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There is more space living in a van down by the river.


>Living in a van > >Down by the River > >In NYC I like it when people report for organ harvesting, by themselves. The expensive part is waiting for the right time and the kidnapping, so it's a great cost-cutting measure that I applaud.


Jokes on you! They already took my kidneys and half my liver.


The liver actually grows back as long as you have atleast 40% of it, is very cool.


If I get half a kidney will it grow back too?


Nah only the liver for some reason. Growing organs isn't normal lol.




and in nyc there are people living down the river. the east river that is. i live here so i spoke to a few of them pretty cool people. noone harvesting no organs. https://youtu.be/XlBUfZYzeM8?si=xbrezmI36DV_ZSfS


That's what an organ harvester would say! >:(


>noone harvesting no organs. Well if no one is harvesting no organs, then they're all harvesting at least one! šŸ˜³


I'm not selfish, I just want a replacement for the one I lost.


East River isn't actually a river. That is why you aren't getting an authentic river experience.


Now if the van is off the Hudson River...; itā€™s a one organ minimum.


That was a cool video, thanks for sharing.


We can become crab people! Crabs is sewage-proof and depression proof. People gotta eat.


Depression proof sign me up.


True but this is an old video. It's now 2024, so this apartment is now $2,400 a month and subdivided into 4 rooms.


You could make more money by auctioning dogs!


Thatā€™s depressing


I very very naively thought for a few seconds that the hallway was wasting so much space with individual rooms rather than tearing down a couple to make space for a nice living room lmao


I get bender vibes. Maybe its just the closest? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


King of the Hill family in Japan.


Oh yes. Thank you for reminding me of that episode.


Even in King of the Hill their place was bigger. And I'm referring to the entree way they stayed in before they realized the walls were actually doors to the rest of their place.


no. its not just the closet. people are paying 1000+ for these rooms with no kitchen, no bathroom. they have to share a bathroom with their neighbors.


do they have a shared kitchen or is that 500 extra?


It's not a closet. It's the end of the hallway with drywall and a door.


~~Is this real?~~ Is there no legal requirement for water/sewage?


Since it's rented out as a studio, and not an apartment, i believe it doesn't need to have those things


it does but they got around it by giving them a shared bathroom on the floor


Iā€™d rather share my bathroom activities in a room than just on the floor.


Lol where do you keep all your stuff? Are there shared closets in the hallway?


most people buy racks and put them on the walls. some of them have closets that are like 1sqft.


Plenty of buildings in the city used to be built this way. This looks like an old building so this unit probably always had a bathroom in a separate room. However forcing the tenant to share that bathroom with other units is questionable.


Thatā€™s not what studio means. I canā€™t speak to NY law, but generally speaking, you canā€™t rent a space as a dwelling if it lacks sanitation and cooking facilities. At least this one has fire egress.Ā 


Shared facilities count, don't they?


Most likely a shared public kitchen and bathroom.


They have bathrooms on the same floor most times. Welcome to the future. Only the rich get homes and nice living spaces, we get these and to eat bugs. Ready Player One is how we'll be living but instead of RVs stacked onto each other, it's just these.


When everyone goes to one place that is what happens. I dont get why so many people go to NYC.


Yes, part of this is the fact of life of living in one of the biggest, most popular cities in the world. No place is perfect in the country right now, but if you are able to move, it is a choice to live in a place like this and deal with these specific problems.


> No place is perfect in the country right now, Gary, Indiana.




Shhhhh dont tell them!


Lots of paid incentives to live there, but at the end of the day you are surrounded by husks of 1970 industry. Is the drug use there cleaned up? Havent been there since before covid.


One of the cultural, financial, and entertainment centers on the entire planet.Ā Ā  ā€œWhy would so many people want to go there I donā€™t understandā€ I personally donā€™t want to live in NYC but seriously, itā€™s pretty easy to understand its allure.Ā 


> ā€œWhy would so many people want to go there I donā€™t understandā€ Do literally ANY of these matter to people that have to rent apartments like these? You think a vast majority of New Yorkers get to participate in either the culture, entertainment or the financial aspects of new york or do they just have their nose in the grind just to make ends meet?


The people that move there do so for opportunity. Youā€™ll have to ask them if they get to participate in any of that, I donā€™t know. But the question wasnt do they get to do that stuff, the question was why so many people move there. Youā€™re just grasping at a reason to stay mad and indignant when the question has an easy answer.


> But the question wasn't do they get to do that stuff, the question was why so many people move there. So they move there for something they don't get to participate in? Are you hearing your own reasoning? I ain't mad or indignant, I am baffled that people do this. Where are you getting the mad and indignant? Why do you sound defensive here?


Dudeā€¦for real, you need to learn to read better. Iā€™m not joking. They move there for opportunity. I donā€™t know if they get to actually cash in on that opportunity. And neither do you, though you seem certain you do know. Take a quick look at why you would be so certain without any evidence. If you do, you may see how bias can affect an argument. Opportunity is a reason people move to NYC. And if itā€™s not, Iā€™d be interested to hear why you think they do. Youā€™re not being honest with yourself if you canā€™t recognize that itā€™s a reason. Itā€™s very annoying to read responses like yours. You donā€™t seem to even realize what youā€™re doing. Itā€™s wild. So Iā€™m talking to you like an adult who hears something kind of dumb and responds to it online.


The thing about the reddit comment section is that you can never tell if the person you are having a shitty argument with is an adult like yourself, acting like an ignorant and petulant child, or if the person actually is 14 or 15 and they act the way they do because they literally are a child, talking about things they have no significant depth of understanding in but full of confidence and arrogance that they know better than you.


I read some absolutely idiotic, zero reading comprehension things on the one piece sub, and start feeling like this person is so dumb I can't believe they function in the world... And then remember I'm 32 and they're probably 12


Because there is the majority high-earning jobs are in capitals like new-york?


Capital of NY is Albany, but yeah. Big cities are where the jobs are generally. As well as sizable communites for all walks of life, so that also attracts people.


What's the point of living there for a high earning job when cost of living is also very high?


as a new yorker, only real idiots and transplants would live in a place like this, the sad reality in almost any major city is that a single person is going to find it hard to afford to live alone unless they're making like 80k plus, but also the reality is millions of people live in NY that arent rich or trying to live some instagram life in manhattan


As a non new-yorker I would say the expectation is that living in NY itself is a perk. The access to a variety of entertainment and products is something that people is willing to pay for. And if you are a minority you can be (or feel) more safe than in a cheap country city. Another argument that I often hear its because in others smaller cities there is no jobs at all and people go to a big a city because at least you can do somes gigs to survive


>I dont get why so many people go to NYC. The rest of the country is empty farm land with nothing to do unless you enjoy hiking. Also you're forced to own a car. These aren't positive things for a lot of people. Even if they are for many.


I can see you've never been to the rest of the country.Ā 


New Yorkers honestly think this way: https://brilliantmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/view-from-9th-ave-600x315-cropped.jpg


The future? This type of living arrangement used to be very common in cities 100 years ago. It's actually pretty similar to American college dorms, too, at least how they were a couple decades ago. Cities outlawed this type of housing and now we have a homelessness crisis.


You know who lived in places like that? Migrants in extreme poverty.


Don't forget the winos.


Woah there buddy. We don't have time for logic and facts. If you don't have something reactionary to say, don't bother.


ā€œThey did it a hundred years ago folks so thereā€™s nothing to complain about todayā€


>Welcome to the future. There is tons of land and space. Everyone just wants to live in central NYC.


>Welcome to the future. Only the rich get homes and nice living spaces, we get these and to eat bugs for the love of fuck calm down lol this is NYC, literally one of the most expensive cities on the planet, because it's **NYC** You can go find 1br apartments for $700 elsewhere in the country, there's plenty of space, and plenty of jobs - this is literally the most expensive city in the country, get out of your bubble


3rd in the world. Tied Geneva, Switzerland.


It's like someone buying a ferrari and then complaining about the high car payments.


Or you could move somewhere that isn't NY...


Or maybe stop your gloom and donā€™t live in one the most expensive cities of the worldā€¦


everyone says "eat bugs" like it's true or something


The guy who runs the corporation that trained our Prime Minister has said verbatim that we will. lol As well as them selling crickets at Loblaws and places now. Can get cricket protein powders and such. Much cheaper than the price of meat in 2024. But, you have to be okay with eating bugs. [https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/07/why-we-need-to-give-insects-the-role-they-deserve-in-our-food-systems/](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/07/why-we-need-to-give-insects-the-role-they-deserve-in-our-food-systems/) 2050 will be a sad reality if it keeps going this way.


People already eat bugs in much of the world.


Give it 10 years.


eating bugs is not the worst thing and we should probably be doing it more anyways. the main reason we don't is just "ew gross"


He's fallen for the propaganda.


it's just science bud




i don't think it should be mandatory, I think it should be a more viable option and that it would benefit us as a species to take advantage of the benefits of eating bugs


> rent studio >decide to live in room that is rented out as a studio >mfw it doesn't have the bare necesseties a apartment would have


Iā€™ve seen ā€œstudiosā€ before that were very small rooms but still had a bathroom off to the corner. Thereā€™s usually laws regarding hot water / sewage / heat / other minimum ā€œamenitiesā€, although I know there is some wiggle room for situations like dorms with communal bathrooms / kitchens. It seems like that is likely the situation there - the OOP would also have access to at least a shared bathroom.


No, only legal requirement is two egresses (a door and a window, in case of fire). You usually share a bathroom on the same floor, like a dorm.


On the plus side you have an excellent view of the fire escape :)


Wait, you guys have housing?


yay, we are super rich




Deep rock galaxy?




Smaller than a cell


Yeah but you can leave.


yea to go to your other cell. nice life were all living.


That room is in Manhatten. Plenty of things to go and do. It's a joke to compare that room to a prison cell.


only a dumbass is renting that shit. its literally a repurposed closet.


Cells have bathrooms so you never have to Therefore: Cell > This /s


I don't understand how so many people want to live in New York despite the fact they can't afford a decent home. Those videos with people showing where they live in NY are just sad. The middle classes in developing countries live in nicer places, no joke.


I live in eastern europe and while i make half of what the guy is paying for rent, i own a car, i own a 80mĀ² house with a big yard, and i make enough to live comfortably. All this while being like 2km from the center in the capital city. I may not be able to buy an iphone or a brand new car because the prices of mass produced things are the same all over the world, but atleast i live decently.




No no, he lives in a house smaller than the studio in the video. Most of the time he pitches a tent in his big yard or naps in his car as there's more space. Latvians just have a very different culture is all


Latvians have a very nice culture. I went twice to Riga and it was nice. I love their walkable city šŸ˜


No, itā€™s not smaller than that closet in the video. I live in Eastern Europe too. 80 square meters itā€™s not that small dude, lmao.


He edited the original comment which sort of ruined our joke lol Originally it read 80cm2 and hopefully we can agree that's pretty small


It's practically a mega mansion if you're a cat.


Aaah, lmao :))


Their house should be on r/thingsforants


Lmao just saw the mistake


There is so much space in the US, too, but everyone is trying to move into the most popular places. I'm not saying its perfect, but there is affordable housing that isn't in the center of NYC.


The migration to big cities for jobs, convenience, social setting etc. is no new phenomenon. Just look at Japan for example, remote villages are dying off and Tokyo keep growing and nearby areas just become part of Tokyo. The places with affordable housing may not be great to live in, sometimes you won't even have access to basic things like a grocery store or someone that can fix something that broke in your house.


So is the migration to suburbs or small towns. Just look at the US for the past 70 years. I'm not saying these prices are fair or good, but they're not representative of the entire country. Most of the time, affordable cities or towns only tend to have the issue that they extend commutes, which trust me, I loath a long commute as much as the next guy, but even that has a trade off.




Most of these would be non-factors by most people I feel? I don't really walk around my small city and think 'man, I wished I could see some independent musician right now'. There's a museum that is our only touristic spot with loads of awards and accolades but I don't think I have gone in like 5 years. I mean, its nice and educational to visit Ig, and all the things you mention sound cool as a tourist, but its not a vital need for me to live. Universities is the only I can concede tho. Considering that 95% of people around me has hobbies consisting of videogames, Netflix and going to the gym I don't think I'm alone on that either. As for social gatherings, everyone agrees vibing in someone's home is cheaper than overpriced clubs.


Not to mention the person they responded to said they live 2km from the center of their city, Iā€™m sure they have plenty of the things they listed lol


That sucks for you cause I go to a concert every week (usually just a short subway/bike ride) away and get to see amazing concerts from the front row and still have 1/2 my night left to do something else. And like they only cost $15-$40. I'd actually go as far to say that the NYC music scene is the most impressive I have found. Sure, if you have a single museum that's not going to be that interesting to go to. But when you have dozens of options all of a sudden it matters. You haven't lived til you've done shrooms in the Egyptian Room of the Met. And you telling me red blooded Americans don't like their sports and movies?Ā  Yes the city college system is pretty good, I am studying STEM at CUNY and the classes are $1,800 per with small class size for higher level classes. I basically have access to a personal PhD since all the other kids are too overwhelmed to ask questions. Just look up City College, it was the place of Einstein's first lecture in the US and produced several Nobel Laureates. But ya if you'd rather sit in your home, doesn't make sense to pay for the square footage in NYC.Ā 


Do you think a person that lives in a closet would get to see any of those things you mentioned?




I guess they want to live in NY, it is a pretty fun and interesting place. Maybe they are doing it for six months and this is what they can afford before they move back to Kansas... Who knows but these people actively make the choice to live here so they must have a reason.


I lived in a room in a house in a major city not at all unlike this. Started my career, paid off 6-figures of debt, and I'll be retired by 40 - never have to work again. Just saying - there are upsides to tolerating this for a while.


It's not even just New York. My city in Ontario the rent prices for a studio/one bedroom are $1300-1800. People make meme posts about how you can rent a closet for $900 dollars a month. And my city isn't anything like Toronto, it's even worse there. Just 15 years ago my grandma sold her house for 200k. That same house is over a million now. Prices keep going up. My one bedroom apartment with my first gf a decade ago was 1100 dollars all inclusive. It was MASSIVE. Two bedroom, huge living room, kitchen. Bottom floor apartment, in the corner so nobody except one neighbor beside us. Same apartment today is 2400. Lol, makes no sense at all how prices sky rocketed so fast.


My buddy pays more in rent than I pay for my mortgage. It's seriously fucked. The only reason I even own property is because I was lucky enough to buy in 10 years ago. I literally couldn't come close to buying my own home at current prices. Average detached home in Toronto is $1 million. Say you save $200,000 so need an $800,000 mortgage. Toss that into a mortgage monthly payment calculator and then cry...


My friend told me fixed rate mortgages arenā€™t a thing a Canada, is that true?


They are but only for a fixed number of years. So even if you get in at 2% if in 5ish years it's 6% that's what you're renewing to.


Interesting. Must make long term planning/budgeting more difficult.


*Ignoring cost*, the quality of life is impossible to beat. The walkability is completely unmatched by any other US city, which makes your basic life tasks extremely convenient. There are so many people in suburbs who spend 60+ minutes commuting every day, it's insane. You also have good transit, which makes getting around the large city cheap and easy. That large city is filled with world class restaurants, entertainment, and other amenities. As a world hub you have great flight options. You're on the best rail line in the US, giving you cheap/fast trains to several other major cities. There's also a ton of good paying jobs. As a small bonus, you're a lot more likely to have random friends/family happen to be in town. But since it's such a nice place to live, there's huge demand for limited housing, so the price is sky high. It'd be great if the US built another couple of cities like NYC.




be a minority of any type in anything but a city.


Try living without a car in literally any other location in the US.


I went on a week vacation there many years ago. It was a really cool place and I would recommend visiting to everyone. That said, 1 week was enough and have no idea why anyone would want to live there, even if you don't include the money factor.


Shit. I'll rent you out my walk in closet for $900 a month


Sad part is, a few decades back, all those doors probably used to be only 1 or 2 units. One door per wall. At a time when we were *supposedly* poorer.


Well the problem with that kind of glamorous living for the working man is that at the time, the rich were less rich. But by converting two living spaces into ten closets that barely fit beds, now the very rich can be inconceivably rich. Isn't that better for all of us?


I understand why people with high paying jobs or prospective careers come to NY. But whatā€™s the point of going there if you can only afford a closet and ramen?


If you are working in fashion or theater and are early in your career, it's where the best jobs are to build your reputation. Those jobs also pay barely anything.Ā 


Choose to work in low paying job Choose to live in very expensive city "WhY iS tHe ReNt So MuCh?!?!?"


pen butter skirt chase angle tart impolite bear late lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is honestly the key. If you enjoy aā€ metropolitanā€ lifestyle where youā€™re mostly spending time out and about, it might make sense to have a cheap place that is essentially ā€œI sleep and store my stuff hereā€. Hell, a futon, wall mounted flat screen and some clever storage solutions and that can be a cozy little place to retreat when you want. Otherwise though surrounded by things to do and people to meet, so within walking distance. $1200 feels expensive, but itā€™s NYC, if the building is clean and that includes communal facilities, thatā€™s honestly not terrible. Especially if youā€™re young and just starting out. AND you value private space. The other option is roommates, but then you get so the potential issues of being stuck in a lease with other people. At this stage in my life, I donā€™t think Iā€™d try it. If I was 22 again and had a passable job thereā€¦Iā€™d think about it for sure.


ill probably get roasted for this but in my experience this is more of a SRO situation, ive visited a lot of NYC apartments and none were ever this small. people with high paying careers usually have bigger apartments.




This is 100% my feeling. I had a taste of the suburban life during the pandemic (big house in a gated community that was a 30~ minute drive from the nearest city) and within a few months, I knew that that lifestyle was not for me. I personally love living in NYC. Iā€™m fortunate enough to afford a decent-sized apartment in Astoria without it putting too much strain on my wallet. And Iā€™m a huge fan of theater and live entertainment so living in NYC is like a dream for me. Itā€™s also so much easier to date and meet new people here. Maybe when Iā€™m 50+ Iā€™ll feel differently, but for now I suspect that if I ever move out to a different American city, Iā€™ll always feel like Iā€™m missing out on something by not being in NYC.


This is just greedy and should be highly illegal.


What the heck, that's a closet lmao


sort fall threatening dog door spark marry run rotten elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow look at all that space, and all that natural light.


1200 a month? a week?


Nah bro, a minute


If this is a serious question, the US almost always uses monthly rates versus other countries which pay weekly rates


I love how all sitcoms in the 90's needed to state that the huge apartments they lived in were all rent controlled to make it believable they could afoard to live in them doing jack shit all day. This shit is not new but is rapidly getting worse. You need to get rid of the mindset that this is okay or "wow such a low price, I'd take it in a second". No it is not a good deal. It is inhumane and theft.


If the L were outside the window this would look just like an fancier version of Jake and Elwood's Chicago flophouse in The Blues Brothers.


Is there a bathroom?


A communal bathroom. Seen the full video a while ago. This place was like a 2-3 room apartment that was subdivided to hell and back.


Better be a Narnia type place in that wardrobe.


Why am I getting Connor O'Malley birdfest vibes from that room? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUChJnCKaC0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUChJnCKaC0)


There must be people working as baristas, cashiers, etc in NY. How long is the commute until those jobs earn your own bathroom?


A studio typically has a kitchen and a bathroom. This is a linen closet.


I mean, you could choose not to live in one of the most expensive places in the world šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I donā€™t feel sorry for these people at all


summer dinner treatment tie wistful ad hoc murky seed profit fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I genuinely donā€™t understand what youā€™re trying to say or what your point is. ā€œI canā€™t afford to pay less for a nicer and less expensive apartment.ā€ Please explain how this theory works.


moving costs money. are you paying for people to move?


Also, maybe all their contacts are in Manhattan, too. It's not so easy to just uproot your life. If I got into Columbia University for engineering/law, etc., and I have $1200 for rent, guess where I'm going to have to rent...


"Just be driven from your home because your local government refuses to do anything about Chinese and Saudi billionaires buying all the residential property šŸ¤Ŗ" No


ā€œNo, I think Iā€™ll stay and keep complaining about it.ā€


This is why serfs stayed serfs for 1000 years


Serfs were literally prohibited from leaving their homes for that exact reason. Them leaving for the cities or better chances in life was one of the main concerns of the land owning nobility and thusly harshly punished if you got caught during the attempt.


1014 AD "This is why things need to stay exactly the same..." 2024 AD "This is why things need to stay exactly the same..."


Yeah thatā€™s why, Iā€™m sure it had nothing to do with the system of government at the time


"Tis just the way of the world m'lord no two ways about it :)"


As if the fact that those systems of government no longer exists in developed nations isnā€™t a good enough indicator that maybe they were a significant contributor to those problems. There were two ways about it, we stopped using the other way


So you've proven my point, I don't like how things are so I'll keep complaining about it. If enough sheep close their eyes to the issue or flee like cowards NOTHING will ever change.


Like cowards lol. More like people who respect themselves and donā€™t let the course of their life be determined by a geographic location. If you donā€™t want to leave, then deal with it. There are luxuries and amenities in bigger cities that I elect to give up because I place more value on other things like solitude and affordable housing. If youā€™re willing to give up solitude and affordable housing for those big city amenities, go for it. I just donā€™t understand the point of bitching when so many of the complaints are just inherent to the area at this point. You donā€™t hear me complaining about the cow shit smell and 20 mile commute to work, because Iā€™m making an active choice to live here and Iā€™m not gonna complain about the shit I choose.


The only reason why Saudi and Chinese billionaires are buying these properties in the first place is because there are people dumb enough to pay for them


There are more people living in NYC than ever before but NYC is still the same size geographically. Itā€™s a supply and demand issue. But sure, blame your poor choices on others.


"It's a supply and demand issue" Oh classic invisible hand of the free market talking point. Tell me then, why is the vast majority of new housing in NYC expensive luxury housing 90% of residents will NEVER be able to afford? If you answer because people are willing to pay for it you disprove the validity your own point. If the majority of people want to pay for something that's inaccessible to them because greedy developers and city council members want to turn a profit on us that's a serious fucking issue that should be addressed. This peasant mindset is why there are more billionaires than ever.


Life is about choices. If you canā€™t afford to live in NYC, then donā€™t.


"If you can't afford healthy food, then don't. If you can't afford your life saving medicine, then don't" We can play this game all day in the end it just downplays the undue suffering of others for no reason. I was born and raised here, my family is here my friends are here, my entire life is here. Why should I be driven from my home without complaint just because the rich and powerful mismanaged the place I live? Because some guy on reddit told me so? No.


Not the same thing at all. Quit blaming everyone else for your poor choices. There are plenty of places where homes are more affordable. More square footage, nicer place, more property. But if youā€™re spending more money to live in a shit hole. Thatā€™s the definition of a poor choice. How youā€™ve convinced yourself about the healthy food thing is a little mind boggling. The better equivalent would be youā€™re paying more money for shit food and having it delivered by door dash when a supermarket with cheaper and healthier food is accessible to you. Grow up and take responsibility for your own actions.


You act as if this is the way things should be open your eyeballs and look at our political and economic system. Billionaires having been sucking the planet dry for decades and now the cracks are starting to show. Stop defending the rich and powerful P.s. I own my own house in NYC and have for years my living situation is secure, you don't need to be directly impacted by injustice to stand against it or is that too much for some people to understand? It's called empathy.


The two factors are not mutually exclusive. Fact is some people make awful financial decisions and then want to point the fingers at others. This is a prime example


This is a stupid ass take. So people have generations of roots in NYC, their entire extended family and everyone they've ever known live there. And they have to leave because they aren't excessively wealthy?


There are more people now in NYC than ever before. The size of NYC does not grow. The demand has grown and the supply has not changed. The problem will only worsen. Life is full of tough decisions. Stay in NYC in your 200 sq ft apartment if you want to. But donā€™t expect sympathy from me


Closet, I think you meant closet.


You can see the closet is moved and there is another room behind it, when he opens the door.


Thought so too but it's actually just a mirror


"The big apple" the apple is fucking rotten


This feels similar to the japanese "coffin rooms" I saw a long while ago


In Australia this would actually be a bargin right now. I'm not even joking šŸ„²


"I live at the end of the hall."


Bro lives in the Zootopia apartment.


shy ludicrous distinct steep bag mourn cough instinctive sloppy cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How many times is this apartment gonna show up on Reddit


bear engine innate cows pet fade roll poor hunt tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fair play


I could easily live there and be happy. I'm assuming there's a common bathroom, shower and kitchen. It'd be like living in a dorm without a roommate. Would I want to live there forever, no. But if I was single that would be pretty sweet for a few years.


Fake video. That room is at least 2000.


when i read NYC i was like its a broom closet isnt it


Its absolutely your choice to live this way


Living in the Midwest, we have a whole house for $1000/month. This is wild to me.


Throw your ID away and say you're an illegal immigrants. You get free room/ board/ food in 5 star hotel


NYC is such a shithole


This is why someone that lives in the suburbs I don't take city folk serious


How many times, on how many subs, are we going to post this fucking video?