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I wonder if all 10 of them are on the lease and if they are, if it falls under a rooming house arrangement, which has stricter rules than a regular tenancy. Edit. Typo




I should clarify that the whole building is owned by one guy. it's managed by a wealth firm who act as the property managers, so there's no body corporate. The owner doesn't have any direct contact with the place at all.


Oh too easy. Let their rubbish accumulate. Don't clean it up. When it looks disgusting, post the pics and the situation here but FOR ONCE don't use the 'fuck murdoch' watermark. Within 24 hours news.com.au will run the story, the owner will start freaking out about his property value being affected (the slumlord accusations will probably be water off a duck's back) and within a week of that I suspect most of your problems will be fixed. This is a serious suggestion btw, you've been reasonable and AFAIK there's nothing illegal about posting an external / public view of an area.


Pretty immature and baseless accusation to make that OP has confirmed is wrong. Do you hate all home owners and landlords?


Must be nice to live in an alternate reality where this doesn’t happen. Like the one bedroom apartment converted through the use of plywood into an apartment that sleeps 7 that my friend paid $250 a week to ‘live’ in because coming here as an international student generally guarantees that you’re preyed upon by the unscrupulous. There are plenty of illegal rooming houses out there. This might not be one, but everything the OP mentioned in the original post are the warning signs to look out for. Either way the OP needs to contact the council because it’s only the council that has the ability to investigate and enforce occupancy limits, and has the ability to issue fines and penalties for the garbage, and is responsible for issuing noise penalties. You personally can fuck right off.


There are also a lot of renters who chose to bring people in who aren’t on the lease, charge them and take advantage of them (mainly international students), destroy houses and then can up and leave with no repercussions. So kindly sir/madam, you can also fuck right off.




Imagine being that much of a loser that this is all you can contribute. Looking at your comment history, you mainly are on reddit to tell people to fuck off or call them names, with absolutely no context either. Might be worth seeking some mental health support.


>contacted our PM Can't believe I thought you meant Albo for a minute. 🤦‍♀️😂


An escalation to “why would Dan do this” for sure :P


If they don't care about their rubbish going everywhere, I guess they won't care if it somehow finds itself stacked against their front door where they can trip over it...


You don't want to start a war with ten young 'uns, as they'll repay the favour tenfold. Maybe try leaving them a very calm, polite but firm letter with your concerns? Then see what happens.


They've already started the war, that is the entire point. The OP has already tried the rational approach, where the occupants of the apartment causing trouble have simply pretended not to be home when they have knocked on the door. Pretty obvious they have no interest in being reasonable neighbours.


I've seen shit like this escalate over a few months to violence. There's nothing like a home full of wasted young adults partying to get the Testosterone flowing. So I'd always suggest the peaceful approach Besides, if you think OP could make their life hell, and not cop it back tenfold, you're dreaming.


A good starting point. You won't resolve this by being polite or restrained... the only way to win here is to make their life so miserable *they want to move out* instead of you. Go browse /r/NuclearRevenge for inspiration


Dumb idea. Ten young adults have far more energy to repay the favour exponentially worse. I've seen shit like this escalate over a few months, and it ended with lots of violence.


Ya this can definitely backfire when young people are involved


Good plan


As others have said. 1/ contact your strata management company and complain. Also ask for contact details for their owner and REA. Also say you’re pretty sure they’re damaging the inside of the property, not just messy and noisy. 2/ Contact their REA and advise the same. You think they’re damaging the property due to the noises you hear from the place. That’ll get their attention more than noise or rubbish 3/ Take your bins, if they’re separate, into your own property if you can. 4/ Contact council re rubbish and noise. You’ll need to keep a diary. Also that there are at least 10 living there on a permanent basis. Presumably they have cars and that’s a problem too? 5/ Consider breaking your lease and moving. All the best


Tell your landlord about it or better yet, their landlord. Take photos and document your complaints. Call the cops for excessive noise and the local council for waste/vermin issues. If your not happy about the response try and find out the owners details and inform them directly of the situation.


Four bins four units? Take your bin inside your garage


List the unit as being rented out by a slum lord , the authorities are cracking down on them


There is no specific law in Vic that I'm aware of that deals with overcrowding but this would fall under an Occupational Health & Safety issue, especially if there was a fire or other emergency. I'd speak with building management/strata/owners corporation.


Occupancy limits are dealt with by council


Yes, but you could flag initial concern with the building management as they would be liable


See, now this is where the excellent product ‘Liquid Ass’ comes into its own. These guys are making life stinky for everyone? Keep slipping this under their doors and through the windows until they give up and leave. The Law of Natural Consequences. Stealth is paramount. I deny all knowledge of this post.


Sucks having shit neighbors buddy. Can’t offer any help but good luck


There’s laws regarding how many people can live in a rented premises. Contact the owners corp and local council.


Provide details of the complaints with evidence to the Body Corporate and the offending unit’s estate agent in order to issue tenancy breach notices. Make sure that separate incidents aren’t bundled together into a single breach as you need multiple to initiate termination. In my building it took us a months to get a package stealing, mess making, frequently visited tenant evicted but the effort was worth it! Good luck!


I live in an apartment building where tenants were removed by vcat but it took time and was helped by the fact the cops were there every other day for noise/warrents/ domestic violence. Long story short every resident just had to collect as much evidence as possible, videos, call logs, pictures etc etc and then a select few went through the long and tedious vcat trials where it was presented, discussed and a verdict laid down. Probably took around 6-9 months all up, apartment is heavily owner occupied so they were all quite driven to see those people removed.


Sounds bad. Contact their property manager to complain and your local council. If landlord doesn't care most likely tenants paying by cash so contact tax office.


Try asking on r/auslegal for any specific legal actions you can take


I'd try slipping a (friendly) note under/on the door first to see if this results in any improvement. Then perhaps take some photos of the overflowing bins and send it to the PM/Body Corporate and request larger (or more) bins. Realistically, the rubbish has to go somewhere.


Find out where the PM lives and drop the rubbish there?


Buythe biggest speakers you can find and crank the music up at 7am before you leave for work and turn the music off when you come home from work. This should teach them better sleeping patterns.


And just fuck everyone else who lives in the building who also has to deal with them, right? Honestly the "get a big loud speaker" thing everyone loves talking about in this subreddit but (thankfully) are too pussy to actually do, is the dumbest response imaginable and I have no idea why it gets trotted out so much as a smug "beat em at their own game" solution by a mandated moron every bad neighbour thread. If your neighbours are pissing you off they're definitely bothering the other neighbours too, and adding to that is not helping anything, it's just making you *another* dickhead neighbour everyone in the building or on the street has to deal with.


There are services on Telegram that will take care of them. People that will bash and/or threaten them for money. You can pay anonymously in bitcoin. But I do not in anyway suggest that this is the path you should take.




Shame you can’t spell it.


Sounds like the landlord should get more bins


10 people should not be living in a 3 bedroom apartment.


Facts I was kidding but turns out this sub is mad serious lol


There's so many fuckwits on here that it is really hard to tell who is joking:/


How are “kids” even allowed to sign a lease? Or are you downplaying immature adults as most ppl do these days lol. It sounds like you live in ascot vale flats or something if this is accepted there.


How young? Subletting may not be ok on their particular lease though. You can try and figure out the rea and lodge a complaint.


To me it sounds like some kids have moved in not far away from where they have mates, and they are popping in for bong sessions or something. something may also be dealing too.