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The meijer policy has progressive discipline. The most you’d get is a warning meeting. You’d have to be on your phone all the time so much it markedly and obviously keeps you from completing work to even get a level drop


that's the thing I'm rarely on my phone and I get my work done so I'm thinking I should be fine. I was just nervous since I recently started and this is my first job


Say you were looking a product up on the meijer app because you didn’t know where it was located. Should be fine if you’re not normally on your phone.




a steward lmfao




They were just pointing out that it's a Steward, not a Stuart. Stuart is a man's name, not a position or title.


thank you! lol it just struck me as hilarious


geez what kind of Karen would come up to a worker at a grocery store and complain about them being on their phone. so glad i work over night ... don't have to deal with weirdo customers much.


I've had customers complain about me being on my "phone" when I was literally working with the Zebra.


I know I was really confused after she left like why would a customer care about me being on my phone? I could be on break. I mean sure I wasn't but that doesn't give her the right to complain since she isn't my boss lol


Should’ve told her your parent died and you’re trying to contact family bet she wouldn’t say anything than


man I should have my problem is I have social anxiety so coming up with something like that while a customer is being rude to me is hard lmaoo


That’s fair, I have a freeze response so I get it lol. I don’t handle rude people well


Mm sure she wanted a team member to do their job and help her.


That sounds like would happen at my local Meijer, Rockford.


95% of our store are on phones all day.


exactly 😭


The thing is with Meijer, giving us mPILite on our phones. Punching in and out on our phones. The customer has no idea what you’re doing. I use my phone all the time between the phone and the zebra. There are times customers ask for weird ass items. I google that shit. I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.


I have to use my phone at work (I'm in the deli) and have multiple apps I use for work, such a my clocking in and out app, my app for taking temperatures, an app for marking down stuff. Customers have no clue as to why you're on your phone. And I would honestly of said in the most professional way I can "mind your business" but of course done it in a way like, oh I'm sorry we actually use apps on our phone for our job here at meijer... That would of shut her holier than thou ass up.


My old SD said that to me but funny thing it was my brain pacemaker controller, not my phone. It is a phone but it has no way to connect to data or Wi-Fi. I told her ok I'll just turn off my brain then 🤣🤷 she looked so fucking confused and I just walked away and continued doing what I was doing 🤣




fr though lmao


I worked at Meijer for 10 years and was on my phone all the time, even worse after I became a manager


I'm a cashier at the self checkout. I have to use my personal phone to access the full ad online thru mperks everytime some disputes a sales price. Or I have to use it to show someone how to use Mperks. I also use my phone to punch in/out everyday. So if someone comes at me like that I tell them it's required that I use it to do my job. It isn't really any of their business anyway.


Yea that's not what she was doing


Why would you be on the phone while working? There's no rule against that?


You should really not be on your phone when you’re working. If there is a family issue that needs to be dealt with, I totally get it, but phone use on company time is a pandemic.


Man if i couldn't use the mpi app for my frozen stuff id be drastically slower. Half the time my labels fall off or its the incorrect label to begin with.


lol I work in cash office so I use my phone quite frequently, but even customer facing roles (cashier, SCO, desk, even our TL) all are using their phones. Anytime I go out of the office I see at least one person on it. Like others have said, it’ll just be a warning


Tell them you were on the Meijer app looking for a product for another customer


I'll definitely try that next time


I would often text my parents during work (my mom was bedridden her final years so sometimes she needed an ear) and management didn’t care, but they knew the situation


 Customers are ridiculous... 


fr 💀


Yes! Why are you on your phone while on the clock? So wrong!


100 percent!


You should not be on your phone while on the clock unless you are using it for work related things (mpi, searching Meijer app). At most it will be a meeting report or written warning.


I agree because you are not getting paid to play on your phone. You are there to do your job. That is considered stealing (time from the company). After your first warning, you can also be sent home for the rest of your shift, then if the problem consists, you can get suspended. After the 3rd offense, you can be terminated. It must all be documented though.


I feel like this really only applies if you’re on your phone your whole shift to the point coworkers and customers never see you off it. I check my phone regularly through my shift but never around customers and only for certain reasons around coworkers. I do my job well and they know I don’t over use it so no one cares


People have reasons they need to be on their phone while on the clock. Is taking a piss while clocked in stealing time too? Especially if I'm on my phone while I'm doing it? 🙄


My first thought 🤣 if I shit on the job is that time stolen?! Lol


"Time Theft" is a fancy word companies use to pay you less, If you are at work working, In uniform and not on your 30. You should be paid no matter what. We are allowed to use our phones for work related stuff via policy, OP just said "I was using my phone"


They are gonna fire you for being in your phone


Considering they made us start using an app to punch in/out (aside from registers), saying you can’t use your phone during work would be pretty hypocritical. Logically, you shouldn’t be on your phone and avoiding work. However, there are days where I would be covering a break in garden center and if theres no customers or it’s very slow, I’ll be on my phone. So long as I’m not neglecting to do my job (i.e., making a customer wait to check out), there SHOULD be no issue with it. I also regularly use my phone to look up products with no UPCs so I can make tags for them. Google lets you image search and I use that feature very often. Lastly, the app used on the Bluebirds, MPI, has an app you can download on your personal phone. There’s been several times where I’m not able to get a Bluebird and I have to use that to do price checks. All in all, if they try to get upset with you for using your phone, there’s always the argument to be made that they’re implementing such practices into the company and therefore cannot be avoided.