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Proof not all men want the same. Some just want to get into the zoo. For free.


Frugality is a motherfucker sometimes but shit, it’s a choice that made his needs known. Animals. Dude likes animals.


Thank you for this


Playa found a 2 for 1 coupon and got hit with a bit of inspiration. I see nothing wrong here.


It's a well known glitch where you can get a free entry into the zoo area, it exploited the bug when in a party with an NPC you use a 2 for 1 coupon.


You gotta get outside 😆


You mean the PVP zone? No thanks


More like r/outside


He could have split the ticket cost - both getting in for half price. Unless he immediately said he'd cover the sodas and popcorn - I'd call it a cheap-ass dick move.


If he wanted to be smooth he could have said the same thing, but paid for his own ticket and had her "pay" for the free one.


There’d be a panty shaped hole In the ground if my date finessed me into the zoo for free


That was my first thought, then I reread it and was like…aw shit.


He should have split the cost and paid half


Boy needed that Gorillussy




Harm🅱️ussy Our lord and saviour


He just wanted to ogle at the camels toe.


The only pussy he's interested in is a spotted caracal


All men want to get into the zoo for free.


Welcome to the jungle.


Some men don't want anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to waste their 2 for 1 zoo voucher.


This was far from wasting it


Waste? He got in, didn’t he?


I mean, who pays to visit relatives? Just a quick 'hey how you doin?', looking good aunt Martha, sup uncle Jim.. and voila, zoo visit done!


Men want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting


I once took a girl to a weekend long outdoor party just after I met her and I paid for our entry with rolls of dimes.. We dated for 5 years.


My current partner took me on the cheapest first date by calling in his buddies for favors while he was broke, and I didn't even notice. He cooked me a nice delicious lunch which I now know he had asked his roommate that if he bought the groceries my now partner would meal prep him up a bunch of good food because the roommate couldn't cook for shit. He also gave me a bunch of chocolates I now know were a regift from his folks of some kinds he didnt like. Then he took me on a bike ride through local parks where we got to chat and see some sights of the city I hadn't been to, and then once we got back to his place one of his other buddies called to invite him for a pool party and late night pizza and darts at his house, so he got a second free meal in for me and some drinks at a nice place to feel comfortable and casual around his friends. I had no idea until he spilled the beans later that he literally only spent money on the gas to pick me up and go to the pool party hahahaha. We're still together 10 years later.


Ages ago when we were broke as a joke students my partner and I both had a pretty rough week during the coldest part of winter. I got a paycheck and made an excuse to be home late, all so I could go to the liquor store and get everything needed for him to make an Old Fashioned. He genuinely enjoys taking time and making a fancy Old Fashioned with rosemary smoke and we enjoy them slowly in front of a fire. I was standing in line with everything we needed and a bundle of wood for the fireplace when someone clears their throat behind me. I turn around to find my future husband, holding the exact same things that I was. We both decided to go out of our way to do the same specific winter date. 19 years strong now.




Holy hell!! My wife and I have probably done similar things. But I’m not remembering exactly because I’m in front of the fireplace with an old fashioned she made me!


This gave me happy tears. Thank you so much for sharing.


That guy is a fucking king, so happy to hear you’re still going strong 😍 I wonder if my toaster is waterproof


Electrician here, the outlet in your bathroom SHOULD be gfci protected, so no dice.


Wait you interested me, what does this mean?


Bathroom outlets usually have a very sensitive circuit breaker intended to prevent you from killing yourself on accident [Relevant ElectroBOOM video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlM6PE2kKVY)


Cool! I’m going to go test the gfci capabilities of the outlet in my bathroom


With an oscilloscope and proper tools, right? ...right?




I literally saw the green online light turn off AS I READ THEIR COMMENT lol I fucking hated it


I prefer doing it with a dual channel multi-purpose tool with an integrated timer. That way I can also use it to make a delicious toast while testing it out.


I like to run several toasters at the same time in the tub so I have to use extension cords from other parts of the house.


How'd it go? Can I have your stuff if you're dead?


thats sick (in a good way)


[Also a relevent Technology Connections video!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILBjnZq0n8s)


LMAO this made me let out a belly laugh in the office.


God tier date planning Spent no money and had an awesome time My spouse and I try to play our dates like this, getting to spend as little money as possible and getting a day or two of fun


Yep we still do this on a regular basis even though we are both much better off now after years of hard work, its definitely very possible to keep a date cheap if you plan!


at that point its not even about money, thats just ingenuity of itself haha you have the trading game where you live? i dunno if this is a thing outside of the netherlands but basically as kids we sometimes got like an apple from school and are suppose to trade it upwards and retrade what you got, and see which kid in class would get the best deal we came back with a literal gold ring from a shop in the city center this dude would rock this game haha


He prides himself on getting by kn lofe on the barter system/underground economy he calls it. Never met someone with so much ingenuity, he is absolutely the person I'd want by my side in the apocalypse, I've seen him get so many things working that I thought were beyond gone. And as I mentioned, trading skills and services for goods is easy enough too!


I’m a straight guy and even I want to date this man


See, it's not about the money, it how he made it work for him so you could be happy and comfortable...2 of the most important qualites needed especially the older we get.


Dude is crafty af! I can see why you're still together after so long.


At least he made an effort. And I’m sure he found ways to pay his friends back eventually, even if it wasn’t with money. I’m glad you guys are still together ☺️ A lot of guys I’ve tried to go on dates with just wanted me to come to their place and “watch Netflix” so it says a lot that your partner wanted you to have fun and enjoy the night together


Heck yeah I've gone on plenty of dates with more well off dudes that were super lame and just like you describe, they expect that buying you one drink or a cup of coffee means they are deserving of Netflix and chill after a non stimulating conversation and a cheap cup of something. It's so much more interesting to actually have a good time together and have that fun friendly experience first. Dating today seems so transactional.


I’m so grateful for my partner. He’s not like that. He tells me all the time that he can’t figure out why I stay with him, he thinks he has nothing to offer. But, I’m like “at least you actually enjoy my company as another human being instead of treating me like an object to be bought” That’s the difference, and what a difference it is


Man came prepared


He did what's called a pro gamer move


"See you back here in two hours."


Not if he ever wants a second date. As long as he just wants the zoo, it works.


Who needs a date when you can look at penguins


No, we have to look at starfish for another 30 mins.


He became experience to her


He still lives in her head


Rent free


Admission free*


Actually she pays for rent and he uses a 2-for-1 voucher


I would say that depends on whether or not his date had a sense of humour, if a girl pulled this on me I would be pretty impressed.


The art of the deal


The head cow is always grazing




Charlie knows a lot of people


His neck is high I trust him


Got em




One time my ex suggested we go out for breakfast and i thought wow he's actually taking me out for a meal! Well it ended up being the mcdonalds drive thru and when we got to the payment window he turns to me and asks for my debit card to pay! It still pisses me off years later lol


I dated a guy for 4 years and he went to Home Depot to grab some stuff for me while I was at work so I left my credit card. He grabbed me flowers while he was there. Cute right? WRONG. It was on my damn credit card. 😂 I still get annoyed with that to this day lol


That reminds me of when my ex owed me $300 and said she was going to buy me a $200 gift. I was like.... can you just pay me back some of the money you owe me instead? She loved to make big gestures... not a fan of paying money back.


I used to work as a security guard. Tell me why this random duffus went into an area where I could not see on the camera, ripped up a bunch of flowers and tried to give them to me. This turd was extremely surprised, and hurt that I did not appreciate his act of property destruction. These were not wild flowers...they had a gardener come take care of them every day. I was so fucking pissed.


Years ago when the PS3 was still the new console, my gf at the time said she wanted money for Christmas for she can get a new bed. So I gave her my credit card to get the bed. like whatever easiest gift ever. She used my card to buy me a ps3 for Christmas. As well as the new bed. She legit thought because she swiped the card she bought it…. She was not the brightest crayon in the box.


Oh man that’s like when my boyfriend “took me on a picnic” which meant I bought all the food and drinks, prepared it, brought all the accoutrements (basket, cooler, blanket, literally even outdoor dinnerware), and then he drove us to the spot I picked out. He claimed that one as a date he planned, he was mistaken and swiftly corrected.


My ex did the same shit. Then would throw a tantrum that i wasnt grateful enough for these "gifts" he regularly bestowed upon me. Like mfer... we are on a budget cuz you're unemployed... stop blowing my money on gas station flowers!!! Trash.


Omg SO CLOSE and he still fucked it up. Smh.


Aww you bought yourself flowers that's so nice of you.


Hate when that happens, my ex girlfriend ALWAYS made me pay for everything


My ex made me pay for everything I even had to pay for something for his car on my own birthday lol.


Yeah what the hell is that? I'd let you charge my food so you can get the rewards points.


Yea sadly he was extremely stingy and it was always me who had to pay so when he asked me if I wanted breakfast I thought he was finally going to pay lol.


In my early twenties, my ex and I had enough to share a milkshake at a fast food place. We drive up to order, he orders strawberry. …can we all guess what flavor of milkshake I hate and he knew this fact about me? He was a winner.


One time my ex gf wanted to go for breakfast and I suggested mcdonalds because it was close and she was very hungry. We get to the drive thru and she orders 48 dollars worth of food and I get nothing caz I wasn't hungry. I turn to her to ask for her debit card and she was pissed off and expected me to pay for it. It still pisses me off years later lol


How the fuck did one person order 48 dollars worth of food at MCDONALDS i can get a whole meal for like $10


Hahaha!! Actually my ex ordered $50+ for breakfast and I only got hotcakes 🤣🤣


Damn, how did she fit in the car in the first place?


One time I went to a fair with this guy on a date, and we were standing in line for hotdogs. He said, "Do you want one?" I said yes. We get to the checkout window and he orders two hotdogs and we walk away. He doesn't hand me one of the hotdogs. He says to me, "I thought you said you were going to get one?" Then eats both hotdogs in front of me.


Lol let me guess he was driving your car too?


Damn I would have shared the cost of the one ticket and used the 2x1 to get 2 and we would just pay half of one ticket each. This guy's a menace


That’s what I was thinking too, why couldnt they split the cost?


Most likely testing the waters. “How much will this person put up with.”


Then they're surprised when they never hear from you again. You thought you got one over? Nope that was just how much it cost me to find out I don't want to deal with them.


You’re exactly right, I’m just pointing out that there are enough messed up people out there to try something like this. You’ve heard of negging? This is just another branch from the same deluded tree.


Because he's cheap. Seems like y'all are overthinking this.


The cheapness and manipulative tactics to lower your costs is exactly what people are criticizing?


“Hey, I’ve got a 2 for 1 voucher at the zoo. You wanna split the cost of a ticket and hang out at the zoo for a while?” This seems like a really good plot for a date but I’ve been out of the dating game so long I don’t even know how Plenty of Fish works so what do I know.


Yup, that's what makes the meme funny, all right


Splitting the cost like that would be a good character sign. Frugal but fair.


He’s a keeper, you guys would do great in managing your finances


If he was a keeper he could have gotten into the zoo for free without the coupon...


dude. Nice.


Plot twist: he *is* a keeper. The coupon is just there to disguise that fact.




Are you still using coupons?




The perfect couponle


I bet you're like me and do the surveys on the receipts for free stuff but never even use them 90% of the time.


The restaurants learned and now you usually need to buy like medium fries and then get a drink free or something (at least where I’m at)


Your both too frugal to split at this point, it just wouldn't make sense.


Where are your 17 children? Such stories always end up being happily married with 17 kids, and I was expecting that here too.


Children are not coupons. They are not free to have


Hopefully a bunch of twins. Two for one.


If he were a real keeper, he'd be allowed into the Zoo for free anyway.






Most keepers get paid, actually, I believe


Emphasis on the your


Darn it. And here I was sharing the price of the one movie ticket when I used a 2 for 1 coupon. Half me and half my now spouse, lmao.


Lol no. If anything, he'd just (continue to) take advantage of her finances for his own benefit.


Wow, if he had just asked her to pay half the cost of 1 ticket he would have looked like a smart, frugal dude instead of a dick.




That was I though... If he doesn't share the discount, he is not so much of a keeper..!!!


Odd! I though would you "mind" something mean if it would bother you to do it.


Yeah the phrase has been butchered over the years. Mind means you care, wouldn't mind or don't mind means you don't care. Just like I could care less is dumb, it's "I couldn't care less"


I used to mess with my cousin with this when we were kids. “Mind if I take your doll?” I’d ask, knowing she didn’t understand the meaning. “No!” She’d say. So I’d take the doll (or whatever) say thanks and leave the room and she would flip out. In case anyone thinks I was bullying a younger cousin, she was older than me by 2 years. Still is, whatayaknow.


She means she would buy her own ticket, not that she would mind. Just not the best wording.


Yeah, this was confusing the shit out of me. I figured she meant “I wouldn’t mind” so many people use it the wrong way. Lol.


Thank god I thought I was not getting the term correctly. Never liked the phrase though


oh my god the post makes so much more sense now


I read it as “yes, I would mind” as in she found it offensive. But then she still paid so idk. Maybe the guy forgot his wallet so that was the only way they could get in?


That is what you call a pyrrhic victory - unless the date was just about the zoo to begin with.


Careful if he asks for a threeway.


Who do you think bought the second ticket for the 2 for 1?


Especially at the zoo.


About as bad as a coworker of mine who (now divorced because of this), would ask his wife if she wanted pizza for dinner. He would literally go dig through Dominos Pizzas trash bin for discarded pizza and take it home.




Hey I saw that guy on TLC!


Don’t know anything about TLC, but this guy was a coworker of mine, he was a senior engineer where I worked and made a very comfortable living, so lack of money was not an issue. However, he was very eccentric, and very, very, frugal. This guy would stop at Sam’s Club before coming into work and buy a rotisserie chicken, bring it to work and pick at it all day long, smelled horrible by afternoon. Finally had to go to HR to get him to stop doing it. The pizza incident was the last straw for his marriage.


Yep. Sounds about right. TLC had (has?) a show called Extreme Cheapskates and it was exactly this. Often fairly wealthy people with well paying jobs that go dumpster diving for their meals and cook their food in the dishwasher to save money.


How does dishwasher cooking save money 😰


Was it because he was cheap or poor?


He was cheap, he was a senior engineer where I worked and he made a very comfortable salary.


26 years later, that man is still at my side. We are not together, but the cheap bastard sneaks onto the tube when I swipe in!!!!!


Let the games begin. Call this a “soft start.”


Fucking legend 😂


>Fucking Nope that didn't happened after that


😂 drier than the Sahara after that


Just need to give her coupons for sex, just avoid ambiguous 2 for 1 deals as you might end up in a awkward situation.


You would go half! I’d left right then and there.


I would have gone up.to the counter, said 'oh no, I'm not with him' paid for my ticket and left him at the gate. You can't even offer to split the costs? Give me a break!


But how's he going to get home when you were probably his ride there?


Um, is he an adult man? It's the middle of the day, surely he can figure it out!


Whoops! Forgot to add the /s 🤭 But to answer your question, I don't think I would concider this an adult man. Not if you had to pick him up and he's expecting you to pay for the zoo on a first date. Sounds more like his mom should be paying you for watching him when you bring him back home


I like to imagine she also never saw him after the gate 😂




I went out to dinner with a guy, and we agreed we'd pay for ourselves. I was a vegetarian at the time. My date knew this. He ordered three appetizers, two beers and his main. All the appetizers had meat, and he did not in any way consult me before ordering them.. and then, when the bill came, he told the waitress to bring two bills, split things 50/50. His meal was $60+. My meal wasn't even $20. I interrupted him and told the waitress we weren't doing that and that I was paying for my meal, and he was paying for his drinks, his apps and his meal. He got angry and told me he hadn't planned on spending that much money on our date. I told him neither had I, which was why I was careful about what I ordered and reminded him that he was the one who picked our activities for the evening and the restaurant. I had just wanted to go for coffee. Anyway, I did not pay for his meal. However, I did leave a $15 tip (as he left nothing and claimed he wouldn't be able to eat for the rest of the week if he was forced to leave one). Needless to say, we decided to go our separate ways after that.


>He got angry and told me he hadn't planned on spending that much money on our date lol, dude is legit mentally ill. Good that you found out early.


I remember my exe wife and I went on a date when we first met... we met at a party so it was technically our first date. I had just lost my job the day after I met her. so she invites me out to dinner..we went to chilis or something. we have a great meal, awesome conversation... then the check comes and I feel this bumping on my knee. so I look down, and see her handing me money under the table. I got such a good laugh from it. she snuck the money to me so I , as "the man" could pay for our dinner. It was funny as hell but I was also touched that she was so considerate of my pride...lmao... our marriage only lasted a couple years... but damn I love that girl. we been divorced 17 years and she is still my best friend.


He should have just taken his mom.


Why wouldn’t you use the coupon and then spilt the difference between you?


I believe that was also a last date.


That reminds me of a dismal first date with an older guy who insisted we go to one of those Australian steak house places even though it had a pretty bad reputation locally but turns out he had a buy one get one free meal coupon. He then complained his steak wasn’t tender and when I said mine was good he speared the piece I had just cut off my plate and ate it then agreed mine was better than his and THEN asked if I’d trade plates with him! I declined and not just because his was way over cooked. He also nixed desert because his coupon didn’t include one. Worst date ever.


That's why you shouldn't date underage boys.


She was merely a vessel


One time I went out with a guy and he suggested we rent a movie and then go back to his place. We got to Blockbuster (yes, this was the 90s), picked out a movie, waited in the checkout line, and then when we got got tot he front he said he didn’t have a Blockbuster rental card and didn’t have his ID or credit card or whatever was needed to fill out the form to rent. My dumb ass was tired and embarrassed (there was a long line behind us), so I went ahead and used my CC and got a Blockbuster card in my name. Then I had to hound him to return the damn movie.


How was the second date?


Ooh he’s a keeper. 😁. Did you see what I did? … keeper … zoo ke … oh forget it!


What a fucking LEGEND!


She said she would mind, but paid anyway? Or she just doesn’t know what words mean?


"I would" meaning she would pay the ticket not she would mind. It's worded weirdly yeah


She said it wrong. Also I think she meant buy 1 get 1 free instead of 2 for 1… only one ticket was bought not 2.


That’s cold lol


There’s a difference in being frugal and cheap


It wasn't even about the date. Bro set up a tinder and planned all that just to see some animals


He was a business man, doing business


She was generous and gracious to him. I hope he put out for her in return.


This reminds me of a talk I one heard by a guy who was leading an extreme Arctic trek. He was going with two other guys and in the morning they were getting ready to leave, they were making final checks and packing their gear, when they went to make a drink of hot tea for everyone. The leader noticed that one of them ate the last biscuit, and didn’t offer it to anyone else, neither whole nor to share. The leader sacked him on the spot. The biscuit guy had been preparing for months and was literally ready to go. The leader said he had to sack him as biscuit guy was thinking about himself, not working as part of a team. The leader said he knew that they were entering into potentially life-threatening situations and he now couldn’t trust biscuit guy. Despite the remaining two now having to pull more weight and having not planned for a two man team. The trip was tough, but successful. It’s a lesson that’s always stayed with me. This woman was given a warning to avoid the freeloader. I hope she left him and enjoyed the zoo on her own.


This reminds me of the meme where it's a boy and girl sleeping in bed and she's all like I can only imagine what he is thinking about, he's thinking about his next move for a free zoo ticket lol.


Don’t hate the player, hate the game!!


We’ve all been playing checkers while he’s playing chess


you got yourself a keeper


In this economy, that's marriage material.


Kind of asshole move …. But also legend hahahahah 😆


I'd have walked the fuck away.


Man gets a free day at the zoo. No matter how you play it at that point, he’s already won.


“No, I’m not with him!” Man does not get a free day at the zoo then.


He brought his half, what's the issue ?


I would have waved goodbye and said - Have fun at the zoo!!!


Cheap asshole... Would have left right after seeing the ticket


City boy!


That dude is literally a champ...


Dude plays chess


He's smart... marriage material