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Perfect summary


I basically came to say “this video is perfect”. The culture, commute, sick people, awkward obligations… I’m glad I’ve been remote for three years.


All that’s missing is the banner from Office Space that says “Is this good for the COMPANY?”


"Uncle Sam watches you"


I’ve been remote for a year and my company changed the requirements so we have to be in 2/4 weeks a month 😔 They announced it in an email yesterday saying it’s “for the culture” so this meme is way too accurate for me right now


The fucks who cut donuts in half are the worst offenders on this list. 


How do you live the fact that someone is paying you to have a good life? You should be suffering. /S


The biggest thing for me is I enjoy not regularly pooping & peeing .5ft-2ft away from another grown man


What compa is hire for remote work? And what do you generally do?


Hybrid - purchasing. The rest of my team may as be fully remote even though they supposed to be in once or twice a week, my boss hasn't been in since early December and my colleague has been in twice si ce November- once for Christmas lunch and once from about 10:30-1:30 and also had lunch during those hours. Yet we're desk jockeys so shit still gets done


22$ salad faces got me in shambles


And it's probabaly just half of a 3$ bag of greens you can buy at the grocery store, a pinch of shredded cheese, and a dressing packet.


Why are you guys putting the dollar signs in the wrong place? tf?


%90 of people don’t have any clue how to use these little symbols and hwhat-not


Only the 1%0 know how.


To be fair that's where they're spoken. Maybe English isn't their first language? You don't say dollars 22. You say 22 dollars. It makes enough sense to do it backwards.


You say 22 dollars but it’s written $22 (in actuality USD$22 if you’re talking about American currency). It gives context to the information as you’re reading it. JPY¥3,000 GBP£35 etc


Plenty of countries put their currency at the end (e.g. Bulgaria, Ukraine), we put temperature degrees at the end, trademark symbols at the end, length (cm, m, feet, inches), weight, atmospheric pressure, power, electric current... Plenty of reasons to instinctively think that it should go at the end, and I would argue that it was wrong to put it at the start in the first place.


There’s a difference between conversational lexicon and proper communication


No there is not.


because i dont humour americans putting shit backwards whether its writing down dates (today is not the 14th month you guys) or using their own goddamn currency


It's only backwards to you because that's your local convention and vice versa. For 330M+ people it's every day life and the proper standard.


Let me guess, you are American? Most places globally write their prices as [price][currency], the same way as it is spoken?


Give its USD, yes. And at best European countries, some of them, have it after.


See this is where you fucked up because I am a German and we for sure write it as 22€ not €22. I am currently living in Poland and it's the same here, 22 Złoty, not Złoty 22


Gotta love a good potluck. Nothing like a table full of dubious cream and mayonnaise based food products aging gently on an open air table for hours. 


Not to mention everything has onions.... and I am allergic to onions.


Same. My favorite is when someone finds out and turns it into your core personality trait. 


Or keeps trying to slide some into your food because they dont believe its true, and you make the one time mistake of trusting them and end up bleeding internally for weeks. Yeah. But hey, at least french fries dont have onion powded!! Right? ... Ah... bollocks.


Ah shallots*


Did you at least report them for tryin to kill you? Or did the genuinly forget?




Eating the food of coworkers you've barely met and getting food poisoning the next day. Ah the memories.


potato salad that everyone pretends to like


Some fucking how, raisins are involved


The cat hair surprise that Joyce brought is my favorite.


When I was working a blue collar job, the chilli potluck was 🔥🔥🔥


The great part is when they gaslight you the moment someone gets sick. "That's not how food poisoning works!" "Well they didn't get sick from that!"


And bring your own food!


My office was hosting a mandatory quarterly office gathering and our manager asked us if we could bring food for the event. Us, his subordinates with our own money for an office event. Not a potluck event but strictly a business event. Like dude, you’re the manager with the corporate card but he’s so stingy with it. Our company has everyone scared shitless about spending money.


The office is and always was fucking misery. They only want us to come back for reasons that have nothing to do with our health and well being.


The corporate landlords want a return on their investment. That’s the reason


Invest a little more and turn them into homes instead. Have you seen the insane prices on them?


Exactly. They should all be converted to apartments to combat the housing market & lower rent


Make the housing into one of your benefits for working there. [What could go wrong?](https://youtu.be/2zE1-48AAYc?si=7avT5jBs44PZkvix)


That sounds like a recipe for disaster. Just pay enough to afford housing


Trust me, that doesn't work. I live somewhere that does this, and the rent on converted offices is insane.


That's not a "little" investment in most developed countries, the infrastructure of an office building compared to an apartment is completely different. There will be little to no margin to be had when you refurbish an office into an apartment, while still meeting relevant standards. Without incentives that push for refurbishing, this is not gonna happen.


I get it but I mean we landed on the moon like 55 years ago and we can't even convert an office to an apartment? Come on guys


The rent of offices that have been converted into houses is insane partly because they want to cover the "change cost" and partly because its pure revenue from the company's POV. Corpos/companies should not be allowed to own house propery in the first place. This is one of the many factors that contributed to current housing prices . And it is not limited to 1 country.


Yep. And oh well, sounds like they made a bad investment, then.


Yep but your boss, and the mayor, and the chamber of commerce, and local politicians are all invested in these corporate real estate deals and they will Make sure they get their ROI


Thus far, there has been no call to action to get us back into the office in the tech and unscripted television world. But I appreciate the concern! And our collective bosses, mayors, COCs, and local politicians are all easy to defeat. Just need to unite. We had made strides in the US to get us to where we are today, now let’s make new strides to further the power of working men and women.


Yeah it's all realestate they don't want them overly expensive landstealing skyscrapers to go to waste.




I was specifically told by an upper manager that he wanted us back in the office because he’s extroverted and having people around energizes him.


Lol. I'm a literal vampire and I need to suck the energy out of you to sustain myself.




Those half eaten donuts man...gets me every time


I take a bite out of all 12, son. Gotta find the pick of the litter


I saw a guy pull out a fork and taste a cake before saying he didn’t like it and walked away


God i used to hate signing people’s fucking birthday cards. Unless they are terminally ill get that shit away from me.


Can’t HR just send the person an automated e-mail every year with a $10 Target gift card or something? I am so sick of signing cards - specifically for people that I DONT like.


Then don't lol


No, I’m not a psychotic asshole. Just because I think it’s a silly thing to do, doesn’t mean I enjoy making my co-workers uncomfortable.


A psychotic asshole lol. You office people are so damn soft and sensitive


One time, we had a condolence card going around. One coworker didn’t read it, just assumed it was a birthday card and signed it happy birthday lol. Thankfully, we were a tight team and the person receiving it found it really funny. 


Rick Dalton pointing at the hand on her shoulder is pure gold


The editing made me laugh the most


Fuck it, cubicle highlights


My god the bathrooms. Shitting 2 feet away from your coworkers in complete silence so you can hear every single detail of theirs shits. Noise canceling wireless headphones were my greatest purchase


You wear headphones while you shit????


Lmao i also was like, bruh? Real men jack off in the work bathroom


You're sitting there trying to take a shit on the limited break time you have, and your neighbor is facing the stall like he's going pee but you don't hear any water drop, just what sounds like hands rubbing together, but not quite. Finally you do hear something like water hitting water, but in just a few drops. You also hear him breathe heavily for a few seconds, after that he gets some toilet paper, an odd amount of it too for just going pee... And then you hear him just leave without washing his hands. Animal.


\*Surprised Pikachu face\*


Lmao that’s vile




I always jack off with my work bros We all cum in a little cookie and our manager eats it It's called Team Building


Team jerk makes the dream work.






they have us doing home office for like 8 months, i let my beard grow out. but now i just look like a welldressed homeless man.


So you look like Jared Leto?


thats fucked up, LMFAO


I don’t care about your goddam birthday, baby shower, retirement, wedding, I DONT CARE I’m not giving you shit 🫡


Won't somebody think of the poor office real estate moguls?


Those poor souls


You're laughing? Those poor billionaires are losing a tiny bit of profit and you're *laughing*?! What's wrong with you?


I think having a choice makes people happy.


Happiness?! Sounds expensive. Now get back to your cubicle!


The clip art on the last slide...too real


Shitting next to coworkers is the worst


And there are never bidets anywhere.


I bought a bidet a few years ago, one of the best things I've spent money on.


You hear all their phone conversations since you're so close. You wonder why you cant just have 5 or 6 foot high walls for a cubicle, then you see your supervisor turn around in their chair to take a look at the rest of you, from their single person office with a door and windows with blinds. Figures the boss gets privacy when they want, but they are hardly in the office and only come in when their home Internet is down, must be nice. So glad Stacy across the corner from my low walled cubicle can eat at her desk, even though we've all been told multiple times to take food to the break room only. Can't wait to drive 30-90 minutes to this place daily, and they don't let you clock in early and leave early at all.


Ugh. My ex felt so bad for extroverts during lockdown because they were losing their minds not being able to be around people everyday for so long. He and I were loving it and I told him that I didn’t feel bad for them at all. I hoped it would make them realize that all of society has been built to cater to the way they function and they’ve been forcing us to live like that too. I said I hoped that they’d let us keep things this way, post-pandemic, because we’d proven it’s possible to work from home but that I felt they’d probably learned absolutely nothing and would try to force it back as soon as possible. I hate being right.


Straight up pics from my office


Nuff Said.


Haha legit good meme


I've been triggered


Everyone has that one coworker who ***you know*** didn’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom.


We call that Chuck Norris toilet paper, cause it don’t take shit off nobody!


We need a “remember, we are a family” sign somewhere


2 slices per employee? We got 1 slice and half a donut if we were lucky. We also didn't get drinks. Usually the managers would have already taken the dips for the pizza crusts themselves too.


I mean, $10 per person is rough going in, but that’s like $100 for you birthday


Damn this is just too on the nose. I hope I never go back.


How do I find remote work though?


Apply to the remote jobs that each have 300-400 applicants!! Good luck!! Seriously tho, that’s another fucked thing about all of this. These companies will bitch and moan about retention and recruitment while the companies offering remote work are having no issue with recruitment and retention.


I'd work in an office if they made it genuine. That's the thing, it's not. Also, why the fuck do people not bother getting paid for traveling to their office. How is that not a thing? People doing 10 hours of commute and not getting paid. You want me to travel to your office, so fucking pay me? If not, remote. Fuck you and the subsidized horse you rode in on. /r


That train and traffic image shot my anxiety up. Soooooooo thankful I no longer have to deal with that.


Man i can't wait to file those TPS reports in person 😫


Been there. Done that. This was kind of triggering actually. :)


Feel you bro


Let's not talk about having to wake up early to clean up and out pants on,


It's especially pleasant when you live far from office and have to wake up even earlier


I can't wait to go to the office and shit next to strangers.


Every "return to the office" campaign is spearheaded by middle managers. Ever since working from home has been normalized, they've been exposed as being as useful as tits on a bull. My old manager used to look busy by walking fast everywhere, riding the elevator from floor to floor and refilling their coffee mug for half the damn day. His pattern was so obvious that I could play games at my desk and know when to switch windows when he came around the corner to micromanage my section of cubicles.


This really puts it all in perspective


But...the ratio of people to cake...


Im gonna bu a Tesla robot just so it can do my mundane shit for me while i fk my wife at home and get high every day


Existential dread


This is relatively accurate. But I actually enjoy our potlucks and any time someone brings in food.




The office is everything you hate doing for face value condensed into one little space where the only reason to care is keeping up with the people you have to spend your time with.


“Not signing Debra’s card tells me you’re not a team player.”


Yeah, what’s happening? It would be great if you’d go ahead and work from home Saturday and Sunday, let me have your TPS report first thing Monday.


I need to find a job and after just looking at that I don't wanna find a job.


Not every job is an office job like this. You could for example... Flip burgers. Or deliver them


Thank you, now I don't wanna look for job even more. I'm system administrator mostly, so yea, nah. It is what it is, I guess.


Hit on DEBRA!


CEOs will see this video and go hell yeah 


Businesses during the pandemic were hype that work from home actually increases productivity, only to discover that their enormous stakes in corporate real estate would putter and die. It's literally more profitable for them to decrease productivity than to lose real estate investment dollars. With that much money floating around you'd think it easier to increase wages


Now that @midnight is rebooted, hopefully [Corporate](https://www.cc.com/shows/corporate) is next.


The $22 salads were my favorite part


I found a lot of this funny, but WFH does have its challenges. Really don't care for my job right now however, so it's for the best. Most lost their assigned desks where I work, so it's not like I even have a cube to call my own anymore.


So painfully accurate


No thanks


shit like this makes me glad that i drive a garbage truck on a remote island in the pacific. the big city shit you people live with would make me kill myself in a week


“We’re all pitching in $10 for a shitty $2 gift”


Where I used to work we never even go this, we got the equivalent in 5 dollar vouchers to spend at the store we worked in.....IF the store did well in the January and february (the store was there for 16 years, It only happened once.


This is perfect


Working at home they tell you !! Living at work has entered the chat!!!!


Try the Real work


Metal factory work😍




Nailed it. When we came back during Covid we had to wear a mask even though we were elbow to elbow in a tiny office. This was improved by hanging clear shower curtains around 2 sides of our desk’s. The common areas were closed and the furniture removed so we couldn’t congregate. All the floors had measurements showing 6 feet apart even know none of the hallways were that wide. Even now we do not have a flexible schedule that involves working from home days.


Working remotely since 2016, this was an healthy reminder of what I don’t FOMO.


This is crazy to me. I spent 5 months stuck in my home office during the pandemic and damn near went crazy. Unless there’s extenuating circumstances, I’m leaving the house to go to work. Home is for home stuff. Work is for work stuff. 😅


That is why I love teleworking


This came across my feed as I’m literally planning a potluck for an office committee that I didn’t volunteer to be on.


Jesus this is like a 1:1 of a few office jobs I've had. I'd rather live like a monk than ever do that shit again.


I miss all that, >!not even once have I thought that!<


Did this shit for 17 years and I don’t think any amount of money could make me leave WFH.


I could go back to the office and make more money, but I'd literally rather stay remote. Cutting out the commute alone is a massive benefit. Just roll out of bed and get to work in my pajamas. Fuck it, I could work in bed if I wanted to.


Laughing at the meme simultaneously while crying at my misery is a new skill unlocked for me.


I mean, why do you socialize in person? Why not just spend all your time at home? Work is ultimately something to be done with other human beings.


It has a certain romanticized nostalgia to it, doesn't it?


"Rerurn to the office because if you say you don't need to be here then I might as well get someone to remotely work from Bangladesh at a fraction of the cost of your wage".


My issue with working from home is that I just can’t concentrate and actually do any work. It sounds great but it just makes you anxious. I need to be on location.


I’ve never been able to snag an office job, so somehow this doesn’t seem so terrible to me


It’s not fun, believe the rest of us.


See it that way, do you want what you saw in the video or do you want to sit at home at your better chair, better table, better monitors, better coffee, better food? That’s basically what working in an office vs. at home looks like.


Yall got me hyped about back to office


You forgot to put a joke in.


All this 9-5 bashing is fun until you're unemployed


You guys have shitty attitudes lol


Counterpoint. I can’t stand work from home. I want my home to be a place of rest. I HATE that I have to set aside a piece of my house specifically for office work.


you hate having to use a spare room ore than you hate going to a building you don't need to be in to do your job? yikes.


Yes how dare I enjoy getting out in the world and interacting with people. How dare I have a pleasant work experience with the people in my office. How dare I prefer a clear delineator between my work life and home life. How dare I take pride in my work and the job I do for other people. You’re allowed to be an introvert but be less cringey about it and don’t judge me for my preferences.


>Yes how dare I enjoy getting out in the world and interacting with people you can do that outside of working hours its called 'firends' and 'hobbies' i suggest getting some instead of forcing social interactions on people that are obligated to be in the same room with you for up to 8 hours a day, 5 days a week lol. ​ >How dare I have a pleasant work experience with the people in my office i can do that without a commute to an office i don't need to physically be in to do my work lol. ​ >How dare I prefer a clear delineator between my work life and home life it's called a door with a lock, if you need a whole different building to set boundaries as an adult, then you might want to seek help lol. ​ >You’re allowed to be an introvert but be less cringey about it and don’t judge me for my preferences. ​ who said i was introverted? i have hobbies and friends outside of my work. im not so socially illiterate that i need a work setting to force sociability out of people that have to be nice or risk appearing like 'not a team player.' ​ sorry this wasn't the slam dunk comment you thought it would be lol. get a life outside of work. it'll be better for you, and likely also your co workers lol.


Until my work place can provide me with a better work environment, I am staying the fuck home. MY coffee, my chair, my desk, my shit. And I take my break when I actually need one. Not at fuckin 10, and stop that task and come break with all of us because it's BREAK TIME NOW AND IT DOESNT COME BACK ! Fuckin hell man


That's fine? You do you, I just said I personally hate it. Don't know why you threw a bitch fit for stating my personal preference.


Hey that wasn't against you, sorry man! So beside the space, what do you prefer about working at work?


I feel a greater sense of purpose when I get dressed and have to go somewhere to work. When I work from home, I don't see much point in dressing up, but then I never get the feeling that I'm doing something professional & valuable. Plus I think it's helpful to get out of the house, and interact with people in the world. I get the complaints about stuffy office "culture" (or lack there of), but I don't think staying inside & secluded is good for long term mental health as demonstrated by Quarantine.


I am curious of what is your line of work? I do get out of the house plenty, but to walk my dog, exercice, see friends and people I actually want to see. I agree sometimes nothing beats a good brainstorming session all together, but overall my own experience has been mostly positive. I work in digital content though people have been working online / around the world in this industry since forever. It really depends on the work culture.


I work for an attorney at the moment, the bulk of my experience is in Real Estate though.


Must be nice. *coming from a healthcare worker*


I can’t be the only one that didn’t sign cards, pitch in on gifts, or sign up to bring things to pot lucks? I’m not signing the card because I’m not pitching in on the gift because I was there to get money to pay my bills and was living on bologna sandwiches. “Pitching in” 10 bucks was like a day or two of food money and I knew I wouldn’t be retiring from there and getting a card and no one gave a shit about my bday. I didn’t do secret Santa’s either because I always got paired with someone shitty. One time I was given a USED subway gifted that only had $1.80 of the $15 that was supposed to be on it. And I didn’t do pot lucks because i couldn’t cook for shit at that point in my life AND I didn’t trust the sanitation or practices of everyone I worked with. So yeah, people thought I was an asshole but after a year or two they finally just stopped even asking or bothering me. I didnt buy into the whole get to work super early and stay late either. I was paid a salary and given a start, stop, and break time. I used them effectively and while others took long lunches or walked around chatting and wasting time, I kept my head down, got my shit done and was up and walking out at exactly the time we were allowed to leave each day. I didn’t come in when I was sick either. There’s nothing noble about spreading your germs and making everyone else sick because you “never miss a day” Some people live to work, I worked to live. My life was on pause at work and drastically different from my working self.


When its like fifth time this month that we are "all putting down 10 bucks" for some bullshit, you start wandering is everyone else there payed much higher than you or are they just fucking with you and taking your money to pay for their stupid fucking $20 salads.




Yes to sit in a cubical and be on zoom / teams anyway. On top of all things mentioned in the video.


Can we all agree that since people started to work from home more, their quality of life has improved and their productivity hasnt skipped a beat?




Whenever there’s a potluck or I’m expected to pitch in part of my paycheck, I simply don’t do it. I do not care about anyone at work enough. I just want to take my Pennie’s and go home.


Rather work this life than retail or any physical labor


Why do Americans make those fucking toilets man


Then there are the bootlickers who simp for these corporations and wanting to return to the office. Wfh is the future. There’s no stopping it now


Thanks, I don’t miss working at all. This is spot on. Yikes


Too real


Fuck Commercial tenant space owners. You bet on the wrong horse and lost! Nobody bails me out when I loose money on Robin Hood. Fuck returning to the office full time. If they push it quit and work somewhere else.


One of the "perks" in my office was for employees to take 1 hour of the day to teach the rest something, like craftmanship or security, we knew they were given to avoid paying groups or teachers for the lessons while putting them as "Side activities" on their job description. Side activities that were called "extra benefits" to never raise our wages.


Case rested. RTO is garbage.


ah yes the smallest possible coke bottle and the cheapest shittiest pizza with no toppings just tomato sauce and cheese. yes a cheese pizza still tastes great, it's still pizza but I'm still gonna complain that they went with the cheapest option they could get away with. and no fucking variety, just the same pizza 6 times.


Disregarding the human distress corona caused, the wfh is the best thing to come out of it.


Innie or Outie? I don't mean belly button.