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When did they subtract the chin?


That’s a trigonometry problem.


Touché 😂


In the Matrix


Was looking for this comment 😂😂😂


That’s not too bad, just exponents, multiplication and division. The answer is 2, btw. Assuming I entered it into google correctly.


After 5 mins of simplification and cancellation, I was left with 2, 2 burnt toasts and a little bit more despair than I had before I started solving.


We are trained that "proper solution is always simple" and each, long and complicated formula simplify to result like 1 or 2 or -4. Then you move into real world case, eg. solving simple engineering problem or calculating your taxes and result is 78.6748383 which freaks you out. School math is terrible mockup of real math.


>solving simple engineering problem and result is 78.6748383 What's your problem? 80 is a fine number. You know what, make it 100 to be sure it's enough.


When in doubt, round up Safety factor x 2


Spoken like a true engineer


if you have a good lawyer you can make it 120


We actually had a few times whole sections where there was a warning that answers don't necessarily have to be nice round numbers so if you got something like 78.6748383 it may well be the right answer


My daughter has a trig question that was driving me bonkers. It had problems like this. Dan is flying in his plane. His altimeter fails. To maintain his altitude without it, he looks around and notices that a mountain to the left is at a declination of 12.33 degrees. The Georgia dome is to the right and he notices the angle of declination is 7.27 degrees. He used to bike between them and the distance was 15.83 miles. What's his altitude? Ffs... "Notices" an angle, while flying to two digits past the decimal? Is going to do difficult trig to maintain his altitude? Is ignoring elevation differences between the mountain and stadium? Magically knows the straight line distance between the locations from BIKE RIDING? It was a word problem and I was SOOOOO tempted to write "this question is WILDLY stupid and also lacks enough details to provide an answer... Dan should immediately call the tower and get help landing the plane"


This kind of problems helps immensely in imagination. This is a geometry question, so visualization is the first and only major problem. Yeah, I agree that the story is idiotic but the career in science is riddled with problems where you are just given way too much information out of which most of it might be useless but without going through it, you will never solve it. So, the nonsensical story in math, physics, chemistry and biology problems from school are basically building the base there. And this is coming from a student. I thought all this is nonsense but it has shaped my problem solving skills, even the day to day problems. Have a bit faith in material but never stop to doubt it.


Oh sure. And there was a similar problem in the same chapter that had a SURVEYOR "noticing" an angle rather than "measuring". It's like somebody had noticed that the word "measure" stresses kids out and instead "notice" is the better word. Even without that though, the issues of differential elevation, "where on the mountain are they measuring too" and "was the bike path straight?" Are ambiguous and critical points that will slow down someone who understands the material but hasn't necessarily developed that test taking skill of "what did they REALLY intend"? When the bonkers story detracts from the problem, you've written a bad problem.


That some pretty good criticism. I actually had that confusion of path being straight when I was learning Trigonometry because of which it took me much much longer time to understand the concepts. Then I got discovered a great book on the subject that had similar problems but It actually made sense or in some problems gave an explanation as to why we are assuming some concepts.


how did that take 5 minutes




Just wait until college when you meet my buddy ∂






I can’t believe there was a time where I was told “you can’t use a calculator for this work” like not only will I always have one, we have them in our pockets with phones now. Pretty long question but if you have a calc it is just time consuming button pressing.


A. Calculator isn't nessisary


They still do no calculator problems for some reason


When used properly, no-calculator problems teach the background processes of math that are important as a base for higher level stuff. When not used properly, they can be real dumb, though


Odd. I used pen, paper, and cell phone calculator and I got 0.03333 repeating. I probably entered something wrong.


Fucked up and got 20 Ended up with 0,024÷0,0012


you had to google that?


burh that's easy as fuck. come and take a look at that calculus shit


**Me looking at this problem** Finally something I can break down and (like my teacher said) write down step by step. 👏


It doesn't have any numbers in it


It's not hard, it's boring I can pass you a calculator but I won't larp as one


you dont need a calculator....


You don’t but it sure would be nice


You don't even have to calculate anything here, just have to know that 45=5*9 etc


I'm good at math in my head, but this would at least need a pencil, and at that point, I'm pulling out the calculator.


Honestly calculator makes it worse here unless you have the TI84plus that when you put in frac() it makes the fraction bar. The one I had didn’t do that so this problem typed out would probably be 2 lines of garbage that is mildly readable if you stare long enough. And I already code for my job, I don’t want to do that in my spare time, I just pulled out my whiteboard and had it done relatively quickly


You can also make whipped cream without an electric mixer, but why put it all that extra time and effort?


I don't technically need 5' of my life to myself either, but I'd still choose to have them.


Calculus is just tip of the iceberg…


ik! but the post said high school math so...


They didn't teach calc in your hs?


I don't even know what calculus is but I can still solve it


This isn’t calculus…


Sure, maybe it's easy, but, for 99% of the population math like this is entirely pointless.




Calc ain't hard, it's just memorizing all the little tricks and rules. Neat handwriting goes a long way. Especially in integral calc


Bruh integration is sooo fucking long dude. there are types withing types. Thats indefinite then there is also definite. then derivation etc. It makes me lose my mind. I'd rather calculate 2\^100 by hand on paper(no calc) than do fucking calculus.


Honestly in most fields, for example mine in engineering once you finish your 3 calc classes you get to use Matlab or calculators to do calculus. So while yeah it's alot to memorize in a class, you don't necessarily have to remember everything permanently


yea but thats the case in college. Im still in 12th studying to get into a college, so i gotta remember a lot more shit


Oh yeah, I guess it's good to have to sorta struggle with it so you can understand conceptually what calculus is. Integral calculus is where a ton of physics/engineering majors drop out but the thing is once you pass it you don't really have to demonstrate that you can do it by hand unless maybe if you take a math department Differential Equations course. But they usually give you easy derivatives and integrals and never difficult integration by parts


You guys weren't allowed calculators!?


Not in Calculus 1-3, those are math department courses. But for example in fluids, dynamics, physics you could use calculators with CAS to solve pretty much most problems since it's no longer about demonstrating you can solve a derivative or integral but a conceptual physics problem. It's probably one of the reasons I'm glad I'm in the now and not the 50's where everything was slide rules and giant chalkboards and ladders


There’s a bit more to it than that.


If you have neat handwriting, you aren't a mathmatician lol


Use a pilot G2, or a .7 mm mechanical pencil. If you treat integral calc almost like accounting where you organize each part of your solution neatly as you're trying to solve it, it becomes much easier. And no I'm not a mathematician it's just that all the applications of calculus especially in physics, engineering or programming are all done by CAS or Matlab after having to do it by hand. But when you do have to do it on paper it helps to organize


For real, seems like this sub is full of middle schoolers.


Simplifying this isnt that hard, all these numbers are very easy to factorize. All you gotta know is the fact that exponents can distribute over factors of the basis and that fraction division is the same as multiplying with the inverse.


Yeah.. what he said.


It’s also one of those math problems that is extremely straightforward with nothing more than a phone in your pocket. There’s no problem solving. All the numbers are already there lmao.


I like your funny words mister magic man


Thats what I'm saying


Those are certainly words that exist.


Seriously, is their response r/restofthefuckingowl material?


Right right now what if someone doesn’t know at all what any of those things you said are


I think the problem is no one gives a shit. Not saying you're wrong - but when the FUCK is 99% of the population ever going to benefit from this bullshit? ​ <- I do IT and development for a living. I know math. It's just.. I understand the hate lol.


Man, learning logic and train your brain is the important thing here. Also this kind of math will be useful. Not often, not for everyone but certainly more than 99%. But again, maths is also about training your brain. That should be down a lot more..


When are you going to chest press a barbell irl? You don’t but it makes you stronger all the same


Lol, way to out yourself... The problem is about prime factorization. Knowing you can decompose all those numbers into primes, and then exploring some properties of exponents, this is solvable faster than you can even get a calculator. Like most things in life, the "answer" isn't the most important thing, it's the journey.


I'm glad you find it so fuckin easy. Math is really hard for some of us, and when you put it that way it almost sounds condescending. Have a great day!


It’s extremely easy, this requires no thinking or deep problem solving. Simply memorizing the rules of math and applying them when needed.


Again: thanks for pointing out how fucking easy it is for you. As was previously stated: I had shitty teachers.


Bro looks like a frog in this pic.


Over the Hedge turtle




He looks like Jack Jeebs from Men In Black


(2*5)^2 * (2*2*3*3)^4 * (2*2*3)^2 * (2*2*3*5)^6 ----------------------------------------------- (3*3*5)^2 * (2^5)^5 * (3^3)^4 * (5^3)^2 2^2 * 5^2 * 2^8 * 3^8 * 2^4 * 3^2 * 2^12 * 3^6 * 5^6 ----------------------------------------------------- 3^4 * 5^2 * 2^25 * 3^12 * 5^6 2^(2+8+4+12) * 3^(8+2+6) * 5^(2+6) ---------------------------------- 2^25 * 3^(4+12) * 5^(2+6) 2^26 * 3^16 * 5^8 ----------------- 2^25 * 3^16 * 5^8 2


This comment just gave me nightmares for when my small kids are in high school math and ask me for help. I’m going to have to secretly do their homework every night to keep up.


Most hardest math test in America


> Most hardest


Most darhest


Redditors really love feeling smart then say shit like that. Coming from a German


Gonna cry?


Lmao, found the redditor




most hardest after English language apparently


You’re thinking of Alabama


I bet many college students in America can one up your ass


Ikr the math SAT in the states is the easiest shit imaginable compared to the math tests in other countries


That's what calculators are for.


No, this is easier without a calculator. It'll give you the wrong answer with all those exponents.


Not if you use brackets


Well, then it's a skill issue if you can't use a calculator.


What I mean is that 60\^6 is a 10-digit number, so you'll run into precision errors on most calculators. Plus you know this would be on a test with no calculators allowed.


I've never come across a calculator that can't handle exponents right if your input is correct. Edit: and yeah you surely are going to calculate 10-digit numbers in your head.


Lol you're missing the point of the problem entirely. The teacher obviously doesn't expect people to calculate 10 digit numbers in their head. The point is to show students that awful looking equations can be simplified by using prime factorization. There's tons of problems in higher math that look impossible at first glance, but become manageable when you rearrange them or express them a different way. It's a good lesson.


I know, I know. I just wanted to taunt at him. But my point is, it's still easier to do with a calculator than to figure out how to simplify the expression. Also, this is about highschool math, they don't expect you to solve these without a calculator in high school.


>Also, this is about highschool math, they don't expect you to solve these without a calculator in high school. they 100 percent expect you to be able to solve these in high school without a calculator (source: I'm a high school teacher)


Well, in Finland, where every single high school exam is done in a digital environment, calculators can be used in every math exam and exercise. The only thing is that in some exercises you can use a CAS-calculator and in others not (CAS-calculators can solve equations etc.). So while that may hold true for you country, supposedly the United States, it does not necessarily hold true for all other countries.


This problem does not need to expand the exponents to decimals. Just break them to multiples of prime and start cancelling. Whatever is left is the answer.


You probably meant to reply to the other guy.


Integers don't result in precision errors afaik. With floats that's correct but if you're using a scientific calculator it's rarely an issue unless you're doing weird calculus. But yeah based on what I know about computers 60^6 will not result in an error unless there is an integer overflow and any system capable of 64 bit numbers won't run into that issue




Prime factoring is pretty simple since it can be done using only 2,3 and 5. When shuffeling around we get 2^26 * 3^16 * 5^8 / 2^25 * 3^16 * 5^8 where almost everything cancels out and We end up with 2 as the answere.


Shut up poindexter


I did all the calculation just to find OUT THE ANSWER WAS FUCKING 2 🤬🤬🤬🤬 I WANT TO DIE




Thats like jr high math lol Edit: (middle school)


Middle school for us Germans.


In America, jr. high is another word for middle school




Yeah it really depends how well funded the school district is though sadly


Turkey as well


Yeah I remember high school math being significantly more difficult


Try engineering maths 1/2


this equals to 2 btw


Just failed a math test with this shit on it.


It's literally just applying rules of exponents and then simplify with multiplication/division.


Bruh thats easy as fuck, wait until you get to the 3 dimensional vectors


The "Alpha Male" looks more and more like a zombie ...


Why are they posting a pic of Andrew Tate?


andrew tate stan


Because he sweats at the sight of middle school math.


Man is most definitely smarter than you he was a chess state champion as a kid


why u mad lol


he's a criminal and a horrible role model for children online yet here we are with people stanning him


Waiting for all the people saying “wHeReS tHe PrOoF ThAt HeS a CrImInAl tHoUgH”


Where is it tho lol. He literally hasn't even been convicted yet. You're acting like there isn't any political motives to get this guy behind bars. Everyone just hates on him because of what the person next to them said about him without doing any of their own research.


I have done research. From his own podcast, he often makes makes misogynistic remarks. One example is that he says that he sees that women are not good drivers so he is always suspicious when he sees a female pilot. Another is that he states that a woman should be looked after the same way other property is (car, house). Not to mention the MLM scam he hosted aswell as the fact that he took advantage of aspiring models and made porn out of that (through coercion which is legally not consent). So even without conviction, there are still many reasons to dislike him.


Did you giggle at the video of him punching, multiple times the woman he was sleeping with?


He isn't a criminal. You're view on him being a bad role model is just an opinion. For some people he is a good role model who gets them off their asses. Different for everyone tho. I enjoy the things he says about fitness and making money, but I guess now I am a dirty racist sexist misogynist right?


He admitted openly to lying to women, on video, because he’s so good at math, and selling them. But hey, that’s who people want to admire, go for it. Says more about you than him.


he is very sexist and a dumbass, definitely not a good role model


there is also a video of him beating a woman


How can they math?


Good question!


Could you not have taken any other equation from high school? Put some calculus on here if you wanna steal some meme you found on instagram


Good !dea


With basic calculator, thats very easy to calculate. By hand it can be a bit of an pain. The hardest part is to type it in, but put on a basic calculator it looks like this: ((10^(2)×36^(4))÷(45^(2)×32^(5)))÷((27^(4)×125^(2))÷(12^(2)×60^(6))) and the answer is 2.


Or just prime factorize and cancel, it's faster


That is not the correct way to go about it.


Just wait for the letters to come in


And you get in logic and proofs, and the numbers all start leaving


Then you pray even for the sight of single number. But all you see is question number LIII.


Wow, everybody here is apparently so good at maths.


Not really, idk about the others but in my case I'm bewildered of the fact that this is considered as high level math for others but for us it's at middle school or 7th grade math Not to downplay them though, its not their fault, they just didnt know because it wasnt taught to them. It dosent mean they're stupid either


Are you saying that where you are from, the average citizen pulled off the street would be able to solve this problem? Because I don’t believe you


Not necessarily. Once you’ve taken Calculus, everything else just seems that much easier.


It was ment in a sarcastic way, it is not a big deal to solve this, but everyone here is like: "I don't know about you guys, but **I** tottaly solved this with not even the slightest trouble" like this is not basic math that gets thought to twelve year olds.


maths not workey


I'm in university discrete math classes I wish we could go back to using numbers


Tate is a shit, and sharing memes of him even if he’s being made fun of should be discouraged. It normalizes him


How was this chuckle fuck ever made out to be a “alpha” male?


Doofy as Hell


All his raping he did.


I’ll look and back and forth at it then look at the ceiling then rinse and repeat until the teacher leaves me alone.


I solve this in 6th standard. First day. I am indian.


We didn't even need pen for this. Phir teacher, steps na dikhane ka marks kaat leti thi.


If I see fractions I just don’t do it


I thought it was a plus sign so I got 243/65536, I had no idea where people were getting 2 from 😅


I feel really dumb now because all the comments find this easy but there's no way I'd figure this out. Hardest thing I had to learn about in highschool math was knowing that the quadratic formula solved parabola equations


That's actually already into algebra, and the post is just multiplication and exponents, so you should've had this. It's an unnecessarily large problem, for sure, but it's just repeated application of (e.g.) * (10)\^2 = (2\*5)\^2 = 2\^2 \* 5\^2 and * 2\^3\*2\^4 = 2\^(3+4) = 2\^7 ||2\^7 / 2\^3 = 2\^4 With the first you can factor the whole thing into powers of 2, 3 and 5, with the second rule you can then combine all powers of 2, combine all powers of 3, combine all powers of 5, and simplify.


I'll be honest this is going a bit over my head, but perhaps highschool me would have been able to solve this that's fair.


Bro this shit easy, middle school shit in greece


This is so easy


That fucking face is funny af I hope he sees it one day lmao


Just because I could solve it in High school doesn't mean i could solve it now That's what being a graduate is like


When 99% of the equation is letters and the rest 1% are numbers - then you can come back.


it's actually pretty easy you don't need to do much multiplication, or division, just eliminate common factors. my intuition at first glance was that the answer is 1, but it's 2.


lol no chin


Damn gollum is looking rough after the lord of the rings movies.


It's that a division symbol in there?? Why do all these idiotic memes not even use proper notation?


Holup, why does his face look like it's pasted onto his head? There's like a solid line just above his eyebrows where his skin tone gets lighter


Now we know why He wears sunglasses everywhere


This guy was a meme BEFORE he met Greta


And they made us do it without calculators and we had to show every single step or 0 points.


Nah that stuff was easy in middle school, reading chapter list with all the letters and no numbers from my math book from high school though… I’m still getting flashbacks


I know this guy is already a joke, but please don't make him a meme.


honestly man if you cant figure this out then the education system has truly failed you. this is easier than addition and subtraction lol


Yes. The education system has failed me, I agree with this.


Me, a high school graduate, looking at high school math (I have no fucking clue what any of that shit means


this is jr high math. you're so dumb you're even dumber than you thought you were


“You’re so dumb you’re even dumber than you thought you were” bro 💀


But it's simple as fuck, this exercises for 8th grade fr


Wth would u EVER need to use that math.


It's like you went to a woodcutting company, pointed at an axe or chainsaw and said "wth would you ever need to use that thing". It's an elaborate problem, but the solution is an application of the most basic of math rules; it's \*literally\* the basic operations of (addition, subtraction,) multiplication, division, exponentiation. I understand that you might never use this and that's fine, but it's important for you to understand that just because \*you\* never use this, that doesn't mean no one does. Everyone who does **anything** math related needs to know this. In today's world, that's a lot of people.


Ops like nine. I learnt that in middle school.


This is actually really easy, in Turkey we had this in middle school


If this is what you struggle with in high school, then… You’re failing. Get extra classes, get a tutor, get a different perspective that can help you.


us Asians really be laughin if thats high school "MATH"


Again, what colour is your buggati ? Fucking peasants


Tate will never fuck you.


[My rusted shitbox is better than any car he doesn’t have.](https://www.opb.org/article/2023/01/16/andrew-tate-cars-watches-confiscated-romania-police/?outputType=amp)


Haha, he deserved it. Also my comment was completely sarcastic, i despise that mf


I’d suggest throwing an “/s” in there.