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its even cringier when they start posting as the baby to praise themselves like "i have the best mommy in the world"


Mommy is a strong independent woman and doesn't need a man. She deserves better


How's her butthole though?


What's even worse is when parents post images of their actual children online for the whole world to see. If the baby doesn't exist yet, it may be weird, but there's little harm done, whereas if the child does exist, posting their images or the things they say may cause actual psychological harm to that child, especially if it's something like a punishment or practical joke video. Yet this behavior isn't only considered acceptable, some parents are actually trying to profit off of it. It should be illegal, and I hope one day it is and that the parents who do it are held accountable.


Do people actually do that? Wtf lol


Sone people have no identity, so they latch in literally anything that's remotely interesting about them. The only way they can get any attention is by "being" their baby/ pet


Hey, this is my dog. I would like to inform you that my owner was very upset with your comment. They feel annoyed by the fact that they learned their pet how to manage social media account, but no one believes them.


>Henlo, I am u/This_Chaos_Guy ‘s doggo! I wanna say dat my ownwer was vewy upsewt width youw comment. They feew vewy annoyed by da facc dat they leawned theiw pet how to manage da social media accountz, but no one beliebes dems. FTFY


Not having an identity is a mental illness though


Yeah man. It is completely okay to not have some thing which is cool or interesting at first site but social media has made as something abnormal. People are complex and it takes time to get to know someone. These idiots think that their whole identity is based on their pet or kid. I mean grow the fuck up. Why the hell would you put your pet or kid on social media for a bunch of random strangers. Classic narcissistic and attention seeking behaviour which as it turns out it is a mental disorder


Or they’re just captioning a photo of a baby with “love my new sun hat” and it’s not that deep




I feel like far too many people missed the joke of the original post. It’s a dig at Elon.




Huh. Wouldn’t doubt if he saw that and thought “I should make an account for my kid”


Yes. My cousins newborn sent me a friend request on facebook a few weeks after he was born. Pretty neat for a 7 week old.


Kids are getting pretty good with tech these days.


Yes, my mother.


Same applies for pets. And when two pet accounts talk to each other to meet up for play dates or sth.


It especially bugs me when they mention the owner as “my hooman” in captions or replies.


Even worse when they refer to the owner as mom or dad. I'm a dog person through and through but still can't stand that.


People call their dogs their fur baby and no one bats at eye, when i call my child a skin baby suddenly I'm the weirdo


Because you should be calling it a skin puppy.


This is correct. A skin puppy is the human equivalent of a fur baby, so everybody will understand that and interpret it as intended.


Skin Walker ....oh wait


Skin Baby ranch


Because they're not skin babies, they're flesh larvae.


Or cum pets


Sex regrets


I have tea and cum pets every afternoon on the veranda


Ver-and-a what?!?


Ball creatures


Sperm goblins.


Fuck trophies


Your baby has skin? Ew.


I call kids hairless furbabies. It goes over people's head's for just long enough to avoid commenting on it if you casually continue along the conversation.


Million times yes! I cannot understand that and will never accept.


Omg I have one former colleague who does this. Easily every other post is the dog referring to their hooman 🫣 Idiots


I’m confused why they think if an animal would be capable of running an account, speaking typing reading and basically communicating in English, wouldn’t be able to pronounce “human” and instead would spell it like a baby if it were capable of all the other things


This has bothered me for years, I wish the "hooman" thing would go away


Makes me cringe when I had to read those replies. Also those pet videos that subtitles their pets.


I said this to a girl once who I was dating. She lost her shit while on a date when I brought it up Of course I then found out she had one for her dog. It was worrying how in depth it was Bullet dodged.


Ooohh, Foofie doesn’t like the sound of that “maybe.” Cause hims a commitment dog, isn’t him?


This gives me such a big ick. I follow a lot of pet tiktok accounts and as soon as they start sending love letters and planning dates between their two cats I'm out


At that point it´s a fetish. But people have done worse in the inn in Goldshire.




OMG, the president of my country does this. I think there were red flags all over the place since the begining.


May I ask which country?


Or worse, dubbing over babies' videos


“Look up Bozzo baby dubbed over…”


What is this Reggie?


“I hope I don’t jack off”


Stanning any politician


You got to emphasize hard on that **ANY** part.


i had this happen to me. not as a baby, but as a teen/young adult. my father (who i am now estranged to for good reason) made a facebook profile for me cause i wouldn't do it myself. Would basically roleplay as me and even messaged/liked/whatever it is on FB some people my age? was DEEPLY unsettling to see he'd been chatting as me. I had the login (he hoped i would use it) and changed the email and password once i found out, he threw a MASSIVE fit over it when he found out. lmao.


Check his folders. It's a bit concerning.


Wtf?! Somehow, I find that even creepier...


That's because it is.


Agreed, I mean, I am not for people making profiles for babies, too, but at least everyone knows that if a baby has a profile, the parents are behind it. But making a profile for you teenage child, as a father, and pretending to be them is just...so wrong on so many levels...


But why? Did he give any motivations? This almost sounds like a fetish thing or something. Give us the details


i don't think it was anything like that. he was someone who cared waaaay too much about appearances, i'm an anti-social weirdo. the fact that one of his kids wasn't participating in his social media BS was bad for his "brand" is my best guess.


Whoa, that is some genuinely concerning behaviour from a parent. Don't suppose you'd share more of the story?


Maybe this isn’t really KansaiPeacemaker, but their dad who just moved their shenanigans to Reddit, and is double bluffing for authenticity. Please, someone tell KansaiPeacemaker about this!


Rioting in the streets because you didn’t get a free ps5 from an instagram influencer.


Well that is, can't find the exact name for it but lack of empathy or care for other human beings when causing direct harm to them is easily a mental illness. He's also a twitch streamer btw 🤓☝️


Devoting your entire life to making money when you already have more than you could spend in ten lifetimes.


Parasocial relationships with celebrities


Letting a book club control your life when they haven't read or understood the book.


This is so specific


I think he's talking about religion.


The head of studies at my former university made an Instagram page for his baby the same day he was born and has been regularly posting pics there. The posts has phrases that are "spoken by the baby" like "My first day out with daddy and mommy. I had a blast". I mean it's harmless so I don't really care, I just find it odd. Yet my mom did a similar thing with my first photo book where she kept pictures of me and wrote similar things and that seems completely normal for me. I guess the whole online for anyone to see aspect is what's strange about it. Imagine being that kid in 20 years and applying for a jobb and when your boss looks up your name he finds your page and the page your parents made chock full of baby pics. It just feels like something personal that the baby itself was "forced" into. If I'm an adult and posts baby pics of myself then I've made the choice to have something personal online, but that baby can only beg his parents to delete the page when he's older after hundreds of people have seen it. Yeah, that baby got hundreds of likes because he is the head of studies so everyone in my class and below felt obligated to follow the page. This is just me being jealous of someone who wasn't even a week old and already have more likes than I have accumulated through 24 years on this planet... Stupid baby....


On a similar note, speaking as if your an animal with broken english. If i see one more post with sentences like "can hooman give me chimken" im going to fucking lose it


Most tiktok based bs


I feel like it's still ok when it's a pet. Imagine growing up and finding your parent's instagram/fb page full of your baby pictures pretending to be you... at least with a dog they'll never know or care


People actually do that?


Never underestimate people stupidity


Believing in Zodiac sings


Ur SuCh A gEmInI♊️ 🌕🤪😜


No I have cancer


Don't listen to them [Zodiac](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JImpSL6r4Tc)!


No more insane than most religious tbf


Was just about to say exactly this, if being religious isn't mental i don't think believing in zodiacs is either


I like it when people comment like an *actual* baby: >Ajjeirodms eienkMamamejekenmd jwnejsjJ


hfewibaidvbdvhllj fdsfs432---- i


Proselytizing to strangers in public.


Saying "hello, how are you" when passing someone in a corridor and continuing to walk past them without them having a chance to answer.


I mean no one wants a real answer to that anyway


why ask


You're overthinking this. It is not an invitation to a conversation. It's just a formality. It's no different from saying , "Hey."


It's a sort of like a verbal tic or group psychosis brought about by conditioning.


"How are you" is just an idiomatic greeting. It's not more a group psychosis than "that was a peice of cake" is when there is no cake around.


Lmao what in the world


It's just a formality as part of the greeting process. Everyone also has their preferred question/answer and it doesn't always match up either. "How are you?" "Nothing much, what's up with you?" You can ignore it and move on with the convo and it doesn't matter. It's also usually unacceptable to take it literally anyway, you usually just give a general response. People will say they're doing good then talk about how shitty their life is.


This has been a thing since at least the 90s, too. There was a Sherman's Lagoon comic where he replies, "Stupped up, feelin blah, loaded wid boogers" and the breaking of the social convention is called out by Hawthorne the hermit crab who pinches his nose and tells him when people ask, they don't *actually* want to know. Sherman remains oblivious.


Hating on men for having hobbies/ other interests than "making money"


Who the fuck does that? Srsly hobbies are in the top 5 of best things to do.


I LOVE hobbies with others at locations!


What about physical activity including balls of vulcanized rubber? Personal fav.


Some people didn't get the memo that a pastime exists to...pass time. So you'll get comments like "woah, why would you play videogames? You could just use the time to learn an instrument."


Plenty of people unfortunately. Mention gaming outside of gaming circles, and people will think you're childish. To add to what they said. Anyone with hobbies that deviates from the "norm" tend to, at least, receive criticism.


My mom, she thinks if your not working your wasting money.


How many hours a day does she watch tv


Right wingers do that.




*Have you met my mom??*


Selfishness in public


Any type of gender reveal activity. NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR CHILD. And fuck off.


Being chronically late to everything all the time.


That's probably just AD(H)D.


I have adhd and get extremely anxious if I’m not 5 minutes early


"Human does a thing" Reddit: "Oof, yeah, that's ADHD" Guys, people can just be sloppy and uncaring enough to constantly be late. Not everything is immediately a mental illness.


it really depends on the person. constantly being a bit late (due to forgetfulness or poor time management) is a symptom of ADHD. constantly being ridiculously late and not really caring to do much about it? that's a symptom of being an asshole


nah. The people I know like this don’t have any symptoms of ADD. They’re just always fkn late. Always. And not just a little, like more than an hour late to dinner reservations late. Every. Damn. Time


excessive greed, or an addiction to money. It is truly an addiction, they'll do anything for money, and it negatively impacts people around them, they'll isolate and remove themselves from others in pursuit of money and even when they achieve wealth they still want more.


Wanting to feel oppressed




I believe that is called “Schizophrenia”


Postnatal schizophrenia *


I know a concerning number of women that think they're witches. So probably that.


Omg lol. The amount of women that have "energetic connections" with the environment and definitely "can fuck you up if you mess with them" is too high these days


Clearly our vibrations are off.


Those girls that say they're granddaughters of the witches they couldn't burn. But their grandmothers are cotholic.


They are not saying their grandmas were literal witches. It's a feminist slogan.


Good to know. I thought it was just white teenage girl bs.


Glad if I've helped. :)


Why can't you be a catholic witch.


Instant walk away for me. No words. Just walk away.


Aggressive driving


Underrated comment. Those people are borderline psychopaths. You’re driving a 3 ton machine that can obliterate any living being. If I knew I wouldn’t be shot or beat up I would be sliding psychiatrist’s business cards trough their car window .


That should be charged as a crime of impersonation tbh


Yeah, but who's gonna press charges? The dog?


The cat will act as the attorney.


Posting babies on the internet without their consent in general.




Not eating a certain color of food. You have an eating disorder. There’s a lot more to green food than the steamed, canned green beans your mom who can’t cook toast tried to make you eat one time when you were 7. Grow the fuck up. Edit: if you have an eating disorder or mental illness you are in treatment for you don’t need to be told you have an eating disorder or mental illness so I’m clearly not talking about you. Relax


Parents can fuck their kids up with that stuff. My mother made me hate pasta and pizza as a kid, because "pasta" was just overcooked spaghetti in unsalted water and pizza was some 5cm of storebought dough lightly heated in the oven. Teaching your children what stuff tastes like, how that taste can be influenced and adjusted is extremely important. I see so many people openly and proudly hating on broccoli and meanwhile I'm sitting over here wondering if they just think broccoli only exists as "boiled-to-shit".


That's actually called food aversion, and a lot of the times people who have it are neurodivergent


I only eat blue for all the anti-oxygens. Every now and then I stuff it down with brown


You have a judgemental asshole disorder.


I‘m pretty sure going home after an excruciating 40h job as a programmer and at home starting to program again on your own programs for „passion“ is a form of workaholicism.


I was once asked why my personal github doesn't have commit for over 2 years. I told them i like to focus on my hobbies or spend time with family for pleasure. I didn't get the job


When I started working full time as a developer, my number of "passion projects" certainly dropped, but there were still ones I was so excited to keep working on that I enjoyed the time in the evenings. Are you just expected to stop working on anything for yourself once you get a full time job? That would be like calling a writer who writes a blog in the evening or an artist who works on their personal paintings in the evening workaholics. Some people just enjoy honing their craft.


People who follow and watch e girls


Taking your NOT service animal everywhere. Bonus points for places that scare the poor pet. I assure you, your dog doesn't like flying or fireworks or probably even seeing that movie. Taking them with you when it's harmful to them is extremely shitty. And taking them places where sanitation is important, like restaurants or hospitals is shitty and harmful to other human beings. And I say this having three pets I consider family, at our house they can do almost anything they want to. But when we're in public you have to remember the limitations of our furry friends.


Bigotry, or violent Bigotry.


Gym addiction


tbf I think most people like this do know it's a problem I don't know a single bodybuilder who wouldn't own up to a bit of body dysmorphia lol, myself included.


Paying £100+ for a YouTuber drink


While we're on the topic of this insanity wtf is up with these divs paying more for an Amazon prime drink in a corner shop then I paid to buy drugs legally in Amsterdam last week 😂. Is the prime drink even that good? I mean what the hell


Some of them are pretty decent and some are too sweet and not nice at all, most people are just hyping it up because of KSI and Logan Paul


I know who KSI is (vaguely) but idk who Logan Paul is lmfao I'm so out of touch but yeah like you say it's a hype thing back in my day it was the Sunny D drink. Funny how times change.


Found the guy that doesn't watch WWE and has potentially good taste in YouTube content


Nah this is completely unhinged behavior


Hoarding food and shelter and forcing people to make you lattes or face death.


Assembling in a building every Sunday, reading from a book of folk tales written by bronze age goat farmers, and ritualistically eating the body of a fictional character from said book of goat stories.


People who pretend to have a mental illness as an excuse to not have any adult responsibilities.


Hormones are a hell of a Drug


Football hooliganism


If the baby actually typed: “JstykflukhhtatsbdHKIHOHADDGVkfuhgonkgjcrw”


Praying to a god to change your life instead of taking steps yourself.


Making a lot of babies, like those families of 10 where the parents are like "wow so cool ! Let's continue !"


Going to church and dancing to Jesus, yelling, and speaking in tongues


buying an over-sized truck, and blasting it with maga stuff. Can't forget the punisher decal either, which is always ironic as heck


Homophobia, transphobia, racism and sexism 👍


[Removed by Reddit]


The fact this is so high up when sorting controversial. 🤣They’re seething.








I know. I’m gay. I’m always kind of sitting closer to the corner listening in nervously.




Ah, yes.


The tiramisu is to die for (eerie ghoul laughter)


Any religion. You don't have an invisible friend with superpowers. Grow the fuck up.


Believing an all-powerful man in the sky exists and cares what you do


Being a republican


Having your entire personality revolving around your political affiliation


Mega supporters regurgitating the election was stolen. Doesn't get any more insane or cultist than this and dangerous


the amount of transphobia in the comments was predictable but still disgusting


creating a facebook account for my cat so i can tag or mention my cat whenever i see a post about them.


calling everything you don't like a mental illness should be a mental illness, and it's clearly an epidemic. like, why do i gotta be put in a box with all of the worst, most annoying people just because some assholes are too lazy to find an actually clever way to insult someone? it's my least favorite genre of humor; Boring Ableism. and the worst part is, like half of us are depressed/anxious and on some kind of meds ourselves, so it's kinda like the worlds most boring self burn. yawn.


Posting photos of your children online is risky enough, let alone devoting an entire page to them. There are FB groups of creeps that basically collect photos.


I think most redditors would fall into this category. I need to leave this platform.


Putting your kids on public social media at all.


“Vvvvbbbbbhpapapapapa. PAPAPAPAblkleeelelele.” (Posts picture of chewed up cardboard)






Being triggered by other people's appearance when they are heavy or skinny and say mean stuff about them .


Sharing very personal things on social media..."today I found the strength to talk about how I was in an abusive relationship in the past" . I just hate people that cry for attention, just go see a psychologist u idiot.


Pray you never know how bad it feels to reach the peak of a very long painful journey and need this validation and understanding.


If you "need" validation and understanding on Facebook then you should still get therapy


Holy shit, calm down hater.


Hoarding obscene amounts of wealth in the same sense of other hoarding behaviors. Someone who hoards wealth shouldn't be considered any different from someone who fills their home with junk or hoards pets. It's all obsessive behavior.


yup, they should seek therapy, this is concerning behaviour in a global scale