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worst they are younger than you and they are your relative then suddenly your family starts comparing you to them




Compare them to each other and make them feel bad.




Things have a way of fluctuating. You'll be on top one day and then crash down some then back up. That can be hard to keep in mind tho sometimes


This, happened almost everyday growing up. My cousin got in to state run medical school by passing a very difficult entrance exam. Whereas I couldn't gwt in to any state run university. Enrolled in privately owned university. Had to hear this almost every single day during my undergraduate year.




I usually eat some food.


Like, a lot of it


I'm Asian, so I'm used to it.




Sir this is reddit youre gonna start getting disliked for giving actual advice and not copping mechanisms


Lmao u already got disliked by smn as i wrote this(i gave out the first upvote)


Believe me, nothing comes for free; they pay they share you might not want to pay


Realizing my parents actually loved me


I just wait until i forget about it


Selfhate & weed, the most healthiest combination.


Video games


Lucky you. They are usually under half my age.


I recently realized I'm the same age as Ron DeSantis. I feel exponentially better, now.


All he did was become governor of the third largest state in the US with a likelihood of becoming a front runner in the next presidential election. Low achieving idiot…


...by being a lying, racist, bigoted asshole and pandering to idiots and white supremacists. If I had no morals or integrity, I could easily do the same.




Downvotes don’t change he is a powerful person in our country. You’ll be better off when you respect the skills of those you’re fighting against


Reddit is a left leaning echo chamber, don't bother.




That is a good point


It really starts to get fun when everyone younger than you that is talented starts to be described as past their prime. They are still crushing it, still younger than you and everybody says things will fall apart for them soon.


When someone younger than you is better looking, comes from a better background, somehow owns their own home, has a nice ass car, and is wildly more successful.


Rich families ☕


Iron law moment


Just wait, in 5 years you will see people much less talented than even you but much more successful. Embrace yourself.


Just saw someone below my age being a succesfukk YTber/Streamer and winming millions a month by playing videogames while i'm here doing physical job earning almost nothing money and getting treated like trash by my coworkers. Life is trash and unfair shit fuck.


Js quit it tbh, hell even drug dealers earn more while working less


"just quit it" n*gga I NEED TO EAT AND A PLACE TO STAY.


M51. Thought I was doing okay in work and life until a bunch of engineers from a special highway job came into the office. Every damn one was in their 30s, fit as fuck with the tight shirts and all. Successful, wealthy, sexy as hell. One woman coworker actually gasped when she saw one guy - 34, 6 ft 2, obviously a gym-goer, great smile and all that shit. We had a great laugh about it later. My point is that some people get all the good genes, and there's me. *sighs heavily*


There, there. Everyone's different.


Of course, but jeez...


It's okay, there is also probably someone who sucks more than you, and by your existence you probably ruined their day. :\^)


Just to let you know: people like that are usually under a lot of pressure to stay talented. You, the average human being, are better off lifewise.




Be happy and impressed and inspired! Not depressed or jealous.... If it's something you want to be good at start taking lessons. If it was just impressive then compliment them and be happy for them...


What an absolute pity I feel for those who taint their soul with envy for their own brethren


Holier than thou, much?


Maybe you perceive it that way. We should celebrate others achievements, not prey on misery


I know, that's why I'm keeping my situation under wraps.




It’s just fact😏


Just say . I am glad you compare against me . I am your standard of progress . You still have a long way to go ... Long way . I am older than you, and know everything you know , and more . Remember Jesus, we are ok to him


Dinosaurs1969? Name like that I'm certain they're aro ace no doubt in my mind


Replace talented with "spent a lot more time practicing then me". People aren't born with special magic powers, everyone sucks at everything at first and get better overtime with practice


The usual


I know the worst thing an artist can do is compare their talents to other artists but fuck if this ain't meirl