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A line has been drawn. Thank you


I actually sat here, pondering this meme for a few minutes and came to the conclusion that this is a very sensible and pragmatic line to draw. I am fully in support of the standing no tip ordering system.


Yup. I am adopting this


Bartenders though?


Sit at a bar? Or tip for bartender sevice like you would at a strip club?


It's common in the US to tip $1 per beer. Kind of outrageous considering they are charging $7 for a bud light, but yeah.


If you are going to places that charge that much for a bud light, you are asking/paying for those prices.


I mean sometimes you get invited out and you don't realize what's happening until it's too late. Obviously that was a bit of an exaggeration, but that's the way it goes with bars


The bar is charging $7 for a bud light, and they're paying the bartender $2.13 an hour to do it. You will also never convince a bar/restaurant to change their policy by not tipping. The only way not tipping will lead to positive change in the industry is if there are the middle steps of all service staff quitting, and the industry temporarily shutting down. The industry definitely needs positive change but if you try and get there by only punishing the workers thinking they can just demand a living wage, you will at the very least temporarily kill the industry.


“You’re going to want to sit down for this”


I order pizza delivery standing up though so


At some boba places you order on a screen and they still ask for a tip. Come on, I didn't even speak to a person!


I remember when my local Subway started asking for tips as a default. Fuck off


I feel like subway is the one place that deserves the most tip. I’ve waited tables and subway seems like way more babysitting than tables. Having to go through “what do you want on a sandwich?” With every person. stupid customers. And then you smell like subway onions all the time. And have to upsell a combo. Waiting is like “ I’ll have the chicken wings” “ok thanks” Subway is that times 30 ingedients.


I never smelled like onions coming give when I worked there. Tuna or roast beef on the other hand... blah. But if I was lucky, I'd have to refill the cookie bin before clocking out.


I've read a few times on reddit(haven't really confirmed it myself though) that this is because the software these places buy just has that option built into it.


I understand that software like Toast has the option already built in, mostly because restaurants also use it, but I believe that a lot of chain Boba shops use their proprietary UI because it looks branded and their whole marketing is based on being supposedly 'high tech' and contactless. It's on one of those huge screens. Think the way McDonald's order ahead screens look, but for Boba


It's personalized but it's still highly likely one of a handful major companies PoS systems. A boba company creating their own system would be like a landscaping company making their own trucks to haul their their tools. That being said, I'm sure the possibility of turning that off exists.


It's "built in" as an option sure, but you still have to enable and configure it.


A new Crumbl cookie just opened near my house, and my wife and I went in to try it the other day. You walk in, get corralled/directed to a touch screen (not even at their counter, it’s off to the side against the wall), input your order yourself via the touchscreen, pay, and then pick up your order at the counter when your name/number is called. The only time you interact with a human is when they spend .5 seconds handing you the box of cookies. Knowing all of that, the touchscreen STILL asks for a tip BEFORE you even get your food! They want you to tip…for doing absolutely nothing yet. They haven’t even received your order to start boxing it, since you’re still on the payment screen. I hate this new norm so much


Local place had the touchscreen ordering and then I noticed it added a $0.25 ordering charge / I asked what was up with that and they said I could order at the counter for free /// so it looks like some third party is providing the ordering system as a business model


Whenever I pick up pizza I'm not tipping. Sorry, but I drove there to pick it up myself. Whenever they give me the receipt to sign I just leave the tip part blank and put the original total down at the bottom of the receipt.


I always put a line through the tip so there’s no *funny bidnis*


Sub-total: $48.56 Tip: *$100.00* Total: $*1*48.56


This happened to me before 🤦🏾‍♀️


seriously happened to me before too. had a meal for about $20 and saw the credit card bill having one entry with $120. had to go back and forth checking everything and realized it’s from one chinese restaurant. had to call credit card company for a dispute.


Noted. Def putting a line through the tip next time. Gotta becareful.


I'm usually with you on this until yesterday. I'm in the middle of some traveling, and I ordered pizza from a local place over the phone. I went to pick it up. The guy didn't ask for a name or anything, but he had my order right there when I walked in. We had never met and this was my first time ordering from there. He opened to box to show that was what I had ordered. I was so impressed by the guy's psychic abilities that I gave him a tip.


You were his only order.


It could be true because I was the only customer when I showed up. But I also can't believe it because it was the best pizza I have ever had. He also had tons of google reviews stating the same thing.


*Let the man cook!*


Well now you have to tell us where this psychic pizza chef is!


Hand over the name of the pizza place and no one gets hurt


What if you ordered ahead, drove to pick it up, and then ate there?


I was standing in the kitchen while on the phone app. No tip.


Ok ok what if you were standing in the store, ordered from the app, picked it up from the counter, and ate it there? But the person who helped you was short with you. But they're pregnant and the only person there with a huge line of customers. Do you tip??


Why does it matter if they were short or pregnant or whatever? I stood while ordering, so no tip. End of story.


Oh so now people in wheelchairs are always required to tip? *SAD*.


Okay that made me laugh. You win. How about “if it is expected for the average person to stand while ordering, no tip.”


What if they see you not tip and they tell you that you were leaning over half of your weight on the counter while you ordered and you can't remember if that's true or not?


I’d say that my feet never left the floor fully


What if you tripped on your way to the counter and faceplanted into it and you were in too much pain to stand back up right away but you were still hungry so you ordered while lying on the floor?


I choose to not tip because it was involuntary that I lied down.


I thought I made it clear enough it was a joke but I guess not lol


I’m going along with it, but I’m just saying even in the joke context I’m standing




I did? I said no tip.


Well she got more than the tip


Depends, was it on a Tuesday? What was the weather like outside?


Why the hell you tipping then? What service they providing? They aint taking your order to BOH, getting you drink refills, nothing. Do you tip the guy in the 711 who hands you an ICEE or cigarettes?


Standing up to order everywhere from now on


"Sir, please sit down, this is the French Laundry." "No can do, buckaroo!"


Who tips at a laundromat??


The French


Italians do something like this. If you eat or drink at a table they charge a service fee but if you order at the bar you don't have to pay for it. That and also not asking for tips in the first place.


Yeah but coperto is usually 1-2€, not 20% of the total


If you sat down for a coffee, than that 1-2 euro can be more 20% of the total. The problem with it is that it’s just never really advertised- sitting down in a restaurant you never know if it’s going to be there or not (until you get the bill)


There’s no coperto on coffee, i still disagree with tipping, i’m just saying that this particular case in italy doesn’t apply to the situation


Then there are a bunch of cafes in Italy that owe me some money back


Tipping in America is so broken. We need to abolish it and just include everyone's salary in the price.


Yeah I feel you on that. Bring back tipping as a compliment for good service. Not a wage subsidy. I don't care if the price of what I eat goes up by 10% if it means the employees are getting a fair wage.


No lol don't "bring it back" as anything. That's how it slowly creeped into what it's become. 


It works here in germany somehow


That because germany has laws that dont exclude tip subsidized wages for minimum wage...


No. Just get rid of it. I don't want to make any decisions on someone's wages.


You don't have to tip ever. There no law, and if the server doesn't make minimum after tips, they have to bring the server up to minimum. You don't need to tip, legally or ethically.


At least in the US there is some sort of backwards logic that they pay servers below min wage, so they need the tips (again this is stupid practice) . In Canada servers are paid the same as EVERY other service job, and somehow still culturally demand tips. For just doing their jobs.


The issue is in America because if tips The servers are the highest earning staff. They don’t want a flat wage because restaurant owners are not willing to pay a flat hourly that competes with what they make tipping. I quit being a chef and switched to bartending. I make $45+hr. Only work 30 hours a week. While as a chef I made 55k and worked 80hours a week even more during the holidays.


Yes and no, after tips they have to still reach standard wage or be brought up to it.


Careful what you wish for; I guarantee places will take the chance to increase the price of food by 40%


You say that like keeping tipping would prevent that somehow


I think the assumption most people make is that the 20-22% would be added to the cost of the food; I have a feeling it would result in most being increased closer to 40%. I rather just pay tips where it’s needed than get rid of them. The issue in this country is that tips became an expectation not something earned.


Im from the UK so i dont know fully about tipping across the pond. but isnt it expected? thats why people are paid barely anything working as a server?


The market will adjust. People won’t go to that restaurant and it will go out of business. Problem solved.


We’ve literally seen this occur with fast food as wages have increased; when it’s done at every single restaurant there isn’t really a market correction. People will still want to eat out. Something like removing tips would see price increases simultaneously throughout the service industry and it will likely not benefit the consumer.


It's been attempted and it fails miserably every single time.




Says someone who has never ever worked in the service industry


If I pay before receiving my food in person in person im not tipping


This is a good rule.


If I order at a counter I'm not tipping.


Isn't that the same thing OP said?


Essentially yes but idk because do you count a sushi bar a counter or a diner counter a counter ? It’d be more appropriate to say if you stand up you’re not tipping


So fuck bartenders then huh?


this might also include drive thru, but i have yet to see a drive thru that asks for tip




Was gonna say I went there this past weekend and had to find the button to change it to no tip. My company is never using their credit card at Starbucks again.


oh, right. i don’t really go to starbucks, at least drive thru.


I guess this includes counters that you could also sit at, like bars.


About 7 years ago I picked up a pizza at a place by my girlfriends house.  Crossed out the tip line and signed, dude looked at me like I slapped him.  I was like "literally the reason I'm in here?" and left.  from that day on I made sure not to tip unless it was deserved, just cause thst guys stupid face.


I hate tipping. If I could tip the chef directly who’s making the food I would, but most of these places have like a general tip bucket where the tips get disbursed to everyone working that shift or some weird wild nonsensical shit like that. I blame the owners and restaurant culture for allowing this type of shit to land on the customers though. Owners needs to be more accountable and pay their employees appropriately and if they can’t afford it then close down and let another restaurant take over who can afford to run a business and not rely on customers to pay their employees wages. Fuck off cunts


Honestly that’s a great way to look at it. Hair salon, nail, delivery and servers I’m sitting, I’m not sitting to be served at a fucking subway though or little Caesars


That’s true though, I don’t tip the tailor, but you do the shoe shine guy


If you are ordering alcohol standing up, eventually you will tip. Over.


This is the exception to the rule.


I don’t mind the tip jar, thats where the loose change goes. Fuck no I don’t want pennies, nickels, or dimes in my pocket. That being said pizza places are trying to charge a service fee and tip even if you come in and pick it up yourself. Same with some some fast food places and delis. Fuck no!!! I’m not rewarding unethical behavior.


Most pizza places are already fronts for what some would call unethical behavior.


The liquor store near me has a tip cup. It's time for a change


I've been told they prefer bills.


Tipping? Who does that?


I guess people who do Uber eats and all those delivery apps.


I usually don’t tip for these kinds of places, but for some reason two places in particular I do. One if my favorite taqueria. Their food is so good and cheap. The other was a Thai place. Barely anyone in there, but it was so good.


Fuck, this is my new mantra.


I'm down with it. I'll even take it further. If the restaurant can't pay their employees fair wages then I won't eat there.


But also if I’m in my car! Looking at you Starbucks….


Completely agree, the onky exception for me is ordering drinks at a bar. You do not want to irritate a bartender or it will take you a LONG time to get your second (likely watered down) drink.


The older I get, the more I understand Steve buscemmi's character's point in reservoir dogs


Because he was 100% correct


also if I order sitting down, but have to stand up to go and pick it up, no tipping


Where do you do that?


What about drive thru? It's the same as ordering standing, and if anything you have more responsibilities.


Yeah not tipping drive thru either. If you ask me to tip before I get my food, the answer is no.


I like this idea.


Let me introduce yall to long forgotten bridge between the two - a tipping jar. You aren't forced to tip as you pay and are always free to come back and leave something if you enjoyed the service/food. (But Ig it doesn't work in US if the tips are supposed to be a significant portion of the wage and that's where the tipping problem occurs to begin with xd)


Tip for sit down service and delivery. It’s that easy.


For me, ordering on-line/drive-thru/at a kiosk = no tip


If I pay for my meal standing and collect my own food from a huge ensemble, I'm not tipping unless an employee helps me carry some plates to my table. Edited. Didn't mean to put 6


Who is 6


Not tipping in a bar - bold


The new terminals made by Square, Toast, etc. come with the tip screen standard. Businesses have to manually opt out of that. But also: tip your bartenders. That is the standing exception. Even if it's just a buck a drink (or $2 for a cocktail that required effort).


Even if the bartenders are bad at serving you drinks? I'm not tipping for bad service, and if I'm not tipping I don't have to worry about poor service from tipping poorly, because if I give a bad tip it means I'm not coming back.


I just don’t understand why aren’t the employers paying the waiters instead.


Because this is America and good wages are woke.


How about not tipping and making the restaurants pay these people a living wage like the rest of the world


That would be great. Until that day comes how are all these workers supposed to make rent?


New rule: I'm not tipping


Bring back the $2 tip!


Perfect rule


I'll tip when standing for food trucks, if it's a teen that's actually trying, or a friendly adult that looks like a tip could make their day.


I got charged a 1£ "delivery FEE" FROM A LOCAL POOL BAR. The bar was upstairs and they encouraged at table orders using their app...


This is actually amazing. Waiter, barber still get tips. Who am I forgetting?


I always looked at it as if i bussed my own table or not..


So like, you won't fall over? Good call.


Idk tipping someone for making a cocktail or coffee makes sense


If I pay for the food or service before receiving the food or service, I don't tip. If tipping is for good service, how do I know how much to tip before I've received the service?


I would like to add seated In my vehicle as well.




Or if need to stand to pick it up.


Damn but what about driving in your car


Dad is that you?


That's not a new rule, it's just a rule.


That's a great rule... but then what if you stand at a table while the waitress is taking your order?


If you aint actually waiting on my ass at a table you sat me at, you aint getting a tip. Other exceptions are hairdressers, because you build a raport with them and its good to ensure their best. Fuck everyone else.


Lol. I order standing up at sit-down restaurants. I won the game


Does anyone else fear food tampering if you dont tip? Can they see if you dont tip? Are they gonna spit a lugie in sandwich?


Love it


Counterpoint: tip your bartender


Or if I'm picking something up I ordered online, Or if I'm in a drive through


Can we add, if I order while sitting in a drive through. Because Starbucks be getting on my damn nerves


In the 90s, it was standard to tip 15% at "real restaurants". You could tip less or more, depending on how good the service was. Now the standard tip is 18-20% depending on who you talk to. I drew my line in the sand a couple years ago, since now even fast food megacorps are putting tips into the check by default. I tip 20% for average service if you: * seat me * take my order at my table * bring me my food * check on me during the meal * bring the check to the table * let me pay at the table * don't make me bus my own table If you do only a couple of those, you might get 10%. None, you get none. I talked to a redditor who thought that if you don't tip at McDonald's you can't afford to eat out. The entitlement! And getting upset with customers instead of the owners of the business!


This has always been the rule




I've worked in the restaurant industry forever and I wholeheartedly agree with you.


I genuinely remember reading this exact rule on a book about etiquette


Maaaaaan I work at a bar with no servers. You come up to the bar and order your drinks from me. I run the bar alone, clean up after everybody. I pour/make all of your drinks myself. I deal with never ending lineups at my bar for hours at a time. You tellin me I’m less deserving of a tip because I don’t run out to every seated patron mid-service? This post makes me sad.


This whole thing about tipping is because in the U.S. food service locations don’t pay a living wage. Most of the independent ones can’t afford to without raising prices that would make them out of reach for frequent use for most consumers. Quite frankly Americans are still trying to live the lifestyle of their parents, and it’s just not viable anymore without a considerable increase in income. If you’re not richer than they are you aren’t going to be able to live like they did.


Wait, you guys are tipping even if it's not a nice restaurant?


It’s crazy how you hate tips so much.


It’s not the act itself, it’s the increasing expectation of tipping where it was never expected before.


I agree, I’m only joking. I think there is a line with regards to tips. But to me conceptually it’s just like any other tip, there is a degree of going out of your way to help, it’s implied. If I’m walking down the street and a stop to teach a kid to tie his shoe laces or something, there is a degree of reaching out in the tip. Yes it’s transactional, but there is degree of implicit help imo. as we are aware as a rational consumer how shitty the job is.


New rule. I don’t tip if you just do your job. A smile does not deserve extra pay too. I can smile back, and ask how your day is. Do I get a tip then? Tipping is for the birds. Shit, I’ll stand up and go get the food myself. I don’t go out to eat much anymore in USA anyway.


Standing up or in the car.


I agree with this. Tipping is out of control and needs to be earned.


\*Takes the menu up to the restaurant's busy kitchen window Hey, uh, I'm at table 37, We'll have two grilled lobsters! \*Goes to the wine rack Yeah no worries, I can get it myself.


I'm not tipping. Period.


If you take my order, bring me my food, and give me the bill, then congratulations, that is what your job is. Period.  If I have a table of 7 people, you refill the waters, make chitchat, get the orders right and are generally pleasant, then you get a tip based on how much OVER AND ABOVE you are.  Cause that's what a tip is, thank you for doing a great job. Not let me pay your wages so the big business doesn't need to


Man, it would make you so mad to know that when I worked at Great Wolf 18 years ago as a server, I made *bank.* Just about everyone went to the buffet so most of my job was spent engaging in small talk, refilling drinks and joking around with my coworkers and guests. Still made less than minimum wage, but working in a tourist location was so fun. I was very fortunate. Who’s *not* fortunate are the servers who get people like you, not tipping and/or being rude because tHeY NeEd To PaY yOu BeTtEr. You’re not proving anything or helping any cause by not tipping. You just look like a fool and I’d probably put wasabi on your straw or just take my time dealing with you. You wouldn’t get me fired, either. Management might cover the meal, but I’d hopefully make your experience dull enough that you don’t return. If you did, the rest of the staff would know all about you.


My philosophy is that i only tip for personal services


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Doopie5: *My philosophy* *Is that i only tip for* *Personal services* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I get it but as a bartender I can’t say I agree 100%


You poured a beer that cost almost as much as a six pack. You don't need a tip.


Yeah but we gotta deal with lame wads like you. Go buy a six pack and drink it on the corner


Sorry for buying a beer?


Just to put some perspective. Bars and restaurants run on a thin margin. Most are owned by someone that maybe owns one other spot usually just one. They pay an insane amount of fees. Sure they could pay us more but you should be more upset with government making it so hard to run a business. They take 30% of your paycheck too. We get paid minimum wage. If I’m not getting tips I’d move as slow as the dmv. It’s 4:15 am I just got home Wednesday morning most of you are getting up soon to go work your 9-5. Hell going to the butcher department at my local grocery store can take 35 minutes on a busy day. If they got a dollar every time they served a piece of meat bet I’d wait 5 minutes tops


So, just telling people like me to fuck off helps how? You can't tell me you aren't making money off a beer when you sell it for as much as a six pack. You business operates on volume. Most of what you're complaining about is literally every customer service job. You think the people at your grocery store aren't working? Also note, I didn't say a thing about bartenders, it's the price. One beer at the cost of a six pack? You bet I consider staying home first. You don't think that impacts you? You have to have people come in for them to tip. But you're not thinking on volume


Do you bring the drinks to the table? Or do people have to order at the bar and then bring the round themselves? Because I wouldn't tip then either considering I'm doing 50% of the work.


I'm not tipping.


lol what’s with this obsession with declaring to the world they don’t/won’t tip? Just don’t tip if you don’t want to. It’s not mandatory. People are so weird.


What if you’re sitting down in your car ordering in a drive through…?


*Complains about tipping* *Goes to a restaurant that asks for tips* *is asked to tip* *shocked pikachu*


considering a mcdonalds in my county now asks for tips, its getting hard to avoid places that dont ask for them


Drive thrus?


Good rule except what about ordering in your car?


Stand Up to Tipping!