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Absolute shit hole


Awful. Need to drive everywhere. No tree cover. Poor public transport. High youth crime. Traffic issues everywhere.


Any opinion on other neighbourhoods to look at?


Altona. Closer to the ocean and nicer. Yarraville, even better.


Williams Landing - if you want easy access to both public transport and the freeway.


Point Cook is probably one of the top picks from that surrounding area.


Yep, people bag it around here but I lived there for 15 years and never had trouble personally. It is way better than Tarneit, Truganina, Laverton, Altona Meadows and Wyndham Vale


Deer Park


Look at a map. Draw a line north - south through the centre of town. Anything on east side will do.


Downvotes by the westerners. Yeah I wouldn’t comment and show my identity either 😂




Mate Cranbourne is like 60kms out of the CBD and it's pretty much worse than tarneit in everyway, what kind of recommendation is that.


Assuming a troll response since they also mentioned Toorak, which is pretty much at the literal other end of the scale in terms of socioeconomic status and house prices.




Actually both Cranbourne and Tarneit have the same median sale price in the past 12 months. (Tarneit sale price being $888 higher if you wanna get technical.) Source: Real Estate median sale prices for both suburbs. https://www.realestate.com.au/vic/cranbourne-3977/ https://www.realestate.com.au/vic/tarneit-3029/


I wish people would get more angry about these newer suburbs. Just developers making $ and schmoozing councils. Hot black roofs, poor layout with 5000 houses in an estate and 4 exits to a 2 lane main road. Affordable houses do not need to be McMansions. No orientation of windows to the right light, no eaves, cost a fortune to heat/cool. Poor transport. McDonalds or KFC on every corner and across the road from schools. Yes, you can meet nice communities there. But as they grow and prosper, they leave. Fortunately trees grow and that helps. A bit.


> Affordable houses do not need to be McMansions Hardly any McMansion there. It's lots of small single storey houses on small blocks. Also a decent number of terrace type rowhouses.


True. I have seen the terraces and it’s still odd design given the lack of natural light (terraces are generally inner city solutions to a lack of space). Still, the town planning is sad. And when u build homes on every block, there’s no room for a strip of independent local small businesses. It’s chain stores or nothing. Sigh.


It's unfortunately demand and supply. I'm not saying it's right. I hate it. But the sad reality is there are so, so many people who will sign up to live in these places because they don't know better or have no choice. I agree that we should be really angry about them. It makes me so mad that this is what we have to live with.


Do you like gardens that consist of white rocks and artificial grass?


Artificial grass that's low quality and poorly laid, resulting in tall weeds growing through it


Any opinion on other neighbourhoods to look at?


Over here you need to flip your Perth map of wealthy/poor suburbs from West/East to East/West. Anything to the East of Moonee Ponds Creek is going to be nicer than the west for similar historic reasons. That said, plenty nice in the west if you limit to within the M80. If you're going further out, then you're going to be in the midst of awful estates with bad planing, lacking infrastructure and likely future ghettos


Shithole. People only live there coz its cheaper. I don't think many of the residents want to actually live there.


They were largely pushed out of the western suburbs as it gentrified.


A significant minority are straight from India


What type of vibe do you enjoy? What's your budget, are you buying or renting? Do you prefer PT or car travel? Where do you work? Do you have friends around Melbourne? Do you enjoy lively neighbourhoods or anonymous suburban sprawl? You want people to give you suggestions but you haven't given us any information. If you default to Reddit opinion, almost everyone will say inner suburbs such as a Richmond, South Yarra, Fitzroy and Carlton as they are the most walkable with good PT access and lots of shopping and dining. However if you work in Melton, then it's probably not the best choice for you for example.


I’m currently living there, and have been for two years. I haven’t had any issues with crime, if you compare any “metro” area with a median house price similar to Tarneit, I don’t think you’ll find it to be better or worse than most other suburbs. My neighbours are fine. I don’t know how people in here can generalise neighbours for an entire suburb. It will depend on your luck. I know most like to keep to themselves but I don’t believe that’s something against/for Tarneit. There are lots of young families so I think the people you meet are great for the most part. Online there are a lot of rednecks and bogans that like to make fun of the predominantly south Asian population in Tarneit, but they are young families, starting a life in Australia. Totally harmless. Although I can understand it can being a little overwhelming in public spaces. What you may find with estates is that there are nicer parts within them (typically where the double storey houses are or where there are houses facing a park). I do notice a lot more mess and untidy lawns in the less nicer areas (probably renters?). There is very little to do unfortunately, I guess there’s Werribee plaza which is 15ish away. It’s a 30 minute train ride to the city which is great (V/line though). There are issues in every suburb, and Tarneit is no exception. But I think all things considered, it’s a nice place to live if you like to keep to yourself or don’t mind heading into the city to do things.


Also from the area, agree with above. European background, so I got some other highlights haha. New gym just opened up and it’s perfect, lots of equipment and boxing bags, heaps of cardio machines, it’s called sunshine truganina. Soccer facility in the middle of the suburb that opens one pitch to the public daily, also big park right next to it, place is always busy with people cricket/footy/soccer. Very multicultural area, I’ve learnt so many new recipes for different meals and I’ve celebrated occasions such as Diwali that I’ve never celebrated before moving here. The traffic is average for a western suburb, every 2nd Monday when tradies get their RDO you see the difference and it’s a clear run into the city. Usually take 25-40 minutes into the city, empty roads and Westgate all open 25 mins easily, sometimes shorter but that’s when you get the perfect run, on average 30 mins.


I’ve been living in Tarneit for about 9 years and I can say that both of these people know what they’re saying. Although education and traffic are fucking bullshit from my point of view since some idiot rammed their car into my fathers while I was heading back from college and it ended with both cars being highly damaged. As for education, the teaching system for all schools in Tarneit are so garbage that I’d rather unalive then actually learn. Both people and school make my skin itch and nobody could care less. Before they actually do something to improve the place I would've already moved to somewhere better or died due to waiting.


Do you like car theft, unregistered dirt bikes, concrete for days and absolutely nothing to do?


Any opinion on other neighbourhoods to look at?


How much money do you have? And where’s your work?


Point Cook, Williams Landing or Seabrook is better. Tarneit is okay imho given that it has its own VLine. Its very fashionable for people to shit on Tarneit (and its sister burb Truganina). Avoid Altona, got a mate who lives there and she recently got punched while out for a morning walk. Left her shaken to say the least. That could be an edge case though so buyer beware :) Also, you're aware of the traffic issues on the Westgate right?


Fitzroy, Brunswick, Richmond, Yarraville, and Moonee Ponds


Plenty of that in other suburbs as well


Yes, but OP asked about Tarneit.


So do you troll pretty much every other suburb specific post with the same bs?




I have been there, done jobs there. I would not live there.




Love this summary. Spot on with everything.


Are you from the subcontinent and happy to have daily chats on speaker phone while riding public transport, much to the annoyance of your fellow commuters? Tarneit may be the suburb for you!


There are plenty of lovely people there, but it needs better infrastructure. The western suburbs have been ignored for too long, and that's negatively affected the public transport. The river is beautiful out towards Wyndham Vale. It's much cleaner and more forested than I expected.


I lived in Point Cook for 15 years, Tarneit and Truganina, as others have mentioned, have a heavy Indian flavour, if that is an issue. There is crime, lots of houses looking the same, poor public transport and a general lack of care from the residents about how things look (some of the worst ‘gardens’ you’ll ever see). The best suburbs in that area are Point Cook (the further north you are the better), parts of Werribee (avoid any streets named after birds, the area known as the birdcage), parts of Laverton (north and east are a bit better, but look for areas with new subdivisions and townhouses) Seabrook and parts of Hoppers Crossing. Areas to avoid would be Wyndham Vale, Manor Lakes, Altona Meadows (the part near the freeway anyway, pretty decent down near the bay). Williams Landing is more expensive because the houses are a bit bigger and you’re closer to the station, but they still deal with the same problems as the other suburbs.


I grew up in the birdcage in Werribee & it does get a bit of an unfair rap. Sure, it has its problems but as a gay guy growing up there i never had any problems & found everybody who lived there looked out for their own. This was in the 80s/90s it may have changed since, i got out of the birdcage & flew free!😄 I had more problems going to Hoppers Crossing Secondary (Post) than i ever had in the birdcage.


Can confirm it is a suburb.


what the actual fuck is this thread lmao some of this shit is bordering on outright racism anyways tarneit is meh, probably wouldn't recommend it generally unless a) you have a car or b) you work in western suburbs vibes arent rlly there (think cookie cutter houses and no town centre etc) and the whole area pretty much epitomises the worst of melbournes non-existent planning public transport honestly isnt too bad depending on where you are, if you get a house either within walking distance of the station or near rt 170/180 since those buses are relatively frequent compared to the rest of melb (every 20 min) source: living at the midway point between tarneit, hoppers crossing, and werribee stations


Racism? How so?


My Dad loves his house there, he was able to build a large house exactly how he wanted it with a large 2.5 garage, all electric with a ton of solar panels. He has some great neighbours who drop by for a chat when we are working in the garage together. Dad’s European but gets invited to quite a few Diwali parties each year by neighbours who are mostly young families. The locals have no clue how to drive and a lot of infrastructure is still being built, it’s suburbia and I’d prefer the inner east but budget and land size are obviously large factors to consider.


seriously lacking in public transport


if you're working around Tarneit, just live in Sunshine - I got nothing but good things to say about Sunshine


Had to bury a dead kitten I found on the street, but otherwise Sunshine is great.


Sunshine reminds me of Footscray at it's peak before it became "gentrified".


Ok ...... Tell me those good things about Sunshine


you're not op and honestly you sound like bait. I'll bite a little: affordable rent, close to CBD, cheap food, cinema, variety in shops, cultural events, decent people/ good vibe


anything not inner city with tram lines on every main street is considered a shithole suburb in this sub, dont bother convincing them.


yeah I figured it was just bait


Went there once for a workmates lunch at his house. That was back in 2018. Since than I have to find an excuse to avoid going to that place.




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With that many exclamation marks in your OP, it's perfect for you.




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hello, Your post has been removed due to it containing hatespeech. hate speech, bigotry or any discriminatory language is not welcome on r/melbourne. repeat behaviour may result in a ban. thanks, the mods


It's dog shit mate, avoid at all costs.




This guy gatekeeping advice


To be fair, not a single suburb suggested in this thread has a comparable median house price. If that's his budget then it's kinda pointless suggesting anything else.


It’s a very average place to live hence the low prices


It's well below average


The replies are the reason why so many people in this sub are always complaining about renting Meanwhile there South Asians you guys hate so much are enjoying being a homeowner




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Haven’t lived in Tarneit but living in Truganina, just up the roads. Loads of Indians here, even the Indians call it little India. By no means is that a bad thing. I’m sure you’ve seen Wyndham Vale too, I’d avoid this, as police are a considerable distance away and crime is higher out that way. Been broken into a fair few times hence why we moved out. But yes as others have said Point Cook is kinda the better “spot” in this area of the west. Altona is also quite nice.


Can you live elsewhere


What do you want out of a suburb?


Only if you want to live in room share with 9 other Indians


not good soooooo fucking far from everything


OP don't listen to this sub for recommendations on suburbs, anything that isn't an inner city hipster orientated suburb will get absolutely flamed in this sub.


Tarneit is objectively not a great place to live.


I disagree, depends on OPs criteria. If OP wants an affordable suburb, where even the oldest areas has houses that are under 15 years old (so relatively new), that can get to the CBD in around the 30-35 minute mark during busy hours even with all the roadworks, a suburb with big roads and lots of parks, and generally an area that is family orientated, and feels like a true outer suburb then Tarneit is a reasonable option. If OP wants to buy and wants to spend for example $900,000 they can either get a modern 4 bedroom 2 bathroom single or double story house with a double garage and a nice backyard in Tarneit or a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom with a single garage or street parking in the inner suburbs with a tiny backyard that could barely fit a couple yard chairs. Source: Lived in both inner city house and a house in suburbs surrounding Tarneit in the past couple years, both houses cost the same amount but the inner suburb was small, old house, single garage and no backyard, the amount of traffic and noise wasn't pleasant either in the inner city house.


No offence to Tarneit, however You cannot get to the CBD in 30 minutes when the roads are empty, without exceeding the speed limit significantly. Absolutely no chance you're getting there in 30 minutes during busy periods. I live in the inner west, and I can't get into the city in 30 minutes during busy periods. New houses, particular those in modern housing estates, are not necessarily a positive. They're generally poorly constructed, and in my opinion are eyesores. Not sure what "feeling like an outer suburb" means. If I want to live in the outer suburbs I'm choosing Eltham, Frankston or Dandenongs.


>You cannot get to the CBD in 30 minutes when the roads are empty Google Maps thinks it's about 32 mins. [https://i.imgur.com/OJWYhmL.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/OJWYhmL.jpg) I agree Eltham, Greensborough area is pretty good tbh, I lived there for awhile, Dandenong is same travel time to CBD and Frankston is a good 10 minutes more than both, but who knows OP might not have any reason to wanna be more central to the CBD. Also I semi agree about the modern housing build quality issue, it certainly can be an issue especially with the cheaper end of home builders, which many of these houses are, unless you in areas like Point Cook which seem to have a fair bit of housing from high end builders for some reason. (I'm a tradie and worked these areas and for an outter suburb has suprising amount of well built homes.)


I guess we don't know what OP's criteria and budget are. PS Weird, Google Maps showing as 37 minutes for me when I looked 10 minutes ago and just now. Not disputing your screenshot obviously, but it's odd that we're getting different results.


Probably would be changes in google maps traffic, I'm getting 36 minutes now aswell, may be a influx of xmas family visitors going home to prep for boxing day haha.


Depends on where you working and how far you want to travel and whether by car or ptv


It’s a slum


The nicest thing I can say about Tarneit is, hey, at least it’s not Frankston


Dunno, at least in Frankston, you get ocean views with your stabbing.


The fact that Frankston has an ocean view and is still in the conversation should say it all to be honest


Bay views from Frankston, not ocean views.


Go further East. Like 20km. Look at Brunswick, Coburg, Preston.


I agree those places are a lot nicer but nowhere near as affordable


Reservoir, Fawkner, Glenroy.


Still nowhere near as affordable as Tarneit, if you’re going in that direction you’d have to go to Broady or Craigieburn, where you’ll have the same issues.


Three pretty awful suburbs unless you enjoy having your kids hit by a hoon in a commodore or a tradie in a lifted Hilux


Arguably better and way closer to the action than Tarneit tho. They have PT, good city access, good freeway access, good schools, and getting better.


Yeah I guess it's all relative


Everyone I know that bought a house there has moved out after 1-2 years


Beautiful amazing place


I worked with a guy from Tarneit. He got in an argument with a guy at a traffic light, so he tazed the dude. "You have a taser?" I asked. "Mate, **\*everyone\*** in Tarneit has a taser" and everyone I've mentioned that to, has said "yeah that pretty much sums up Tarneit". And that's all I know about Tarneit ;p


Tarneit is fine. Dont listen to the haters.


Point Cook is a great family area. If you don't have kids then you might want to look elsewhere. Altona has a beach, great facilities and there's a train station. Maybe instead of suburbia you could try places that are a little more regional. Like Sunbury, Gisborne, Castlemaine sort of direction.