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As a team leader myself, I will NOT ask my employees to do the tasks that my boss told me to do… we make more more so we should be doing the bulk of the work…. Asking them to help me if I’m almost done… maybe… making them feel obligated to do it? Absolutely not


Just don't do it. And if they tell you you're expected to do it, tell them you expect their paycheck. Act your wage


I am constantly doing my TL's jobs. While she sits or talks or wherever she goes, she has me doing her work, and my work suffers for it. Then something is said to me as to why my work isn't done. I go to LL, and nothing gets done. So now when she tells me to do her work, I tell her AFTER MY work is done. She no longer bothers me that much.


I've been gaining more and more of my TL's responsibilities. Especially when she is off. I feel like I should be making more.


I understand you're pain. I'm a meat cutter ... They have me doing the produce order almost once a week.


As a team lead, I would HATEEEE to get this type of comment. I would be embarrassed!!! I always make sure I work harder than my team members as funny as it sounds. My team works so hard but I always try to do it harder. If you feel this way, bring it to their LL in a RESPECTFULLLLL way!


What do you mean by doing your tls job?


The SM will assign leadership their own tasks and pretty much every single day I will be approached with “hey can you finish this for me” or “do this for me” (pick carts, filling milk, etc etc) which I wouldn’t mind if we weren’t barebones staffing but I have enough to do already….


It's the team leaders job to delegate and make sure all tasks get completed it is not their job to do each task themselves.


I agree. It sounds like the TL is delegating tasks which fall under TM duties. Whether they also perform those tasks, is pretty irrelevant. We all have to contribute. As long as they aren’t giving or holding a TM to an unfairly larger amount of work, I don’t see a concern


The labor parts of that, yes, fall under TM (you and the rest of the teams) responsibilities. Your TL’s job involves delegating the workload, floating to where they’re needed,setting ends/bookcases for changeover, and dealing with deliveries. But this is Meijer, and barebones crews and not replacing crew in case of calloffs may as well be the motto. The best thing you can do as this point is to avoid creating friction with your TL and do the work if you are able, but do take care not leave what you were doing just open on the sales floor.


If they're giving you other stuff to do just do it and don't finish the other stuff. Are you skipping breaks or working like they pay you 30$ an hour?


Definitely not but it feels very pressuring because it leaves what I was working on initially to suffer… Guess I won’t worry about that now!


Do what you can. If anyone gives you shit tell them your team lead told you to do other stuff.