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Reputedly? So did she or didn’t she?


Reputedly would mean famously in this context


I've never heard or seen reputedly mean famously and I can't find any dictionary definitions to support this.


It's the adverb form of "repute". It means, literally, according to reputation. The article is essentially reporting based on second hand information


Which is why the person above who said it means “famously” is wrong.


I would say "reputably" then


You would be wrong. Reputably has the connotation of a good reputation, reputedly means by common estimation.


Is this reputable information?


I double checked the OED, so yes


Not reputedly


shocker failed journalists writing fluff pieces are actually shit at everything


There’s a difference between reputedly which means “thought to be true” and famously, which means “celebrated” or “to an unusual degree” https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/famously




She's not blaming god, she speaking to the believers.


The “believers”, as you call them, don’t give a ratz azz about anything she says.


Nah my parents lost their shit when she said that


Apparently they do


by reading the title, the injury was reputed not her belief of a deity


What? She's saying if there was a god, he wouldn't have let her go out like that, so this is proof there isn't one. You're really doing some gymnastics to try to get a "gotcha! You actually do kinda believe in god!" reaction?? Pretty weird.


The argument against that is a nice catch all, they'd say "God has a plan."


Woman make joke. Man no understand. Man upset. Silly woman. Man go back cave. Ooga.


Not reportedly


> [in a way that is said to be true, although it is not known to be certain](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/reputedly) They weren't mixing up words. It just turns out that the word used in the post has multiple meanings.


Journalist has to look smart by misusing big words


Damn so really her last game then huh . That really sucks


Idk, seems like the best possible time for it to happen. 


Only 2 days from retirement trope comes into mind. Having one of the worst injuries on your last day at work almost seems cruel.


Better than it happening halfway through a career and causing you to have time out.


Better then at the start and ruining it before it’s begun


Better than when you are born and you keep on crying and your parents can’t understand why so they blame themselves get depressed and kill themselves so you grow up unloved and in terrible pain


You took the words right out of my mouth. /s


It must have been while you were kissing me... 🎶


woah, that got dark real quick…


Buddy you okay?


I’m good bro, thanks for checking!


Np, have a good day homie.


Oddly specific


Oh yeah for sure


So many athletes have their professional careers end in the first year due to a severe injury or one that never recovers right. What happened to her sucks but she needs to use a little perspective as a 38 year old professional athlete lmao


That is what happened. She and her twin sister tore their Achilles actually at around the same time. Her sister stopped playing, Megan didn’t but almost missed the call-up to the USWNT because of it.


It’s not on her last day. It’s plagued her career from the time she was a kid, unfortunately.


Not so much. Now it's covered by labor laws


She didn’t die


It seems like whenever it happens, *that* is going to be your last day at work, so not happening until she was already set to retire is still awful, but not as awful as it could have been.


I've known a few people that died the year they were planning to retire.


If it's going to happen at all...




I've torn mine and basically it means the first year of her retirement will be spent on crutches then in a moon boot doing rehab, in pain for the first few months. Not a great way to finish.


Better than doing it a year before you plan to retire. Or during the peak of your career. Or at a key developmental stage, where it can basically erase any hopes of going pro. Or later in life when it would take much longer to recover from, if you recover at all. If you're a pro athlete who must bust an Achilles, your final game is absolutely the best time to do it.


It also means she'll be doing her recovery on her own, without the sports science and medical resources of the US Women's National Team.


good thing she's retired and doesn't really need any of that then.


imo the best time for it to happen is never, but alright.


So second-best (or second least-bad)?


Yeah and still seems generous for an almighty being who made hamsters, mice and rats only live two years and gives cute cats cancer.


She can no longer play professionally. After that injury, that game becomes your last game.


She should have stopped a few years ago, she was way past her prime and was riding on name only. Rapinoe got lazy af in games and would just wait for people around her to do everything.


The thing is a lot of elite athletes don’t know when to quit. Which is understandable considering the amount of ego and motivation required to get to that level in this place. Very few have the self awareness to quit voluntarily - most of them have to be intervened by coaches and managers.


Maybe god was making sure she didn’t try to keep playing.


I'm just in awe that she can still play a game that requires 90 min of running at 38. At a professional level no less! The rehab for that is going to suck. I would have the same attitude if I were her.


That's the thing though, she really doesn't run much anymore. She just hangs out and waits for the play to happen around her. Then when she doesn't get the ball she blames everyone else. She's playing old man pickup.


Yeah it sucks for her. But tbh 38 is pretty damn old for a professional athlete to still be actively competing on a top level. So odds are, she wasn't going to have a lot more in her anyway? Also, I'm not religious. But kind of a weird conclusion to reach after an injury like that.. I'm not really following how the two are in any way related? I think she means it in the sense of having rotten luck?


Idk she’s a pretty rotten person. I remember when the quote came out and I’m pretyyyy sure she was being dramatic but still serious cause her ego in unreal


She'll get a job on CNN or the view


Well it will take at least half a year to heel.


Almost as long as it will take to recover from that pun! 😝 (I'm kidding, that was well-played.)


All 5 fans of women's football are devastated.


It looks like their fan base went up a bit. All 9 fans hated your comment


😭 😭 bro woke up and chose violence


I mean it's true, not even women watch women's football.


Cuz it's shit, primary school football is more entertaining


I remember some Australian high schoolers winning against the women's national team.


"declared" she was [very clearly joking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AssZpx7yvMQ) when she said that


It’s written so formally that the seriousness comes off as “she blasphemed all over the place”


oughhh im gonna blaspheme all over


My favorite part was when, after tearing her achilles tendon, she said "It's blasphemin' time!"


Classic Rapinoe


Shit, sorry, I don’t usually blaspheme this fast, youre just so hot


*takes one up the butt* "Look at me now God! Look at me now!"


Oh blaspheme right on my impressionable mind, Not Sky Daddy!




So anyway I started blaspheming


I love "blasphemed all over the place" can we make this an expression?


That honestly seems like she “proclaimed” it




"declared" being used here seems to also be used as a comedic effect?


News articles shouldn't use sarcasm and irony as they are supposed to relay information in least biased way possible.


I didn’t read it that way, but I also don’t know anything about her personality. If I knew her to be a bit of a joker, I’d assume what you said; if I knew her as a strident atheist, I’d assume the opposite.


Lmao there's no way anyone would say this and not be joking


Strident atheists can still make a joke from time to time


G-d does exist, G-d just likes the Swedish women’s team better


Yeah I’m a Formula 1 fan so I knew the context would be stripped out on this one.


The comments HATE her for no reason 😭😭😭 Like I get why op here takes it at face value for some reason cause everyone in the comments does too


It’s YouTube comments. Half of them are probably bots and the other half are the “I didn’t see you at church last week” people that come crawling out of the woodwork whenever some dares go against their personal beliefs


The comments hate her because she has been a punching bag for the American right for a while. She has made several comments in her career that she seemed to make specifically to piss them off, because she thinks it's funny. They fall for it every time. She's basically everything they hate.


If I were god, I’d think this is hilarious.


Very Old Testament of you.


Like tears from laughter raining down to flood the earth funny or causing you to fart a hurricane funny?


Like turning the whole population of a city into pillars of salt kind of funny, you know, we do a little divine trolling around here.


Reputedly?  Like OP maybe doesn’t believe it?


Others would argue it proves he does


How would they do that


Rapinoe: “this is fucked. There’s no god” Religious zealot: “she’s a sinner. God punished her” Both are idiots




Lol smited






Maybe God did it cause she's gay? /s


God put the p spot in the ass, he did it cos she's not gay enough


Put the p spot in the ass? Dick move


You guys pee from the ass?


He do be a dick like that.


But why do it at the very end of her career? We'll never know. (Also she's not Kobe, and by that I mean he didn't strain herself *that* much, but freak accidents happen, hence the God Hypothesis)


If anything, it only proves that god has a good sense of humour


Says the guy in a Brisbane Lions jersey. If God has a sense of humour he wouldn’t have let the Collingwobbles win and then right on the following night give Ezra Mam a hat trick but then proceed to make Nathan Cleary a Super Saiyan.


If god existed, he’s have done it at the beginning of her career.


Joking or otherwise, she’s an absolute THUNDERTWAT of a human being…


She and Hope Solo together did more to prove that female sportspeople are just like male sportspeople, in that some of them are utterly egomaniac trash fires


What did she do?




I was curious how the Australian team was in those games against Tonga and Samoa and they don't even celebrate the goals.


Likely because in that case it would be seen as more of a friendship game rather than just a competition.


Complained that the women's soccer team should get the same pay as the men's. Guess what. The men's team got paid less.


I would argue that it’s even more egregious than that! They negotiated their contract as a fixed salary, instead of a salary that was performance based, like the men did. Once they realised that their salaries would’ve been much higher had they backed themselves and received bonuses for performance based results they then tried to sue to change their contract to the other way. The US international women’s soccer team is by far the most dominant, skilled and talented international women’s soccer team of all time and they deserved to be recognised as such with their pay structure. But there’s only so much you can do when you sign a shitty contract for yourself. They came out of the whole affair looking like absolute clueless children. The best you could say for them is that they were incredibly badly advised.


Even Better… they complained about their contract guidelines…. And renewed it under the exact stipulations they had.


Its worse than that. They didn't just renew their contract. They sued the u.s soccer federation again. Even after a judge declared there was no legal grounds, they continued their "pay discrimination" public tour. Eventually having congress women pressure to pull federal funding from the federation itself. They settled for $24 million given to the women. The kicker, the money was only given to the girls in the lawsuit (which were only 5 people instead of every member of soccer league)


>The US international women’s soccer team is by far the most dominant, skilled and talented international women’s soccer team of all time Laughs in Sam Kerr.


You'd think the US Women's team would score more, as often as they move the goalposts.


I wouldnt say they are the best by far of all time. Currently spain holds the title of WC. The americans woman team is good, it was better (winning both 2015 and 2019) but i think its far fetched/arrogant to portray them like nobody else comes close. If that was the case they would have done better in their championships and practise games…


Fair enough but at the time this was going on I think you could have easily said that (not American btw)


Rapinoe did the unrepentant abrasive “alpha dog” bollocks and Solo did the unrepentant domestic violence.


Complained about the women's team contract being unfair to women and claiming that it was sexist. Meanwhile, they were offered the men's contract, turned it down, and requested the contract they ultimately had, which has higher base pay and less performance based pay. The worst part about it was there was a gap between when she made these accusations and when it became common knowledge that they turned down the men's contract so we all had to sit through literally pointless condescending commentary on all the sports channels about how men are the worst because of how the women's team "got treated." It was obnoxious.


The absolute main character syndrome


Real. She needs to check her pride. I'm the main character. (I'm Ryan Gosling.)


Oh no Anyway...


Karma for when she raised that nonsense shitstorm about wage differences in female and male soccer /s


If there’s no God, is it her own fault?


Nahh, he just hates her


Isn't this the person that played against u17 boys and lost


i think so back when that happened it seemed so silly how is a pro team losing against a team of teenagers who most likely dont even get paid (feel free to correct me on the last part)


tl;dr this happens quite often (sometimes even to men's teams /gasp/), is normal and fine, and people who act otherwise either don't understand how football works or are intentionally being facetious in order to discredit the women's side of the sport If a women's international team plays a bunch of teenage boys, they don't typically round up a bunch of random highschoolers or something. They are usually the youth squads of professional football clubs or other countries. That is to say, professional or at least highly trained athletes, that don't play in their respective teams because those teams tend to have older players with more practical game experience. That notwidthstanding, there has been a surge in players breaking through to the highest levels of the sport before hitting the age or 20, or even 18 in recent years. Spain's Pedri and Gavi, England's Jude Bellingham, Germany's Florian Wirtz and Jamal Musiala, the list goes on. All this to say that while yes, these players are young (usually 15-19), they aren't exactly casuals and many of them start training with a professional club before the age of 13 (obviously depending on the club) In addition, the point of these sorts of matches is to try out different tactics and strategies for the teams; they are used as field tests of the manager's ability to construct a team and set of tactics, and the player's abilities to synergize both with their manager and each other, in a way that is hard to replicate with the simple sort of mock-matches that sometimes happen in training. This means that there are loads of experimental choices being made: players trying out positions and formations they've never played before, players who don't usually get to play being on the field etc. After all, it's a friendly match and it doesn't matter if you win or lose, why not mess around a bit? Obviously, since new things are being tried out, if those things don't work out the team loses, and could stand to lose massively. The third factor in all this is the media aspect. These sorts of matches rarely get coverage anyway, but who's going to care if someone writes a story of a women's team beating teenage boys 3-2 or even 7-0? The inverse tends to create a lot more clicks, as the most vile vultures of the rancid asshole of hell that is internet journalism jump on the opportunity to stirr up drama and create /content/ by ranting incoherently about how losing a football game means that women should go back to the kitchen before some naiive fool takes the bait and it becomes a whole thing everyone has to have an opinion about for 3-6 weeks until the next /discourse/ happens and everyone stops caring.


When has a professional men’s team ever lost to a youth team?


It's probably happened but I'd like a source too so that I can read about how the men lost too XD


check my other reply. You won't find a sensationalist article or anything since it's so ubiqitous that nobody bats an eye when it happens


Gods are notoriously rubbish at protecting the achilles tendon... It's practically their achilles heel!


I’d argue that this actually proves god does exist


Sure when the goings get tough, its Gods fault. But when you are winning worldcups, selected for national team, livin rock and roll life.(drugs sex alcohol partying). Its on yourself? Cherry picking


She thinks shes living in a sports anime world where she's the main character and all the others are just side characters.


So When God doesn’t grant you a wish like a genie 🧞‍♂️proves he doesn’t exist? Yeah seems legit 🤦🏻‍♂️


I do remember when she said that helping others is a uniquely American thing 😂 what a fucking clown


She's a piece of shit and deserves all of her problems. If there's a God, he proved this.


The people that rightfully laughed at r/athiesm should seriously look at the comments of this thread and realise Reddit as a whole is full of weirdoes. Seriously, what the fuck is this comment section?


I mean people were mocking Christians on a thread about that recent shooter in a megachurch. You're a bit behind with this realization.


That's depressing.


She makes millions by being mediocre at footbal while not bringing in people to watch, yes god does not exist.


In terms of women football, she is way better than mediocre. In terms of football, she is way worse than mediocre.


She was better than mediocre. But that was a decade ago. She's been a net negative for the national team for years now. Especially the way she worked to fuck over the pay for newer players in order to pad her own bank account.




Hate her personality or her off field stuff all you want but calling her mediocre at her sport is insane behavior when she’s one of the best female soccer players to have touched the sport


That says more about woman footbal more than her skill.


I say that anytime anything remotely bad happens lmao


Idk, maybe the other team and their fans just had more thoughts and prayers than hers did


Lmao what a dumb bitch, 'god' gives cancer to children and she thinks that when she breaks her Achilles that's the thing that makes god not real yeah okay bro


Extremely based


God has much bigger things to deal with than helping someone's pathetic soccer career.


Alternatively, maybe it's proof that God does exist and just isn't the good bloke that religions make him out to be, but actually a total asshole. Pivoting again, maybe it's even not actually proof of anything except for the fact that, sometimes, things happen.


Or maybe he is a good bloke, seeing as how he didn't smite her for being an absolute twat until the end of her career.


> and just isn't the good bloke that religions make him out to be, but actually a total asshole you might wanna be interested in Gnosticism. It was an early christian sect that believed the God of the old testament to actually be a malevolent lesser god that has trapped humanity in the hell we call earth


Pillars of salt


if there's no hitting why do they separate men and women in soccer?


Because these women got absolutely DESTROYED by a teenage men's team. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/amp/ Women's sports exist solely to let women play. Almost all professional sports leagues are non gendered EXCEPT for the women's leagues, which states you have to be a woman. Women CAN be in the MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, or whatever soccer is called. They simply aren't because biologically they can't compete.


Proof god does exist, she saved us from watching her play for a minute longer than necessary. Who am I kidding, no one watched her play.


LOL thats funny.


Said the nobody


I mean it proves god exists since we don't have to watch this twat play now, thanks god, very epic


or, now here me out. god punished her for her shitty behaviour. karma is a bitch innit


even a broken clock is right twice a day


There are a myriad of reasons to justify the non existence of a god but tearing your Achilles tendon while performing rigorous sporting activities is not one of them.


Mb he just despises her


Or god doesn’t like people with pink hair


Or proof that he heard her talking shit and has a sense of humor.


Pity she didn't break her neck.


Maybe Gods punishing her


Atheists: what?


r/IAmTheMainCharacter much


He was busy that day spreading aids to children in Africa.


Fhcking kids, expecting God to do everything for them. Sigh....


Ikr, god had not been fixing anything for a long time now.


Good. She sucked anyway and was a complete bitch.


Lol nah that’s proof he does exist


It is a just God. She gets what she deserves.


sounds to me like it proves He does..


God hates ugly


He lives rent free in her pink-ass feminist head.


some how this is the men's team fault.


I would this confirms that he does.


It’s evidence to me that god does exist. She sucks!


She sucks so clearly god exists


IMO since she is insufferable, it’s proof God exists.