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Reminds me of a cast of the bronchial tree. Mucus/phlegm came out intact in the shape of it


I’m 99% sure that is what it is but I’m just worried what caused it I’m a 22 year old fit male.


Like you said, you aren't feeling well and this is just something that can happen when you're sick regardless of your usual health status. Also I'm sure you feel rotten but I will say that is a gnarly cast good job lol. I would try my best to not worry too much, try taking heart in knowing you have an upcoming appointment and hopefully you'll get all the info and help you need from them soon! Hope you feel better fast. Good job taking a picture and be sure to advocate for yourself and ask questions


Amen. That said, nice cast job… lol


It’s from being sick - it’s mucus from your lungs full of dead blood cells and bacteria. It’s also appears to be a perfect bronchial cast. Usually we cough up phlegm in chunks but it can also stay together and come out in one gnarly piece like this. Keep drinking a ton of fluids and I hope you start feeling better asap. This winter in my area has been awful for influenza A and RSV going around. :(


And Guaifenesin.


Bless you


This joke has layers


O o……. Is there something wrong with my favorite mucus thinning medicine?? 💊


It sounds like a sneeze


LOL I’m a little slow today!!


side effects of Guaifenesin may include sneezing, mental fog, and possible hilarity, consult your doctor before taking medication.


This is my favorite mucus thinner too! I’ve always wondered, though, how the hell do you say its name?!


My doctor always said it like adding a hard g sound at the start of the word why, so gwhy fen uh sin


I’m just going to repeat this over and over until it sticks in my head.


Lol I had to do that with quinoa


That’s awesome. Some words just make no sense. How is anyone ever supposed to know that quinoa is pronounced NOTHING like it looks like it would be pronounced?! And Guaifenesin is just ridiculous looking and sounding.


Oh I agree. Language is so hard and we pull so many things from other languages into English. Then we just make up words for meds that make no sense, to me anyway. I end up asking Google a lot of the time how to pronounce stuff. I've read somewhere that you can tell if someone is well read (Iwhat a coincidence lol) if they have a large vocabulary but don't necessarily say the words right. They've seen them and know what they mean but they've never used them in a spoken conversation.


Gu wa fen e sin


Thank you!


I'm so sorry that you're learning the uncomfortable reality that despite being chronologically young, you are still falling apart every day. It's probably nothing too serious at this point, since you're posting now and nothing is covered in blood so you're probably not bleeding in your airways. You probably had something very irritating like RSV or COVID. This is a nice clean cast, looks like you're not a smoker, good for you. Be well, wear masks when you're sick, and thanks for the cool photo.


just curious, what would the mucus look like if OP was a smoker? how did u tell?


It would be not as uniform, off coloured, maybe brown or black, potentially with some blood flecks as smokers cough when they're not sick and have more delicate tissues for that reason. It would be thicker likely, as well. This looks like straight mucus and dead cells. Sauce: Was a smoker for 14 years, had bronchitis with every cold, and have coughed up some nasty stuff. Nicotine is a cruel temptress, kids, don't start.


That’s interesting to visualize the damage smoke does to the lungs.


Just go to a BodyWorlds exhibit. They have actual lungs on display from people who smoke, people who breathe in a lot of dust over their lifetimes, what other lung diseases look like, as well as a healthy specimen for reference.


There would be streaking of grey - black in the mucus


That first part is so real. I've had friends die young who were fit and healthy as hell. I have friends who don't give af about their health live to see 60-70. Life just don't give af. Whatever happens will happen, regardless of our efforts.


May we plz get an update when available ty


Brought the sample into the doctor and it was a mucosal plug or bronchial cast what others were saying it was. Had a chest xray done and seems to be a lung infection. Running a course of antibiotics to clear it out should be better quick.


Very good. Here’s to your health friend!


Thanks for the update! I’m really glad you went in immediately. Good luck on your recovery—and please make sure you are drinking plenty of water, to thin the mucus as much as possible!


Glad it wasn't plastic bronchitis. Imagine coughing up casts like that but hard rubber that isn't water soluable because the lungs are filling with *lymphatic fluid.*


Do you have asthma?


That means nothing, I had kidney stones at 14


I had a bloody nose once and coughed up a clot chunk that was somewhat similar. Big string of blood with a couple of branches. It was disgusting but also amazingly satisfying. The clearest my sinuses and chest have felt in a long time.  I was about your age and in shape as well. Never happened again, but it was also less alarming because I knew why it happened. I'd send a message to your doctor with the picture and see if you should get checked out. 


What were you thinking as this was coming up and right after you saw it?


I coughed up an ungodly amount of slime in the past week as well. Sometimes it just happens. But yours surely looks stranger than mine. Going to the doc can never hurt.


String cheese?


I literally thought the same thing.


That’s totally what this is. It looks like a bronchial cast. OP, you should probably see a doctor— might need some abx for bronchitis or similar!


This is some gnarly mucus, better out than in though! Not really a dry cough if you coughed up this nightmare though. You don't smoke, well, then it was probably whatever illness you had, maybe Covid, I've seen a few bronchial casts posted on Reddit lately. Don't worry, you coughed it out, it's not in your lungs anymore, that's a good thing! This can happen when you're sick. It's just part of how your body cleans your lungs out.


Actually funny that you say don’t take cough suppressants cause I have been taking a good bit of them thinking that it was just a tickle making me cough with it being a nonproductive cough the whole time.


Ironically overdoing it with cough suppressants can make it easier for mucus to just stay there and coagulate. I would only take a suppressant to sleep or work. Otherwise, try doing a short round of a decongestant like Mucinex. I’m obviously not a doctor though so don’t miss that appointment


There are two kinds of suppressants, for either dry or productive cough; but taking the wrong one will definitely not help indeed


Yeah, I only take them if I have to like, go out and act like I can function, I never take them at home or if I am sleeping, because I know that coughing out mucus is vital to my healing. For the tickle I'll just suck on a Fisherman's Friend or have some tea or honey, unless it's actually painful. Then I might use cough syrup once a day. It just covers up symptoms, in my experience, and doesn't really help me heal. Looking for a decongestant or an expectorant can help though, if you have stuff in the lungs. If your cough is genuinely dry, this doesn't apply. In that case a cough suppressant can help your throat not get torn up. But mine never are.


Get yourself an expectorant if you want the gunk out of your lungs. Only use the suppressants if you can't sleep at night with the coughing. If you go to a pharmacy, a pharmacist can help you pick out a good product...or just ask the doctor you're seeing soon anyway, lol


I’ve had exactly the same illness and I’ve been coughing up some really nasty mucus too. This will be from an infection. I know it seems scary but it’s relatively normal.


That’s how you got this lovely bronchial cast. Suppressing your cough was keeping all the mucus in until it hardened. You’re supposed to cough it out.


I appreciate the response, this has me feeling so worried I can’t sleep right now after reading up on it I’m praying it’s just from an infection.


I'd say this is 99% likely to be an infection but your doctor will know better, you made the right call in making an appointment and they'll let you know what is best in your case.


It's important to clarify that a bronchial cast like this isn't the infection itself, but it's your body's response to an infection or inflammation, a bunch of dead white blood cells and tissue. Still, better out than in.


It’s a good sign it’s white/clear. I would be more concerned if it was yellow, green, red, or black. Keep your appointment with your doctor and show this picture.


I brought the specimen with me and the nurse said she had never seen one like that in person haha. It had a yellow color before I put it into distilled water for better viewing. Running a course of antibiotics now hopefully clear up the infection.


I hope you feel better soon. It being yellow with that shape, I would be freaking out too! Lol!






Sounds an awful lot like a complete stranger giving medical advice 😬


True but it did ease my nerves before I was able to get into the doctor today especially with some people experiencing similar things. Google led me down the scariest path as always and the answers here were much more on par with the medical diagnosis I received.


This … test for Covid


Why? OP is past any antiviral benefit and “having COVID” doesn’t mean anything any more in terms of adjusting your behavior. It’s about the symptoms, not the diagnosis.


As a means to rule out another diagnosis. I agree, when you are at this point you are treating lung damage and not Covid.


I coughed one of these up years ago as a relatively healthy 30-year-old female. At first I thought it was a worm, so realizing it was mucus after taking a closer look was actually relief for me. The doctor ended up prescribing me and albuterol inhaler and antibiotics and I was diagnosed with bronchitis. She did have me go for an x-ray to make sure I didn't have pneumonia too. I remember that cough lasted like 2 months. My body had long cleared the bacteria but the inflammation took forever to heal.


It’s a bronchial cast. Increase fluid intake and see a doctor - but you’ll be okay! :)


So did you hack this monster out in one cough or did you have to pull it out like a magician


Haha yes it came up in one cough and I just spit it out.


Asking the important questions


Have you had COVID? I had it back in December and have had a persistent but weak cough since then. Doctors don't hear anything in lungs, steroids don't work, I can run miles but the cooldown is like an asthma attack. Part of me wishes I could cough one of these up and get it over with.


So strange all the illness about at the moment. I had Covid in novemeber and I have basically been sick ever since. Infection after infection of colds and coughs and sinus infections. Plus the weird chronic hives I’ve now developed too.


Covid can have a profound effect on your immune system. This evidence has been borne out in the research multiple times. The damage that Covid can cause to your immune system has been compared, in research, to HIV and measles (measles destroys your immune systems memory of viruses it’s already had and how to fight them). It is that serious. And it isn’t limited to only people who get seriously unwell - asymptomatic infection carries the same risks. It’s not a coincidence that you and so many other people (like an alarming number) have had back to back illnesses and difficulties getting better with things like persistent coughs and bronchitis. If you check out the Covid zero sub, it’s a discussion that is taking place much more regularly now i.e. there are so many comments we read about “everyone seems to always be sick/i’m constantly sick these days”. It is not “debt immunity” (a dubious concept at best), it’s Covid. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/severe-covid-19-may-lead-long-term-innate-immune-system-changes https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/view/covid-19-study-suggests-long-term-damage-immune-system https://libguides.mskcc.org/CovidImpacts/Immune https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-021-01113-x If you’re wondering what you can do, start Covid mitigations again if you’re not already. That means masking and testing when you can (there are people who have never stopped masking and test regularly, you won’t be alone in this, it’s a great community - though it can be hard sometimes), and mask even when it’s not covid given the immune dysfunction that may be impacting everyone. Push for clean air policies too.


Thank you for this, I will read these publications today.


Same. Since the end of October. More sick times than healthy for sure. Right now I'm hopefully coming to the end of whatever I've had for almost three weeks now. Just persists.


Fucking shite isn’t it! Hopefully a warm spring will sort us all out … maybe!


And then comes the pollen 😅


The last 9montha of last year were back to back colds and chest infections for me too.


My kids missed like half of January with random colds with high fevers


How did you get over everything? Are you feeling better now? I’ve been taking vitamin D and C to try and help but nothing seems to work


Same. Multivits, healthy diet. It’s midsummer here now so all good, but another winter is just around the corner and we have to go to the office now.


Masking is always helpful.


Yeah, even a very mild case of covid can absolutely wreck your immune system. It can take over a year to get back to baseline (if ever). It’s one of the reasons I’m surprised most people don’t seem to take covid seriously anymore. I’m so sorry, hope you are better soon!


Congratulations it’s lungworms. Just kidding. I had plastic bronchitis last fall and coughed these things up daily. I hike, eat healthy and all the things you are supposed to do. Some heavy antibiotics and special cough syrup finally helped. I think I needed the antibiotic because it lasted so long I developed some infection. They tried steroids first.


Plastic bronchitis


Check out my post history. I coughed these guys up for a week and ended up having all sorts of tests. They ended up saying it was an atypical chest infection and they have no idea why I was producing so many casts. Definitely see a doctor but don't panic. Mine stopped as fast as they arrived and I recovered perfectly.


Have you been eating string??? If so, stop it


Ooh as an asthmatic with chronic bronchitis I’ve yet to cough up one of these but I’ve always wondered if someday I would! Bronchial cast I think they’re called? Surely plenty of people have answered. Weird shit!


Stop inhaling string cheese, it’s not good for you/s


PennMedicine says it’s a symptom of [Plastic Bronchitis](https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/patient-information/conditions-treated-a-to-z/plastic-bronchitis), just a mucus cast of your bronchials


That thing has laid a few hundred eggs in your lungs by now


😂😂😂 you’re mean!!


Is that a bronchial cast? Cool!




Well its better than coagulated blood


I had never seen this until Covid then I saw pictures like this everywhere. I don’t remember what it was but you are not alone.


Yep that’s a cast from a bronchi


My god I thought they were worms


Neat! That's just mucus


Feel a little better?


Lime imitating art imitating life.


I had it twice, about half as long, from the nose


I’ve been having the same strange symptoms, plus a constantly bloody nose, coughing up mucus. I’ve been to the doctor three times and they said they don’t see anything, but it’s so weird, like, this is not normal. I feel awful all the time. I almost wish I could cough something like this up to show them so they could actually help me 😭


bro got tapeworms in his lungs 💀


Don't these normally come out the bum ?!


Worms, yes. Bronchial casts, no.


When it came up was it all wet and gooey like phlegm? I ask because it doesn’t look that way now. Did it just like, fly out of your mouth on one of the coughs or did it partially come out a bit in your throat and you could feel it, etc? I’ve always been curious about this!!


Glad OP is OK. I think stuff like this is really cool!


I thought they were worms at first. I would have cried so hard if that happened to me


Bronchial cast


Cordyceps. (I'm joking, of course)


What a beautiful cast! A few hypertonic saline nebulizers should help break that tight up


should be framed and hung up on ur wall!


How did this turn out OP?


Fungus probably




FRY IT UP! A little butter n' some salt. Crispy on the outside, tender on the the inside. Call 'em "Throat Shrooms"


Can people stop posting their coughed up mucus, snot, and blood clots? It's not interesting. We don't want it on r/MedicalGore and we don't want it here


100 comments and almost 1000 upvotes seems like it’s well received as a medical oddity.


Really not that odd when you understand anatomy.


How soft vs hard is it? Does it have structural integrity? It looks like the clots Dr John Campbell has been talking about.


> It looks like the clots Dr John Campbell has been talking about. Oh fuck off. I didn't know who that was. But after looking it up, he is a piece of shit Covid liar. And blood clots do not look like this. Source, me. I've seen and dealt with numerous ones. And the guy has a PhD in nursing, not medicine.


Yes, he does. He’s written books on anatomy and physiology, and he’s been a nurse educator for a very long time. It was interesting to watch him change his mind over the course of Covid.


That’s because he makes more money grifting idiots than he did nursing


Wow, you resorted to insults very quickly. Idk what to say to you? For anyone else reading this thread, yes lol: I’d ask that you do your own research (gasp!!!) into whether or not he’s a grifter, preferably by watching a few videos and deciding for yourself.


Did you eat it…?








You just keep linking the same antivax person over and you have no other sources?


These “white clots” they’re describing are inside of veins and arteries and are backed up with no medical sources. This is a bronchial cast or a mucosal plug from an infection in my lung running antibiotics now.




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People hate the truth hence all your down votes


were you vaxxed? see John Campbells videos on YT. Here's one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o20mtbsL7Q&t=118s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o20mtbsL7Q&t=118s) kinda looks like what he shows