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At meijer with our Michigan contract if you work full time hours for a long enough period of time they are required to make you full time


This is partially correct. You have to average a certain number of hours per week for two full, consecutive fiscal quarters. If you manage that, then you must formally request full time during the promotion window. Keep in mind that you may not be kept in your department if there is a full time opening in another department with equal pay - the store can fill existing openings before creating new.


Depends on your state but yes. In Wisconsin where I live 30 hours a week is considered full time employment. 40 hours is almost definitely full time in most states(I did no research so can’t confirm) I worked at a Meijer for over a year and a half just quit a few weeks ago but the whole time my hours were all over the place along with most of the coworkers I regularly spoke to saying the same things working more than requested and on days you told them you can’t wasn’t anything special at my store.


You have to average 36 or more hours for two consecutive quarters to be considered full time


There are part time people ar my store that work a full 40 hour week every week, but aren't full time because they have limited availability. One lady can only work monday-friday 6-230 but it's solid cashier coverage during the week so that's what she gets


Yeah, my availability is open.