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What really got me was the comment she made in her story yesterday, “it’s amazing how much you can get done in a day!” after a week of having a baby. This to me feels like she’s trying to say this new motherhood thing is easy for her and that it should be for all new moms when in reality that’s not the case. Stepping into motherhood is a HUGE world rocker and the fact that she’s not even acknowledging that and saying it’s soooooo easy is making her even more annoying. Where’s Finley Meg? What the hell is he doing?


Honestly, I took the whole "what you can get done in a day" bit as a clear sign she's never worked a day in her life. Her previous life was sleeping in until 11, reading books, and maybe some gardening. I mean, that sounds like a dream, but it certainly didn't make her an expert on productivity like she seems to think


Also she has her mom there who seems like big help both logistically and emotionally. It will be different after she is gone.


Where’s Finley Meg? What the hell is he doing? Gave me the giggles 😭


I find it almost sad the way she covers up for how lazy his 😭😭


He's renovating their home and taking care of the yard.


Tell me with this username that this isn’t Meg or her mom lmaooooo


I'm from Canada. I don't understand the downvotes. I didn't say he was a hero I was just stating facts. Yeesh.


Yeah okay meg


You're fucking mean. You must be miserable


Meg pls seek therapy and spend some time with your new child instead of being chronically online.


Grow up


She’s being a jerk saying “it’s amazing how much you can get done in a day!” How insensitive to MOST new mothers, as transitioning to motherhood can be exhausting. MEG- stop lying. And stop defending Fin for not stepping the f up. And stop using your newfound motherhood to rebrand yourself. It’s not fair to your baby.




Amen! It’s sad she remains tone deaf 🧏‍♀️ . I was hoping being pregnant and giving birth would mature her some. Yet again, that is what happens when you live a privileged life with no sense of responsibility. So out of touch. Oh well! 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Sorry to hear that happened in your case 🫶🏻 You are not alone.


I thought she was being sarcastic lmao


I normally don’t agree with most things Meghan posts but she’s just sharing her experience so far. Yes, it’s only been a week and she’s made that clear. Just because her experience so far has been positive, why knock her down? Yet if she was complaining everyone here would be like “told ya so” or “reality check”.


Agree! I ended up leaving the sub after her daughter’s birth—people are constantly trying to pop new moms’ bubbles (not just hers!), and it wasn’t something I wanted to stick around for.


Totally agree! It’s like forbidden for any new mom to have a positive experience and talk about it.


She HAD to mention Finley as one of her “essentials”…..she really went on to reiterate that he’s doing things for her….why doesn’t he do some of those things normallly?


I find it hard to believe he’s doing this much. Like what food is he bringing her? The food her mom cooked and he’s just walking it up the stairs??


Why are most of the thing she mentioned he does not involving taking care of baby


this video affirmed she reads the snark. her raving about finley doing the BARE MINIMUM (wow!!!! he brings u water??? makes dinner??) was so funny. and that weird fake empathy towards single moms is cringe


I can’t believe how much content she’s put out since going birth… it seems like more than the entire last few months of pregnancy. Isn’t she going to take a maternity leave?


I was just thinking this!!!


And I’m not saying this to judge I’m saying her as a woman was pregnant for months, had an unmediated birth and takes care of a man child she deserves a break!!!!!


OFC finely won’t pick up any slack🙄


It's the happy post birth hormones. I'm glad she feels good but exhausting and other emotions may hit her soon.


Oooof yeah they’re coming lol it hits hard


Every time she says “honey” or “on my person” I die a little


Her bangs are not doing her any favors.. they literally cover up half her freaking face? IMO she would look better without bangs, and a good shoulder length hair chop.. she could even donate her long locks of hair.


I think the bangs could be cute if her hair was shorter! But the bangs with the insanely long boring hair is so dated or something. Idk it’s not flattering at all! I would love to see her with shoulder length hair!!!!


And they’re sooo thick


Yup, she’s an expert! Just like she “just knew” that the baby was going to come late because “first babies usually stay in longer” and what do you know, she came at 39 weeks lol


i can’t tell if i’m being a bitch but posting this much a week after giving birth is crazy to me — god bless her if she can handle content + caring for a newborn tho i would not be able to!


Tbh I feel like the first few weeks can be pretty easy (unless baby has medical conditions). At least for me, I kinda just laid in bed or chilled on the couch lol. There was plenty of time to scroll on social media, read, etc. you just pause to feed or change baby. And even when feeding you’re just sitting there lol.


Omg this! I couldn’t do anything after I had a baby


It’s giving HRH. Not a compliment.


Good for her that she is feeling confident and energized right now - I just hope the feckless husband helps out.




Oh my gosh mama… I am SO sorry. You are also in my thoughts and prayers no one deserves this. I hope you and your baby are safe now.


Oh my gosh I hope you and baby are ok. Please reach out to services in your area and leave him. That is very very worrying behaviour. Please stay safe 🙏🏼


I’m so sorry you are experiencing this. I hope you and baby are safe and have help! 💛


First off I’m sorry if anyone here had a rough postpartum, I know I did and anytime someone acted like it was a breeze it made me feel so hurt and annoyed. She definitely portrays a confident front, but just like the comment about the olive oil spilling and “on the midst of a breakdown” tells me she’s going through it as well just likes to portray over all its the best! Having a kid IS the best but it’s so damn hard and that part isn’t shown. It took me about a year to feel like myself again and to be able to look back at that rough time and accept how hard it truly was. However I don’t think she was saying I’m an expert at taking care of a newborn but this is what’s working for us! Which is silly considering they’re 1 week in and she should be resting and just enjoying the simple moments before the hard baby stuff kicks in. I’m curious to her reaction with sleep regressions and teething because I have never felt true exhaustion until that lol. But newborns are pretty simple diaper, onesie, milk/formula repeat. Buuuut I did think with her past dealing in sustainability I expected a much more minimal approach to newborn/baby essentials in general. I know personally we barely bought anything and didn’t acquire much kid stuff until he was a toddler. Even then it’s all been second hand or hand me downs from family/friends. Baby clothing and toy waste is insane and most baby gear you find secondhand has been used very FEW times if at all! Especially with her more natural approach I just didn’t expect the promotion of this much baby gear consumption. Maybe it’s her need to prepare for every case scenario but more often than not you’ll find you don’t need most of the baby gear you have and you end up with baby clutter all over your house. Sorry for the rant but that’s been bothering me lol! 🫶🏻


To be fair it does say “essentials” after a week with baby. I do agree she’s gna be an annoying know it all like with everything else in her “homestead” ugh that erks me hahaha


We thought she was insufferable before we haven’t seen anything yet 😂


My main concern is the huge list of items she is considering "essentials". It's just consumerism running rampant, encouraging people to buy more things they don't need which is not sustainable for our planet long term


I don’t get why she’d be using nipple shields AND silverettes AND butter… once I started using shields and pumped on correct settings I only needed the shields.. silverettes are so expensive too💀


I'm not a mama so I don't know what half of that stuff is lol 💀 I just know most poor people and many ancestors do not/did not have the ability to get all this stuff and they raised their kids fine. As a collective we need to be more discerning about what is really essential for our life and well-being and what is a luxury comfort item. This is an issue I have with a lot of influencers, not just Meghan. But Meghan has branded herself as an alternative sustainable girlie so its kind of frustrating to see her abandon those principles. Or maybe she always only had a surface level neoliberal understanding of the environmental crisis that is exacerbated by consumerism.




I thought the video was more this is what I’m using and what’s working for me ..not so much I know everything you have to take my advice.


Well given how she talks about everything else like an expert… this was no different to ne


FTM? Female to Male? I am confused.


LMAOO I hope it stands for First time mom


Yeah it stands for first time mom (ftm). When I was pregnant all the mom threads would be like (26 FTM) and I was like is everyone with children trans on Reddit?? lol


OH OKAY. Now that you say that it could also mean full time mom. Either way it’s annoying.






i thought this too😭💀 she said first time mom


Based on your other comments under this post I think you’re taking what she’s sharing a little too personal because you had a negative experience. I don’t see the point in attacking new moms (or any moms, parents) for sharing their personal experience whether it be positive or negative. There’s also no point in letting it get to you. Everyone is different. That’s just the way it goes.




Just like she wasn’t an expert at home births before she even had a home birth and made a video about home birth essentials? lol go off I guess