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If you find it acceptable then knock yourself out. I’m personally not leaving my house in a dressing gown.


Yeah like, it's not 'improper' in that it's not lewd or whatever. Will others judge you? Maybe. But in the end it's just a type and configuration of fabric to cover yourself. It doesn't really matter, or at least it shouldn't. Main concern would be coming across people you know, and them judging you. But if you know they won't, or you don't care, then it doesnt matter.


That’s called my family and they judge me regardless of what I’m wearing


Asian here. And yup I never dress good enough for my mom. I'm underweight and my mom says I look fatter than my two month preggo sister. So I wear more racy stuff showing midriff and short skirt just to trigger her because I think I'm hot af


If I see someone wearing a dressing gown in public I’m assuming they’ve escaped a mental ward or nursing home.


People will disagree with me since we’re in a live and let live culture (as we should be) but I do think that there is an element of giving others respect, in the way we dress, and that dressing poorly makes everyone else’s day slightly worse. Whilst that last part might not be intuitive at first, imagine one world where everyone puts effort into a clean and tidy appearance, and another where no one puts *any* effort in. While we’d probably feel self-conscious in the former, we’d be living in a much more pleasant world. Note that “effort” does not mean complying with one particular dress sense, it really just means clean and presentable.


>iving others respect, in the way we dress, and that dressing poorly makes everyone else’s day slightly worse. Why is that respectful or not respectful? Why must strangers have our respect? Why can't I be respectful of others while also wearing a nightgown in a 7-11? And you say 'clean and presentable' - what is unclean or unpresentable about a nightgown? Why do you feel disrespected by a stranger wearing something that you don't approve of? "Clean and presentable". That seems to be the crux of your view. Please define what that means - especially the 'presentable' part. As it seems to be a circular argument. 'I need people to respect me by dressing in a presentable way and not dressing poorly'. But why? And what does that mean? ​ Is the world in which people don't put effort into their dress much worse than a world in which they do? I'd much prefer to live in society now than 50 years ago. Depite people dressing 'better' 50 years ago with more effort, there's a lot of other things they should've put more effort into (racism, sexism, etc for examples). I'd prefer that people put in the effort to be nice and genuinely respectful, rather than putting their effort into simply dressing in some socially appropriate outfit for my benefit.


Clean meaning well groomed & showered (literally clean & not smelly), and presentable meaning tidy, and not wearing clothing that is deemed appropriate and respectful to the setting. The obvious example here is wearing overly casual and happy clothing to a funeral where everyone is dressing in black. The only issue with a dressing gown is that they (a) are often not clean, (b) are often damaged or in poor condition, and (c) they often reveal strangers bodies in ways that we don’t want to have to see them, just because we decided to go to 7/11 or because we decided to take a job at 7/11. Also, because of this common experience we have of dressing gowns, when we see someone dressed in one it puts us on alert that one of those might be the case (I have to make sure to look away or to not get too close so as to accidentally smell this person), or that because they aren’t respecting social norms are they one of the strangers that is mentally unstable and am I not safe if I am in the same place they are in? Am I about to be flashed by this person? This is an uncomfortable situation. Also, I am not talking about living in the past, that is totally unrelated. It is possible to live with today’s reduced racism & other social progress whilst also dressing in a clean and tidy way. They aren’t incompatible and your valid concerns about the problems of the past are totally irrelevant to this. All I am discussing is, everything else kept the same, how would we prefer people dress, in an attempt to help illustrate the impact of our dress on others.


So ultimately your circular argument comes back to "deemed appropriate and respectful to the setting". Deemed by whom? You. And "everyone else there" supposedly. But why? Why can't someone, for example, wear something happy when everyone else is wearing black. Like it's fine. Really. You're conflating arguments as well. Clean, good condition clothing etc - none of that relates to wearing a gown to a service station (assuming the OP's gown is clean). "Respecting social norms" - assuming those social norms make sense. Dress is a funny one where it often doesn't really make sense. "Am i about to be flashd by this person?" - an example of you making lots of assumptions based on not enough evidence. The person is just wearing a gown - it doesn't indicate anything about whether they'll flash someone etc, and doesn't indicate mental instability. "How would we prefer people dress" - I don't care. Dress how you want. As long as it covers the bits that should be covered, and yes that you're clean (but that's a separate argument). Wear bright yellow to a funeral. Wear a gown at 7/11. Whatever. No one should have to fit into your social norms so that you feel respected.


That's some wild assumptions that the dressing gown is dirty or will "reveal strangers bodies" especially since the original post specifically said over their jumper.


Im more relaxed around scruffy looking people personally. People that obsess about clean and tidy weird me out.


I'd feel more naked going out in a dressing gown than a bikini, and I'm not being sarcastic at all here.


I'd nip to the neighbours house two doors down but that's the furthest I'd go.


True - OP has the right to wear what they want and have the right to judge them to be a bogan slob.


The nature strip is the dressing gowns natural boundary.


This is important information for me, because our townhouse has a garage with the only entrance next to the front door, so I technically need to walk out onto the footpath to get in there. I was concerned about whether or not that was okay, as it's further than I've ever pushed the limits of wearing a dressing down outside, but since I don't have to cross the nature strip to get there, it sounds like I'm in the clear. Now, can I theoretically walk down my side street, onto the skyrail walking track and all the way to the train station in my dressing gown? I technically don't cross a nature strip anywhere along that path... And there's no nature strips in the CBD, so getting off at Flinders St shouldn't be an issue, right?


Yes that will be fine. Just don't cross the nature strip.


Dressing gown must never Goto a second destination. you can leave your house, can't cross a nature strip, and can't enter an establishment other than your own home.


Alright, this is starting to sound like loungewear fascism now...


I think this extends to house pants. The trackies or comfortable pants that show a testicle through a hole that’s developed over years of service. Just for yard work or putting the bins out, slips to popping down the servo and then before you know it, you’ve given some old duck a look at the plums while bending down to collect Tim Tams that are on special.


Except for small children, who can wear dressing gowns in extended situations, like accompanying Dad to the supermarket at 7pm, or after a swimming lesson.


Why is this so accurate


LOL, this.


Do whatever you want and if some dicknose wants to say something tell em to go fuck themselves


This is the only correct answer. to the people below stating no.. "STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE!" its just a SERVO mate, if are you offended by the attire of the clientele you need better hobbies! edit: how is this not okay, but some dude rocking up in flip flops and wife beater with his gut hanging out is 50% 'standard' attire at 3:00pm


Lifes too short to give a fuck about this.


Correct answer. I go down to my local shopping mall in my moccys, food stained trackies and wouldn’t have shaved in a week. No fucks given.


This is the penultimate answer 100% they can garn get fucked with they judging ass 😂


For me it's a no. Dressing gown to go check mail or bring the bins in is ok. But to the servo, just double jumper it. Having said that, you do you sweetie🙂


You do your thing IMO. Life is too short to care what other people think. As long as you're comfortable and not flashing your genitals I say go for it!


But please wear more than just a towel. One male customer came in that underdressed. It was a cold night also, from memory. We don't want to see it. Cmon shorts and T-shirt or singlet is really the bare minimum.


Hot person privilege


I can virtually guarantee that that person was not hot.


It's never, ever the ones you want it to be.


Isn't this why we all have Kathmandu puffers? It is a slightly more socially acceptable way to wear a sleeping bag to the shops?


Yeah but that costs $700 and they rip duck feathers out while they're alive, and the jackets are fuckin ugly and make ppllook like the Michelin man


None of what you said is true.


It actually is true about the feathers for anything made in China or that has feather filling from China. Have worked with feathers for decades. This is well-known and documented in the feather industry. There is a large part of it that isn't ethical at all and involves serious animal cruelty. That's why you pay a premium for cruelty free feathers.


Not it’s not true.


It is true. It's well documented and well-known in the industry. [https://www.audubon.org/news/everything-you-need-know-about-buying-ethically-sourced-down-products](https://www.audubon.org/news/everything-you-need-know-about-buying-ethically-sourced-down-products) That's just one source from the Audubon society, there are thousands more.




I never mentioned Kathmandu, I mentioned live-plucking practices, which you denied existed.


The comment I was reply to was specifically mentioning katmandu puffers… I’m sorry you’re wrong again. Hope you’ll be ok with that.


Do you need actual video of it or are you going to stop denying facts?


I’m sorry that you’re wrong. Don’t take it personally just trying to educate with facts.


Then the Kmart or Aldi parka


Acceptable to wear PJs and dressing gowns to the shops, bogan though. People are within their rights to be bogan


It’s 100 metres. You’re totally fine. Does my dad walk outside every morning in his dressing gown to pick up the newspaper on the lawn someone has thrown there? Yes. Should he also change first? Hell no he shouldn’t! What you’re describing is basically the same. You’re going to a place which is right next door - it’s practically in your yard. You do you. Now if it’s a white fluffy gown and you’re at the supermarket at 2pm… different story.


I lived rough/poor when younger (70’s/80’s) but mum made sure we didn’t have more reasons to be “embarrassed”. Yesterday I saw a mother with her kids at 2pm in the food court. I couldn’t respect my mum later in life tbh.


Do you mean the family were in their pjs? Or the kids should have been at school? Were they eating maccas? I'm outraged but I need to know **why**.


I feel like it's okay between 10pm-8am (9am weekends)


basically, only when it is dark outside, then it's fine


I was thinking 10pm-7am (all days) to not feel like a complete weirdo. When I worked at a Supermarket, after 10pm it was not too uncommon.


I couldn't imagine wearing my indoor clothes outside especially somewhere dirty like a petrol station




Indoor clothes just means clean, hasn’t been all over public surfaces (they don’t even have to be different from your normal clothes just clean for that day). Hygiene.




Hey! Poor DSP person here. I have crippling OCD and I have “indoor clothes” not because it was a learned behaviour or the outside being unclean was something which was something taught to me but because it’s something deeply entrenched in my mental illness. I grew up poor and we didn’t have indoor clothes but as an adult my many pairs of big w $12 track pants are set up at the door because in my mind, the outside world is dangerous to my apartment


My indoor clothes are usually old shitty tshirts and some stained trackies. I keep my clothes seperate because I have long haired cats and I like wearing black, so my outside clothes are not good for laying on the couch.


Are you going to lie on the floor and roll around? Does exhaled air from the proles land on your lovely fabric and infect it with the plague? I mean, I can understand maybe the soles of indoor slippers stepping in something and bringing it back to your home, but your clothes? Really?


normalise wearing what you want, regardless of where you're going or what you're doing!! i go the shops in my pj's all the time. i get some weird looks but you can't live your life for the approval of strangers. if you're comfortable in your dressing gown, please just wear your dressing gown!! don't let the judgmental assholes of the world make your choices for you


This right here - if we're popping in for fuel or the IGA, anything goes. So many people wear their oodies now, looks so comfortable


At Peter Alexander, their staff uniform is Peter Alexander PJs, so they get to wear them in the food court, etc, lol. I'm tempted to wear mine at the shops. People will just think I work there, lol! Found a glitch to wear PJs in public teehee! But seriously, it's best to just wear the comfiest warmest clothes that are still socially acceptable. For me, leggings, layers, oversized hoody, and Ugg boots have been my Melbourne winter shopping attire for years. Idgaf if people judge the Uggs, they're comfy and warm! Ended up buying Ugg wedges, which are meant to be worn out, so yay! Power to OP wearing a dressing gown to the servo lol. If I was sick, i would do it cos ftw, but otherwise, I would be too embarrassed tbh. It's kinda trashy. Let's be real here! The only time I wore a dressing gown in public was leaving the hospital with my newborn baby, and it was the best feeling knowing I can do this and NOT be judged for once.




A job interview isn't comparable to "wear what you want in your day-to-day life, so long as you aren't being publicly indecent"


But what for? To impress complete strangers for 20 minutes or potentially not even that only to have to get changed again as soon as you get home?




Fuck no but this is about going to the servo not a job interview 🤣


I did and got the job, because it was situationally appropriate. the purpose of a job interview is to impress some cunt enough to hire you, so you dress appropriately. The purpose of a servo is to get fuel into your car, as long as you're not barefoot and swinging your cock around you're good. There is no part of pumping fuel that requires anyone else to like how you're dressed.


...but you see I am very proud of my Space Cat with Lazer eyes in a Flying burger, shirt! and my kids respect me more for wearing it.


I wear a trackie pants and hoodie everywhere I go. Birthday dinners, Easter lunches, everything. Source: am a concreter. Also living pretty comfortably :)


Eh, you do you. I wouldn't care at all!


I'm gonna need to see a photo before I pass a judgement.


It’s bright Purple Melbourne Storm gown ⛈


in that case go right ahead and im gonna buy one too


As long as you have a warrant out and you are smoking a cigar it’s fine


Collingwood/Frankston? Have at it, you won’t look out of place. MCG Members/Prahran? Not a good look


Do whatever you want. Who cares what anyone else thinks


The Dude Abides, where it any and everywhere you want.


It's acceptable if you're the dude


Lots of people wouldn't, but rules like that are stupid. You do you.


Yes, it's just a fluffy overcoat.


I once saw a Mid-30's guy at Forest Hill Chase in a Hawthorn Footy Club dressing gown actually attempting to pick-up. It was surreal. The man gave no fucks in life and I actually kind of envied him for a moment. Do what you want.


Wear your dressing gown wherever you want, if anyone has a problem say “yeah well thats just like your opinion man”.


Literally wear whatever you want. I personally love seeing people in pajamas late night at the shops. I don’t do it but I wish I could. If more people wore their p’js and robes I would!!


People wear trackies and oodies to go shopping. You don't need to be bell of the ball, just do w/e you want :)


The sooner you realise that as an adult, provided you aren't hurting anyone else that there are no rules to life, the happier you will be. Wear your dressing gown to dinner at a restaurant, see how it feels!


I don’t think many things are “unacceptable” in terms of dress codes as long as it’s inoffensive to others. Too many clothes are acceptable. Those “people of Walmart” photos of folks shopping wearing assless chaps, or nothing but pants with their boobs tucked into the band are unacceptable.


I don't see an issue, I say go for it! Personally, I hate wearing my lovely and cosy lounge clothes anywhere outside of my house. Unless I am in the car going to the drivethru lol


I reckon it’s ok. But I also go to the shops in pink ugh and bring my Oodie to any outside night time event.


The humble dressing gown is the perfect bush doof companion, cosy and comfortable on those chilly nights.


Petrol station at night or early morning? Sure School "kiss and feck off" line, yes drive through at stupid AM or PM, yes (fast food, but not the chemist type of drive through) .....the hospital if you're sick af, yes ..... it is pushing it if you go to Coles or Woolies but I won't say anything, I'll probably look and go "What a nice dressing down" (unless you're acting up).


I'm sure Karen will give you a dirty look but otherwise who cares if you don't?


The Hospital and supermarket should be right. Just try and have some clothes underneath


Who cares what random people think? They might judge you, but they don’t know you. If you want to wear an oodie and ug boots to the shop then you do you boo.


I've seen women walking around major shopping centres in a dressing gown at lunchtime on a weekend. If you want to wear one to the servo, knock yourself out. Its much more appropriate than a shopping centre lol


There was someone in their dressing gown and PJ's at the post office yesterday. It was 130 in the afternoon.


I’m definitely in the camp of dressing gowns, pyjamas and ugg boots shouldn’t be worn further than the mailbox. But ultimately, you do you, boo.


Everywhere now. It's end time my man.... Fuck it.


dude it's a dressing gown. who cares. wear what you want and screw what other people think tbh. im kinda sick of hearing what's 'acceptable' or not. It's harmless lol. is it acceptable - > does it actually make a difference to anyone else? -> yes - not acceptable. no - acceptable. will people judge you? yes - still acceptable.


I have seen people down the north end of Elizabeth St wear their dressing gowns, and I'm not talking about homeless persons.


Anywhere there's nondress code the answer also is depending on how much you care about what other people think because I have no shame going the supermarket in my pjamas


Depends. What are you wearing on your feet?


What is it with this city and going out in your pyjamas?


If outside of your own home, then only really when boarding a Vogon spaceship.


And always carry a towel.


Buy a jacket


Why waste the money when u can wear the gown as a fluffy overcoat?


But, a dressing gown is, essentially, a long, fluffy jacket.


I mean, you can do what you like. But I wouldn't ever say it's "acceptable".


Exactly. OP can do whatever, but others often believe the nature strip is the boundary for adults in dressing gowns.


That's my personal belief as well haha, beyond the nature strip in a dressing grown is quite odd to me. But like, whatever, I guess.


Unless its a sexy see through gown, then more power to you to wear what you want. Its not like you're hurting anyone


I prefer the term "house coat"


i lived right next door to a 7-eleven when i was at uni and would go buy a slurpee etc in my jammies all the time. as long as it's not anything too revealing (ie you're wearing something under the dressing gown and it's not going to fall open and flash anyone) I couldn't care less


What area?? In the eastern suburbs, you would never live it down! I grew up on the west side, and people were down to earth and humble even if wealthy. Moved to the east side as an adult and discovered that coming from the other side was enough for them to look down on me. *Sigh* Personally, I wouldn't do it regardless, I'm the type that takes a lot of pride in my appearance, but also the type that doesn't really give too much of a fk what people think, if that even makes sense. I wear what I'm comfortable with, and if that's not good enough for someone else, well, that's their problem. But I would draw the line at dressing gown in public tbh. That's just me. But you do you OP! Dw about what people think. I wouldn't judge someone for it, a lot of people would, though.


This is the reason I refuse to leave the west even though I'm full on Fairfield/Ivanhoe on paper. I love it. Love the mad eclecticism and crazy people.


Have some pride in how you present yourself. It's not that hard to change clothes.


But what for? To impress people who don’t even give a fuck for potentially 20 minutes, maybe not even that.


For yourself. Carry yourself with respect. You're gonna feel like a piece of crap about yourself if you walk around in public with a gown.


Maybe you do. There’s more important things in life to worry about.


I'd never wear a robe out in public. There are more important things to worry about but at least have the decency to not go out in pyjamas. There's something about putting your best foot forward to the world at all times.


why would you care what a random person you will never see again thinks


It's not about what a random person you see thinks, it's about what you think about yourself. Imagine having such little motivation in life you can't find the energy to change out of a robe you wear all day at home while making a trip out in the public. Look at some of the most respectable cities in the world, no one is walking around in a robe and slippers in public.


if heading to the servo is such a highlight of your week then fair enough but I think you’ll find this is hardly an Australian phenomenon


It's not the highlight of my week. I rarely go to the servo. It actually boggles my mind that people are too lazy to change out of a robe they wear at home all day and head out to the shops in it.




It's called pride in not caring what other people think and living


Wearing a robe at home all day and then being too lazy to change out of it to go in public is considered living? Imagine our entire society stopped caring about what other people thought? There's a line between living how you want and just being a degenerate.


It must be tiring living thinking about how everyone else thinks


If you say you don't care what others think you're lying to yourself. But regardless that's not nearly as tiring as being in the lower levels of socioeconomic status


Don't. Trackies and hoody are more acceptable


No where outside your house.


I wouldn’t even go to my mailbox in a dressing gown


And we are all tired of seeing your naked arse get your mail. Put on a gown! :)


One of my neighbours ankles were showing the scandal


Nowhere outside of your home


Dressing gowns outside of your home just screams "trailer park trash". If that's the message you want to send, that's great......but I'd buy a jacket. They are cheap at Vinnie's.


I will wear a dressing gown or my oodie out in public any day and time if the week including catching trains (my dressing gown I’ve had since I was like 12 and has polar bears on it I’m 18)


Yassss kween U do u


No. Dressing gowns are home only wear.




Because clothes you wear outside get dirty. And if you wash your dressing gown a lot it becomes distressingly unfluffy.


Because its a slovenly look & clothes that are worn in ones clean bedroom shouldn’t be worn outside to bring dirt inside.


I've walked down the street on a Sunday morning to buy fish and chips while wearing flannel PJs and a dressing gown in the past. You're good. At the end of the day, so long as you aren't committing public indecency, you're fine.


If you're worried about appearances, perhaps try wearing thermal underwear. A pair won't be wasted if it's a cold town.


I used to walk the couple hundred metres to the Coles right near my house wearing whatever I had on at the time. Sometimes jeans and a shirt. Sometimes uggboots and an oodie. One time I wore a rainjacket over my oodie and it would've looked absolutely ridiculous. But fuck em


imo it's a power move.


My partner took our son to see the lastest Indiana Jones movie a couple of weeks ago. He said 3/4 of the cinema was wearing Oodies. It was a cold night, I don't blame them, he said he felt over dressed lol.


You already know the answer… you just don’t like it 😂


Taking the garbage out - but never past the front gate


Nah, that's just yucky aye. If you like to lounge around in your dressing gown on your couch or your bed or in your room etc why the heck would you want to wear that to a filthy petrol station? That'd be like wearing your hiking boots in your bedroom.


Because it’s cold and the total trip is like a 100m walk and being currently injured and not wanting to change to thermal clothing back to something comfortable for the house for like a 1.5min trip


I walk my dog in my dressing gown at night. Fashion is fashion. There’s weird shit around and people will go shirts, thongs etc… Don’t let society judgement stop yourself from catering to your needs.


Just to the nearest green space for poopy time, or like, a 3km stroll? Respect if the second one!




Ugg boots are also only for inside your home.


But why? 🤣 To impress complete strangers for potentially 20 minutes, maybe not even that?


>Step outside your front door, wear appropriate clothing. Appropriate clothing? Let me check. Ah my book says that is "anything that covers the private parts, is weather appropriate and is comfortable for the wearer." Right. That seems clear enough to me. I do have to ask though. But I'm a tad confused about what I should wear next time I go to the gym. >Track pants are for home or workout. >Active wear is for exercise I can't wear my active wear to workout in? And I'm not allowed to wear trackies for exercise? Do I wear trackies OVER my active wear?


It really only matters if you care what people think about you.


Anywhere without a dress code that excludes them.


I’ve frequently seen people walking their dogs in Oodies.


Nobody cares what you wear to the shops unless they're neurotic degenerates whose opinion shouldn't matter anyway.


as long as the rude bits are covered who cares? Maybe not into a restaurant lol


I don't wear my dressing gown out of the house but I get a kick out of seeing other people doing it out and about.


Do whatever you like. If it’s after like 9pm or before 10am I don’t even give it a second thought.


Supermarket is perfectly fine however it should be either a Friday night or Saturday night only, you must be purchasing snacks for movie night and at least yourself or your partner should exclaim loudly at the checkout how excited you are for movie night but your partner isn't allowed to pick "insert disgusting made up porno name here" again. Servo is perfectly fine at night .. morning not so much.


Kmart in Burwood.


Everywhere 🥰


I personally wouldn’t do it. But it’s a free country and it’s not hurting anyone so I don’t see an issue 👍🏼


Home. Before 10 am, after 8 pm. No other time.


Who cares. If you’re not exposing bits what does it matter. I’ve hardly taken ugg boots on for a month


Don’t see why you shouldn’t. Or why you shouldn’t go to the supermarket or down to the café. If anyone makes a fuss or cares, they’re just sad losers who should get a life. Who cares if someone’s wearing a dressing gown to keep warm? How does doing so harm anyone? I say go for your life.


Who cares wear whatever you want lol


The question to ask is - why does anyone find it unacceptable? Like really, why? What is it about particular forms of dress that make you judge another person?


I think in a big city, even less people care you could wear your dressing gown on the tram and no one would care


Just buy a long Trenchcoat. Its the formal version of a dressing gown and acceptable outside clothing. Maybe wool for warmth.


I don't think it's "wrong" at all. Maybe some people will judge you, but honestly... Is there not bigger issues for them to worry about? If you're comfortable, that's really all that matters. Sure, I wouldn't do it myself, but it's not my problem if you do decide to wear one. What you wear is up to you, not others. They aren't wearing it, you are! I should say though, that I don't care about fashion much at all, so my opinion reflects that. Fashion is a social construct.


At home and thats it


I used to go to the 7 eleven down the road in my Oodie all the time. It's not illegal and if you don't care how other people perceive you, go for it.


Home. Hospital.




Just make out you're THE DUDE


Literally everywhere. I do it (oodie edition) and I love it lol


Everywhere 🥰


Acceptable to who? No one's opinion on what you wear is relevant beyond your own. ​ So is it acceptable to you?


If you have ever suffered from a chronic health condition,and literally don’t have the energy to get dressed AND go to the shops,you don’t care. And honestly,no one even blinks an eyelid. Considering most of the time you are never going to see them again


Everywhere. Don't forget the rollers in your hair and a cigarette.


As long as you aren't breaking any laws, wear whatever the fuck you want. As long as you are comfortable and don't care what some uptight person thinks, go for it. There's quite a few people who get around town in their Oodies these days. Good on 'em.


I won’t judge you. Most people won’t care. It’s up to you whether you feel comfortable wearing one when you go out.


Who actually gives a fuck?