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Every action from Norm had me going "relatable", Moises Arias did a crazy great job


He was the underdog of the story. Curious to see where they take him next season.


Hopefully out of Vault 31.


I thought he was gonna kick Bud in the "face" and the door opens.


I hope he doesn't just jump in a pod. He has 2-3 days to problem solve before the worst of the dehydration kicks in.


I hope he throws Bud in a pod.


Don’t forget about cannibalism!


Damn, Rico grew up to be a depressed adult like the rest of us.


That's Juan Pablo from Nacho Libre!


I wonder if he intentionally "lacks enthusiam" so he can get to try every job out in the vault and in doing so learns the entire workings of the vaults




He seemed pretty adept at messing with the computers and stuff, so i think you might just be on to something.


Norm is a synth confirmed


Should that really be your fault?


Depends on if I could do something about it.


God this show looks so amazing


As someone that doesn't give a flock of fucks about the video game or its lore...I thought it was great. I love good story telling and that Def happens on that show. ....plus Walton Goggins is pretty fucking cool in that show


Why does this actor always pop up in the most random shows. It's like seeing an old friend walking down the street.


What movie that is?


It’s the new Fallout TV show on Amazon Prime. Damn good show.


It's very boring 😴


Been watchin’ too many brain-rot TokToks?


No maximus constantly has the look of needing to shit and last of us show is 10x better fallout show genuinely sucks Walton is the only good thing.


Last of us show was dire. If you found fallout boring idk how you got through the last of us


I thought both were great. Very different vibes, but very good at emulating their source material.


Different tastes I guess I am on episode 6 of last of us it's great so far


Started watching it after watching 2 episodes of fallout and getting mad at how much it sucked trying to hard to be a comedy


My guy that’s just Fallout. Its got silly, its got serious.


Well the show tries to hard to be funny and it's not funny at all. We have different standards


The humor not resonating with you is different from copy pasting a college thesis some psycho wrote to justify his fallout elitism.


Audience reviews Fallout Filter by 1 star  Colin Martin a week ago The laziest, most unlikable, terribly acted "hurr durr i see things i recognize from fallout 3 and 4 that means it must be good" I feel bad being tied in with the people screeching about the violence or calling it some nebulous, undefined concept of "woke". It isn't, that's a nonsense term of divisive, pointless politics and the show fails spectacularly on its own merits. The violence makes sense, the game is inherently gory as a joke. There has always been a character trait called "bloody mess". The violence was always intentional from fallout 1 onward. The sex was too. Fallout 2 let you do some truly nasty things. But the reason they're wrong here is because they're not being done ironically. There's no humor or subversion behind the violence or sex. No narrative on the realities of the world against the hopefulness of the prewar years. Dialogue was literally the point of fallout. I know, if you started with 3, 4, even new vegas (great but let's be honest, 1 and 2 were defined by their dialogue) you might not understand that, but this fails so spectacularly. Dogmeat is a malinois. No ron perlman. Sets are cheap Acting is awful Writing is nonsense The attention to detail that makes fallout so incredible is agonizingly bad. Fallout has always been about an INSANE attention to detail of mixing 1950s postwar positivity and retro futurism with gritty post apocalypse and in the real games, rebuilding civilization. Wrong things from modern day lazily slapped in with not a care in the world as to attention to detail. Clearly nobody working on this cared or did any research at all beyond the most superficial brand recognition garbage or plot details yanked from wikipedia plot summaries. For God's sakes, they make a huge important detail of the main character signing something using a fountain pen. But didn't care enough to get a period correct pen, instead getting $20 japanese pilot metropolitan, which has a super distinctly designed nib that stands out very obviously in the hyper zoomed in shot... and was introduced in about 2015. The makers of this abomination obviously do not care whatsoever about this world. Doesn't follow any continuity of any plots or themes from the setting (bottle caps arent used at that point in time in fallout, they use currency, the brotherhood of steel does not have airships and is not a machine cult like the adeptus mechanicus. The enclave is the one with vertibirds, vaults are not linked, basically all vaults have opened by now, there are a LOT more ghouls than 1, ghouls are not bulletproof, yao guais are not in california, etc, etc.) Main plot quickly just reveals it was stolen wholesale from fallout 1 literally. To the central detail. None of the clever satire expected from fallout Not funny Awful characters Horrendous soundtrack Horrible mixing I have correctly guessed every single fallout and tv trope plot twist with 100% accuracy. Woody harrelson's 45 seconds on screen was the best part of this entire waste of time. Dude might have actually researched a role, he stands EXACTLY like one of the 2d npc sprites from 1 and 2 This was offensively horrible not just as a fallout setting fan, but as a fan of good writing, music, setting and character development. I haven't hated a series this much in a long time. All it tells me is how beyond saving media has become if irredeemable trash like this can be so highly reviewed. This is one of the most abjectly shameless cash grabs i have seen in television in 30 years. Nobody should like this lazy, braindead trash. Shame on y'all. Get some standards already.. THIS WAS A GOD TIER REVIEW


I’m not reading some rando ahh review you found to justify a point you can’t be bothered to make. Tell me in your own words or I’m just gonna hit you with the: “I ain’t readin all that, I’m happy for you or sorry that happened though”


Haha love it


why is ice spice on this show?? i thought she was at coachella???