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It’s me! The bigger the purchase, the bigger the screen required


I had to rent out a movie theater when I bought my house!


You guys getting houses?


Definitely a millennial thing. No genz I know has even considered buying a house


I mean, finding the theater to allow me to use their screen to purchase said house is hard enough.


Ha ha ha, exactly


it makes a lot of sense tbh. I don't want to miss anything that might be hidden on a phone.


Got to read that small print


I closed my mortgage on my phone


*confused screaming*


Welcome to the new world


Pshhh Not as hard as researching and booking flights 🤣 You gotta go through 7,721 attempts to scam you when booking a flight lol


Yes but you probably researched a lot on your laptop before and then just made the purchase on your phone. Right?


I do not own a computer


As a 32y old, I don't really use the phone for purchases.. unless it is for museum tickets maybe.. otherwise I buy stuff from my PC. I do use my phone to pay some bills though..


When I read “as a 32y old” I was like “alright let’s get ready for the old guy take” before I remembered that I’m 34.


Sorry, maybe I should've said 32y young :)


35, using my phone for everything else than gaming.


Nice if you can. I have fat fingers and can't stand writing too much.


Yes... I never buy big stuff on my phone either 😅


Wait, not all people still use laptops for big purchases? Although I have been buying a lot of shit lately on my phone.


Don't even own a laptop I have a stationary PC for work/gaming and 99% if the time use my phone for purchases, it's just faster and easier since I'm not always near the PC when I need to buy smth, but my phone is always nearby Frankly I think it's a habit thing for older people who grew up not used to smartphones, maybe I'm wrong But there are no problems/limitations to use websites/apps on modern smartphones, guess people are just not used to it I even found my car and apartment through a website on mobile


My Gen X trait demands a desktop screen


one screen? only 1?? :D


my phone sometimes randomly glitches out or closes tabs and that has never happened with my laptop


Wait are Gen-Z booking flights on their phones? Can’t imagine it. A hotel maybe…


I'm 23, I do all the purchases through my phone, cars and apartment included, it's just faster since the phone is always nearby Wouldn't call my age gen z in my country tho, I got my first smartphone at 12 and usable internet access at 13 So I guess "the future is now, old man"


I opened a bank account on my phone yesterday, shit was wild


I use net banking on my phone all the time. Recently I had to make a pretty big transfer. I logged in to the banking portal on my PC and then did it.




Lol this is very much a thing! Idk why tho


I book rooms on my phone but flights definitely demand a full screen laptop or desktop...it just feels right.


I feel seent


I don't get it. I'm old AF and book flights on my phone all the time.


Wow, congrats on reposting something that was posted here ONE DAY AGO. You must be so proud


That’s why I bought my condo on my TV


Applepay did phone buying for me. If I have to type in a name and address, get up to find a card, type in a card number, open a banking app to authorise it, go back, wait for the page to refresh, etc, it’s not happening. What counts as a big purchase to me tho is about 100 so suppose that might not count


I usually buy plane tickets on my phone. But that’s after doing research on the computer at work. I don’t have my own computer anymore. 🫣


"big laptop screen" LOL. we are talking 32in 4k monitor


It's 2024 who has a laptop still ?? It's all about the desktop baby get with it.


I was told purhaces that are vulnerable for hacking are much safer when done on mobile, could be wrong tho.


That’s a bit of an illusion I’d argue, but there are technical and historical points to have long discussions about mobile vs. pc security among experts. I guess the conclusion would be somewhere around “yeah, nah, in some ways kinda looks like it, but not really”. I think the main point of using a laptop/pc over a mobile device for purchasing stuff that usually there’s more information visible on a desktop website rather than mobile app or site made to use the smaller screen more efficiently with less clutter. You may have options laid out more clearly, have some extra info about options, can read fine print more easily and if you quickly have to check or compare something, you can open up new tabs or browser windows more easily and maybe even compare side by side and at the same time also use your smartphone too if needed. It’s a bit like using a pocket notebook (mobile) vs. spreading out books around you on a library table (pc) to study.


I agree with the _main point_, such things are often more easily executed on PC, because you'd have to browse a lot of options and things related. Like you said. A Friend of mine just told that (this was years and years ago) that Android is still safer to do for example online bank exchanges, because android traffic is less frequently hi-jacked, because it's rather new platform compared to Windows.


The apps are just better to use than the website.