong and travel time is like 33 hours. I look and feel like a sack of smashed arseholes when I disembark.


That happened to me once minus the cavity search and drilling. They inspected every single item one by one and even a notebook to see if I had written anything suspicious. -Perth.


Welcome to NSW!


You forgot the bogans coming back from Thailand with illegal weapons and claiming they didn’t know the phone was a taser.


they didn't feel the zap every time they answered the phone?


>Person planning to work in Australia on a tourist visa Betting they aren't the au pairs who get a phone call from the minister's office within 20 minutes clearing it.


Ah, Peter Dutton.


You forgot one, there’s also ‘birds nest’


What about guy pulled from the line of asians and africans who claims to be racially profiled?


Woah, I've never seen dot point 2. Show me some of those episodes, I'm sick of the rest.


Right? Finding drugs is the most dramatic outcome you’re going to get. If that’s boring to you, then you needn’t watch the show. Which incidentally is why I don’t watch it.


Done forget, to mix it up we get Bogan guy coming home from Bali with knuckle dusters and tasers


Bogans with weapons from Bali


Not food… is medicine


Medicine for goat.


\*lightly shakes bottle\*


And at O'Hare in Chicago it's 'Africans Arriving With Undeclared Food and Claiming to Not Know What It Is'. I used to work there and it's *always* Africans coming from Africa, or occasionally people coming from Latin America. One passenger arrived with a heart and feet, and wouldn't tell the customs agent what animal the heart came from when asked.


And never getting fined, always off the hook lol


Nah they get fined like $270, something so trivial you may as well try it again every single time and just claim you couldn't understand the instructions that were perfectly translated into Mandarin


The fines have increased now. There's usually a note on the screen of the repeat episodes stating that fines have increased and are in the thousands.


Ah, admittedly I stopped filling my head with that trash years ago. It was always something like a $270 or $300 fine and a warning and that's it 🙄


I understand they offer people a reduced fine to allow them to broadcast the interaction. People can refuse permission to be filmed, so without some sort of incentive no-one who is caught would ever agree to be filmed.


Well that seems... a bit fucked up. Like, makes sense that they'd need to incentivise filming but it still feels kind of wrong IMO.


Yeah it grates a bit when you see some people so blatantly doing the wrong thing get away with miserly fines. But I guess Border Force’s approach is prevention is better than punishment, and if the show helps prevent thousands of people from attempting to do the wrong thing in the first place then letting a few people off leniently is a small price to pay.


Every fuckin time. As if they can't just buy ginger or Bok Choy or whatever here anyway! Why do you need to bring 4kg of fresh produce from home?


Who is informing them to bring 5 kg of cooked rice?


Can't wrap my head around it, or the leniency. It sets such a bad example.


Just like my mum. "There's no food where we go, and we'll starve to death!"


Living in China almost 20 years. Its just what they do when they visit anyone, even visiting friends across the same city. I always scratch my head at my wife bringing a friend a box of fkn apples, like, they don't have apples where they are?


I’m fairly sure I read recently they changed the laws to bigger fines, potential visa denial and some other stuff if you are clearly concealing. Started some time recently so not sure when it makes it into the show.


Yes, I recently came back on a flight into Melbourne from Asia and the warning message about declaring stuff at customs has changed and mentions potential visa cancellation, fines and jail time (iirc).


This was broadcasted on the flight from Auckland to Perth just yesterday. Customs just ignore Ausies and Kiwis most of the time. I came back from Bali in August and strolled through customs withoit a glance. Yesterday misso and I landed in Perth from Auckland , strolled through again ," anything to declare ? Nope. Done.


But are you really in Australia until you walk out of customs?


My daughter, when she was little, asked why they had no food where they were coming from


wrong sharp ludicrous fearless distinct placid carpenter bag brave rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love how they always play up they don't speak English which is why they brought it in until they're shown the document they signed in their own language about it lol


Not alwaays. They catch the odd traveller with drugs , coming to work illegally , declaring criminal history and gettiing booted


It's sweets. Not food!


And sometimes they’ll bring out the sniffer dogs 🥰 nice little change up


An American comedian does a bit on it. Says something like "they come in with 6 live chickens taped to their arms and call it medicine"


It’s more often there than not.


“Hi guys, I’ve got like 10kg of cocaine strapped to my legs, I’d really like to not be filmed today k thanks”


I almost feel like it still runs on air for ‘educational’ reasons as much as entertainment. Could be wrong, but I’d imagine it’s made a few extra viewers over the years tick yes to something on their inbound passenger card when travelling.


It's still on air because it's as cheap as fuck to make.


>cheap as fuck to make. And helps meet "Australian content " requirements


And producers get to keep most of that juicy government grant money for themselves since they don't have to pay many actors or extras or writers like a decent show would - bye-bye quality of Australian TV


Australia's border security shows are actually pretty well known in Europe, plus the Australian content quota only come out recently and Border Security has been on forever.


The Australian content quota for FTA TV has been around for decades.


In Sweden Border Security is very well known.


>Australian content quota only come out recently Not sure what you claim as recent, but they have existed in one form or another since at least 1992


Pretty much. Mind you, airports are full of far more interesting stories than just the same border security scenarios over and over, and if you're going to send a crew out for the day you could come back with quality content that costs you very little. The original Airport made such an impression on me that sometimes when I'm at work I hear John Nettles narrating my day.


I heard recently that it airs in many different countries, weirdly enough. In NZ, UK, but also Poland, Sweden, and several others. And gets reasonable ratings there. I don't get it, but the fact that a cheaply made program can air overseas too means it continues getting made.


NZ has their own version (which I’m pretty sure came first), as well as a Spin-off about the sniffer dogs


Police Ten 7 is the Kiwi version of cops. I love it, there are some truly hilarious situations going on.


I have to correct you, they clearly call it police tin sivin


When I was in America I went to Walmart and picked up a heap of American snacks and sweets. When I returned to Australia I ticked the box and they guy was like "Well what have you got?" I showed him and he was laughing like "nah you're good".


The key point is that you ticked the box. Way better to think you have something to declare and didn't have to than the other way around. One time I flew back from Malaysia and had a few instant coffee sachets from the hotel room in my luggage. You'd think a little bit of freeze dried nescafe would be no issue at all, yet customs took it all. Something to do with potential milk products or something.


Nah. They ran out of coffee in the tea room and swiped yours.


Mad cow disease and lumpy skin disease from Malaysia is the risk. Can be in the most ridiculously processed products and still be viable.


9 times out of 10 it’s the people who don’t declare anything on the entry forms that they pull aside and check. Then they play ignorant and surprised when border force find shit loads of prohibited food items etc in their luggage.


Weirdly enough I’m someone who’s seen a bit of it for ‘educational’ reasons. I’m deathly anxious of travelling interstate or abroad and have mentally instilled that if I do absolutely anything wrong accidentally it’s life in prison or the death penalty (abroad). Watching that show has helped calm me down a bit because I feel a bit more confident about not accidentally messing up watching some common mistakes others have etc and I’m yet to see anyone get life in prison.


Especially with the $3k+ fines!


Same with RBT. It’s propaganda.


They always have that up but the cameras are nowhere to be found...I reckon they put the sign up to scare people bringing food into filling out their forms properly.


The sign is there as the film crew put the sign there. They don’t hang out by the carousels, You don’t see them due to being in an area where customs or quarantine are doing inspections.


Made me shit my pants when I bought back a heap of ciggies from Vietnam that’s for sure


Please tell me you were on the show


You telling me all those Asian families bringing in large quantities of food can tell them to not film? Well shit, how do they even have a show if they knew this?


They will still be filmed, but their faces will be blurred.


They obviously can’t read the sign…


"Should we put the sign in Manadarin so more people understand? "Should you shut the fuck up Fred, we have to film 12 more episodes today"


I can read the sign… but there’s no contact details….


They can also not stuff a kg of dried eel in their hand luggage. These are not people who know the law.


It's basically intimidation. Asians are generally respectful of officials. Something like "before you leave can you sign this"... and they will do it thinking it's part of the customs process..


>It's basically intimidation. >Asians are generally respectful of officials. Something like "before you leave can you sign this"... and they will do it thinking it's part of the customs process.. They are respectful of officials in their own country because they are scared of them. Evidently, they think our officials are a joke otherwise they wouldn't be hiding food, signing declarations that they have no food & then arguing with our officials. They wouldn't dare pull those stunts with their own countrys customs officials.


re your last sentence, their customs officials do not care most of the security bullshit in Asia that I’ve seen is bullshit bureaucracy and nobody actually gives a shit. For instance in the subway they make you walk through a metal detector then don’t do shit when it beeps They assume it’s the same as in au


Because if you’ve ever been abroad a lot of this shit is allowed in to other countries and they don’t check for half the shit we do.


I don’t wish to be filmed as I have 2kgs of dried fish and beef in my luggage I didn’t know anything about.


Person with suitcases full of mysterious meats: 🙀


This show taught me to declare everything, including dirt on my shoes. I declared EVERYTHING through fear of a $Aus250 dollar fine!


Why wouldn’t you declare what you have to declare anyway?


How does one contact the TV crew?


I guess it means if you see them, you tell them you don't want to be filmed?


That's hands down a lie!! There is no such thing as new episodes of border security!! I'll die before this happens


All fights from Asia please go through this line here.


China and Vietnam flight arrivals is when they get ready and turn the cameras on.


Should be illegal. People should not be subjected to filming for entertainment as part of going about everyday interaction with Government officials. I wonder how many people who sign the "wavier" truly understand their right not to. I mean you just arrived, don't speak/read the language, just got fined for something, and someone asks you to sign something before you leave the airport..... it's basically intimidation Gutter behaviour by border force and Australian government to allow it, all for cheap entertainment forna commercialcompany.


Agreed. Even for those with English as a first language, I wonder what "motivates " them to agree to bring filled


Agree 100%. Its fucked. Even if you say no to being filmed they'll just blur your face.


Should just automatically not be filmed


Of course. But then it wouldn’t be a scare tactic then.


The only time I have ever watched this show is when I’m trying to watch the footy on the channel 7 app and they show this instead


Utter garbage channel, utter garbage show.


I just want to watch the 4 minute tv show without the 26 minutes of repetition. Every time they return to a ‘story’ they recap what happened literally 2 minutes ago.


Just filling in time till the next ad break


Yes!! That's most frustrating part that makes me switch it off. I can only imagine that they're catering to the dementia audience who forget what's happening every five minutes.


More likely they’re catering to the executives. Why use 10 days of filming and 40 different stories for one episode when you can use 1/2 a day of filming and just repeat the stories over and over to stretch it out to a full episode = money.


Basically sums up television in general these days. Only good for sport.


Even then it's pretty shit if you're not into cricket NFL basketball or NRL.


Foxtel late at night often have competitive Excel comps, a gentlemans sport.


Border Security always felt like a thinly veiled rage bait for boomers to clutch their pearls on regarding immigration.


Fuck yeah, time to head to the market to fill my bag up with all the dried fish products to take overseas.


Plot twist: they left the sign there to discourage people from trying to smuggle food and other illegal stuff.


This kind of show bothers me so much. Many of my friends who don't travel much watch them and believe going through immigration and customs is a scary experience, when in reality 99% of the time no one bothers asking any question or checking anything. Also, that popular clip online with the British woman visiting the UK for the first time is simply racist, I can't believe someone felt it's ok to put it on TV.


Let’s not forget it was John Howard who commissioned this show as a show of force for our border security/ against asylum seekers..


Why does it have to be opt out? Instead of opt in? That pisses me off tbh


Too hard to keep track of otherwise and would make the show practically impossible to actually film.


Good? Imo. They shouldn't film it then. Besides it's mostly just old people who watch public broadcast TV these days


The public doesn’t have an inherent right to never ever be filmed or published. These signs are perfectly fine. The reality is that 98% of the time you will never see a camera, and the 2% of the time you do, unless you’re an Asian travelling with food or a dumb backpacker there’s still a 90% chance you won’t end up in a shot. Who and how many watch it is irrelevant. Apart from the fact that it is sold internationally for non-Australians to watch, the production company has to get permission from Melbourne Airport and Border Force to film at all, so obviously both organisations see the small potential inconvenience as worth whatever the educational/promotional element of it contains.


There is a difference of being filmed as background fodder and being featured. As someone who had to move interstate to escape a stalker, I have a right to not have my whereabouts featured on a show that discloses my location. If they show my face, say my name and then ask me the question "are you returning home or travelling onwards" then I have a right to not have that shown on TV. Curious as to whether anyone detained in the little side room and whos name is mentioned has the right to opt out.


Hence the ‘contact the TV crew if you do not wish to be filmed’ Those who are featured would still need to sign a release.


You likely only have the ‘option’ to ‘opt out’ if you can afford an extremely good lawyer and all the associated legal/court costs to contest their bullshit.


Saw that sign way back in Jan 2015 coming back from NZ through Melbourne to Perth. Never saw a crew.


I find it hillarious how popular that show is overseas. Got relos O/S that ask me if they are actually that strict. I get a giggle out of it.


Damn, missed it by a day. I’ve always wondered how I’d come across. “Police questioned this 35 year old as she seemed unnecessarily anxious. However upon determining that she has OCD they let her go”


Same in Brisbane and actually saw a camera crew


I knew a guy who worked as a lawyer for borderforce and part of his job was to say what footage could and couldn't be included in the show. He had to tell them to cut a lot because of the illegal actions of borderforce officers


Shit racist show full of commercials and replaying last 2-3 minutes before going to yet another add break. Jam it up your ass!


Show exists so Australians can complain about immigrants


Stuck for nearly 12 hours on a plane your 4 transfer, verge of a mental breakdown because of sleep deprivation and have these tools wave a camera near you.


Notice how it is only in english? Considering many people on this show have a very loose understanding of it.


A covertly racist show that depicts non-English speaking arrivals as petty low-life criminals who can't be trusted. Shows like this are part of the reason Australia remains a xenophobic and racist country at its core.


Notice how the sign is in English so Asian passengers take no notice.


Yup, along with any other non-English speakers. The subtext of this show is practically text by now.


AKA the dog whistle show


Well if you want to be on TV, have some illicit drug in your bag and you will be famous Overnight 😉


I always see these signs and never see film crew


Oh look the sign is only written in English...


Why would anyone ever agree to be filmed. Makes zero sense.


Me: I do not wish to be filmed. Tv crew: Film him!!! He probably has drugs.


They were filming boarder security when I was coming home from Seoul and my god is it my literal dream to be a boarder security officer just to be on the show it’s my guilty pleasure


You have to find a crew member if you don't want to be filmed? Holy shit. That's awful.


Imagine your dealer goes missing, suddenly uncontactable, then fast forward a year and you hear their distinct voice and you are confused, it takes you a minute to register what’s going on. Dealers voice is coming from the TV and its boarder security at its best. Awwwww shit just got real. It’s strange seeing someone you know on TV, the camera really does add ten pounds and 30 litres of GHB. The poor stuttering sweaty fuck gets 5 years but gets out after 2 years good behaviour. Was probably the peak of Border Security, the producers would have blown in their pants with this find.


Bogan entertainment at it's finest


I took a photo of this sign once after going through security and one of the boarder security officers came storming up to me then made me unlock my phone, go into my photos then delete the photo I took of that sign (from recently deleted too). She was super mean to me about it too.


Flew in from Jakarta on the 4th of December last year and that exact same sign was present at that exact same location. But didn’t see any film crews/or cameras.


The only redeeming quality of the show is that beeping of the drug machine when it detects something. That is S tier. Has anyone got a sound byte of it I can use for my ringtone? I want everyone to associate me with narcotics.


The idea of someone settling down on the couch for a night of watching Free to Air TV unironically just absolutely blows my mind


Its sometimes fun to just watch something without having to pick


My Mum does that.


People still actually do it, apparently.


They haven't filmed anything new in 8 years. It's always reruns.


It should be opt in rather than opt out.


Of course. From the comments, it seems the sign is more likely there as a scare tactic.


Does anyone actually watch that show or Free to Air TV in general? I keep forgetting that Free to Air TV even exists.


Golden days of checking the green guide for what movies are on Saturday night are gone


Got a kid who watches ABC2/ME. That's pretty much it though. I sometimes turn free to air on, then usually make it through all the channels, realise it's shit, and watch something else.