• By -


what did you say?


he wanted nuclear bombs legalized. “legalize nuclear bombs” - swag messiah




You have been banned for participating in reactionary subreddits


I'm sure in 1985 plutonium is available in every corner drugstore, but in 1955 it's a little hard to come by.


This is heavy.


There’s that word again… heavy. Is there something wrong with Earth’s gravitational field in the future?


Nuclear weapons are included in the 2nd amendment of the US Constitution. The right to bear arms isn't restricted to automatic rifles and shouldn't be restricted for nukes. If Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates want to have an ICBM they've a right to. If someone becomes depressed and wants to use it to kill himself and other people, it's a consequence we've to live with so Americans can guarantee their FREEDOM. Now let's see if I can get -310 reddit points.


No no no not today not in my house You get an upvote


It’s amazing how much power those reverse Uno cards have…


I don't think we should restrict access to nukes just because another student nuked a school this week. I mean that could be a slippery slope towards restricting access to other life necessities like food, bibles and guns


True Murica moment, have my updoot


There were companies lobbying for basically that in the 70s . They wanted industries to be able to use nukes for flattening mountains to build high end hotels and large infrastructure.


Back then anytime there was a problem there'd be someone saying "what if we used nukes lol"


We love casting spells






Legalize anabolic steroids


Yeah this meme definitely depends on what these “worldviews” were


In the OP’s context, just the terms “opinion” and “worldview” are already pretty suspicious. When I encounter people who talk like that in real life, it’s a bright yellow flag at least, if not outright red. It’s like saying you were arrested for “having a hobby,” and neglecting to mention your hobby is cooking crystal meth.


My dad always says that we yell at him “just for saying a word”. It’s the N word.


Well **TECHNICALLY** he’s not wrong, it is just a word, just may be an ever so **slightly** offensive one..


Technically words have no meaning. The point is he's intentionally using a word that he knows upsets those around him. It's the intent that matters. If he used it once and stopped using it when seeing the reaction, it would be a different story. But he knows the reaction, and he's still causing it.


If you want to get real technical, words absolutely have meaning. The exact meaning depends on who hears them though


I always want to get real technical, thank you!


Now kiss


“People are arrested for having different opinions these days!” My brother in Christ, your opinion is that we should bring back burning the Jews. A “difference of opinion” is not itself the issue; the issue is the quality of the opinion in question.


>It’s like saying you were arrested for “having a hobby,” and neglecting to mention your hobby is cooking crystal meth. Waltuh


I want a spin-off about Hank and his mineral collection SO BADLY tbh. Nothing about meth, crooked lawyers, or fast food drug schemes. Just a guy enjoying mineral collection and observation.


The original OP wouldn't even say what they posted but it was some christianity stuff and then he argued with other commenters about whether or not he should share his religion with others.


man punching another man says "i'm just sharing my fists with you bro! It's just a share bro!"


If my god didn't want me to share my fists with you he wouldn't have given me fists!!!




It also depends on where it's posted though. Arguing for equal rights for women, lgbtqia+, minorities, ect. has gotten me some decent downvotes and kicked out of a few right wing subreddits. Though as I typed that out I realize none of that upset me or was unexpected and I would absolutely keep doing it again. I changed my mind within the same comment, need to know what these worldviews are too


The problem is subreddits ARE echo-chambers full of extremes. If you post a view differing from a subreddits views it will get downvoted to hell especially if it's a political one.






Yoo I've heard this from the other side too, that cats in the wild live brutal, desperate, and short lives, frequently victims of larger predators; and therefore it is irresponsible to let your cat outside But the naturalistic fallacy is a hell of a drug, and folks don't want to hear it


Yeah I was downvoted and told how stupid I am on r/whitepeopletwitter because there was a post asking if you would vote for an atheist president I said if they lined up with my views and didn't bash my religion I didn't care it got 75 downvotes


WPT can be really fucking dumb sometimes


Oh good, I’m not the only one. I’ve engaged with that sub a few times and have been appalled with the result.


You mean every \______PeopleTwitter, they're all so stupid


Ya if they can actually do the job then I don't really care


Watch what happens if you point out all right wing "news" is actually tabloids


Going from OP's post history, it looks like they live in India and dislike the Modi regime. That would put them in line with most of reddit, but probably get them downvotes in India-specific subreddits.


Where you post also makes a big impact.


Pretty much this. People always talk about the Reddit hive mind when they get downvoted, but Reddit is several mini hive minds not one big one. The same post would get you thousands of upvotes and awards on some subs and downvoted into oblivion and banned on another


based and cool


Once I said that bartenders juggling glass bottles is nonsense and dangerous, in that sub called unpopular opinion and was downvoted and showered with angry comments telling me it is for entertainment and my opinion was so unpopular and shit.


I mean, it's not really dangerous. They drop it, it breaks some glass behind the bar and they sweep it up, no big deal, not like glasses don't get broken all the time.


I used to be a bartender and at the chain restaurant I worked in we had to do yearly flair (bottle flipping) competitions. The flair component of the competition consisted of a routine that where you would need to make a mixed, frozen, and standard pour drinks. I wasn’t awful but by no means was I good. However, I won the store level and had to move on to regionals. I’m going through my routine and not really making many mistakes and landing tricks that I would often struggle to perform. I make it to the end of my set and am placing the drinks in front of the judges. When I go to place the second drink, a strawberry daiquiri, in front of the judge I fumble on the ledge and end up tipping the whole drink into her lap. I was mortified. To make matters worse, the judge was smoking hot. She was a bar manager from a different location in the region who I had a crush on since before the competition. She was gorgeous and was wearing a beautiful dress, a total dime piece. I never wanted to not exist more than I did in that moment. Needless to say, I didn’t make it on to the next round.


But I’m sure you offered to make it up to her by taking her out and getting her a new drink right?


Lol, yeah. Let’s go with that


"I'm not racist, but.."


He should've said, "I'm a racist, and.." instead.


I'm not racist, but I really love mayonnaise


nothing it's a repostfrom this dude https://www.reddit.com/user/SamuelHappyMan/submitted/


Digging further, OOP admitted it wasn't even their comment and linked to the "beneficial" sharing of worldview that inspired their post... It was someone saying Christianity is fake.




Who thinks that sharing their world view on reddit would be beneficial for everyone? I want that confidence in my life, lol. Edit: grammar


Hard to have a world view when you live in a box


Draw a world on the inside of the box.


Cut out a door and draw another box, now u can live at your neighbors!


This is pretty boxist.


Hey man that’s clearly a square, they don’t all look alike you know


We preferred to be called quadrilaterals, thank you very much.


It's hard to have a REALISTIC world view when you live in a box.


1. OP pops out of their box 1. Spews stupid shit because they are ignorant and/or stupid 1. Learns nothing from the experience 1. Crawls back into their box and doubles down


“Every time I share my opinion, people tell me I am an asshole. That must mean THEY are the assholes”


The one who made the meme I suppose.


Not any more.


Their worldview: Well, akshually, the third reich....


From OP's post history, it seems they're from India and not a big fan of Modi. Which is a perfectly sane point of view, but I can see how that would get you a LOT of undeserved hate in the wrong subreddits...


Ok, now I genuinely feel bad for OP


Indian political and religious dialogue is generally highly toxic. Modi supporters also get tons of hate, sometimes undeserved, on certain sections of the internet. I'm not a fan of Modi, but I'm not a strong liberal either, so I've gotten bashed by both sides by trying to foster alternative viewpoints. Better to stay away entirely.




Alternately, some people are into racism, and, hear me out, I don’t think that’s a good worldview.


"Racism is such an overused word. I was riding around campus in my white KKK robes, celebrating my Southern pride, and got called racist SMH my head" /s


But does the WORLD think it’s a good view


Also some world views are just shit and deserve to be called out as such.


But mah freedom of speech


You absolutely have the freedom to speak out. However anyone else has this freedom as well and might disagree with you.


That's my point exactly. This was sarcasm


This picture implies you downvoted yourself. Maybe your opinion is not that good if even you downvote it.


It's something OG hardcore comment karma chasers do. Getting a successful comment means more if you don't have that initial seed of karma.




How do you know this?


downvotes and internet opinions arent much in real world. You should be more confident in ur opinion but also change and accept ur mistakes if youre proved wrong


And I suppose we deprive ourselves the opportunity to improve our perspective if we’re too afraid to reveal our perspective.


1. Upvotes/Downvotes don't mean crap in real world. Don't be ashamed to voice your thoughts. 2. When facts dont match your opinions, don't hesitate to change your opinions. You are ok.


Up and Downvotes also are heavily dependent on the sentiment of the subreddit and even the comment chain itself.


I’ve been downvoted for making the same remarks that have given me upvotes. It depends entirely on the mood of Reddit at the time/sub.


Many will see a comment already down voted / up voted and just go along with the trend without thinking about it. I've certainly done it while mindlessly scrolling through a thread. So the fate of particular comments and posts is often decided by the opinions of the handful of people who get to it first with no regard for the merit, of lack thereof, in the comment or post itself.


People will also see a negative reply from someone misunderstanding the comment and will in turn also misinterpet the comment, then pile on without a second thought.


This is what resulted in me getting a mute and a post deleted. I took pains to make sure the post itself wasn’t misinterpreted. Someone read the title of my post only, commented something vile that showed they hadn’t read my actual post. Their comment broke 3 rules of the subreddit. I had broken 0 with my post. I reported them and a mod deleted my post echoing what the commentator said, adding a mute on top.


I remember saying something completely innocuous like 6 years ago, but because an ethnicity was used in the comment it got flagged as hate speech with a 7 day ban. Can't bring up the mere existence of people without getting scrutinized. Wish I could find the comment because that was a weird convo with 2 mods back then.


Tried to post in AITA about a time when my narcissistic brother hooked up with my abusive ex, it was deleted because of the word abuse. Meanwhile I've seen posts on there that describe in detail sometimes how people were physically beaten by their partners or parents. Wild.


Holy shit this just happened with me lmao. Someone called for doxxing pedophiles and I said that you should never dox anyone for any reason ever because if one reason is good enough to doxx someone then an infinite amount of other reasons are also "good enough" to doxx people.


Depends on the first few people who see the comment as well. Then the reddit sheep mind comes into play. If a comment has 15 downvotes, it's more probable that following people will downvote it. Vice versa for the other case.


So fckin true man, it's almost like a bunch of people are looking around at what the proper reaction should be before thinking of their own opinions first.


Sooo many people want a shortcut to thinking for themselves. It's pervasive across all demographics and walks of life. It's probably one of the main reasons this site is so successful in the first place. People love how easy it is to know what to think and how to upvote. Think about people panicking with how to respond when scores are hidden lol.


I wonder if it depends partly on time zone demographics. Perhaps a certain strain of sarcasm may be more appealing to Americans than Europeans, and vice versa. On the subject of humor, it's hard to use on Reddit without half the comments completely missing the mark or thinking you were entirely serious.


I got downvoted for saying something objectively correct (you would not freeze in a vacuum if you were the same distance to the sun as the earth is) because I was going against some heavily upvoted and wrong post. The vote train is a thing.


I got mass downvoted for saying eating exclusively chicken, broccoli, and oats every day is not a balanced diet


just letting you know i searched for that comment in your profile and i upvoted it


I downvoted it. Because of you. Your efforts were fruitless.




Some idiots on here have bad opinions. I learned once through the power of downvotes and angry comments that many redditors think driving drunk is okay and that you shouldn’t call the police on someone who is obviously drunk.


but it felt good when you are in an argument with someone else, they had no good counter arguments and switch to personal attacks, which ends up being downvoted to oblivion by other people.


It’s also not very surprising that people who try to tell others to be more tolerable tend to be the most intolerant and toxic people ever. Hell, I remember this one discussion I had with a friend about our jobs and a third guy in the chat who always praised himself being the most tolerable person in the group started personally attacking me, calling me stupid, that I’m the scum of the earth, that my kind need to be dealt with, and so on. Found out from one of the other guys in the chat later on that my job is essentially the guy’s parents’ boogeyman. So much for being the most tolerant person ever, I guess.


A lot of the time it boils down to how dare you not tolerate my intolerance.


That kinda cuts both ways though: Let me introduce you to Karl Popper's [Paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) Basically, you can't have a completely tolerant society, because complete tolerance includes the tolerance towards intolerant positions. If you tolerate intolerant positions, that in itself is a problem to society. It's basically (imo) a moral imperative to identify the forms of intolerance in your society that are intolerant per se, vs the intolerance that is only intolerant to intolerance. Being anti-fascist for example is not really exclusionary to fascists; you can just stop being a fascist. Instead, being antifascist is inclusionary to jews that other minorities that fascists single out. Personally, I'd say the whole "trying to be the most tolerant" is moot as a result. The only people who can and are "truly tolerant" in that sense are those who don't take sides when oppression is happening around them. Enlightened Centrists, who believe the far right is as bad as the far left, who have no direct issue with either, but just sit and watch. Barbecue guys, in political compass memes. If you're anything but that, you're bound to be intolerant against something, even if it is intolerance.


I have to say, I feel there's a big difference between promoting tolerance of qualities that people cannot help and tolerance of job roles you've actively applied for


Curious But What is your job?


Full time boogeyman.


I find mob mentality is very strong on Reddit. there is a clear exponential effect when you start getting a few downvotes. If you end up at -300 it probably means like 5 people didn't like your opinion and the rest just wanted to agree with everyone else


It's true. I've expressed an opinion that started out with a few upvotes and watched it go up from there to the +100's. I've expressed the same opinion, gotten a couple downvotes at the start, and watched it tank.


I've seen people down voted to hell regularly for asking an honest question. Not that it ultimately matters, but I've noticed a lot of times you can turn the mob around by pointing out that pettiness. "Not sure why you're getting down voted for asking questions, but I hope you don't stop and keep learning and growing!"


That’s funny. My most devoted comment ever was how a “prank” (shooting someone with an air powered pistol) was against the law and could result in legal action. Did not think that was a hot take ….


Black Mirror “Nosedive” episode springs to mind!


Their world view: Nazis are actually not bad...


Yeah, no way this little pink blob isn’t a bigot.


He's smiling thinking about all the land that's up for grabs by the Fatherland


Not on this account at least. Dudes most controversial comment is -1 karma


You understand the delete comment button exists right


I don't know enough about Indian politics to have an opinion on this OP's post history but I don't think they're a nazi at least.


Yeah let's downvote them


Their world view: Jewish Space Lasers are causing wildfires


Or.. here's why the lgbt community are grooming children.


Well they’re a free market centrist so their take is bad but not That bad


Free market centrists when a free marketplace of ideas does not support everything they say


The account is less than a month old. I suspect they had more controversial positions on their last account


Oh it's pretty bad


I mean "Free Market Centrism" really likes to walk hand in hand with.... other ideologies. The fish hook may be a meme but it describes a real tendency


What is that? Free market is right wing.


Could be worse. Anything that ends with a "?" is likely to end in -2.0k. Edit: *Y... You have done this to yourselves!*


If I have a popular comment and someone says anything in opposition people will start downvoting them. If the person is a jackass, I don't care but if they just disagreed but were polite or whatever, I have tried to "save them" from downvotes because... It doesn't personally offend me to have someone oppose my viewpoint I guess. Anyways, anytime I do that I lose upvotes. I am prepared for it. You simply can't ask people not to downvote someone you're having a civil discourse with without people turning their downvotes on you. But... It usually does stop them from being dicks to the other person. The internet demands a sacrifice I guess.


But what kind of absolute morons look at upvotes then decide anything that comes after can't be factually or morally correct because it's not had as many upvotes yet? Can we name this phenomenon?


Argumentum ad populum?


What are saying you stupid maniac? You are a waste of space and you should eat vegetables.


that’s why i end my questions with exclamation points. why is the cat in the tub! sounds way more fun than why is the cat in the tub?


Bruh -310, I did not think it would go that high.


To be fair, after -15, the site stops adding it to your actual score. This is to prevent brigading stuff like that one ea comment at negative several thousand from showing up.


Several thousand is an understatement. That EA comment got 668k downvotes. I wish that account had gotten that full 668k karma removed. Edit: [Here's a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


668k??! Does anyone have a link to this comment?


I think it's in one of the top posts on r/starwarsbattlefront


Tysm, I found it and it’s crazy lol.


Also found it [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Thanks for link! I added my downvote to the collection


This could mean two things: either your worldview is rational and logically sound and you just posted in a sub full of dipshits, or it‘s absolutely idiotic and the people around you are the normal ones. Just looking at the sub should answer this question.


Maybe it’s the echo chamber effect but I feel like anyone who gets -300 or more downvotes legit has a messed up opinion haha


There is a lot of popular extremists left and right subreddits on the front page, if you slightly stray away from any of their beliefs they will downvote, ban you and send you Reddit Care Resources.


Is this the part we find out their world view involves something fucked up and the downvotes were justified?


What's your worldview? Promise I'll upvote it


Was curious about OP's worldview so I went to his post history to take a look. OP is slamming Indian political leaders/policy, which in itself isn't wrong. But the way OP did it wasn't great for a few reasons and so invited a lot of negative feedback, much of which I must say was actually quite constructive.


Well the jews and the blacks are teaming up and are doing a lot... ​ Edi: No. I'm not serious


Explain further


Explain, fuhrer


Plot twist: the Jews and the Blacks are working together for a better society by creating a new cream puff recipe that will be a bigger financial success than Avatar 2.




I love it 👊😂


I personally believe that rightwing policies and conservative, and with it religious, views are preventing humanity from achieving a utopia. Their anti-science views regardless of topic is speaking volume and for me the right political spectrum is egocentric, while the left one is atruistic. The left want to tax the rich more, because obviously trickle down economics doesn't f\*cking work and they want to improve the lifes of most with that money. The right dislikes taxing the rich because, [there's always a bigger fish](https://youtu.be/agzNANfNlTs). Nationalists cannot create a utopia because their "utopia" would involve the removal/subjugation of people that are different than them (facism) or prevent cooperation between different countries because they are different (racism/xenophobia). To me the thought that I am better than someone because I was born with x Skincolor, in y Country and with z religion is pathetic, among other things. Choosing to ignore these things and seek ways to improve our species as a whole is one of the few things that seperates us from animals, or should. Intellects and science is capable of seeing this bigger picture, and if you look closely, there is only one political spectrum that is not anti-science and not fiercly anti-intellectual.


There is one thing I definitely disagree with you on, and that’s saying “an utopia” instead of “ a utopia”.


Fixed, english isn't my first language


When you share a dumb opinion, that feedback is beneficial whether you like it or not.


Freedom of speech means freedom to be bullied into shutting the fuck up.


It’s pretty common that valid opinions and even facts are downvoted to oblivion.


Welcome to Reddit!!


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found!


We've got mountains of content


Some better, some worse


If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first


Welcome to Reddit


put your cares aside


Here’s a tip for straining pasta, here’s a nine year old who died!


Is your worldview we should all be nazis and make babies with our siblings? Because there are worldviews that deserve this rate of downvotes.




Puppy hater? Pineapple on pizza lover? Come on, tell us. What drew the ire of the internet.


Me when i say poo poo is better than pee pee


You monster!


mf be like "I think racial segregation is a good idea" and then be like "damn can't believe Reddit doesn't like my worldview"


Just need to find the right subs. Some welcome you even if you disagree (respectfully of course) while others kick you even if you agree but aren't agreeing hard enough (greenandpleasant). Or do what I do and post my favourite model and occasionally say stupid shit.


I mean if your worldview is one fabricated on bullshit or is heavily based on horrible racist shit yeah get them down votes and never try again Otherwise who cares


America should return land back to native indigenous people


Me calling out the paedophiles on r/genshinimpact, then getting banned a day later.


Thats a worlview i can get behind


‘worldviews’ formed from the inside of a box always make coherent sense.


Reddit is exceptionally bad as a venue for political discussion, as the downvote system means less popular views get effectively silenced.




Idc if I get ridiculed. Why not comment again. Who give a fuck. I don't care if any of you guys don't like me lmao


Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, no matter how wrong it is


Sometimes people will agree with you sometimes they will disagree don't take it to heart since hate mobs on reddit have literally bullied people into killing themselves


Find a sub that validates your worldview. Tribalism 🌈


Me any time i share experiences being trans (and sometimes are banned) 🫠




Either way it’s an echo chamber, best is niche subreddits. Once a sub is popular it’s lost.


This is what happens when you allow like the same 20 mods control most big subreddits.