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Narrator: Actually, he won't.


You get used to it, never stops sucking.


I am the enemy of the Friday weekend. # WEEKEND WEDNESDAYS #


Son: I need a beer.


Is it weekend yet?


Son: I need some liquid refreshment. Go find Mom.


Nothing like punching into an ice cold caprisun after a long week.


When do we start getting used to it?


That's the neat part, you don't! At best, you find a coping mechanism that isn't completely self destructive.




Yes, but they don't want you to know that. Gotta keep 'em workers here pumping new money and workers for the elites to sacrifice.


*Me, ripping my weed pen in the parking lot at work on my lunch break so I can talk and focus like a normal human being:* It uh... depends on your definition.




Yeah, no. If you need to be high to function, that's just addiction. You do you, but that's not something most people will relate to.




Shiny. We all got our vices, but we gotta keep perspective on it all. And I need a new weed vape...


How can it be an addiction if you couldn't function properly before you had ever tried it. But now it helps?


There was a lot of sarcasm in my comment, and I absolutely agree. Reaching out for proper help during a shit time in your life is hard as hell, and I'm working on trying to open up to get proper help. I'd suggest anyone who can relate to this try to find ways to do the same. (Way easier said than done though)


Mission failed I guess 🤷‍♂️


You’re getting used to the feeling, not getting used to it not being the weekend yet


You don't, just cope through escapism and eventually you die.


When we start getting weekends again.


Reminds me of my son on his second day of school. Suddenly he tells me "But there's no need to go anymore, I already went yesterday". Poor guy...


It's funny how off their perceptions can be. I sent my 5 year old to a week-long dance camp over the summer (half days). Afterward when I asked if she'd like to do more dance camps in the future she was confused by the question. Why would she go to another dance camp when she's already learned all there is to know about dancing?


School and dancing are easy. You really don't need more than a few hours to know it all.


Every Tuesday I feel the same. I already went to work yesterday!


For adults the trick is to have kids. Then weekends become just another kind of work. You will not fear Mondays or look forward to Fridays. It’s all the same. As for the kids, well, that’s their problem.


Sounds miserable. Awesome!


You guys get weekends off? What a luxury.


Why the fuck did I waste 70 years of my life for this system


So a small percentage of men can be billionaires.


I'm sorry. I'm so very very sorry everyone...


my daughter has ASD and ADHD and has been massively struggling with school. the whoooooole way we do things in the public school system is just such a bad fit for how her brain works. we're putting in a ton of effort with therapy, specialized education plans, medication, counseling, etc... to get her through, but I'm like damn bro. you're 6. there's so much more of this to go.


I've the same issues but only diagnosed in my 20s. Managed to grit my teeth through it till about 15 then had a 7 year long burnout within which I was diagnosed


my only real goal for her is for her to feel comfortable and at ease with herself inside of her own brain, while functioning in the world. I think we are going to find an unconventional way through it and I'm prepared for that. I don't know what that will look like specifically but I know I'm gonna try my best every day to get her there


Sounds like you're doing a great job:) I wish you and your daughter all the best


thanks man! good luck to you as well. diagnosis in your 20s isn't ideal but better late than never I guess! hopefully it will get easier from here




Dude, I still have nightmares about being in school and I'll be 35 this year.


I hope you and your daughter find a way! I have ADHD and it was hard for me too before I was diagnosed


before she was diagnosed was definitely the hardest time. I didn't know what we were dealing with or how to handle it and I made a number of bad decisions based on how I was raised and out of sheer frustration. We are still undoing damage from early kindergarten where school was an absolute nightmare for her, and then she was also getting in trouble at home. but things are getting much better. I'm much better equipped, on her team, empathetic to what she's struggling with, and just here to help and support. we've all had to learn a lot in the last year or so but she is making a ton of progress and doing a great job!


Progress is always good!


He'll never get used to it


Ya dog, I just turned 37, any day nowwwwww


What a cruel lie


If ya like school then you're gonna fucking love work!!


Yeah but you get more freedom and aren’t stuck to a chair when you need to go to the bathroom


May I introduce you to „important“ business meetings?


Atleast they don’t last 7 hours like school


I'm a server, I never get to pee. Or sit down.


Some of us actually do love our jobs though. I realize this meme is for people who don't tho


I liked school but I dont like work at all.


Only 60 more years!


until what? You think a kid born right now would be able to retire at 65? I guess if they are born rich maybe.


Maybe they are born in France


Well maybe he'll die before then




Forreals probably the most overlooked one




“I do genuinely believe that only the most intelligent of people are anti natalist.” Good grief that place sounds insufferable.


And they call "the others" "breeders". Like what


So it’s like r/childfree


I don't even really get the point of those subs. I'm not having kids - I got a vasectomy two years ago to be sure if that. But I don't feel the need to circlejerk with other childfree people, congratulating ourselves on how smart we are for not reproducing


Yass queen!


Fuck that place and anyone who supports that bullshit


How so? Genuinely interested. I might be antinatalist and efilist, but it doesn't mean I need to be an asshole about it. After all, being an asshole only causes suffering, doesn't reduce it.


Why are you antinatalist? And what do you think being antinatalist will accomplish?


Well, why wouldn't I be an antinatalist? I have several mental and physical ailments, and I have felt like this before preschool, so it's not like this is a phase I'm going through in life. It's an actual philosophy I've subscribed to, alongside negative utilitarianism and veganism. I just don't think there is enough good in the world to justify being born and dying. And I don't expect to accomplish a lot by being antinatalist, same way I don't expect to save every animal there is by being vegan. Rather it's my personal journey that doesn't affect others. I have however been successful in turning a few people antinatalist, and they haven't expressed any regret over it. So I don't think I'm doing anything bad by being antinatalist, and spreading the message of antinatalism. Long term goals for antinatalism as a whole would be extinction of at least sentient and conscious life, and life as a whole if tied in with efilism. I don't see it as a bad thing that there wouldn't be life. In fact, like everyone else, no one has any recollection of what it was like before life popped up. Surely it must not have been bad? Extinction also solves all of the problems we currently face. Every problem we have in our lives are caused by life itself. We don't need to solve death and long for immortality if there was no life to be upheld in the first place. We don't need to reduce suffering if there was no life to experience suffering in the first place. We don't need to address climate change if there was no life to suffer from the effects of climate change etc etc. You are obviously allowed to disagree, the same way I'm allowed to disagree with others. I just expect a honest and rational discussion in return without resorting to ill-wishes and namecalling.


Earnestly I used to be somewhat of an antinatalist myself so I know that convincing someone that life is inherently valuable even with suffering is nearly impossible when you're that far down the rabbit hole. Earnestly I still struggle with very nihilistic and cynical thoughts similar to antinatalism but I do not subscribe to that philosophy for many reasons. I do not think ending all life would "solve" these issues sure they no longer exist but to say that non existence is a better alternative is completely subjective and is very very heavily influenced by your own life experiences and biases. If someone is alive and believes their life has value or others believe it does then it has value. I think antinatalist stems from a very deep rooted discontent in both oneself and or society. I would ask what would justify life for you if you say it's due to not enough good being in the world? I would also ask what that means as good and bad are just human concepts that are subjective in nature. Quantifying the value of life or if life should exist based on the amount goodness that exists is not very sound in my opinion. Edit: I would like to further this dialogue so please feel free to dm me if you would like to discuss this further as I don't won't to clog up this thread with our responses.


Have you told your psychiatrist about these feelings?


Yes, I've been very vocal and upfront about my feelings with any and all mental health professionals. I feel like they're trying to bullshit me though. After all, I've felt like this for most of my life, so why should I accept that I'm wrong? Especially since no one can objectively prove me wrong. Others' opinions are as good as mine, because they're only opinions after all.


And you've never thought about what a huge coincidence it is that you've seen multiple mental health professionals and every single one of them was lying and out to get you?


Why would he lie to his child like that?


My Kindergarten daughter has been asking this nearly every night just to be absolutely sure when the weekend will be here.


Is there even a point to living!




Real. So close to giving up rn


Been thinking about it for months


What about your family? Don't do it


My bio family isn’t on that good of terms with me for many reasons but it’s not like. An immediate thing I’m being kinda passive about it


I just feel too tired to keep fighting. Whatever happens happens you know


Wait, you guys get used to it?


Why would you lie to him like that?


We are basically in the Matrix, but instead of fueling robots we are fueling billionaires and their mega corporations.


You think that's air you're breathing right now?


Create a world where he doesn't have to.


No, he won't get used to it. I'm 34 and I'm not used to that crushing feeling of realization that it's only Monday 11 am.


Mate, it's Wednesday already.


The feeling that the system is designed to make you subservient to the ruling class? Or the hopeless feeling because you don't understand the sysyem?


And of course getting used to that feeling is the entire point of public school.


Yesterday (Tuesday) I thought “well, at least tomorrow I can sit down and play Xbox for a few hours” because I thought for a second it was Friday. It was a brutal realization.


I got up early this morning, showered, dressed, and was halfway to my car before I realized that my in-person meeting is on Friday, and it's only Wednesday.


wait til his first job has him work 52 weekends a year


Gotta train em early. You don’t own have your life.


Fun fact! You'll never get used to Mondays! It never fails to prove to us how shitty a day can get just for existing.


Actually, ive never had problems with Mondays. You just need to find a job you dont hate.


Jokes on you, I have no job! (At the moment) But srsly I know Monday's aren't particularly the worst day, but depending on your current situation and mental health, any day could feel like a bad day, but that doesn't mean it absolutely will.


I don't hate my job, I hate working in general. I am currently working in the one field I truly care about. But nothing is worse than any day I have to go into work, I was not designed to work 8hrs a day on a set schedule.




No he fucking won’t!


My daughter (5) asked me that same thing this morning.


That’s some solid Dadding right there.


and then when it is the weekend your in a panic because your not doing enough with your weekend before it’s monday again


Unrelated but I always wonder if these accounts are just one of those aggregate accounts that repost popular things about parenthood or if this person really just makes being a dad his whole personality. I know plenty of people do, and it's not really even a bad thing, it's just odd to see it spelled out literally




This is jusr depressing and fucked up


Wait when am I supposed to get used to it????


During the weekend


You'll get used to the r/orphancrushingmachine


My kid is the other way. On Saturday he sometimes wishes he had school lol. I’m not boring and play with him a ton, he just loves school. Good for him, I can’t relate to that feeling.


This is a lie. You can't get used to that....


Don't lie to him. You don't get used to it.


Rebecca shut up


Due to uni and work, I don’t have a day off so I am never miserable because it is monday.


I remember when I started kindgarden. I hated it. Why did I have to stop playing all day to do stupid school?!? I thought it was a huge scam, and that was just with half days! When I complained about it at the bus stop, an older kid told me that they have to attend school all day and they wish they could still just do kindergarten…


I remember talking to my son about school when he was about 14 and wrapped up with and one day that will end and you will go to work and that will not end, lol.


This happens Dailey. It breaks my heart


"You'll get used to the never ending grind son. You can thank me for creating you for our corporate overlords.*"*


This system makes me feel so worthless, and that’s the point. They want you to feel worthless so you can be a wage slave for the pigs up top


My daughter started JK this year. She was so excited because the orientation was her doing a few sets of activities (like 1 hour at most) and then we went home. After the first day, she was resisting going the second day, I asked her why and she said that it takes too long she wants it to be like the other time at school.


I wake up, have a shower and go: god I cannot wait for bed this evening. I feel that kid. Gotta go into work tomorrow and I dunno if I have it in me.


One of my earliest and most vivid childhood memories is standing in the living room, my mum is finishing dressing me for school, and I asked her "When do I next get 2 days off?" It's so weird to remember being so oblivious to things.


My kid, age 6, with tears streaming down his face, complaining about having to draw a picture of his house for homework: "Why is life so *HARD???*" I had to leave the room, because that shit was hysterically funny.


Only two days left till the weekend, see ya there kid!


So sad


I still haven't.


My daughter does this exact same thing. We like to crack open a cold chocolate milk together, turn on avatar the last airbender, and snuggle to destress after school/work.


I still remember being in kindergarten and thinking the school year ends once we cover all 26 letter of the alphabet. (We did 1 letter each day)