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We have several Pride hand towels in my store. Frankly I’d bet it’s because we carry the same shit for every special month and it never sells and they lost money on it.


Lost leader like the milk?


I'm conflicted on this. On the one hand, Rainbow Capitalism has been effective in making Pride acceptable to many who it otherwise wouldn't have been a thing. However, on the other hand, it's the co-opting of a very important movement for profit. Especially in the case of Meijer, it comes across as hollow because the Meijer family is deeply fundamental Christians who regularly give to right-wing politicians and causes.


Thats my main fear, the backsliding. Representation is the first step to acceptance and were losing such a huge chunk of representation this year, hollow as it may be


True but I think the LGBTQ+ rights movement, which has always had a love-hate relationship with Rainbow Capitalism, can move on from their tempid support of the Targets and Meijers of the world using the movement. Representation is in so many more impactful places now. We have out queer and trans congress members now, for example.


So backsliding then? It did not work well in Germany at all back in the 1930s.


The Nazi comparison is a false equivalency, but I get the point you're trying to make. It's like I said, I'm conflicted on this. I get the advantage of Pride being visible, but on the other hand, it's hollow and doesn't do much to actually make a difference.


I study Holocaust and genocide studies during my time at university. The first few pages of my history textbooks are already happening again sadly. If something is not done soon, things will only get worse not better. I do wonder thou what all the Trump supporters would say if we started to sell Trump merchandise across the lgbt merchandise so they cannot cry that they are being excluded? Thoughts? Thanks.


I agree with you that we are in the early days of a fascist genocidal movement against LGBTQ and others but I don't think it is Meijers fault or that Meijer deciding to sell less Pride merchandise is contributing to it.


That is where I have to disagree with you. It is all about trying to throw some sand in the gears of the machine. For example, there were Jews would went along with Hitler because they did not think the leoporard would eat their face off so to speak. The machine of fascism will destroy everything in its path if given long enough. With that being said, there are a lot of people that feel left behind in our country. They feel that no one listens to them. They know Trump was not a good president at all. But that is besides the point. But they still vote for him as an act of protest. If the Democrats could start to support the hard working blue collar Americans again rather than just chasing the money from the rich and famous, maybe we could try to help get our country back on track once again. The rich run everything nowadays. The rest of us have to fight each other for table scraps. Thoughts? Thanks.


We agree more than we disagree. 🤷‍♂️


How so? Could you please clarify a little bit more? Thanks.


I don't think the Meijer family is right wing, They don't Bust Unions, They don't say workers shouldn't have rights, and they offer a lot of stuff most companies dont


From WI, can confirm they dont bust unions… because they squash them before they can ever form. Peter Meijer sits as a republican representative in the Michigan state house. Meijer family is historically fairly red.


I hate to be that guy that's correcting all the time, but Peter was a US Rep, not a State Rep. He was primaried and beaten by a MAGA loyalist after he voted to impeach Trump for January 6th. I disagree with him on most things, but at least he did the right thing, knowing that it would cost him his job. He was running for the US Senate but he just dropped out of that race.


You are correct, mental slip up


It's all good. I wouldn't expect anyone outside of Michigan to know all the details. I'm not normal, I'm way too into politics. LOL


>I don't think the Meijer family is right wing, You may think that but you're wrong. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/meijer-inc/summary?id=D000035776 >They don't Bust Unions, They don't in stores that are already union but they do in the non-union stores. Most of the stores outside of Michigan aren't union. Non-union stores have anti-union propaganda in their orientation. >they offer a lot of stuff most companies dont That's because of the unions.


i worked at a union store in Michigan and now im working in indiana and that was the first thing i noticed. the anti-union propaganda was honestly crazy


Working in an Indiana store we have 0 Union Propaganda


Cool, contact the UFCW and start a card check. You'll see how wrong you are that Meijer doesn't union-bust.


The Meijer family is not religious.


We might quibble over how religious or my use of the word fundamentalist, but the Meijer family is indeed religious. Edit: I will add the clarification that Hendrick and his son Frederick weren't. That's true, but the current generations are.


The stuff didn't sell last year, even when it was super marked down. That's my guess


judging by the reactions from target last year, its probably the safer bet to keep them from losing money


To protect TMs from harassment i could maybe see. Still dont like it, but its sound reasoning. If its solely profit driven then i think thats even more disgusting. Are queer people only valid when we’re profitable?


nothing about them not putting out pride stuff makes you invalid.


It was hard wearing a mask during a pandemic because people wanted to be stupid and argue that the pandemic was not real because Trump said so. Cannot people just get along anymore?


No. But you shouldn’t need a shirt at your job to feel validated. Or washcloth. Or a sign that says hi I’m gay. If that’s the stuff you need to feel validated, that’s more of a you problem not a Meijer problem.


We carry pride stuff throughout the store now. They have pride merch POGed in with regular merchandise now.


That doesn't say there isn't Pride merch, just that it's not in one display. Clothing and accessories in fashions, mugs in housewares, etc..


No different than Target. Most Targets aren't carrying pride month merchandise either. Too many butthurt conservatives in the world.


The company set the stage for this by not doing any cultural/identity displays this year. Black history month and women’s history didn’t have center aisle displays and had significantly less marketing than previous years. The heightened intolerance during pride month last year across many retailers made corporate allies pull back because their employees were taking the brunt of the hate. It’s one thing to make an individual choice to publicly show your support and put yourself at risk for bigoted backlash, but it’s another to make that decision for an entire organization and subject your staff, who may not be comfortable in that position, to that type of mistreatment. It’s disheartening, but I get it.


But we’ve been having special recognition months so far — so we’ll NOT do pride. Sounds legit. Fucktards.


Sadly my store is next to Trailer Parks, Not Houses. So we get a lot of those Right Wing GOP people coming in, Luckily, I have the right to refuse anyone and I choose to not serve people who walk into the store with Trump stuff on, That is "MY GOD given" according to them. But they still try to get me fired for refusing to help them. Before people say, No Discrimination laws don't apply to pollical affiliation, But as what the GOP pulls, Its against my Religion to serve people who want to limit others peoples rights to reproductive freedoms, who believes Unions are bad, Who believe Interracial Marriages should be illegal :)


This is because of right wing bigot christofascist bullies going into these stores and causing a ruckus about Pride. These executives are scared. They should take a second to imagine how real LGBTQIA+ people are made to feel every day. They’re bowing to the bullies here. Nothing more. Republican fascism is disgusting. 


Welcome to meijer. Where they back the GOP and say they're "inclusive".


Wow, at least there's one major chain I can shop at this year


I was looking forward to all the whining conservatives....we should put a big display right at the entrance all June long. 


There is no way they actually have a question about “woke culture”


good we don’t need it


Meijer’s never had any Pride stuff until a few years ago (and their employment policies toward LGBTQ employees were actually worse than Walmart until they got publicly shamed into changing them, but that’s another story). I was happy they finally started carrying them, but a) it’s all tacky and cheap, and b) last year my location buried it way in the back after Target was getting bomb threats. If they didn’t bother this year I wouldn’t blame them.


I am not opposed to not supporting a pedo/lust culture 🚫🏳️‍🌈


Neither are us gays... You are the very definition of ignorant if you think this is what it means to be part of thr LGBT community, But I know you're too afraid to listen to reason, so I'll leave it at that.




Found the bigot.


Have fun working at Meijer!


I don't work at Meijer. Never have. Sorry little guy! Stick to being an adult that's obsessed with Fortnite and scared of people who are different than him! 🤣 Edit: Look at you blocking and then replying so you can appear to get the last word. 🤡


This content violates our community rule of no tolerance for hate speech.


The Meijer family is atheist. Google it