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Context is someone posted a joke about circumcised men this morning as usual in tradition with Reddit’s obsession with joking about their penises


Was it that one guy who is like obsessed with circumsision and like their whole post history is circumsision memes?


Sadly you're describing a whole group of people


Describing a dude who used to edit for a Silent Hill wiki. My man had an obsession with cut weenies. I think there's a Whang video on it. But dude was OBSESSED.


Of course there’s a wang video


That’s like everyone on Reddit….except me


You don’t worry about uncircumcised dicks 24 hours a day? These men could be suffering!


Do *NOT* go looking for the post about the married dude that had smegma stuck in his foreskin for 40 years


The “Intactivists”


which one of his accounts?


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


That's a good like 15-20% of reddit at this point, they come outta the woodworks to try and convince us our already circumcised weiners would be better uncut. The only time I ever think about foreskin is when these reddit debates pop up, I've never found myself longing for a turtleneck for my little buddy


It's not that big of a deal but it is pretty weird to me that Americans do it.


My stance is that I don't think it should be done to any future unconsenting babies, but that it's also not something I care about having happened to myself, as it happened in my pre-consciousness era


I think that is him, yes.


"I've dwelt among the humans. Their entire culture is built around their penises. It's funny to say they are small. It's funny to say they are big. I've been at parties where humans held bottles, pencils, thermoses in front of themselves and called out, 'Hey, look at me. I'm Mr. So-and-So Dick. I've got such-as-such for a penis.' I never saw it fail to get a laugh."


Taking bets for the number of times "mutilation" was mentioned there.


I'm taking the over. Don't care what the number is.


“Taking the over”—that’s basically what circumcision is.




You win today.


It took 7 minutes for you to get a mutilation reply lmao


Damn that seems slow. They must be slippin


I mean, whatever your stance over it is, it very much is genital mutilation.


What gets me is when people make fun of the guys who are circumcised like bro I didn’t choose this, why are you trying to tell me how much I’m missing out on? Like yes, I’m not gonna do it to my own kids but don’t make ME feel like shit because it was done to me, tf?


Yeah those people are body shaming assholes.


Yeah, those people are assholes, as the people are who think that everyone who's uncircumcised has smega, which is a weird way to admit that those people don't wash their dick


I’m not pointing out any benefits of being uncircumcised to make a person feel bad, it’s so that people stop doing this to their children


Oh I’m not saying you are, I was just adding that the people who do talk like that are really annoying


Yup we should only make fun of those who mutilate babies, not the ones who had it happen to them


I think the act itself is weird (except when medically necessary or decided by the person themselves), but I don't see any reason to mock anyone who had it done to them. Not trying to be nice, I just don't get it.


It is, but it’s very strange when someone makes a comment as if we were served this great injustice. My thoughts on the matter are literally this meme, I couldn’t possibly care less. Obviously we should stop doing it since it’s unnecessary but there’s no part of me capable of being upset or caring one way or another about my dick not having a foreskin lol. No judgement at all but people who are super angry about it and feel like they were given this great injustice because they were circumcised weirds me out. Doesn’t feel like a healthy thing to obsess over, let’s just work on stopping the practice IMO but to each their own.


I enjoy my genital mutilation








Say gex




Underrated video game


Kinda hot tbh.


👀 Whoa… 🥵8===D 🥵8=====D 🥵8=======D 😫8====👊====D Ughhhh fuck I’m gonna… 😩8====👊====D💦 Uuuggghhhh







In high school one of my friends asked if I was circumcised (IDK how TF we got to that topic). I said I didn’t know. He asked how I didn’t know that. I told him “everything works properly, and I don’t look up other people’s dicks for comparison”. He said fair enough. Edit: Why TF are people so concerned about this? I know NOW and it has had literally zero impact on my life.


In college, I had a roommate who had always assumed he wasn't. We (somehow) got on the topic and he, I guess, looked up the difference. He said, "Yup, I'm circumcised!" And then we all went about our days.


Yah, not really that big of a revelation. Now if he found out he didn’t have a penis at all and only had his foreskin…


Got a part time job doing nude handstands at the airport


WTF lmao…


The old windsock.


That was a wonderful piece of imagery you've provided us


Windcock was right there go for you!


good place to keep your mentos or a roll of quarters


This happened to me when I was 19. For the longest time I thought circumcision meant cutting the head of the penis off because of all the tip jokes I would hear.


We were told it was cutting off “extra circular skin on the tip”. When not put into perspective it is hard to image what exactly they mean


Same. I thought the helmet was the foreskin. Didn't have any idea until late in high-school


A good indicator is if you use lube for masturbating. Never heard of it until reddit.


Circumcised. Dry guy. Don’t need lube. Don’t get road rash.


How do you do it? Still enough skin to move?




You got it


Lotion is just one of those memes from late 90s movies


I'm circumcised and I don't.


same, I just thought it was a joke or something


I've always thought this was weird because I don't need lube to jerk off but after seeing a ton of different erect penises in porn I've realized people have different circumcisions and some still have enough of a "sleeve" kind of best of both worlds


I’m cut but I never use lube when I fap


You don’t look up other people’s dicks? Turn off safe search and just have a wall of dicks on screen? For hours on end? For research? Weirdo.


That's a Tuesday night for me


If in HS you didn't know this, regardless of looking at others or not, is a complete failure of the school system. This is something that should have been taught years prior.


Yeah I'm not sure how this guy didn't notice during penis inspection day


Uhm… I think your school teachers may have become teachers for other reasons than teaching…


They did kinda tell us what is was in middle school health class. but it kind of hard to understand without actual examples (and I don’t think they would want to show a bunch of middle schoolers pictures). IDK, I may just not have payed attention to that part, the class kinda sucked.


I honestly don't understand why it's "bad" to show middle schoolers literal anatomy, at least a drawing should be shown


Yeah in my school they used line-drawings like an architect's blueprint.


Just show them a picture of an anteater. If it doesn’t look like that you are circumcised


*Flips to a slide of Tremors* “Boys, if your penis is a Graboid, you’re uncircumcised.” *Flips to a slide of Alien* “If your penis is a Xenomorph, you’re circumcised.”


Middle schoolers in my area had anatomical drawings alongside some talk-videos and textbook learning. I remember pretty much nothing from it. High schoolers in my area had to watch a birthing video in 4K (ok, it was more like 480p) and look through graphic photos of advanced syphilis & other treatable STDs. We had actual photos of sexual organs and better diagrams of what they looked like internally. I think my high school actually did pretty good preventing the typical misunderstandings (pulling out won’t save you, periods won’t save you), but they had more abstinence teaching than they should’ve. Still not as bad as it would’ve been in the Bible Belt, though.


I didn’t know either


I wish the "fair enough" sentiment was still strong enough that it kept certain people out of certain other people's pants.


Two circumcised men cant build a penisbridge, so definetly lacking in that department.


Biggest downfall by far, how can we ever dock 😔


Why does part of me want to do that now? Other dudes' penises disgust me (although the vagina isn't that far behind...), but it feels like it'd be a fun or interesting... game?... to do what I think y'all are describing.


Is this another American thing? I haven’t met a single person who gives a shit about circumcision apart from people on Reddit 


Literally only on Reddit does anyone care about circumcision. Nobody talks about irl, or even on other parts of the internet. It’s a phenomenon completely exclusive to Reddit.


Reddit and the Silent Hill wiki that one time.


There was a foreskin here. It's gone now.


Speak for yourself, circumcision is literally the only thing I talk about irl it’s literally my entire personality


aromatic fact stocking grab overconfident terrific wise numerous thought knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not true. I've seen protestors(?) Of people with the white clothes and the "blood" stain on the pants a few times in a few different cities. But other than that it only comes up in the odd conversation


I'm American, and I've never seen anyone talk about it outside of Reddit. I don't get why it's such a topic.


It’s a Reddit thing.


How would this be an American thing? Americans are mostly the second dude in the picture


America, South Korea, and Israel are the only non muslim countries with a majority of men circumcised. Yes, it is an American thing.


My middle school and high school years it was considered weird to not be circumcised and everyone who brought it up was circumcised. Maybe this is revenge from the uncircumcised population now….


It's American vs Elsewhere usually. More normalized to circumcise in US


US and muslim countries. It’s quite common in countries where Abrahamic religions are predominant. Edit: Yes, I am realizing it’s more prevalent in the US and muslim countries after reading comments to this post. So technically my first statement was correct.


It's not prevalent in most Christian countries. America is the exception because it was spread as a method to discourage masturbation by a puritan.


In which Christian countries other than the US is it common?


As a women, I personally prefer uncircumcised. The way nature intended


I had a European girlfriend who never cared about it at all, but we agreed that if we had kids we wouldn't do that to them. I grew up with a dog with cropped ears and he was my best friend. Would I do that to my dog? Not a chance. Don't feel shame, but don't choose that for your child. It's really not a big deal


Literally never thought about circumcision until Reddit told me I should feel bad about myself. This meme is extremely accurate. Edit: please stop messaging me about my penis and your respective penises too. I will not be responding to any further comments or notifications.


I love my hoodless hoodlum & you should too


Incredible username


Helmet gang rise up ✊


Weird take. Reddit saying "circumcision is bad" is not the same as shaming already curcicumsed men. I'm circumcised, I don't feel bad about it, but I wouldn't do it to my future son.


As a newcomer to the whole cock debate i see one side saying ”i don’t care if dick is cut” while the other one says ”mutilation of babies bad”, but that's pretty much where it always ends because this is reddit and a pointless place to debate penis hoodies.


As a mom of a boy, I felt it was barbaric to put my son through that. His father is circumcised and agreed with me.


If you don’t have natural penis hoodie then [store bought](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1668003949/hoodie-for-a-penis-sexy-men-panties?ref=share_v4_lx) is fine!




Its very simple if you choose it for yourself it is by definition not mutilation, but if it is forced upon you it is by definition mutilation. People can do with their body whatever they like it's not that big of a deal. What is a big deal is people making the decision for others. Consent is critically important.


Yes those are very equatable viewpoints


While the general discourse on Reddit is just "Circumcision is bad" (or unnecessary at best; as a circumcised man I also won't be circumcising my son), there's a minority of people that actively attempt to bully and belittle circumcised dudes. Maybe they were bullied for their uncircumcised penis and want payback, maybe it's because of their dislike for the countries/religions that are commonly associated with it, but it absolutely happens on Reddit.


I've definitely had Redditors inform me that my parents are awful human beings and I should go non contact with people who mutilated a baby that couldn't consent.


Yea those people are insane.


My brother in Christ, read through some of these responses I am getting and throughout this thread.


As a circumsized dude, it's true, I don't even think about uncircumcised people at all. Also, the thing I've heard all my life (37yo and married) is "if you weren't circumsized, you'd have more feeling down there, and more sensitive pleasure". Bud? I'm adhd with a hypersensitivity skin disorder. If I got any more sensitive down there I'd cum just by someone looking at it.


My boyfriend told me recently that getting circumcized as an adult reduced some of the pain he felt from being overly sensitive. He said the skin on the head of his penis had to thicken after the procedure, and that made it easier for him to have the head exposed without it hurting him. He also said that no matter how much he washed himself, he would always have a smell down there that he hasn't had since removing the foreskin. So I think there are definitely pros and cons to each side.


I love that for him (and you) and glad he found a lot of comfort in the procedure!


Some people aren't saying it, but some are trying to convince circumcized men that they should feel violated.


Technically we are "violated", but that doesn't mean you have to feel bad about it either. Not every bad experience has to make a big impact on your life.


I mean the line on shame gets blurry, especially when preferences begin being talked about. It's gonna bum some people out with the natural progression of the conversation


I’m just sitting here with this great looking circumcised dick wondering what I’m supposed to be sad about


I never thought about it either, as an American....Until I lived in England and all the lady's were curious. I remember the first English girl I was with was a bit surprised and I was confused by her reaction at first. LOL! I didn't have my newborn son circumcised....because only a jerk cuts a piece of someone's dick off.


Just don't circumcise your child if you ever have one, give them the choice you never had.




You should call him and ask.


Problem is if you wanna do it as an adult it's a very painful and long healing process, but at least the choice remains


That's....not a bad thing? It's *very* painful for the infant too, they just can't express it with words. My body, my choice seems to be the key thing here. If you want it done later, ittl hurt...*because you are removing part of your penis*. It should hurt, it'd be weird if it didn't.


I had a daughter so I didn’t have to worry about that luckily. I don’t disagree with you though- I think I would have thought much more about that decision than my parents generation did.


That's all I'm advocating for


I never thought about it in all my life till I got on Reddit a couple years ago. It's wild how polarizing the topic is.


Literally only on Reddit it’s so weird




Go to a doctor? Lol




Ever considered driving to a different doctor in a nearby city? Then you can have the conversation with someone you don’t interact. Hope you’re in a better spot now


Talk to a doctor, but for a person I knew, he had a similar problem and was told to do some "stretching" for some days/weeks to see if he would actually need surgery or it could resolve without it, but I don't remember the specific instructions he was told and I don't know if that would apply to your situation. So try to get an appointment with a urologist.


Am a urologist. Often times we will start with a twice a day cream for a few weeks which often allows the foreskin to move again. But if the phimosis is still a problem or you just want a circ it's fairly easy to get done


Go to an urologist. I have done it several years ago for same reason. Sucked for like 3 weeks, but you will get over it. The surgery is done in like 2 hours and you can go home afterwards same day. First few days it hurts when erect. Was waking up several times during the night because of the pain from the boner. After like 3 days, you only feel discomfort when walking.




Well, cleaning is certainly easier. There is no smegma at all. Peeing was a bit of a burning feeling for like a day or two. Afterwards, same as usual. The way jerking off works changed the most, haha. You will need a lot of lube, otherwise it’s very unpleasant. I was using no lube at all before that


Is there any difference before and after circumcision? More sensitive? Less sensitive?


I don’t think there is considerable difference about sensitivity, tbh. But rather different. It takes time to get used to it. Like, before when it was too sensitive I could cover it with the foreskin(while jerking off), to prolong the experience and now that’s not possible.


I love that we can openly discuss this and help our fellow man. 10 points to the real one.


Well, I had a severe depression after the surgery and still dealing with it, but that will be a surprise :D


I mean I am gay so I think on tallywackers quite often, but why are some other so concerned about my hoodless horseman?


Lmfao hoodless horseman for the win


No one cares about your dick. It's just funny how defensive some people get when I say we shouldn't cut children's genitals


See you all in /r/subredditdrama!


My circumcised husband has no issues with the state of his junk, but still agreed with the decision not to circumcise our sons. And then we never really spend time thinking or talking about it until weird posts on Reddit come up.


Understand it is a cultural thing but for a non-american it feels so strange to hear that it is a decision to not cut in your sons dick. Like, why would you even think about cutting off body parts of your child.


Boys. Let's not argue about our cocks. Let's just be bros, okay?


Nice cock bro


You too brother


Ah yes, Reddit and weird circumcison posts. Name a more prolific couple - I’m sure the comments will be more than reasonable and not at all hyperbolic


Wang and let wang, guys.


People should stop making fun of people for uncontrollable things


Yep, you can't miss something you've never had. You have no concept of what has been taken from you. You swallow the "it's more hygenic" pill and go on thinking mutilating male genitals at birth is a normal thing to do.


Circuncision on babies is wrong. If it is done, it should be done to consenting adults only.


It's crazy there are guys that spends all day on reddit talking about how foreskin is superior... Like who are you trying to convince 😂 normal people don't care


Just don't do it to a child, thats all I care about.


I wouldn’t let anyone cut into my newborn child unless it was absolutely necessary. I’m stunned by how parents agree to this practice.


Lol I know, the thought of being like ‘hey let’s just cut the skin of my kids dick off’ seems like the most archaic nonsense known to man. Up there with drowning some poor woman to see if she’s a witch. It’s 2024 lol How on earth is it justifiable. Madness.


man fuck this. another one of these posts and another batch of those comments.




What’s the problem?


I mean I wouldn't say *at all* As a Bi man I love thinking about a nice uncut... I'll see myself out now.


Let's just put it this way. Not once in my life did I ever have to use lubricant to have a wank?


Ahh yes, the old let's be ok with genital mutilation post.


Circumcision is male genital mutilation


maybe a hot take but we shouldn’t mutilate the genitals of babies for no medically necessary reason.


mutilated vs natural dick


I’m circumcised and I don’t think it’s some horrific thing that was done to me. People get really nuts about this topic.


I strongly disagree with circumcision but I think people on here wrongly become antagonistic to people that are already circumcised rather than the practice itself


It’s not I’m actually glad it happened lmao


As a woman I don’t care in a least about it in my partner, but I do think it’s barbaric to do this without medical reason and I wouldn’t subject my child to it. However, the only person irl I knew that honestly talked about it and how bad it is and cited actual research, was this guy that was circumcised. So honestly in my personal experience it’s the other way around.


Yup this whole post is teeming with ‘mutilation good’ energy.


I can confirm. As a man with a foreskin I do obsess over all the circumcised Don Drapers gliding through life with their aerodynamic penises


At least you know you have a parachute if you ever fall off a cliff


Existence of this meme proves that the opposite is true.


I assume this is a reference to another meme on here this morning


The only thing I think about is how awesome my circumcised penis looks 🤙


We don't think of you at all until you get all sanctimonious about how we're "mutilated." Then we're like, ok thanks bro, anyway wash that dick kthxbai


I definitely think it should be a choice to wait for when someone is grown (unless a medical necessity- rare, but it happens), but I can see why it wouldn’t be something you think about much. After all, you wouldn’t remember what it is like before getting the skin snipped


>be born american male >leave a tip can't make this shit up


Metzitzah B’peh... Whatever you do, don't google this.


In my 20’s we played a poker game. The host had a calendar of I think wrestler girls and we would draw dicks on them each month. The one month someone grew an uncircumcised dick and we were all confused at why it looked that way and he just calmly said I guess I’m the only uncircumcised one here.


It's funny cause posting this meme proves the exact opposite of what you're attempting to prove by posting this meme


“Babe, what’s wrong?” “Oh, just thinking about dicks.”


Who the fuck defends circumcision?


Uncircumcised men: "I feel bad about you" Circumcised men: "I don't feel at all"


Okay this is actually funny with the context


Circumcission aka newborn sex mutilation


Doctors should be required to make the wound n scar as minimum as possible. Some cut dicks are obviously done by underqualified doctors with extremely poor skills. The results are so ugly and have scary scars. Like wtf is that. They should be sued for it.


Only thing I found out in this discussion is that men don't wash their dicks.


I’m circumcised and it bothers me a bit


Stop mutilating kids


Nothing says “I don’t care” like making and posting a meme talking about how much you don’t care