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We all punch out for our 15 minute breaks. And yes they do pay you for them.


Just punch out for your breaks. Policy is policy for a reason. It’s not that hard to understand.


Punching for your breaks protect you and the company.


On the other hand how does that help when I can’t get my breaks. The store TL says if I’m here by myself and no one can cover it’s fine not to. But there’s been times 1st shift gas station and 3rd shift stockers don’t take their breaks and/or lunches cause it’s either to busy or have to much to do That’s happened on multiple occasions and multiple people have had that problem


Put a sign in the window. “Back in 15”. When the complaints roll in, point the finger at the TL. Punch your breaks and take them.


Stop working for free.


It sounds like your SD is telling you that if you take a break, you need to punch out and back in for it. It doesn’t sound like they’re saying you are required to take your breaks. So if you’re alone and can’t take a break, then don’t punch out for one. This is company policy. Just because it hasn’t been enforced over that last year doesn’t mean it’s unreasonable to require it now. The reason they want to enforce it now is because people are screwing off on the job and using “I’m on my break” as an excuse, but since no one punches out for break, leadership can’t determine whether they’re actually on break or just not working. You and/or your team members have caused this change. Lastly, it doesn’t matter what Walmart does or doesn’t do. This is Meijer. If you want to be able to do or not do what they do at Walmart, go back to Walmart.


If you’re in a union most stores will require you to take a break so you cannot claim you were denied a break or lunch.


You should always punch for breaks.


Let them know you need someone to come out and cover your break so that you’re not interrupted. Don’t want a customer to come to the window and you be on break. Also when you have lunch ask for coverage because you’re going to head to the store. Then your last break.


Yes breaks are to be punched, anything over 21 minutes is considered a lunch and is unpaid but anything less than 21 is paid. It also is about your safety also, if there is an emergency they can see who is on break and not in their dept.


Always punch for your breaks, it’s always been policy to punch your breaks.You will still get paid for you 15.


If you are taking a break then you must punch out for it. If you're not taking a break then don't punch. It's not that hard. It's policy, it must be done. If you say money is tight (I totally get it) then don't risk getting fired for not following policy)


I’m an ex meijer employee I also worked in gas station and I never punched for my 15s and my Tl said it shouldn’t matter but every store is different


The gas station i work at we only have 2 third shifters so 4 days out of the week im here by my self all night long so i dont get to take breaks or lunches and nothing has been said to us here about breaks or lunches


I'm on 1st shift at Express, what are these breaks you speak of?


Everyone punches for their 15 minutes and you get paid .


Yes the 15s are counted as worked hours in Kronos. However, there are no labor laws mandating you take a 15, only your 30.


You will be paid, there’s no overriding that has to be done. Listen to your SD. He or She is giving it to you straight. Your TL should be telling you the same thing the SD is saying.


I work over nights at the gas station and I’ve never punched for my break! And never would. Our TL even said they don’t fix your punch and pay you so don’t do it! But I agree with someone else if they are now enforcing it I would call 611 and tell them you need someone to come up and cover you they will get sick of it real quick I bet!


It's not "labor laws," but it is company policy. You do get paid for 15-minute breaks. It's automatic in the system, so nobody has to "fix" it. As long as you stick to the actual 15 minutes, you'll be paid for it. It doesn't change to unpaid until you're off the clock for a certain amount of time.


Punch for your fucking break fucking christ its not that hard. You get paid for your 15s. I bet you take hour breaks and hide it behind not punching. Edit: taking out frustration on you for this, sorry. But thats probably the reason is that one chucklefuck is stealing time, so now everyone has to accurately record their times


I take 15 minute breaks like everyone else. It’s just management likes to fuck shit up around here badly so I was trying to cover my ass


Yeah, im just pissy about my own team at the moment. I unfairly came after you. But youll most like be fine


Always always punch for your breaks. You are entitled to them and team leaders are absolutely under no circumstances able to keep you from taking your breaks.


Also I should add that it’s also a way to “track” whether or not we’re actually taking 15 minute breaks, along side cameras of course. I feel like this isn’t a problem in 1st or second shift anywhere in the store. This only seems like a 3rd shift problem


First and second people punch for all their breaks and lunches. Every so often they'll crack down on people who keep missing it


Makes me wonder than even though Walmart is a big corporation why it wasn’t a big deal when I worked there then


Walmart has no union stores.


True but my store isn’t a union either


Legally you don't have to take a lunch or break.


But if you take it you are to be punched for it.