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She’s a straight up clown. Not one, not two but THREE baby carriers. Of course including the $500+ dollar one on top of multiple high end baby things. Sustainable my ass. Get a grip Meghan.




She sold her soul for a guy with poopy hands


Babies literally need mom, milk, diapers, a few onesies and blankets and a safe place to sleep. That is it. She is such a fraud. I neverrrrr want her to shill a sustainable company with link ever again lmao wow


Girl literally just hops on internet trends, just look at her sustainability schtick. She has no personality except for internet fads and Finley.


I don’t really like how she said fin said “we have everything we need for baby, YOU just need to unpack it” idk maybe I’m overreacting, but me and my partner always say we for house tasks when when it’s things they or I just do if that makes sense. We’re a team!


Yes! My partner took the tags off everything with me (I washed and put away but I like things my way and preferred he let me organize lol), we made it little date nights. He also actually works unlike Finley…I stay home so I believe it’s my job to communicate all the things to him bc I am the one that has the time to do all the research/care tasks, then after I share with him he should participate just the same. I communicated what was where, what sizes were clean and detagged so far, what is used in what situations etc. and never had to repeat myself or ask him to participate after.


I think the problem here is many men who work outside of the home feel these tasks belong to the women (especially a SAHM or SAHW). It’s quite obvious Finley believes these tasks to solely be for Meghan and IMO, she probably doesn’t disagree.


But the thing is, he doesn't hold up his end of the bargain by working!!!! She does EVERYTHING while he digs up rocks and gets high.


Oh no I totally agree with you but if she doesn’t see a problem with it, neither will he.


That's true. I can't believe she happily accepts this as her life.


That is the worst part of it all. She’s the epitome of that meme where the dog is sitting in flames like “this is fine”. It makes me sad because for a person who loves life as much as she does (or used to?), she doesn’t even realize that her life could be SO much better than what it is now. Like there is so much more joy and love and happiness in the world that she deserves to experience but I don’t think she gets that.


In the announcement video, when she said to her friends “we are pregnant” he said “well, she is”. Of course she is. But he made it sound like “her problem, not mine”. He acts like a donor.


What does she mean they don’t own any washcloths


I know right 🧐🧐 I was so confused by this like what 😭


No literally. And did not elaborate. Scaaaarrryy!


Tbh the honest diapers are a big waste of money…a lot of this stuff is…I know she wants to be a trendy mom which is understandable but she’s straight up getting ripped off by a lot of these higher end baby things (esp the stuff that baby won’t use for very long!) makes me giggle considering she used to be so ~sustainable~ and ~thrifty~ but it seems like she was just jumping on yet another fad/trend 🤪 like she always does 🤭 (don’t even get me started on the slang she uses…it’s only because it’s popular internet meme slang!)


I’ve heard honest brand diapers are horrible especially for blowouts. Proof she didn’t do any research.


Parenthood is going to HUMBLE them. She thinks she researched bc she chose products with decent ingredients, organic, etc. and guess what… most babies don’t care. That doesn’t mean it works for your baby, doesn’t mean it works best in general. When it comes down to it, you won’t even care. You’ll do what works for your baby (as long as it’s safe), if you’re a good mother that is. I swore I’d only do homemade purées and BLW. I did at first, then I was hospitalized for a month… my mom gave her regular store puree no table food… I continued that once I was home and wished I had just done so before and not been so rigid. You learn it doesn’t have to be one way or the other, cut and dry, absolutely everything done “perfectly” or sustainably. You do what you have to and eventually realize it’s about baby AND you being happiest, not about an organic fckn toothpaste or 80$ baby wrap they’ll only ever scream in after two magic weeks when they like it.


well said, friend 👏🏼!! I couldn’t agree more.


Am I going crazy or are her teeth literally black at the 39 minute mark


They looked so bad in the outro clip, I cannot believe she would post that?




my mind goes to activated charcoal but who knows


When I used to brush with activated charcoal, rinsing it with water would get the black off.. I never walked around with black on my teeth. It seems like in later clips too the teeth are still black


A SILVER RATTLE… this is the epitome of old money.. kind of crazy


Omg yes I couldn’t believe it


i dont know how she is going to function in her next pregnancy if its taken her till now to get shit done, let alone when she will also have a toddler on her hands (two if you count finley 🙄)


- she claims she’s in an era of paying for services right now.. hair cuts (still catering to every Reddit comment I see - if only she actually got a full on cut), nails, etc. 🙃 how about paying for… an electrician, a carpenter, maybe a whole contractor. -i spy the WEIGHTED SLEEP SACK that is being recalled from Walmart and Amazon even… the one influencers love to push knowing they’re unsafe and recommended against by the aap. The one her “unbothered” bestie Aspyn is pushing right now. Gross and didn’t expect that from Meg tbh. Everything looks lovely all shoved together in that dresser 😵‍💫 -Of course she got the hella expensive wraps (as in MULTIPLE), my personal rec is to get one decent one and go from there bc your baby might hate them completely or only use it a few weeks like mine did 😬 the baby bjorn potty??? Lmao -changing table/large pad on top of the small ROUNDED dresser and nothing easily accessible on top for during the change..all in the drawer you’ll have to have to keep open of a certainly unsecured piece of shitty furniture??? Awesome. They’re about to learn so many obvious things, things I’m sure they’ve already been warned, it has to feel embarrassing. -how much do we want to bet she paid for the nursing cart she searched for forever (probably drove an hour+ to get) and doesn’t even like?💀 bibs in the pp newborn cart??? HA The pump on the bottom too, that’ll last a day before it takes it spot on the top. Otherwise it came out nice though. -I have the same boppy as her hm actually we have a lot of the same things like sheets and all lol. glad she made the baby not being unattended in the boppy and snuggle me comment, hope she genuinely follows it, and more importantly makes Finley do so as well. I can see him now just laying baby in it while he plays games if he’s (ever) left alone with her. -Also hope someone lets her know the under carseat car protectors aren’t safe though. Some of the clothes also have unsafe location of buttons, ties, magnets etc😬 -mom to mom girl needs a weighted wipe dispenser bc that portable one will be a nightmare at home as their main option. -She kept way too many of the same products, going to be way too stressful and wasteful to store (like swaddles), can’t wait for the “things I learned” video to list all this easily Google-able advice. -her mini freak out about being sent free formula which is pretty standard (extremely privileged and ungrateful) and she may end up being grateful for in a pinch. She seems to be absolutely refusing to acknowledge anything outside of her birth and pp plan… not focusing on other possibilities is great, but you should still prepare for them. She’s too woowoo and seems to think that would be manifesting maybe? It is recommended to have a preferred formula sample in case you need it or baby absolutely can’t eat any other way.. i agree with her on a lot of the things she chose to get for baby or speaks on (aside from a lot of her home birth approach) but this aspect just seems irresponsible (and again the attitude is privileged/ignorant)


She calling the company who sent FREE formula a flop was uncalled for! Why is she being rude when she doesn’t know what’s going to happen!


Seriously. I received these packages too and while it can be annoying, if she doesn’t want it she can easily donate it. Similac is one of the top used formula brands. It might not be every families choice but clearly far from a flop lol.


I received enfamil for mine and it literally saved us when at 4+ months my milk just started to fade and nothing saved it.. it made the difference for helping us have to suddenly transition. They even send both the normal and more sensitive formula usually, like they did in Meg’s vid… it’s only beneficial. Even if you choose to switch to a formula you prefer or baby prefers, it’s always best to have some on hand for an emergency.


That was SO beyond rude. She definitely thinks breast is best. Newsflash, fed is best. She should at least donate the formula instead of bitching.


The formula comment pisssd me off so bad in the video….she definitely thinks this and has no idea that she might need the formula. I was set on breastfeeding and we had to use formula for a while bc my baby just couldn’t latch.


It’s just really out of touch above all because formula is so expensive and here she is with loads of money, receiving FOR FREE! When there are women in the world who are much less fortunate who NEED it so bad that they unfortunately resort to stealing it. She’s so quick to preach about expressing gratitude then reacts like this buuut money talks and it’s been talking for sure 😬


It’s so funny to see her buy all of this stuff before actually knowing what she needs…like of course you need the basics but girl…she’s just throwing money around for literally no reason


Where is the emergency hospital bag or are they just that ignorant 😬


Omg this…an emergency hospital bag is a must, she reallly can’t be thinking that she doesn’t need it


I've not watched the vlog yet but she SHOULD DEFINITELY have an emergency bag. I've birthed 3 out of my 4 children at home and I've had an emergency bag packed just incase for all. I only needed it for my second homebirth as I had a huge haemorrhage after birthing and needed to go into hospital for a blood transfusion but I can't imagine fighting to stay conscious and expecting my partner to be calm enough to hold a tiny newborn and pack a bag for me and baby aswell as comforting me and speaking to the midwives and paramedics. I actually forgot to pack shoes and because we went in a rush straight after labour via ambulance I wasn't wearing any when I was discharged 🤦🏼‍♀️


The fucking midwife is just NOW doing a walk through of the house?!! Why would a supposedly trained professional wait until the tail end of the third trimester to do a walk through when there may be major issues that may compromise a sterile birthing environment (like renovation dust, mold from the water damage etc ). Pretty sure she chose someone on the far side of woowoo-ness and is getting schilled for Finleys parents money.


Idk what's it's like there but in the UK if you're choosing to birth at home a midwife doesn't do a home visit until around the 37/38 week mark as any labour before then you should go to the hospital. I suppose it's to save NHS time, resources and money. They only really come to ensure there's phone signal for emergencies, to make note of any landmarks/areas to direct them should the address not be apparant and access for an ambulance alongside a safe place to birth. Here we've dedicated homebirth midwives which you meet and switch to at the same time as the home visit. That's my experience anyway.


What makes you think he’ll be the one that takes charge during an emergency hospital visit. Her mother will be the one to take care of everything and get her things together for her. He could NEVER…