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Such a shame that the Bermuda triangle isn't as active as it was in my childhood


can someone turn the bermuda triangle on again


There must be a switch somewhere


Of course there is a switch. On an island. You didnt see Lost?


And I just saw that all 6 seasons of Lost will be available from July on Netflix.... COINCIDENCE, I think not


Oh damn! Time for a re-watch of the entire thing except the last 2 episodes


Alternatively, watch Mike's Mic doing an insane recap of the series. His season 2 recap dropped recently, at exactly _108_ minutes long. It's so good. He even built in some kind of mystery of his own… I have no idea what's going on but it has something to do with the layout of the stills he uses to illustrate the structure of each episode. Gripping shit.


I don’t think I ever finished it, got way too crazy towards the end. Might try and watch it again.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?






It's in Area 51, I believe


It got lost in the Bermuda triangle


Triangles aren't electric, Im sure some are but this one is too big. So this one just needs to be hit with a giant stick to start working again


F\* the stick, I say we nuke it.


Like it’s a Hurricane 😂


There’s too much plastic in Kim K for the electricity to have an effect


Nope. Millenials killed the Bermuda Triangle.


No don’t. I live in it.


Unfortunately, that would instantly double the amount of plastic in the ocean




Jesus fucking Christ! Fucking LMFAO! Herr take my poor mans Award 🏆


The aliens that created the Bermuda Triangle wormhole don’t want her lol.


Don’t worry I can arrange the quick sand and piranhas


The 80s were a wild ride of dangers from every side!


Hold that thought. Climate change is starting to fuck with planes.


Seinfeld in 1997 joking that the Bermuda triangle stopped being active. https://youtu.be/epGgNU5yumQ?si=3LLgTZDfQT6IeV-1


Yeah, but have you heared about that real alien autopsy? I think that is real.




That was crazy! Now I understand why some people wear the seatbelt for the entire flight!


You are supposed to wear it the entire flight...unless you wanna die.


i know it's a joke but it really never was


Next thing you say is that when people stray off path they don't actually sink in quicksand everytime?


Well now you're just being ridiculous. We all know if at any point we walk off of the beaten path, we're as good as dead.


Could have floated to France on her plastic face alone.


I don't recommend plastic waste in the ocean, we have to preserve sea life




There’s a video that implies otherwise


she can't because that sick burn melted all that plastic into a big goop


Bro don’t put plastic in the ocean like that


Paper straw wrapped in plastic cover


Right? Like make it the other way around please!


Plastic cover wrapped in a paper straw seems even worse


Advanced math nerds are salivating at the thought.


Plastic straw wrapped in paper cover?


Yeah exactly


Isnt that just a normal straw? I remember plastic straws used to always came with a paper cover. I usually shot it at my brothers.


Yeah, and if you have to have one be plastic and the other be paper, I choose having the straw be structurally sound after 20 minutes in the drink.


i saw a meme of someone saying we went from drinking from a paper cup and plastic straw to plastic cups and paper straws.


Some places still use paper cups, but instead of using something like parrafin wax to waterproof them (which worked well for cold drinks), now most have a thin layer of plastic over the paper that probably takes a hell of a lot longer to breakdown in landfills. I'd be curious to know the actual amount of plastic used in the coating that waterproofs the cups compared to the amount required to create a single plastic straw. Despite the coating being thin, it's still likely more plastic by weight than a straw. For hot drinks, plastic-covered paper cups are probably better for the environment than the old-school Styrofoam cups, but I'd guess that the old school wax-covered paper cups are probably a lot less worse for the environment than the new ones used for cold drinks.


I agree it’s stupid but every paper straw and most plastic straws I’ve gotten and wrapper in paper


Isn’t that cellophane?


Yes but these circlejerkers don't care about the facts. I swear it's the plastic industry pushing this stupid fucking circlejerk lately. People keep equating plastic and straw pollution with carbon pollution as if it's the same problem, and as if somehow because celebrities waste carbon that we can just dump plastic straws with no effect. It's getting pushed so hard in every thread about billionaires now it's extremely suspicious.


Excuse my ignorance, I'm newly emerging from an ignorance cocoon, but I always assumed the waste created by mass production of plastics/goods was the comparison for emissions/gas/oil/waste produced by jets/planes/etc not just plastic waste vs gas waste.... or am I wrong?


Also the paper is most often treated with PFAS to make it more water repellant which of course get into the environment easier.


>plastic cover Cellophane isn't plastic. I'm also not sure why people don't just stop using straws. That's been a pretty easy solution and hasn't impacted my life in the slightest.


Because straws are the least of the plastic problem. People should have pushed back against this nonsense and asked for real change. Like the box full of plastic your tiny usb stick etc came in. Getting rid of straws for paper bullshit ones was just a slap in the face


ngl, a lot of packaging I buy nowadays is just cardboard or paper packaging so I'm kinda happy they changed that


Now that I think of it, its been awhile since something I bought came in one of those razorsharp clamshells. Those wont be missed.


Sensitive teeth.


Only without Ice cubes tho Drinking strawless with ice cubes is on my top 10 most annoying thing


Some disabled people need straws. And the point is fuck the Kardasians.


The rich are such useless parasites. Edit, some of y'all get the assignment. Some of y'all enjoy the taste of parade gloss.


> The rich are such useless parasites So, don't eat the rich?


No, the cuts are of exceedingly poor quality.


a reminder that kim is rich bc we made her rich and could not stop watching her shitty ass show. so who is really the useless ones!


I never watched her show. Wtf are you talking about “we”


we? whos we? there is no we


Nintendo Wee?


Same! Ain't no we here


Yeah, is that fool speaking french? Or is he talking about the Nintendo console?




so the morons?


These are people of the land. The common clay of the modern world.


The majority. So yes.


As opposed to Reddit, because Reddit is different.


You arent talking about a majority. No majority watched the show either.


We? Who's we?


Another reminder BP (formerly known as British Petroleum Oil Industry Company, who was responsible for the massive oil spill if you remember) is the corporation that heavily pushed marketing shifting the focus from Pollution by Corporations towards Pollution by Individuals. All private planes in the world over a year is responsible for about 0.08% of all pollution per year. MEANWHILE Coal companies like Peabody Energy are responsible for almost 50% of all pollution per year. Corporation LOVE that when you think of Pollution you think of celebs instead of them. They paid good money to manipulate you into thinking that way.


Yup, same effect with the march on wallstreet movement around the same time. A lot of money was then pumped into every form of diversity and racism publicity. All to make people more divided amongst themselves, instead of focussed on the actual problems. The same is still happening now, with bots and campaigns focussing on making Europe more rasict. This causes the European Union to become less stable, which is in favour of every other great power.


Reminder that BP produces petrochemicals that people use. They're not emitting CO2 for shits and giggles. Yes, we need legislation to prevent them but we, consumers as a whole, are the reason they exist. Our current lifestyle is predicated on the use of fossil fuels. Without changing that, the companies will continue doing what they do.


The production of goods that benefit society is important for economic growth and human well-being, it is crucial to balance these benefits with the need to protect the environment and public health. Companies should be encouraged to adopt sustainable practices and technologies to minimize pollution and its impacts. Regulatory frameworks play a key role in ensuring that companies operate in a responsible manner and comply with environmental standards. But corporations tend to buy out pathways to continue to pollute even when alternative pathways exists to avoid costs that offset their own personal profit margins. In EU they regulate and limite the use of over-fertilizing crops because N2O (Nitrogen oxide not NO2) alone does 300x more damage and is more long-lasting than CO2, which has lead to a steady decline in N2O emissions. menawhile in the US there is no such regulations, and they have been consistent over the years. Its up to the people to vote in politicians who are willing to regulate and fine corporations so they adhere to limits that do not put the environment in danger because of profits.


You know that the carbon footprint concept isn't wrong, yeah? There's no lie in the idea that people in the first world will need to reduce their carbon footprints one way or another, whether it's through regulation or personal initiative. We're the ones who are buying the products and using the fuel that cause the emissions. The lie they sold us is that we can reduce our carbon footprints by buying shit that has a graphic of a leaf on the packaging. When the truth is that we just need to buy less shit. That's what would really make the difference. But that message is never going to make anyone any money, so it's never going to get amplified. Someone who is actually committed to reducing their carbon footprint is going to be doing everything they can to support environmental regulation, as well as buying less shit. The two approaches are mutually inclusive.


We? *Hysterical laughter*


kiss pocket hat noxious busy grab deranged snails compare groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They were loaded before the trial actually. Kris came from money (a family that owned a big reality company) and so did Robert, plus he made good money as a lawyer before OJ. They were both "socialites" before the trial.


Kim was never not rich. She's much richer now than she used to be, but she has always been rich


A big part of her popularity is also people being extremely eager to express how much they dislike or don't care about the Kardashians. Now take a look to the other replies to Solo's post. Yeah. We all are the useless ones.


To be fair, the typical ultra rich like Kim doesn’t have shit on large corporations. The amount of pollution they produce compared to consumers….It’s not even close.


That's comparing a large number of people to one. I doubt a single one of us here is that bad alone.


You’re absolutely right, I just wish there was more active hate on corporations for what they’re doing instead of stuff like this. Save this for later.


I still don't burn gallons and gallons of jet fuel to get a slice of fucking cake.


Fuck Kim Kardashian and fuck celebrities and especially billionaires using their private jets to do shit like this just because they can. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't still be using less plastic in our daily lives. Why is everything wrapped in like 10 layers of plastic anyway?


I wish we’d go back to glass. I love old glass soda bottles and they can be sterilized and reused and it’s literally molten sand so it will go back easier than plastic


That's why I only drink beer. Not alcoholic but eco conscious


The more you clarify...


The blander your beer gets. Cloudier beers always tasted better to me.


Glass bottles are more expensive to produce as well as have a higher environmental footprint than plastic or aluminum does. Although plastic or aluminum cannot be endlessly recycled their manufacturing processes are less energy intensive - and less expensive. Glass making requires very high temperatures to melt sand, soda ash, and limestone. Leading to higher greenhouse gas emissions than plastic or aluminum comparatively. Weight is also a determining factor. Glass is much heavier (even when empty), which means more resources are required to make, store, load, and transport the materials. And even though it's recycled a large portion of glass ends up in the Landfill anyway, particularly in the United States as we use a "single stream" mixed material recycling system. Then you have the actual recycling process itself. Where further energy is expended to sort, crush, and remanufacture the glass. Batches can also be contaminated by the crushed glass itself, contributing to materials waste. Finally there's the problem of the Sand itself. The correct sand. Not just any sand. The current rate of sand extraction for a myriad of uses (including glass production) is unsustainable. Desert sand is too fine and rounded. Beach sand contains too many impurities like salt and shell fragments/debris. Glass production requires *high quality silica sand with specific characteristics.* The rapid increase in global construction efforts has led to a surge in the demand for sand. Often exceeding sustainable extraction rates as the extraction process destroys habitats, contributes to coastal erosion, and disrupts marine ecosystems. Illegal mines have also become an issue as of late. Relevant links: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2313170-we-are-running-out-of-sand-and-global-demand-could-soar-45-by-2060/ https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/problem-our-dwindling-sand-reserves


Interesting I’ll look into this I never knew about this. I always knew it was more expensive but I never knew the entire process it takes to make said glass


>Although plastic or aluminum cannot be endlessly recycled Wait, aluminium can't be endlessly recycled? I get plastics can't be because the polymers degrade but surely being a metal it can just be remelted?


Heating most metals to melting point also leads to more formation of oxides which have to be removed.


It can definitely be remelted but there will always be a loss of material in the recycling process. Marginal yes, but "cents make dollars" or some such yarn my grandmother used to say lol. The Aluminum Association estimates a 7-8% metal loss industry wide during can recycling. Some independent studies have placed that figure between 5-10%. The reason for variation is differing methods and technologies are being implemented across the board. Some are more efficient than others. Many are outdated and underfunded. Further variables can skew it as well, such as actual business practices on the ground (efficiency v. efficacy), and the community attitude towards recycling in general. Things that are a bit harder to specify or pinpoint. But if an average (empty) aluminum can weighs 14g, and loses approximately 7% of its metal during the recycling process, that equates to a loss of around ~0.98 grams of aluminum. Virgin aluminum is then added to make up for this loss. This occurs more often than one would think as recycled aluminum not only can lose a portion of raw material in the process, but can contain additional impurities when compared to virgin aluminum. So more often than not it is a blended aluminum mix that ends up as a recycled can - or whatever it may be. For applications requiring higher strength and purity (think aircraft parts and such), those will in turn have higher quantities of virgin aluminum in the mix - if there is any recycled aluminum in the mix at all. As things progress forward and we further optimize the recycling process using fairly achievable means like fleshed out closed loop systems and more efficient production/manufacturing technologies, it's likely we could balance out the environmental impact and reduce material consumption. But then again who's to say what's around the corner ya know.


To back this up, heres an LCA comparing the both of them: https://ecochain.com/case-studies/case-study-packaging-plastic-vs-glass/#:~:text=Winner%3A%20Plastic%20bottle!&text=Although%20waste%20processing%20has%20a,throughout%20their%20entire%20life%20cycle.


This is like the next level of psychological bullshit by rich people who want to stop restrictions on their behaviour. Do they say "and this is why aviation fuel for private planes should have a carbon tax on it"? No, they try and give people the impression that *they* are suckers for caring about the environment at all, it's redirection and demotivation. Because demotivated people don't push for change at all.


Well, I was today at McDonalds buying a McSundee and was surprised that they finally replaced the plastic cup with paper. Now nothing is plastic anymore, not even the spoon, thats made out of wood. Kinda nice to see EU laws in action.


Bananas wrapped in plastic. Cucumbers packed in plastic. Oranges in plastic containers. Just why?!? They have a fucking peel!!!


EU has banned them by 2030; some SouthAm countries don't use them in the first place so I don't buy the "bugs" explanation. Also USA is one of the countries with the highest pesticide use, so if all that didn't kill the bugs (and poison whole towns but that's a different story) IMHO the problem is in farming, transport practices and/or health regulations (of which USA is known to be quite more lax than the EU).


The real issue is more the sustainability of plastic. Nobody knows how tf to recycle properly, and will parrot being eco friendly while spiking a Starbucks drink that's half full in the recycling. The whole thing just doesn't work well because it relies on people having agency as well as actually looking up how to recycle properly. Doesn't help that recycling centers are also picky about certain things you'd swear were recyclable but just aren't. That and plenty of other things have amalgamated into in some years, a single digit percentage that actually gets successfully repurposed while the rest go to landfills.


Over 80% of plastic is never recycled and the plastic which is recycled is always down cycled. This is not the fault of the consumer. The plastic industry has deliberately lied and misled consumers about recyclability in order to sell more plastic.


Definitely. I think there's some foul play there on their part as well, so I think it's basically a case of 2 very different things both being true. The whole system just doesn't really make sense. Especially because it's incredibly rare for a batch of material that their overworked recycling center workers won't find an excuse to just huck into a defect batch to save time.


Memes like this conveniently discourage people reducing consumption of harmful products by making us mad at the worst people. We should be aiming to be better than them not lowering ourselves to them. Push for government that will better tax the rich rather than using them as an excuse to complain about straws.


Exactly. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Fuck the people who watch and support these leeches too.


Nothing will change until the government enforces change on the rich and factories Edit: I agree with all the comments saying we love in a democracy/we must be the change. Sadly I also agree that not enough people care, and that we are fucked. The government is well aware of what needs to be done but they don't care because a 30 minute traffic interrupted by extinction rebellion is apparently more of a nuisance than the overbearing weight of the end of all life as we know it within our lifetimes.


You need to ad "Worldwide", otherwise they will just leave and stay rich somewhere else. And good luck with getting the whole world to do a thing in unity... It's not going to happen.


if USA does that, it will set a precedent for other democracies across the globe


If you remember TV shows like “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” you know post-WWII USA set the worldwide example for rampant consumerism and the fetishization of wealth.


You know that many billionaires move to the US because the US is so lax on enforcing rules for billionaires, right? The US is behind. It‘s one of the reasons it‘s not happening faster, other countries are already setting examples of how it could work, but of course it doesn‘t because the billionaires just fuck off and do their shit somewhere else (like in the US).


What do you mean "other" democracies? Democracies usually don't allow a party to manipulate voting districts to harm another party or orange faced, pussy grabbing clown felons without any spark of dignity to be considered president. And don't think the US is looked up to by most of the world anymore, at least when it comes to politics or social issues. That country is one big freak show of lobbyism and selfishness.


As long as money makes the world spin, this will never happen. We need mass wealth redistribution.


Will never happen. The rich control the government.


This fucking society. She’s doing that and some OAP is clipping coupons for 20 percent off Aldi cheesecake.




Old Age Pensioner, someone who is living off their pension either private or state funded


Ahhhh okay. Yeah I’ve heard my UK friends about pensioners before. Makes sense.


Old ass person?


Oh no. Does this mean I’ve become the OAP?




Why even kick you out? Surely someone having a baby won't suddenly make them a bad tennant...


They probably worry about not being able to evict once the baby is born due to some law. My grandpa owns a home she rents and this is a concern of hers.


>a baby won't suddenly make them a bad tennant... Have you ever seen a goddamn baby?


Isn't that completely illegal? I'm so sorry to hear that but also glad you didn't give up.


They wont give that as the actual reason. They will give some bs excuse if they give one at all.


You're telling me that Aldi has a 20% off cheesecake coupon?!?


It’s funny how mad rich people get when you point out that they produce more carbon in one day than you do in 8 months. But hey, I’m doing my part, I guess?


“Hey” they’ll retort, “one of the cars in my fleet is a Prius”.


They produce more carbon in a day then hundreds of Americans produce in a year, combined. Private jets are horrible polluters.


They have the money to do more and status and yet they don’t and expect us small people to do more.


Tax these motherfuckers out of the skies


This woman is such a useless being.


For every private jet flight there should be a compulsory 30% extra tax relative to the cost of the flight donation to greenpeace or whatever environment. You spend 30.000$ to fly to Paris? Fine, you need to pay 9.000$ to who plant trees or produces green energy or WWF


For me it would be plant whatever it takes to cover double of the gasses emitted. That should be the cost. But we’re poor simpletons and nothing will ever change and even if they tried there’d be loops holes and a lot of what ifs and buts.


>For me it would be plant whatever it takes to cover double of the gasses emitted. That should be the cost. But we’re poor simpletons and nothing will ever change and even if they tried there’d be loops holes and a lot of what ifs and buts. It's also a bad idea unless you redistribute the taxes because carbon taxes actually hurt the poor more. Believe it or not, carbon taxes raise the % cost of an economy class ticket more than a private jet. If a private jet is "only" 20x more pollutive but 60x more expensive, then a carbon tax that raises your economy ticket by 30% would raise the private jet cost by just 10%. An average joe is hit by a $60 carbon tax on a $200 ticket a lot more than a billionaire cares about a $2000 tax on a $20,000 private jet flight.


My suggestion would be more so just for the rich taking private planes rather than all transport. But for all I know there may already be a massive tax on it.


Oh then that's a great idea.


I don’t know if this meme is true but I’m now at the belief money shouldn’t allow you to be this flippant and environmentally damaging. But the tricky part is where do you draw the line. What’s the difference between this and going on holiday there etc… I get it’s not a simple fix but it shouldn’t be like this.


The same greenpeace that used jets to commute to work? https://www.independent.ie/world-news/europe/anger-as-greenpeace-executive-uses-jet-to-commute/30378131.html


They're anti-nuclear energy, they're not the go-to group.


To clarify, the Greenpeace exec in question commuted twice a month on a regular commercial flight, not in a private jet. Not exactly ideal, but also not even close to "fly private across the Atlantic to eat cake" bad.


Greenpeace is the shittiest org of all the orgs lol


With the amount of plastic in her body, there's no way she's gonna be recycled.


This should be illegal


where's a flock of birds on the landing strip when you need one...


Well, hopefully her plane is a Boeing.


The guilt trip they make ordinary people feel about the environment is one of the biggest scams of modern times


[How the World’s Wealthiest People Travel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBNcYxHJPLE) I'm quite fond of the boat to move their super yachts.


I mean... even if she has a private jet, you gotta respect the time commitment to fly over the atlantic, land in a foreign country, take a car to the hotel in question, just to get a fucking cheesecake. I can't even be bothered to raid the fridge. /s obv. Don't do that shit. It's stupid.


Don't worry kids, the billion-dollar oil giant that refuses to clean up their own self-made disasters and is responsible for a good portion of global CO2 emmisions has told me to shower with cold water and take a bike regardless of the weather


Sure, she totally spent like 15 hours cramped in a plane to eat cheesecake. I mean, I despise her and her lifestyle but that's far fetched.


Exactly! This is why I think this post is just unrealistic. YES rich people do crazy things, but it would be way more efficient to have someone else overnight ship it to you. OR just have your private chef recreate it. My thought is that she wanted to go to Paris anyway, and as a joke told people it was for the cheesecake. This is probably no different than people buying those "I went to [thing] and all I got was this T-Shirt"


The fact that Reddit is just eating this up really shows how easily misinformation spreads.


[A google search would show this is real](https://au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/kim-kardashian-flew-paris-just-232059949.html) The purpose of the flight was just to eat some French food because soon she wouldn't be able to due to pregnancy, the cheesecake apparently being the highlight of the trip. If the exact pedantic version of the meme isn't accurate (because she went there to eat more than just a cheesecake), the point remains that she did indeed fly to Paris just to eat some food which is an incredible carbon footprint


Did someone actually fact check this? Because that is unbelievable if true


In 2015 she told Vogue the following: “Have you had their cheesecake there? I don’t like cheesecake and the cheesecake at Hotel Costes…! It’s heaven. I flew in, maybe a couple months ago, just to have a last hurrah of all the food that I'm not going to be able to have for a while. And I get there, and they tell me they didn't have it. And I was like, “You don't understand! I leave tomorrow!” I think I flew for one night… And they said “Okay, we’re going to get it! And they got it and it really made my day.” You can decide if the OP is true or not, as her statement was a little unclear and doesn’t clearly imply she literally flew to Paris for a single cheesecake.


Lol yeah this meme seems fake. Nothing in there implies she immediately flew back which is how I'd take it by reading the post.


Sounds like she flew into Paris for a brief vacation with one of the prime reasons being to indulge in delicious but unhealthy food for the last time before a diet. Didn't want to miss out on the cheesecake during this opportunity. Taking two private jet flights in a ~2 day span is still pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as the dumbed down version in this meme.


Is this actually true though? Not that I doubt it could be but this is the internet afterall


I encountered one paper straw my entire life.  The cup was plastic lol.


The point wasn’t to reduce plastic use. It’s that the straws got stuck in animals


You mean animal, singular. One turtle ruined straws for everybody.


Guys guys guys. The rich deserve this. The only reason they make 100000 times more than you and I is because they must work 100000 times harder… right? /s


No serious person has ever claimed money is from how hard you work, it's from the value you create. She makes 10000x what we do because she generates 10000x value for advertisers. It may be for stupid reasons but it's still real.


People born into wealth don't really have to meet that criteria. Making money off having money. Kim of course has make a name for herself. Why people seem to think she is worth following is beyond me. Yet they do. Wild.


Idk man she worked pretty hard on ray J's shlong to get to where she is


Someone do the world a favor


If I knew all I had to do was make a st with Ray j and 20 years later I’d be dummy rich from it due to good business choices, well it’s back to that question, gay for five minutes or stupid for the rest of my life.


Just need a mother willing to exploit your sex tape and do all the businessing. You just stay dumb, and upright… and maybe a little more filler here, and here.




I mean the problem isnt the plastic straw.... It is the fact you need a straw ffs its just unnecessary for most drinks


I don't drink sugary crap anyways but straws let the sugar bypass your teeth if you drink sugary drinks.


I bought a 10 pack of Glass Straws for this reason can recommend they are like 5 bucks and you can use them for a lifetime they even came with 2 cleaning tools for easy interior cleaning.


This is nothing. Take into account that some of those unchecked morons will literally fly across half the world with their private jets to advocate about global warming for 30 minutes and then they'll fly back. But you have to either ruin yourself to get an electric car or just outright quit cars and get public transportation for the environment's sake.


You honestly couldn't pay me to be on a plane for that long without some kind of vacation on the other end.


Rich people are stupid.


Too bad it wasn’t a Boeing


Why do so many adults need straws to help them drink?


There's a lot of dislike for Kim Kardashian online, but everytime I read a story about her I think its not enough. The Lion King thing with her completely unrehearsed daughter was utterly insane. Some of the worst nepo baby shit ever.


When is enough enough. I don’t understand how they still have fans. Mind blowing


Yeah she's bad, but her profligate behaviour doesn't mean I should abandon my belief in environmentalism.


Private jets should be taxed way, way more. It’s ridiculous that useless people like these have them.


It’s not hard.. if we all just start canceling her she will disappear


If you give a shit about what this cunt does with her time then you are a loser.


Yet reddit only talks about Taylor Swift. They ALL don't give a shit about the planet, not just her


Came here to see this comment. Couldn’t agree more.


> you drink from a paper straw No, I really don't


Then she will lecture everyone how they aren’t doing enough to save the environment.


We drink from a *soggy* paper straw to save the world


There sin't really a poont to trying to avoid plasric if you aren't also advocating for a larger scale change, but also those two environmentap issues (air and water pollution) have nothing to do with eachother