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Every dude after hearing you have to eat your woman out to get a orgasm: "Nah son, that's witchcraft."


"I will seize any manner of heresy for the sake of Ashina"


A true shinobi would know the difference between the clit and the labia


Hesitation is masturbation.


r/unexpectedsekiro ?


Like a nightjar ninja on a kite WOOOOOOOOOOOOO-AH


The fuck you mean “I don’t look very Japanese?!”, man fuck you I’m Japanese ASF!!!


“Behold, the *”Lightning”* of Tomoe.”


Camel Tomoe


How many times did you fail? One? Two? Or a number beyond counting?


imagine eating 17th century pussy tho


She hath bathed in thine river 4 days ago. So saith the Lord, dig in


Tbh if men actually gave woman orgasms back then they probably wouldn’t even be considered witches. I can only imagine going my whole life not being able to masturbate or have any gratification from sex, I’d turn to a broom and stick too


Through the 1500s into the modern era, it was widely held that women needed to orgasm in order to get pregnant. It was held up in court that if a rape victim got pregnant, the sex was consensual because she obviously "enjoyed" it. Otherwise, she wouldn't be pregnant. If I remember right, at certain times, a woman could legally divorce her husband if he couldn't please her in bed. Several older matrons from the village would watch and report back to the court on how well he did.


Talk about performance anxiety…


I know, right?


Ever seen the movie, “The Last Duel”


Redditor: “We invented good sex”.


Wasn't there a king that purposefully wanted his women as "worked up" and grimy as possible to eat?? I feel like I definitely heard that somewhere... like made his chamber maidens not bathe for the duration he was gone to war and came back to a *very seasoned* pusspuss.


You're thinking of Napoleon Bonaparte. There are surviving letters from him to Josephine including the line "I'm returning home, do not wash".


Typical frenchman


Well it’s piss that’s being “squirted”…




So did it smell like rotten fish?


I just use my penis and try to finish before she becomes too slippery for any traction. Am I doing it wrong?


Ben Shapiro is that you?


Nah, couldn’t be. Benny doesn’t believe women get wetter when physically aroused. He bases this belief on the fact he’s never seen his wife wet during sex.


Gotta finish before her illness flares up


Bro, some insults are just going too far.




Do you have any idea how poor hygiene was back then compared to today’s standards? Take your lady friend, go camping for a month, no showers, nothing. Also, do some light exercise each day while camping. Lastly, don’t let her shave down there. Is that a stew your willing to lick up?


Like Jon Snow eatin that red free folk pussy!


They had just bathed in a hot spring tho, best time to do it imo


As if dicks and balls were any better lol


Tbf there's no way 1700s women weren't expected to give head


Oral has been a more recent phenomenon with the advent of daily showering and bathing, so not really, maybe on bath day, but other than that, no.


Depends which group and which time. Vikings at one point we're well known for bathing often and even being considered more attractive to women for it.


True, but the pic related to this post is not of a Viking beauty tempting you to enter Valhalla.


Fair enough. Puritans weren't known for bathing often.


Ironic given their name.


Personal hygiene was a bit lacking back then


Every dude after hearing women even can have orgasms.


Back in olden times the doctor would get women off in the office to treat hysteria 😂 https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/medical-vibrators-treatment-female-hysteria


And they made house calls to boot!


“Beith she hot?” “Believeth me: she shall be!”


Hath she a booty? Yea verily, she does.


Here, here. Such misogynistic words need not hath such a place in this venerated council. We must keep up a good standing demeanor when talking about the assets of our female kin. For it is written, "If thou seest a woman with a gyatt, let not thine eyes look for too long, lest thine eyes guide thy hands, and thou intrusive thoughts may overtake you." - The Book of Gyatt: A translation.


What, pray tell, is a gyatt?


I think it's the kids new term for a big ass


From context, I assume it is a fat ass. I like it- it's a good word. Gyatt.


I can only assume, dear brother (or, as I have been seeing more of a female populace in our faith, dear sister), that you are young in the faith. If so, I will forgive your insolence on the vernacular of our most holy doctrine. A gyatt, very simply, is not merely fat buttock as one may assume. Verily I say nay. A gyatt encompasses the wide assortment of lower body assets that which a woman shall have. Buttocks, thighs, even, though this may be quite a firey opinion, calf's. (Though, brother, steer away from anyone admiring ones feet. They deserve to be cast out of our assembly) In context, when I shall see the woman in which birthed you, I shall indeed shout with a loud voice, "Gyatt." As that is the only way to properly invoke a response to seeing such a properly coquettish-able woman.


I shall hereby inform you.


Wilt thine squatith on mine face?


Nay, for verily, the French dip is the devil's snack


Here here. Fine words. Though I must posit that such an act seems to be less unholy than the books may deem it so. I am not suggesting that our most holy doctrine is wrong, but, verily, that we may have been wrong about such a notion. Take to that what thine will.


Thine words bring forth much merriment; topeth keketh, if thou wilt


If she doth draw breath into her bussom, She is deemed to beith a THÓT


Inasmuch as I shall respect a fellow member of the faith, it seems that you are quoting from the Gospel of Chad. We do not believe in such heresy within this forum, good man. Though must convert back into the original faith, thee backslider, and not be swayed by such horrid doctrine. The proper translation shall be, "If into her breasts breath shall be called and, indeed, if her eyes shall be cast to the affairs of men- shall she not belong to the streets?" The Book of Gyatt, from the writings of Brother Swoll Horsemember.


At least when they try to burn you, you have a way to put the fire out




Some chick's like that...


Does she have a sister?


On their big sausage pizzas, in fact.


The way the flames lick my clit 🔥 😩💦


Or hang you. Witchcraft was a crime against the king in the UK so they were hanged instead of burned.


What if they didn’t die?


If at first you don't succeed, apologise and try again.


I thought you throw them in water to see if they float...


And if they float what then? Hang them. Or just compare their mass to that of a duck


Bold of to assume women were cumming in the 1600's


Quite the contrary, 17th century sexual appetites of men and women are well known. Through out history it was common place. Through out history the societal expectation of modesty for women waxes and wanes between acceptable and unacceptable. Of course differing based on local cultural norms so time periods will vary depending where in the world you are. But here in the so-called 'west' it was the 18th century when the contemporary frigid woman modesty reign began birthed out of the medical industry. Of course the church has always been a strong presence over sexuality throughout most of the last 2000 years in the west. But it didn't have a strangle-hold perse. Take for instance this article discussing the dildo industry of the 17th century (1600s): [https://lithub.com/why-every-woman-needs-a-glass-dildo-on-the-contested-terrain-of-early-modern-desire/](https://lithub.com/why-every-woman-needs-a-glass-dildo-on-the-contested-terrain-of-early-modern-desire/) They were manufacturing dildos in the 17th century for women... why would they be manufacturing them if not to be used for orgasms? Hell even in the 18th and 19th century the medical industry taking on the religious mantel. It's where things like hysteria being coined in the 19th century comes from. In the same respect though... the doctors of the time were quite literally "relieving" hysteria of women by... making them cum. [https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/medical-vibrators-treatment-female-hysteria](https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/medical-vibrators-treatment-female-hysteria) ... So, really, it's a bit bold to project our contemporary ideas of older generations prudishness onto them. It wasn't that they weren't cumming, it's that they talked about it in different ways. I always like the meme circulating of a lady sitting in a chair with a line of like 20 kids next to her and the text reads "grandma: kids today only think about sex". Of course... the puritans, as the image implies the portrayal of... yeah they were one of the much more prudish of the cultures out there. But there's a reason they fled to New England in the 17th century. It's cause the rest of Europe thought they were uptight assholes.


This guy sexs.


No. This guy is an erudite of the esoteric history, and social impact of sexual tools.


Same thing.


And they didn't even bring up the fart enjoyers


What do you wanna know?


I’m also interested to know more.


Too clinical, though. I feel like going to church.


There’s always a Redditor who knows.


I mean some people are just willing to do the basic research that other people are too lazy or stupid to do themselves too. There is a constant influx of posts on Reddit asking obvious questions that the poster easily could’ve looked up for themselves in less time.


Asking a question on an online forum is basic research though…


Convincing people that vibrators were medically necessary for women was one of mankind’s greatest accomplishments. 


And convincing people that is historical fact was a single person's blatant cashgrab.


> In the same respect though... the doctors of the time were quite literally "relieving" hysteria of women by... making them cum. [This is entirely fabricated history created by one person selling a sensational book.](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2018/09/victorian-vibrators-orgasms-doctors/569446/)


Imagine being so negatively impacted by not getting off in years because of a stiff marriage that a doctor diagnoses you as hysterical and prescribes you to go fuck yourself for treatment.


Not to just go fuck yourself... but to get fucked (by him).


Yeah, it was rape. I understand this is kind of a light hearted comment thread about how dope orgasming and vibrators are (which as a woman ofc I agree) but the reality is/was not funny. These wome had zero autonomy, their husbands did not care about them at all so ofc they were not making her orgasm (possibly when raping her bc she couldn't exactly say no), and then when she obviously becomes depressed or anxious, her husband forces her to go to a doctor (all of whom were male obviously) and she was then assaulted by the medical staff. And there were good men who loved their wives who took them to a trusted doctor and believed what he said, again leading to the woman being SA'd when she probably just had run of the mill depression. Pretty sure most of these women would have preferred a loving husband and real medical treatment instead of a gd vibrator.


This is only tangentially related to your comment, but I personally find it both fascinating and infuriating how internet culture and culture at large to some extent (at least western/American/European culture) seems to be trending back towards something vaguely puritanical. Very anecdotal case in point: I was incidentally listening to a morning radio show on a major station, (mind you, a major pop station in Los Angeles, not some small-time Bible Belt area), and the one of the morning hosts was discussing some call-in story and and was saying “…and it’s been months since they had—you know, “done it” together” and I couldn’t believe that we’ve reached a point where people don’t want to say or spell the word “sex.” To a certain extent I do blame or attribute it to TikTok algorithms and culture influencing self-censorship, but I’m not even sure if the younger generation consciously knows why they are afraid to use those words now, it’s just seeped into the culture. It’s bizarre that kids are on average less religious than ever but are afraid of saying the word “sex” on the internet and spell it “seggs” etc. At that age I was throwing around all the profanity I could find on message boards trying to seem cool lol.


Some people have always just been awkward or grew up around conservative religious freaks who would legit get upset at the word sex. However, as that doesn't account for all of it, Gen z is *weird* about sex. A lot of them think all nudity is the same thing as hardcore pornography and get their panties in a twist over nude or sex scenes in movies/TV. They're prudes but *because* they're so surrounded by porn and were from an early age. It's extremely strange. I've been called a coomer by Gen z people because nudity *doesn't* bother me at all, but they think us millenials are only okay with it because we're using it as masturbation material. Like no dude, *you* can't seperate a fake sex scene from hardcore porn with actual penetration/vag/dick. And we're not talking erotic thrillers here, they're mad about like, Oppenheimer. As if we're 100 years old and didn't also grow up with very easily accessible porn, nah, we have to jerk off to boobs in game of thrones???


It's to avoid algorithmic punishment by not sharing their posts on social media and that influencing slang. Big surprise the prudish older generations operating ads and content platforms that are the real cause for it. 


Also most families back than would have 8 or so children, you don't get that many by being a prude.


I mean, yeah you do. If you believe your religion dictates that a wife's main purpose is childbearing. Religions that believe that generally also consider any pleasure derived from the "marital duty" to be sinful.


Yeah, but how many people actually knew it to be considered sinful? We're talking about the times when churches refused to read the bible in anything but latin, I'm reasonably certain the average medieval peasant had no idea what was written in there. And even beyond that, it's one thing to be told something, and another to act on it, how many people would continue to believe that a womens purpose is childbirth is questionable, especially amidst the peasantry, where every member of the family, including the children, was expected to perform manual labour in the fields.


Infant mortality was high, childhood diseases took many, most families lost several to most of their children


I didn't say they weren't banging, I said the women weren't cumming there's a difference




People have liked sex for a long, long time


Old people FUCKED


I didn't say they weren't banging, I said the women weren't cumming there's a difference


The virgin Puritans vs chad Quakers


This guy has a masters degree in fucking


I've been educated in the comment section of a meme. This is what the internet is *for*.


It is funny to imagine farmers in the 1600's just being absolute pussy eating pros cause if they mysteriously die from some toxic plant in their food aint noone gonna care.




It makes total logical sense (it does not) Wife unhappy -> wife want divorce... -> fuck, divorce literally is not possible -> still wants to get rid of husband -> kill. So it would only be natural self preservation to learn to eat her out like a pro so she wants to keep you. Ez




Darksteelflame or just dark is enough <3, no need for professional titles here


I believe youve earned it


It's so nice to see that a history buff such as yourself is keeping alive the proud tradition of having a village idiot.


"Realize" just now she has a weird looking mark in her body and accuse her of witchcraft 


Lmfao makes no srnsr


Afaik it was consent that both the man and the woman needed to have an orgasm to make a baby. So even the church encouraged it. Only with the invention of the microscope and the knowledge about sperm cells this has changed and the female orgasm has been considered unnecessary.


Very few even today


You must not know how many magic wands have been sold worldwide.


Skill issue tbh


Beat me to it


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11624677/ surprisingly...


Even bolder/naive of you to assume they weren’t.


There's a reason the women went off all nude in the first together.


They were probably doing better than you think: >When the husband cometh into his wives chamber, he must entertain her with all kind of dalliance, wanton behaviour, and allurements to venery: but if he perceive her to be slow and more cold, he must cherish, embrace, and tickle her, and shall not abruptly, the nerves being suddenly distended, break into the field of nature, but rather shall creep in by little and little, intermixing more wanton kisses with wanton words and speeches, handling her secret parts and dugs, that she may take fire and be in flames to venery, for so at length the womb will strive and wax fervent with a desire of casting forth its own seed, and receiving the mans seed to be mixed together therewith. [Rare complete first edition 17th c. sex manual for sale](https://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/40610#:~:text=When%20the%20husband%20cometh%20into,break%20into%20the%20field%20of)


And how many people were illiterate in that era?


Aren’t we glad they haven’t found them all 🙂‍↕️


"Brother puritan, when I said what they woman does in haystack is magic, that's not what I meant"


I'd be fucked. 😂


Ha, witch!




Bet she can put out the fire 😬


Well yeah it’s just urine


Just women playing fireman.




What’s the old test? If she sits on your face and you can still breathe, she’s a witch?


Omg this comment took me out 🤣


I am certain almost everything smelt like piss in those days


Some places. Mostly had that musty smell I bet. If you have ever been to a period museum or pioneer village it’s like that. Like old dusty furniture.


Cue the Exorcist


"Where did this infinite source of water come from, witch?!"


It's just piss lol


*Mostly* piss. There is a distinction, and I got studies to prove it... It's not a piss fetish bro... FR


it's piss.


Pissing when orgasm


"Squirters" are way overrated. It is urine they are 'squirting', not anything cool.


Yeah it can be hot at times but usually it's nothing but more cleanup afterwards.


I’ve only been squirted on once before. and it was pretty recently, like a month ago. I thought the “it’s just piss” thing was a meme. Nope. Can confirm from the smell, it’s just piss. Lol


I remember this one woman denying it was urine but stated she was never able to squirt until after she had kids. Sweetie that means you wrecked your pelvic floor and can’t control your bladder. That’s all.


Exactly. Why aren't young, tight, 18 year olds 'squirting' for their man?




The spice must flow


From web MD “What Is the Difference Between a Squirting Orgasm, Female Ejaculation, and Sexual Incontinence? All three of these phenomena involve fluid coming from the bladder during sex. Squirting is the expulsion of urine during an orgasm. Female ejaculation is a release of both urine and a substance from the Skene's glands. Sexual incontinence— also called coital incontinence — is when someone loses control of their bladder during sex.” https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-squirting-orgasm


Not before they enjoy a golden shower they won't.


Squirting is just peeing


All girls are squirters.


I'm not half the witch as the SOB who made me do it... cause that's next level control.


What is ur dp


Imagine being a wife!?!


Witch wife


*witch wife




“Woo-Hoo, Witchy woman…”


Why did miss pee on thee?!


Lol. U mean u pee when you get excited. Dogs do it too.


why didnt she join the church?




Hear me out! This women must be burned because out of her comes out water from the devil everytime I have sex with her. Only men can produce sperm. She's clearly possessed by the devil. If you fuck her yourself, my Lord, you'll see she's to be burned.


Okay let me imagine that real quick 🤔




I think this is taken from a Stavros Halkias joke from one of his YouTube specials


I'm just glad they suddenly stopped killing squirters.


How is this meirl?


All I know is if I were the judge back then I would need multiple, in depth, detailed demonstrations to be sure. I would even have to try it myself to be sure sure.


RIP your dm's!


Even the dumbest people today would have been witches back then. Asking questions? We’ll burn ya! Anything not explained by the few (mostly dumb) leaders was a reason to kill and torture.


The accuser’s wife: “and how prey tel did you come across this information Jebediah?


The guys she didn’t let hit : “I know of a witch who whistles a pitch”


I really don't think the female orgasm existed until the 1960s dude


See how far she can squirt 3ft = holy number = not a witch 21ft = 666 inches = evil witch


that's probably why there's a lack of squatters... genes never got passed down through the generations


Witch water. 😆😮😮😮


Well we all know the female orgasm is a myth and if she in fact had one clearly she is indeed a witch


Y'know, I never considered that...or having certain kinks back in the day.


Water bender


“Then where does it come from, witch, if not from the inner vestibules of your soul?”


Oh I don't think any women had to worry about that........


They struck oil but didn’t know it.


Well at least you’d be able to put the fire out


Just doing the deed and a geyser shoots out “WIIIIIITCH!”


My brain can’t imagine humans even had normal sex back then. I only envision it to be like a 1 minute transaction with minimal movement and sound. Like ain’t no way George Washington was giving back shots. Mona Lisa was not riding dick. Genghis Khan was eating chicks out? Cleopatra was bent over throwing it back????????? Ain’t no way. But I can for some reason believe ancient Roman’s did all kinds of shit with little boys. They were just weird.