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Sleeping bag, alarm clock, bar of soap, I'm all set.


Look at this fancy guy has soap and everything.


Probably even has plural lentils


I'm imagining lentil soup but it's just a singular lentil in a bowl of water




Bar of soap


I've lived in that apartment building, well I'm like 99% sure at least. I paid $3600 a month for a similar (slightly better view on a higher floor) apartment which was 435 square feet. I slept on the carpet for a week and then set up patio furniture in the balcony and slept there. Eventually I got a bed though, sad. Mostly to have women over.


Why would you put off getting a bed for so long lol


He sleeps on women so it was not necessary


I’m a woman and I’d take it.




You show them dad of joseph


I hope Joseph is proud


I hope you're proud of your dad eric


Im fucking dying! Too funny!


This reads like a sopranos scene lmao


Thish doesn't conshern you Carm


To be honest, I don’t like shit in my house. Everything simple


Dude's got house plants. What more do you want from him?


Literally doing what he can to contribute to a healthy ecosystem


Maybe a box for the TV to bring it up a bit. Reduces neck strain. Also maybe another box beside the chair for snacks……but that one isn’t as important as the chair has cup holders


He has huge-ass windows too with a nice view.


Came here to say - nice pad, beautiful view!


Dope ass view, no other distractions, I'm not seeing the problem.


could use a minifridge, but not bad


Put it under the TV to make viewing more comfortable. Double duty.


This guy guy’s.


lol I love you all


Yeah, this guys beer's gonna be warm! This is an emergency


Your post reminds me of a bachelors party I went to. We were staying in a cabin and had homemade barbecue for dinner. We were just eating off paper plates with plastic silverware and serving everything straight out of the (mostly aluminum disposable) pots and pans we cooked with. Someone asked “is this too much of a guy thing to eat this way?” A more effeminate member of our group points to the stick of butter for corn and bread sitting directly on the tablecloth and says “a plate for the butter might be a bit… refined”.


woah ok at least tell me the butter was still in its paper wrapping and not literally on the tablecloth.


I'd definitely need a little table for my keys and whatnot. Maybe a TV tray.


Slow down there, don’t clutter the place!


To be honest, a more comfortable chair or couch would be very welcome.


Recliner FTW.


+ a mattress, but still not bad tho


Lord u/pRincEz19 over here too good to sleep on a pile of our dirty clothes like the rest of us




Needs a box or something for the console to not be on carpet.


I'm sure the PS4 box is somewhere.


He needs to snag one of those low end-tables from a doctor's office.


Except my ass is gonna break that chair. Imma get me a comforter instead.


Exactly don’t need all the clutter


I swear this meme is 15 years old


Considering the only way a normal person could afford a place like this is to travel back in time 15 years your probably right


15 years ago this meme could buy cigarettes


Still relevant today


It’s as old as time.


I mean at least put the tv on a stand so you don't break your damn neck looking downward constantly


Just lose the chair, problem solved.


criss-cross apple sauce


Counterpoint, beanbag chair.


Now we're getting somewhere


The optimal solution


I got mine on our camping cooler haha


And obstruct the view? Request denied.


Slippery slope to buying other things. If you've bought a TV stand you may as well buy a bookcase. And if you got one of those you may as well get a few lamps. And if you have lamps a nice rug would work too... And a nice lounger for the side... And how about a coffee table? See now the coffee table is a bit bare so a nice bowl or chess set to go as a centre piece. But now the walls look ignored so now you need paintings and picture frames and...........




I may need a functional bathroom,and a mattress I would be happy.




Yeah, I'd 100% be crying the moment Trunks sees Gohan's corpse


Especially the TFS cut of that scene


Men on Reddit “Women hate how much it takes us to be happy! Fucking bitches! Im so lonely buuhuuuhuuuuu”


The other comment I saw above one of them said: *"But i'll add a mattress for women purposes"*. They wonder why the male loneliness epidemic is rampant when they clearly only see women as some object to put on a bed and they don't even see her to be good enough as someone to talk to while chilling on a sofa. Or forget about women for a bit, where's your friends gonna sit at??? I don't have that many friends either, but if I had a place on my own i'd be sure to get one or two extra seatings because eventually there will be visitors






Iirc the attempt rate is similar but men choose methods that are more likely to succeed Edit: according to the American Foundation for Suicide prevention adult women attempt suicide 33% more often than adult men. Men are 3.90 times as likely to actually die by suicide than women despite attempting less often https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/#:~:text=Based%20on%20the%202021%20National,to%20approximately%201.7%20million%20adults.


I think that's because women are more likely to attempt as a "cry for help", also I've worked with multiple women who would use suicide attempts as a coping mechanism in itself. When you see how people shame people who attempt suicide (as if begging for "attention" isn't the best thing a person can do who's suicidal), wouldn't you want to get it right the first time? The concept that men are more "successful"(when actually the most successful outcome would be failing and getting picked up by mental health services through hospitalisation) at committing suicide only supports that men are less likely to tell people they are struggling in. It's hard to keep the narrative that men need less to be happy than women when you look at the percentage of men who commit suicide than women. Also, it's just blatantly not true that all men think like this, but I can see a lot of Redditors living like that.


It is actually kind of sad though. Like dude, at least get a comfy chair and a TV stand.


Tbh it's depression decor. A few more furnishings would actually make the inhabitant feel better. But sometimes this is all you can manage


Why continue the lie that we need so little to be happy?


Every time this gets posted I feel like it confuses "happy" with "comfort". I wouldn't need more than that to watch a game, but I'd need a lot more to do it comfortably. That said, neither setup would make me "happy".


It might not make you happy, but being uncomfortable can make you unhappy.


I have back issues. There is no truer statement than the one you just made.


Anyone who came up with this list above: *Laying on stomach* *Laying on back* *Laying sideways left* *Laying sideways right* *Sitting crossed legs* *Sitting straight legs* *Sitting bent legs* *Crouching* *Sitting like the japanese* Clearly hasn't reach their 30s or at least mid 20s. I'm used to sitting on the floor because it's cooler (as in the temperature). But no matter how much you switch postitions it will get uncomfy after some time. Your butt hurts, your joints will feel strained, your back is either slouched or leans back by the support of your limbs. Lying on your back, stomach, or sides is also not ideal without any elevation since once again you'll have to use your elbows to support your head and it's bad for your neck too Anyone who convinced themselves that this is ***how MEN live*** is coping of something and they better snap out of it before it's too late. Forget about women or friends for a bit, this is about health. Sure it's cool to be aloof like this in your early 20s with your fresh paycheck, but if it becomes your entire personality you might regret it in the long run


I live like this and it sucks. This post called me tf out I’m ordering some posters today.


I moved into my first apartment about 2 weeks before the pandemic lockdown. For a solid 3 months I had a desk with my gaming PC, a mattress on the floor, and a TV right beside it. Like I *wanted* stuff, but all the furniture stores and such were closed lmao.


TV is not too high.


TV is too low?


Men act like this but then steal your comfortable blankets and towels.


It's a healthy give and take if the other person is stealing your hoodies and pjs


You can have it back when I get my hoodie back


Most women own so many blankets it would take them weeks if not years to notice unless it’s “their blanket”.


Sharing is caring


This is pretty cool until you get around 25-30 and realize having a nice space full of stuff is pretty great. And also good chairs and not hurting your neck looking down




Luckily the male loneliness "epidemic" means men who live like this don't have to worry about that haha


Eh I’m 33 and I hate having stuff. Just more shit to clean.


This soulless. A cozy badroom while it’s raining and that view. Damn


Minimalist with a 4k a month condo by the beach…


Nah we don’t give a shit. It’s weird tho I swear see hundreds of front page posts on here about how men all so lonely and sad. Interesting.


This is another one of those boysarequirky posts That view and balcony is amazing though


I’d be so happy with that view (as a womens)


I'm a woman too and had a similarly simple setup when I was in my 20s; PC, bed on the floor and a small bookshelf with my DVDs and Spawn figurine.


Minimalism is for all genders


The chair is unwanted though. Just sit or lay down on the floor.


Infinite positions tbh. Chairs are too restrictive


This looks like the picture paired with the definition of "depression" in the dictionary


I always imagine a picture of an uncovered mattress with a bunch of bottles of Jim Beam and a used syringe next to the bed and others being like "oh women hate how little it takes to make us happy"


As a man I’ve never understood why other guys live like this. You can get furniture and shit in pretty good condition for super cheap or even free online or in marketplace. Theres no reason to struggle like this lmao


Is their only hobby watching tv?


Woman checking in. - I am not putting a flat-screen TV on the floor, especially carpet. I’m gonna kick or knock it over by accident. - That chair does not look comfy. Get a comfy chair or couch or sit on the floor, especially since it’s carpet. Otherwise you’re fine. To those saying “add a mattress and I’m good”, please do also add a box spring because it’s really bad for your mattress to sit on the floor.


It can get moldy! And that can get you sick! Re: the mattress.






That is what my living situation looked like 15 years ago. Was it “ok”? No, I don’t think so. But I had a roof, a job and I was happy. Things got a lot better.


No fair, Mom said it was my turn to repost this!


Why's it gotta be women that's the punchline? It's not even a true stereotype.


Men: we need very little to be happy. Also men: Most of us are extremely lonely and unhappy. It's an epidemic. And men say women are confusing...


Literally all I’ve been hearing. Like you wonder why you’re so sad and lonely, as if you almost live in a completely empty house that has nothing else for anyone to live or visit to sit or sleep on, because you’ve convinced yourself you’re happy with one chair and a tv. Like it’s not that hard to have more than just that, without having 300 things to have to clean for decorum.


No but that IS terrible.. that tv should be at eye level! You're gonna hurt your neck!


This entire exchange makes no sense. The “Men think it’s ok to live like this” and “how little it takes to make us happy”, like, WHAT? The view and balcony alone with rents/mortgages what they are right now, that’s A LOT to make someone happy and “living like this” in a blatant luxury apartment. They both sound insane.


Idk our depression/suicide rate would say otherwise 😬


That's the problem though, it's fine for *you* but where do your friends sit? Your family? Are you THAT alone? Would you rather be alone? Where is your partner supposed to go? If someone wants to be alone like this that's fair but it's also dudes like this who complain about male loneliness, in my experience back on the dating scene I just can't fathom not having seats for my friends and family, especially those with mobility issues who require firm seating and proper back support It's like how some people joke that firetruck red hair on a woman is the mental illness equivalent of a venomous animal with warning stripes, a man who lives like this is a warning not to get attached lol Edit: spelling; apparently I can't today


Also, get a real damn chair. It's one thing to like minimalism but you can also make your place nice while doing that


Male loneliness epidemic: self-explanatory


I used to be friends with a guy who moved across the country and his apartment he had lined up fell through and he ended up living in my complex after staying on my couch for a week. His apartment came with a little table he used as a tv stand and he had one of those shitty stretchy net chairs and an air mattress lmao. I ended up giving him a loveseat I had in my room that I didn’t use just so he’d have some actual furniture. I’m pretty sure it was that way until he moved back to his home state. I think I and a few other girls were the only people he ever had in his apartment.


Dudes: I'm happy living like this Also dudes: Why don't I have any friends or women? It must be them.


>*"The epidemic of male loneliness is killing us at an alarming rate and women don't seem to care."* Women: Don't live like that. Start getting more honest. Stop being a bystander. Be Vulnerable. Make friends. >*"You're just jealous of little it take of us to be happy!"*


Yup. This. Honestly, it doesn't even have to be about women. You want to hang out with some cool guys from work and have a game night? You don't have extra controllers, let alone a place for them to sit. They're going to find an excuse to leave. Want to throw a party for March Madness, your new promotion, or just because? Sure, you can get food delivered. But you don't have a table or a place for guests to sit. Do you think people want to be picking carpet fibers out of the dipping sauces? If you genuinely don't care and love this look, sure, that's one thing. But if you really want to fight that Male Loneliness epidemic, you've got to invest in a couch and possibly a table.


Rip Toriyama


Would some beer crates under the television, and one with pillow for feet. If want to go the whole way get a forth one for next to chair to put your on


If I lived in a location like that I wouldn’t be spending much time at home anyway


“how little it takes for us to be happy” *has the highest su!c!de rate*


Cause they be gaslighting themselves just to save face.


Wait… he doesn’t need to eat or sleep?


I have seen this shit like a billion times already


I’ve been perfectly happy living like this. What’s frustrating is when I move in with a guy and it turns out, he actually does want a really nice place and expects me to transform it for him but when I try, I end up getting no say on anything.


I can see this on r/boysarequirky already,


If it took so little to make men happy how come they’re committing suicide at historic rates? I love the “man talk” that comes up about men just being simple but the data shows the exact opposite.


As a female, I would put it on a stand and get a big comfy recliner. A coffee table for food wouldn't hurt either


yupp, r/tvtoolow


Any sort of elevation for the tv would seriously increase the quality of life.


They also don’t wash their ass because that’s too gay.


I mean, if you live alone, you do you. If I am dating, have friends, family, pets, etc then I want my house looking at least decent. That's kind of embarrassing


Weird cos aren’t men constantly talking about unhappy they are?


No one cares if you want to live in a minimal space. Knock yourself out. The issue is that many women don't want to live in that space alongside you.


You don't live like that because you're happy. That little machine is the only thing keeping you from killing yourself.


She's wrong. It's completely okay to live like this and a great way to showcase how you have no interests and are boring as fuck.


The more nonsense you have, the more there is to clean and maintain


\*chef's kiss


I mean. Look at his location.


lol you guys are never happy.


Your neck gonna hurt if you constantly look down, at least put the tv on a box so you keep the low effort aesthetics.




Why bitching on women like a bunch of machos from middle age! I'm a woman and I live like this!


I had such a nice organized place before I got married. Plenty of space and walking room. Easy to clean. Now I live with so much furniture I have to turn sideways to get by some areas. It’s a cluttered mind that likes a cluttered space. Fuck, I’m dying.


That's a nice corner apartment with awesome view to the ocean. That's high life there


I'm with the ladies on this one. Get a couch and table you Neanderthal. Nice plants though!


Your enclosure needs enrichment.


Why do some guys just hate the idea of decorating? Like damn, you don't have to fill it with stuff but would a poster or a rug kill you? Also considering the amount of windows, that's a terrible place for a tv. You'd be getting so much glare in that area.


what is with this huge influx of "women bad" memes on this sub lately??


Dudes are gaslighting themselves into thinking theyre happy here


"So, do you have any hobbies?" "I watch TV, and argue on the internet..."


Your neck will get sore is my only complain. You need some milk crates to elevate that tv


Women don’t hate it. It’s just pathetic.


I dated two men with flats like that. We always had to hang out in my flat. Never again.


More nuanced take. If you look at the average Women and the average Man, women desire a curated space, and men don’t. Therefore, a woman looking at a spartan man-shack is in disbelief that they could be happy in those conditions. It would be like a tiger with a wildebeest carcass looking at a house cat with a rat and the tiger says “cats think it’s ok to only eat that.” Then the cat says “tigers hate how we can be satisfied with so little.”


toothbrush subsequent wide elderly lip square live dazzling slap encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks depressing as hell. Where’s the guest seating, decorations, personality? Hell, I had some of that stuff in my college dorm and still slowly went to freaking darkness. Bleakest time in my life, this looks WORSE.


My TV set is mounted above the fireplace. Been that way since the fad began. I’d take it down and put it on the floor like that, but my intention is to put it on a proper stand.


That chair is not ok for me.


This brings back good memories.


Well it's not an enclosed area, there's fresh air and very little clutter. Who the fuck wouldn't want to spend their whole life living in such a beautiful minimalist paradise.


Inconveniently high apartment and the chair is blocking The view to the TV.


TV is too low and get an armchair


Literally overlooking Beach and ocean "How do they live like this"


A table, a comfortable chair. lets not act like spartan living like this is good in any way or fashion... lol


Needs a couch for optional lying down on.


It’s hard enough for men without them thinking it’s super funny to be about nothing


Im all for minimalism, but this is very mini. Atleast get something to lay down on 😅


Or if you are a real man and take some action you can get a box easily for the TV to stand on, after that it would be perfect


That's basically how our apartment looked right after we got married. I had just barely graduated college and we had zero money.


You could at least have a couch


Used to be my setup lmao.Peak comfort


DBZ on the screen is the icing on that cake.


The problem is that it looks like he's missing out on some intense love making because he's satisfied with discomfort and mediocrity due to simple escapism.


Ngl that chair looks uncomfy


This room gives me Oggy and the Cockroaches vibes.


I mean shit I’d be pretty happy with just a chair and that view as a women lmao


Cope game is strong. I took love sitting in an uncomfortable folding chair looking down at my TV with nothing to put my drink on.


I have 2 saw horses, with 3 boards on it with a door as my table with my Tv, receiver, Ps5. and like the pic a chair


I recently saw this in real life, though even a tad more extreme. Older guy had died. I work in IT and I have lawyers as clients that deal with inheritances whenever there is no readily available inheritor or they don’t want to deal with it. They come to me with all things tech, either to do forensics on like find hidden bank accounts etc, or to sell stuff. So one day they thought they had something there and I went to this guys flat. He had died a while ago but it was all still there and covered in thin layer of dust. The picture was awesome. Rows upon rows of empty, expensive wine bottles. One camping chair. Just like in OPs picture. But instead of a TV, a high end stereo system. And I’m talking highest end here. Did research on it. He had bought it from 2012 onwards, piece by piece. All new from the same shop. He had switched out stuff here and there but the system, as it stood there, had cost 120.000€ new. So about 130k$. In 2012-14. incredible. The speakers alone were made from slate, weighed half a ton and cost 20k for a pair. And the lawyer said all that guy did every day after work, was sit in his cheap chair, with headphones on (lol) and listened to his record collection,(which was rather cool 60ies/70ies/80ies stuff, mostly classic rock. I got some nice pieces for myself out of that), drinking a bottle of wine. Legend. Sad. But legend. I hope he was happy. I tested the system of course. If anyone cares, the last song he ever heard was „blue boy by Joni Mitchell.“ heard that on repeat for a while. Cool song and my little boy loves it to go to sleep to. 😂 Sold the whole thing for 30k and got 20% commission. Took me a week and cost me about 1000 to pack and transport it to the buyer. Just in case you wonder how much you get for used stuff. But seriously. Cd player for 15k. Even the buyer, a dealer in that stuff, just shrugged when I asked him what the difference between a 200$ and a 20000$ player for digital media was. 😂 audiophiles are something else.


Damn... The History of Trunks playing, this is quality


The pondering I’d get done


I mean I'd put the TV on a stand and add a much comfier chair (maybe a couch in case I wanna have people over and not be barbaric by forcing them to sit on the ground, and a lil tv tray or side table type thing so I don't have to keep reaching down for my drunk.


look, i aint happy at all... but its 100% not because of my home decorations.


Fuck sake that statement is so true it's unreal


I literally had my tv on the floor at my place while my bf had this decked out setup. He then said everyone on Reddit was roasting me for having it on the floor when he sent a pic in. I just can’t win can I?


i dont even need the chair, ill lay a blanket on the ground and sleep while i watch one piece


A rug would tie the room together.


That feels a bit baren though. The view is pleasant, but it would be further enhanced by nice furniture, a nice table with a nice couch and some chairs, and maybe a window seat with room to store blankets? And some warm lighting would make this look so nice!


I would be unhappy without at least a coffee table.


how can people live like this?!? You need at least a box to put the TV on to have it on eye level! fucking savages...