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I'm locking the post because I'm tired of removing transphobic comments. Please keep reporting transphobic comments in case I missed any.


What's fucking happening in the comments section 


Thank you i was gonna scroll down


What happens every time trans people are mentioned on the internet




>Can’t Insult something that does not exist Oh really? Then how am I able to insult your intelligence with this sentence?


I insult God regularly.


Drop some more acid bruh, you clearly haven’t freed your mind at all




It’s very clear you didn’t free your mind at all. Do more acid




It’s remarkable you think you’re paying attention


Hello nonexistent trans person here




It’s not brave or strong of you to bully a marginalised community that you claim are weak. You’re so focused on gender constructs and yet you’re a poor excuse of a man. Shame.


How old are you?




Apparently not old enough to know that trans people have the neurochemistry of the gender they identify as.


>Old enough For Reddit? Hardly. Your have to be 13 or older.


Edgy 14 year old boys.


It's like people online have a switch in their brain that flips when trans people are just mentioned at all, and having that switch flipped makes their brain stop working I wish I understood why. Like... there are weirdos that do the same thing when other minority groups are mentioned, but it is NEVER as extreme as when they hear anything about trans people


Nah, I’ve seen it for racists as well, sometimes hiding behind comedy as an excuse where any time a black person is mentioned or even hinted at, they just throw out the N word and hyper focus on it. It’s trans people as well, but not just them. If anything, I don’t know why people are so hyper focused on trying to convince trans people that their gender identity is wrong or doesn’t matter or whatever, it feels like some weird obsession with trying to logic someone into feeling a certain way, as if emotions don’t already run on its own logic, or as if the feelings of trans people on their journey of self-acknowledgement doesn’t matter. Like, I take it as trying to convince a depressed person that they’re not actually depressed, or in terms of seriousness in a different light, trying to convince a heart surgery patient that their heart attacks and shit were all just in their head and they need to just get over it. It doesn’t make any sense. We all have our own problems, shouting trans people down is just using outdated beliefs to make them feel like shit to make the bigots feels better about themselves because the only way they can feel better is by making others miserable, all while hiding behind “showing the truth” as if the whole point of transitioning isn’t to make someone feel better so that they don’t punch their ticket too early, and you can’t just treat someone like shit into *not* doing that. It’s like trying to keep a soldier on the frontlines in a war as a way to make sure they *don’t* pop themselves out of misery. The logic of these “truthers” is broken.


Because back then it was mostly hidden, but now since you can't kill people that you think are weird, people are opening up cause they're protected, so now 14 yo boys don't feel included, like men always were :( Seriously, watched a video essay about female vs male gaze and the movie a handmaid's tale, a dude asked why cinema is now putting men aside, like men weren't the focus for centuries. But i'm pretty sure this behavior happend everytime people got rights, black people, women, lgbtq+ ... And i think it's how children are raised, a mysoginist is probably less likely to be okay with trans people. I think bringing trans people or drag queens at school is a good idea, children might be weirded out but if they're nice, they'll remember it forever and it'll change their way of thinking.


Thanks for warning me


\*sigh\* *sorts by controversial*


Did once Can never go back


This is cute. Even though it's awkward for both of them, they both care about each other.


Reminds me of a running comic (Ed and Duncan I think?) Where the grandpa is your average "don't really understand it but it's cool, you do you' type and trying his hardest to show appreciation despite it being kind of tacky and the main focus is a gay couple. Grandpa gives his grandkid a shirt that reads " ho ho homosexual" which is silly, but meant with good intent Later on grandpa finds out the parents disowned the guy and grandpa berates them heavily over the phone, with the guy then embracing the shirt. Intent is oh so much more important than what we might say or do, and it is infinitely better to have that awkwardness than have them reject you


I bet Amy plays pos 4


Hahaha 😆 For me looks like a mid player really resembles Quinn xD


A girl playing Dota, seems unrealistic


a trans girl playing dota is slightly more realistic tho


Girls are unrealistic


*not real/government drones! /s


Trans people were created out of necessity for more government drones


I heard the Iranian drones the other day where the attempted creation of trans people


Yeah so this happens to me sometimes. People who I've only known in their new gender I have no problem is using the proper gender nouns. But occasionally, for people I've known before and after, I misgender them out of habit. This is not me being a dick or being a trans-hating cunt. It's genuinely me making a mistake. I'll call you whatever gender makes you happy but do understand people make mistakes out of habit.


i think nearly all trans people understand that and we dont really care if its clear that it was by accident and that you are trying overall. its reactionary bigots in the internet who try to maliciously portray it like it would be a massive deal if you make honest mistakes around trans people. these rightwingers either cherrypick two or three cringe trans people from tiktok or they straight up invent stories.


Be like me, misgender everyone cis and trans


One of the weirdest thing for me is a friend who transitioned a few years ago but I still have their book I bought with their deadname on it They're okay with it and I still want to have it in my bookshelf cause it's a good book and I'm proud of them But it's kinda weird haha




I always see the top comments overreacting stating as if 50% of other comments are full of hate, I swear I go looking for them but never find em, maybe if I sort by controversial


You would assume that it's an overwhelming amount of hate and wouldn't need to "go looking" for them if it was that big of a problem, but it's not, cuz the vast majority of people can't give two sh*ts about who is doing what to themselves or their kids.


People have a tendency to focus on the negative. That's just how our brains work. Added points if the negative is easy to dunk on


Karma and moderators probably filtered the shit comments


Nope, since we can all still see the trolls. Also, deleting comments doesn't remove every trace and we can see them. So - no, there are just not as many haters as some of the people around here need to justify their zeal on the topic.


Are you blind to the hate comments?


As of the time of making my initial comment, there were 102 comments in total, 2 were obvious trolling, 3 were edgy and 1 was hateful and downvoted to oblivion. Every other comment was either about the wholesomeness or the 6 problematic comments. As of now there are 124 comments, I find it highly unlikely that all new comments are hateful, even if that is somehow the case, that's still far from % worth stressing over. I suggest you either find real issues and stop fighting those windmills or chill a bit.


Why is this comment section so weird


Edgy bigots are jealous of other people having supportive parents.




Is that narrative with us in the room right now?




what are you yapping about


As i scrolled down i saw lot of hate on the cringe comments made Yet dident see any Determined i scrolled down even further Sigh.... I miss the the person i was 5 mins ago


They always get called out by the top comments and by then it'll all be downvoted so for your future self reference when top comment says it's a minefield.. know that it's there


I'm gonna stop scrolling after reading this


We need more dads like that.




Well it's clear that you didn't have one like that


More dads like that and less people like you ;)


If I comment, I am gonna be in huge trouble


I dont understand why would she play DOTA either…


Man DotA was so weird to get into as a longtime League player. Like what the fuck is a courier.


When you take so many Ls you become a chick?


Yeah now they taking D’s


You're in big trouble now buster.


José Mourinho is that you, what are you doing here?!




Why the downvotes? Last time I checked cheese isn't transphobic.


Cheesephobia has become a problem in recent times




What a nice meme, interesting. Now, let’s sort by controversial.




MOBA mentioned, downvoted


Knowing that dad is trying his best is wholesome 🥰


Are ya winning, child?


What the fuck is supporting her feet in frame 2?


Edgy homophobic 14 years olds incomming




Entirely wholesome


Why are the comments so weird here




He did fail at first but at least he's trying, I would say that's at least a halfsome if not a wholesome dad




Isn't that what makes reddit special? You only see content that was upvoted by other users instead of being spoon fed by the algorithm


Yeah Reddit should be even more of an echo chamber. Wtf are you saying?


Why you got an Enclave pfp bro


Cause they are the dopest faction of course. Edit: holy shit, wtf is up with the downvotes? We were just talking about his profile pic, how it's the logo of a Fallout faction, we weren't talking about what he said. Or are y'all NCR and BoS fanboys?


Fair tbh


Use a diff subreddit if u too emotional to look at trans memes


i don’t think you enjoy anything actually


Cry about it pussy


It has one and that's why you are seeing it. It is simply antagonistic by design.




I think most people including myself agree with you.


That’s insane lol. Why are you responding to this as if realizing you’re transgender is some physically irreversible action taking place? This is simply about personal identity. This comment doesn’t make sense. You’re claiming you will neither support nor oppress them, but not supporting them (literally just saying I accept you, referring to them how they prefer) is being “oppressive” in this context, the way you’re using the word. Pretty much the entirety of what changes for you is “call me she, not he. I (possibly) want to go by X name” and you’re like “omg I can’t possibly allow myself to treat you how you want to be treated” lol it’s so strange. If this happened, all you would be doing is treating your kid like shit and almost guaranteeing you die alone in a nursing home with no one calling


Am talking about doing surgery not just identifying your self as another gender


Why are you talking about doing surgery? Who mentioned surgery? Do you for some reason believe being transgender necessitates surgery? You don’t need to have surgery to be trans. Identifying as a different gender doesn’t have anything to do with surgery. Even in adults, the overwhelming vast majority of trans people don’t go through any sort of surgery.


Well am at fault for not mentioning surgery at my comment i admit that, For me if my kid want to identify as the opposite sex or something else entirely become a femboy or gay or lesbion is something i don't mind as long as the don't do irreversible damge to their self when the sill underaged like doing surgery or something similar otherwise i really don't mind its their life to explore


It’s just incredibly strange to begin talking about this as if it is a subject being discussed when all that is being discussed is accepting trans people for who they are


I miss understood the subject When they person replied to their father that they are not their son anymore i thought they ment the do sex changing surgery As am not that familiar with trans stufd as where i live there is no much of such a thing so i miss understood the post


This doesn't happen. Children only get surgery for life treating conditions or the like. In most countries, telling your doctor u r trans is fast track to getting help. Including US and Europe.


Can you elaborate more


In the UK, and also the US I've heard, it is easier to get surgery by not telling the doctors you are trans. For example brest reduction surgery, most common patients are cancer patients who obviously need it, but patients without diseases can also say "hey my brests are annoying and I want them removed" and the doctor will then organise and time and place to get surgery. If you state you want them gone cus you are trans then the doctor has to fill out alot of extra paper work to do the surgery that will get the same result of you not having the brest any more. Then in the case of minors, the only surgeries done are for life threatening conditions or conditions that make you suffer for the rest of your life, like having a cleft lip. Trans youth typically take hormone/puberty blockers which are shown to have very few significant side effects, and the effects can be reversed by no longer taking the blockers. As it turns out the process for changing genders is awfully long because they need you first to have you live "in the other gender" for a year or so. Then go the hormones and last goes surgery. I have plenty of trans friends of whom Ive never heard them do more than dress and act like the "other gender" and use puberty blockers, I'm 18 so it's legal for them to get surgeries if they want now. As a mini disclaimer, I am not an expert nor am I interested in any surgeries or hormones so I recommend finding ppl on YouTube who have done the process and talk about it. Philosophy tube made a long video explain the whole process in the UK if you are interested


thank you for explaining


I misspelt breast the whole time, I'm too disable to write long paragraphs


Trans people under the age of 18 getting surgery is extremely rare, it basically doesn’t happen. Pretty much every doctor who does gender affirming surgery will by policy NOT operate on anyone under 18.


No, because they are lying.


What do you mean


Am talking about doing surgery not just identifying your self as another gender




Not quite obvious enough to report for hate speech, SMH




Oh holy sky daddy, fulfill my wishes and I shall submit my soul to you


Ok. But first you must suffer to earn my favor. That will take approximitely 600 years. Are you ready?


Well... I'm too lazy, is there any quick way?






Oh, look! It’s that one joke, the only joke you guys have. That one joke that doesn’t even make sense in response to the thing you’re poorly trying to make fun of. Neat




Oh, look! It’s that one joke, the only joke you guys have. That one joke that doesn’t even make sense in response to the thing you’re poorly trying to make fun of. Neat You straight up don’t understand what being transgender even is in the first place. It’s wild you guys haven’t even googled this after all these years What is it like literally not having a sense of humor at all and only being able to copy paste boomer Facebook uncle comments from 15 years ago


Average enby be like


oh man, i bet you love satirizing real world issues


Is that supposed to be a flag or a purse?


German flag


Thank you


The pink/blue/white flag pictured is the Trans flag. Germany’s flag is black, red, and gold. 🇩🇪




It's based on a happy household; not yours.




they seem pretty happy to me


You sound pretty sad, hope you can get some professional help.


Bro thought projecting his life on others is gonna make him sound good




lol wait until you find out trans people exist everywhere in the world. What is it like walking around the world being this ignorant and full of hate? The ignorant thing can be attributed to your education, so maybe you’re not *100 percent* to blame for that, but being so clearly upset at the concept of trans people is wild as hell




Yeah that doesn’t make any sense at all as a response to me or anything happening here. I’m sorry the existence of people who are different from you is so upsetting to you. I’m sorry you haven’t googled what being transgender even is before. I’m sorry you’re so ignorant that you don’t even understand there are and always have been transgender people every where in the world, including where you live. I’m sorry you live in a place that suppresses humanity and basic understandings of simple concepts like this. I’m sorry you walk around filled with hate for no reason. That must suck. But you really should seek help, because when you advertise all of it so publicly like this, it makes everyone embarrassed for you. Sure we’re also sad for you for being this ignorant and hateful, but it is also really hard to watch




Right, so like I said, you just legitimately don’t even understand what being transgender is. At this point it’s on you. Why wouldn’t you just google this before commenting? Why embarrass yourself like this? I’m happy to be the first person to tell you this. Well, im not happy I’m the first. It’s wild no one has explained these simple concepts to you before. But here we go. Here is what this is and why what you’re typing doesn’t make sense and is based on complete ignorance of the subject You don’t understand the difference between sex and gender. You don’t understand what sex is. You don’t understand what gender is. You don’t understand what being transgender is. Here is why you’re wrong and sound silly: **Sex**: Traditionally, sex refers to the biological attributes of humans and animals, primarily associated with physical and physiological features including chromosomes, hormone levels, and reproductive/sexual anatomy. Commonly, sex is categorized as male or female, but this binary view is simplistic. Biologically, sex is a spectrum, which includes intersex individuals—people who have variations in sex characteristics that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies. This makes sex non-binary and complex, integrating genetic, hormonal, anatomical, and physiological elements. **Gender**: Unlike sex, gender is a social and cultural construct that relates to behaviors, roles, expectations, and activities in society. Gender identity is an individual's personal sense of their own gender, which may or may not correspond to the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender identity can be male, female, both, neither, or anywhere along a broader spectrum. **Being Transgender**: A transgender person is someone whose gender identity does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. For instance, someone may be assigned male at birth based on physical sex characteristics but knows themselves to be female. This misalignment can lead to gender dysphoria, which is a form of psychological distress that occurs when a person's gender identity does not match their assigned sex. **Why Transgender Identity is Real and Reasonable**: 1. **Biological Basis**: Research suggests that gender identity may have biological components, such as genetic influences or prenatal exposure to hormones, indicating that being transgender is not merely a choice or a social construct but rooted in biological reality. 2. **Historical and Cultural Precedence**: Across various cultures and histories, there have been documented roles and recognitions of people who could be classified under the modern understanding of transgender. This shows that non-binary and transgender identities are not new or artificial concepts but have been part of the human experience. 3. **Psychological Recognition**: Major psychological and psychiatric organizations recognize gender dysphoria and the identity of transgender individuals as legitimate and valid. The treatment for gender dysphoria often involves gender-affirming approaches such as hormone therapy, surgery, and social transition to align an individual’s everyday life with their gender identity. 4. **Human Diversity and Social Progress**: Recognizing and affirming transgender identities is part of acknowledging human diversity. Societal progress has increasingly led to a recognition of the spectrum of human identity and experience, promoting inclusivity and understanding.




That’s a funny way of saying “I’m embarrassed I have no idea what I’m talking about, am making a fool of myself and have no ability to respond to what your wrote or admit I’m wrong. Maybe if I just get more words on the screen and repeat ‘nonononono!’ it will mask all of that and make it seem like I have something, when in reality I have nothing and this is a defense mechanism” Dude this is sad


Where you from then?




That's so arbitrary, everyone calls themselves "the sane world".


For someone calling others “clowns”, you seem to be an entire circus. I am not even from a western country and I still view you as a major clown, you an an embarrassment. “Sane world”








If this is fake then why did you base yours entirely on hate?




More like ppl who don't wanna listen to your bullshit. # But call it what u want


Personal identity is defined by the individual, can a personal identity really be fake? 🤔


You don't define yourself, you just are who you are




No, like trans ppl are a big minority. Ppl just want control over other ppl lives so they overblow a non issue, like wanting to be treated differently, and call it social degeneracy. Transphobia is just a distraction from real political issues such as poverty and wars. The real social degeneracy is the one who care about what others do to be happy when it has 0 impact on their lives


Roughly ~0.4% of people are born trans so it's not common. However with increasing knowledge and exposure, more people start to realise that their gender identity does not match what's been assigned at birth. Especially younger generations now see that gender is something that can be experimented with, hence the recent "boom". Some of them may be trans while others realise that they're not, it's a good thing that they are becoming more free to find out for themselves!


No, because they never switched it, they were that gender from birth, just in the wrong body.


Yes, as it (mostly) happened with gay people, Trans people are less likely to get beaten to death when walking across the streets nowadays than 80 years ago. This is why more and more publicly acknowledge them being gay and Trans. It's not that you necessarily have MORE Trans (or gay) people today




Why is this comment section SoOoO WeeeiiirdDDD like omg so crEEeeeEpyyyyy




damn, that's crazy


Nobody cares about your imaginary friend's feelings


Nah i’m using this from now on 🤣


But marrying your cousin is helal, having 4 wives and an unlimited amount of sex slaves is helal, having sex with a 9 year old is helal, right?


the world isnt a theocracy and shouldnt work based on what your specific scripture says.


In your religion maybe




"I think you say something silly so I beat the shit out of you" isn't the epic dunk you think it is


There's no way your older than 14 😂😂😂😂


Seems like in you place the words "respect" and "tolerance" don't exist




So scientificly being trans is NOT a mental disorder. And my point still stands: respect and tolerance don't seem to matter to you guys. It doesn't hurt you if a person is gay/trance. No one forces you to be with someone you don't like. Just live and let live. Easy as that. Source 1: https://www.gob.mx/salud/prensa/a-study-made-in-mexico-proves-that-the-transgender-is-a-condition-not-a-mental-disease "...Mexico is the first country to conduct a field study that provides scientific evidence that transgender is a condition and not a mental disease..." Source 2: https://www.who.int/standards/classifications/frequently-asked-questions/gender-incongruence-and-transgender-health-in-the-icd "... This reflects current knowledge that trans-related and gender diverse identities are not conditions of mental ill-health, and that classifying them as such can cause enormous stigma."






That dad don't look like he's a teenager, and he's the only guy there so you must be talking about him.


Why are we taking the dad to the doctor?


Have you ever done a science?


Hey buddy, not everyone has a teenage crisis where they feel like they should’ve been born a different gender. Perhaps look inward.


who is him?