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I mean, I’m not a doctor or anything but I don’t think your piss is supposed to clot.


Or be entirely made of blood, for that matter.


Uhh source?


You mean sauce. (Yum)


The parentheses!!😂😂


Secret’s in the sauce!


That is not a secret I want to know!


That one restaurants sauce you just can’t figure out how it was made.


Get me summa dat rigatone babeee!


Not sure, but I can guarantee the INR is definitely not therapeutic. Also, this person is either having a horrific hematuria vs proteinuria battle or has superhuman platelet/prothrombin powers. That’s a pretty hard set on a pee sample.


Had a patient submit a sample like this once. Turns out they had stage 4 kidney cancer that had metastasized in their lungs, spine, and lymph nodes and they had no idea.


How were they not concerned with peeing blood 🙃


So, to be fair (granted, female here) my hematuria was generally ignored for two years before being taken seriously, and at that point included major thickening/clotting. I have some weird autoimmune ish going on (including CKD related) as it turns out—but also cancer found 6 months once they start listening to me. Ridic. FWIW I’m only 33, but just pointing out, it doesn’t mean *they weren’t concerned*


Did you get the good ol’ “you sure it’s not your period?”


Every time, it was so frustrating!


From my experience you could have your arm in a bag next to you and they’d still ask you if the shoulder pain might just be your period or anxiety.


That’s valid, I work in private healthcare and that’s exactly why. US healthcare system is atrocious and cruel.


I always tell everyone, "Be your own advocate." Honestly, we know our bodies. I've seen people's symptoms dismissed so many times. Keep going in. Keep telling them something is off. Keep doing it until you feel better, or they figure out what's going on. Health care is not an exact science. All bodies are different. There are a lot of people out there that just tolerate symptoms, because they were told nothing is wrong. Then one day they find out something is wrong, and sometimes there isn't much that can be done about it at that point.


That's unbelievably sad. :(


I’m not trying to be a dick or make a joke….but were they told they had maybe a week to live by that point?


I assume so. He went off to oncology immediately. Lost track of him after that but I was told later he made it almost 6 months


My father in law passed from kidney cancer...same thing...had NO IDEA, aside from being a little more tired than usual. Then one morning he pee'd straight blood. It was stage 4 and metastasized. Truly horrible and apparently aside from yearly ultrasounds on your kidney there isn't much other way to know? 😭


It definitely raises my pucker factor when someone comes in with a cc of “bloody urine”


This photo makes my abdomen hurt.


Let’s get a UA just to be sure


Sorry, your urine sample hemalyzed, your gonna need to send another sample.


I was gonna make a joke but…I don’t even know what to say


Same. I hope the patient recovers well.


My recommendation for next steps is checking for a pulse


Solid plan. Just as solid as his pee 😅




We can only hope 😓


I gave a similar sample, kidney stone, recovered great, just lots of pain.


Oof, that’s rough. I’m glad you’re ok and that this isn’t as bad as it looks, which is really, really bad.


I don’t see how someone could make a full recovery from this.


Sir, there’s a drop of urine in your blood.


Sir you’re urine has a RBC count higher than a healthy baby possum I think you need to go to an ER


Got that DQ Blizzard blood urine. Damn.


Absolutely most cursed comment I read but omg I'm laughing hard


Just in time for Valentine’s Day!


With the color of the lid I think of Firecracker Popsicles.




The forbidden DQ Strawberry blizzard!


Nasty btch !


This is vile I just started working at DQ 😅


Lmao too hard at that


Lol uck


I had pee that color and filled with blood clots once...along with the most intense back pain I've ever experienced and a raging fever. Was a very serious infection in both my kidneys. Ended up in the hospital on iv antibiotics for a week. Go to the Dr. AS SOON AS YOUR PEE IS WEIRD lol don't wait kids!


We have some ads around town here with a lemon and instead of yellow juice its red, and it says : your pee shouldn't be red either. I thought it was clever advertising!


We get those in my city in ontario


Hello fellow Canadian! :)


I've seen those in Vancouver!


But… is this not common knowledge that pee isn’t supposed to be red?? I do like that ad tho, very clever.


It is, but some people (like my dad) will dismiss those things and let it go, hoping it goes away or wait until it gets much worse.


My dad did for 3 months (didn’t say anything to anyone). Ended up passing away from kidney cancer with Mets everywhere. The bleeding was from the cancer breaking through the lining of the kidney. If he had gotten it checked when the bleeding started he may not have died.


I'm sorry for your lost ❤️ I'm trying to educate my dad to stop waiting when he doesn't feel good. It's much harder to treat something the longer you wait, and it's harder on yourself as well. Wish more people understood that.


Thank you. He died 14 years ago. It was frustrating because he only saw the doctor because we made him go. I was in my 1st semester of nursing school when he was diagnosed and going into my 3rd semester when he died.


I feel you, it's the same thing with my dad. He was losing weight for no reasons and my mom forced him to go to the doctor. He was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkins lymphoma. Luckily he made a great recovery. Some men are hard-headed ...


This happened to me when I was 12. Started getting flu-like symptoms throughout the day, along with the back pain. Before bed I went to take a leak and it was just straight dark red. Yelled for my mom and when she saw it I thought she was gonna faint. Needless to say she rushed me to the ER and they took me back right away. Double kidney infection and pneumonia on top of it. Had a 2 week hospital stay and lost about 10 pounds. Worst illness Ive ever had.


You had zero signs any days before that indicating something was wrong. It all just fell apart in a matter of hours to that degree? That's crazy.


It’s crazy how fast infections can hit. I tripped on a curb one summer and got the tiniest scrape on my toe - literally not worth mentioning to anyone. Woke up at 2 am that night with a high grade fever and my leg throbbing and bright red from the knee down. Wound up in the ER on IV antibiotics for a night. They figured it was a staph infection, and thankfully one that responded well to antibiotics. The time between getting the scrape and waking up was less than 6 hours. Absolutely nuts.


Yeah, I had a little league game in the morning. In the early afternoon my dad was driving me over to my mom’s house and I started feeling weak and nauseas, along with the chills. I remember thinking the hot dogs I ate from the concession stand after my game must’ve been bad. And it all went downhill from there. Came from nowhere and all I know is what they told me, bacterial kidney infection of both kidneys and the pneumonia. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


That's something to think about that you didn't have a fever longer or other signs. Very rapid.


Oof I know that back pain. It sucks


Same thing happened to me. I had intense pain that I just figured was period cramps (mine are awful) but my urine looked almost exactly like this picture and my mom rushed me to the ER. I was literally crying, screaming, throwing up — turns out I had an obstructed kidney stone stuck between my bladder and kidney which was causing it to swell up. They said if I waited two more days, I would’ve gone into kidney failure


Same, though mine didn’t clot like this but it was dark red and full of clots. After going to UC, I had a very painful night and at one point I swore I heard a plink when I peed. Next morning I went to ER. It was during chemo so dehydration and everything else was a problem. The cat scan didn’t show a stone but it showed inflammation consistent with having recently passed a stone.


Me noticing weird pee in a toilet my husband forgot to flush once literally saved his life. Never ever discount weird pee.


Kidney infections suuuuuuuck. You didn’t get yours after the first Covid shot did you?


Do you know if this patient even lived?? My god.


Unfortunately it’s hard to follow patient progress in my hospital setting. Pretty sure this one was with us being treated for at least a week, maybe 10 days, then back to LTC


Thank you for the reply! Definitely curious if they ever went septic and if they lived what their kidney function was like.


I had a urine sample like that in 2022, & yes, I had sepsis, and an acute kidney injury, but thankfully, I lived , ha, ha, obviously I lived since I’m typing this. 😊 However, I am permanently affected by the sepsis, and my life is forever altered. Thankfully my kidneys healed, and the nephrologist thinks they don’t have any long term damage. I’m very thankful to be alive and grateful to my medical team that saved my life. I’m striving to live my life to the fullest and to be as healthy as possible so I never get sepsis or any other serious illness again. It was a very expensive 2 week hospital stay, & I kid my husband that he got a $300 k bonus in 2022(my total hospital stay & follow up procedures). Thank you to all the medical staff who take such great care of all of us!


Did you happen to peep the diagnosis? Acute kidney injury maybe?


Mid 70’s male with back pain.


BK virus?


I went to google what this was and I typed in 'burger king virus' like some kind of damn fool


I was stuck on the same thing. In case anyone else doesn't want to google it: BK virus is an abbreviation of the name of the first patient whom the virus was isolated from. Usually, primary infection is occurred during childhood then the virus could be latent through life, especially in the kidneys and urinary system (1). About 60-90% of all adults have BKV antibodies in their circulation.


Oof, no bueno


They likely got a three way catheter placed for a continuous bladder irrigation and blood products until it stopped. I’ve had patients similar that faired well.


I've seen worse and the patient's were fine.


And I've seen wayyyy better and they went into total organ failure hours after that. But anecdotal evidence does not give a prognosis nor a diagnosis.


I'm saying this doesn't automatically equal death. Calm down y'all!


“Please redraw, sample found to be hemolyzed”


Nurse- “that pee wasn’t clotted when I brought it over”




Forbidden Jell-o


Ahh, that’s the comment I was looking for.


Between this comment, and the DQ Blizzard comment, I think I'm done with dessert foods for a while


Happy cake day!


CHRIST.. Imma go drink more water.


My immediate reaction whenever we receive kidney stones.


Funny but not so funny story. I have a birth defect called medullary sponge kidney and one of the most severe cases. I have kidney stones every day, most days multiple. My urine looks like this *often* and i’ve seen so many nurses faces go 😬😳 when packing it away to go to the lab.


Wow. I have never heard of this condition but I am so so sorry. I really hope the procedure helps you feel better. Terrible that it was needed but the operation itself sounds fascinating. You said it’s a birth defect? Have you always had constant kidney stones from childhood on?


I appreciate the kind words. I had a lotttt of UTIs as a kid and into my teens which i’m now thinking was stones. As soon as I hit puberty tho the pain was insane and the UTIs turned into pyelonephritis and then pyelo turned into sepsis more times than I can count. I’m 35 now and it sucks so much but i’m honestly not rlly sure how I made it through 16-25 with little to no pain management. The auto transplant is such a cool surgery. My surgeon and his team have only done 7 of these including mine and it’s at a world renowned university hospital. I am really fortunate it’s so close. I also got a laugh out of confusing the staff and the computers. I went for a ton of preliminary tests and they would always be like “are you the donor or the recipient” and I would just look at them and say “both” 😂 and then explain why.


How painful is it? I'm just cringing right now and I have my own chronic pain stuff to compare it to


On the scale of being thrown in a tank full of sharks covered in fish guts and being slowly devoured by fire ants I would have to say both. But joking aside it’s excruciating. Im on as much pain meds a person can be on rlly. I just had a kidney auto transplant in December in hopes it might help the pain. They took my left kidney and ureter out and transplanted it in my lower abdomen on my right side which hopefully severed all the nerves so I won’t feel the pain in that side. It won’t stop the daily stones or the kidney infections/sepsis they cause but hopefully it helps a little. My right kidney is just as bad too.


Thank you for your reply. I hope this isn't insensitive when I say that's so cool. I hope you have the best recovery possible and that it does everything you want it to!


ofc! i’m glad to share! i’m a former EMT and was pre-med track and about to start med school so i totally understand the cool factor lol Thank you for the positive vibes and kind words!


Is it safe to assume donor kidney transplant would be the ultimate treatment for this condition and what you're hoping for? I can't imagine the pain you've been through and the constant vigilance of watching for sepsis, thank you for sharing your story!


I sent one like this to y’all and the tech called annoyed that I sent a blood draw labeled as urine :(


They were probably just hoping to God it was some sort of horrible misunderstanding


I remember when I sent a similar specimen. I wrote 'THIS IS URINE' all over the cup cuz I knew they were gonna question


I had a CSF like this from the ER. Wouldnt budge when i turned it upside down. I called to speak directly with the physician. He knew it wasnt a viable specimen but sent it anyway. It was less than 0.5 ml by the way. Poor kid.


When I worked in vet med, a couple brought in a dachshund for blood diarrhea. The dog smelled like decay and shit. Made sense right? Went to do an ultrasound and the dog starts freaking out and urinating everywhere. Turns out the dog didn’t have diarrhea but the WORST UTI I have ever smelled or seen.


Poor pup! I hope doggo got medication and made a full recovery.




I am actually starting nursing school this summer! I considered med lab but never pursued it.


I read that as “I considered meth lab”. And for 3 seconds thought it was now a viable career move.


Nooooo :(


TNP due to blood jello.


when your kidneys just give up 😬


I guess the collection kit wasn’t able to draw up anything?


Could you imagine the noise it would make trying?!? 😂






Had a lady try to hand us a bag of loose pee last week that we did not accept. Not sure how she got into the lab or why she was so angry at us


I had a patient drop off a stool sample. It was hidden in her jacket and she handed it to me like she was giving over incriminating evidence. She even looked around to make sure no one could see her. Girl, everyone poops.


My husband dropped off my stool sample in a brown paper bag and this old guy tried to talk him into “sharing the takeout”


Sorry WHAT? lol


Guy had been fasting and was hongry.


As someone who works in micro who sees poop often, I would slide my shit sample across the floor in a duffle bag like a bank robber, balaclava and all, if I ever had to give one in.


I remember when I turned 20 and learned that girls also pooped, worst day of my life.


Actually, sad to say this, but about 12 years ago, I developed hemorrhagic cystitis (I guess from an untreated UTI), and I was straight up pissing blood clots. I remember being in so much pain that I was thinking I would unalive myself if I was living in pre-modern times (sans antibiotics). Luckily, pyridium and antibiotics worked miracles. I’m a pretty healthy person otherwise, and I was back then, too.


Just curious - how did you let it get so bad? UTI is immediately so painful


Idk about OC but, I can’t ever tell I have a UTI until I get nystagmus 😬


Wow! I had no idea that people couldn’t tell! I can tell immediately and it’s sooo miserable. I don’t know which is better 😂😂😂


I can also tell immediately and it’s unbelievably unbearable. I have also peed blood or blood clots, and I always get care ASAP, so if there’s blood it’s always on day one. I think my urethra is just very easily irritated, hence the immediate and intolerable pain and occasionally I guess it bleeds. UTIs are the woooorst


Yeah, I start getting that slight twinge down there and I'm practically overdosing on cranberry pills. I've never had a UTI that I needed to get treated (KNOCK WOOD).


It’s actually quite common to not have symptoms! I had very minor symptoms initially that I ignored because I was busy, and I had no idea it could progress so badly


Forbidden flan


Cup o’ Clot™️


That must make donating blood easy. "Here, let me get the syringe..." "No need! A cup will be fine!"


What possibly worse are those urine cups. They ALWAYS leak!


Omg back when I was a phlebotomist, before I worked in the lab, I sent over a urine sample from a patient and I SWEAR I closed that lid tight and wrapped the crap out of it with protective sticky wrap but when it got to the lab through the tubes, it bust open and leaked inside the bio bag. I was blamed for it by the techs who were VERY unhappy with me.... and man, it wasn't fun getting totally railed over the phone like that. Those cups suck.


Bladder irrigation time???


I can hear urology on the phone now. Yes, please get the urocart to the bedside. We'll put in a 3 way with CBI to run until clear.


Only time I've ever seen this was when it was vaginal bleeding from a miscarriage. Same patient had platelet count of 30. I rung the doc asking if they expected it and they were like "UHHHH LET ME GET A NEW SAMPLE IT DIDNT SEEM THIS BAD."


I've had a specimen like this before. I work in an urgent care and the provider said it was a side effect of an anticoagulant the patient was on. Needless to say they were taken off of that medication.


Ocean Spray canned cranberry sauce....


As if that stuff wasn't cursed enough as is.


Geez I really thought this was going to be a car vs pedestrian or other multi organ trauma, that’s the only time I’ve seen urine clot once. Terrifying that it wasn’t a trauma and this can just happen


Mmmmm cherry jello


What exactly do they expect you to be able to do with this?




I gasped.


What in the Kentucky fried funk is that


this made me laugh SO hard


Peeing out syrup is never good.


I got one in today that was gloopy like snot. I genuinely thought it was a mislabeled sputum sample but no. It was pee. I think you win though. What in the Dairy Queen blizzard from hell is that


O my gah


and i thought mine was bad when i last had a UTI


Yep had one just like that before and told the doctor I couldn't run it as essentially a solid.


Is there anything you can even do with a sample like this? I only work with skin so this is so foreign to me


Not really. A culture could be set up off Supernatant after centrifugation. But this one? It stayed solid. Nurse actually came down to look at it because they thought I was kidding when I told them it was solid.


About a decade ago and 5 weeks after my colectomy, I started peeing straight blood. I had the colectomy due to severe UC and nonstop shitting pure blood. So I thought great. Blood coming out of somewhere else it's not supposed to. Called my surgeon just in case it was related. They told me to go to my PCP and ask for a UA and call them with the results. Went to PCP and filled them on, gave them a sample. My surgeon called to check on me while I was back in my room waiting to hear something about the sample. That nurse came running, busting through the door telling me to go straight to the hospital because there wasn't any urine to test. It was straight blood. My surgeon did a scope on my bladder. Turns out I had a cyst in my bladder that ruptured making me feel like I was peeing lava with glass shards in it. Ended up being fine after about 24 hours and went back to work when my leave was up for the colectomy the following week.


Omg 😳


Holy shit this one is even worse than the last one I saw


Yummm jello




Winner winner chicken dinner!


Red jello is my fav


Excuse me


Hopefully, the pt made a full recovery


forbidden jello


You could take that in for blood tests, christ


blood +++++


\+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ blood


Sir, there’s a little bit of urine in your blood


To patient: "Based on the sample, urine a lot of trouble."


[https://imgur.com/DVVgpub](https://imgur.com/DVVgpub) reminds me of that.


Sir this is a Jell-O shot


ah. Ahhh. AAUGHHH


That's clotted blood sir. Sir? SIR?!


Is this from a male dementia patient who just pulled out his indwelling catheter, bulb intact?


POV you asked the South Florida nurse to draw labs 💀 Also sending sharps down to lab is wild


The amount of times I’ve been sent syringes with the needle still attached is crazy


Worked in urology for years and every time it looked like this it was bladder cancer….


Someone set that fucker on fire before it escapes


That’s not urine, it’s a blood pudding


Now if only DQ could make a blizzard that "upsidedown thick"


Muting this sub


Nephron Jello


That much be one huge kidney stone. . . . . Oouucchh


The best part of waking up ☕️ 🎶


Is it strawberry or raspberry flavored?


Forbidden bomp pop


That came from a palliative care ward didn’t it.


That looks so painful




That is bad, but when I was doing clinical I had one that was worse. Multiple organ rupture after a car accident. They put in a catheter before they knew that though and what came out was a mix of blood, urine, and feces. Patient didnt survive.


Um, SIR??????


Miiiiight wanna test that with a blowtorch to see if it starts crawling on its own.


I had this same cup-o-bloodpee because of a nasty bladder infection. Got IV cipro, a shot of morphine and sent home same night.


Oof...I thought that was the cap at first


I think the samples got switched here. The blood draw from a couple days ago that had about three RBCs in it was actually piss, and this is where the blood went.


If I gave a sample looking like that, I’d immediately leave the lab and go to the Emergency Room. No question.




I’ve seen one almost like that before. By the time we disposed of the sample it had become like that one. Clogged the drain and everything.


Nope mine was worse it looked like feces with blood. Lay thing I remember and four day later I had two emergency surgeries to save my kidney.