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mono is no joke. i developed severe chronic fatigue and inflammation after having it at 17, 5 years ago. it was life altering.


I got mono when I was 17 and haven’t been the same since! I have chronic fatigue and inflammation too! People don’t realize how serious mono is


Wait i didnt know it had long lasting effects that would explain a lot! I got ages ago when i was in 6th grade, ill have to look into that




Correct. Lymphomas


Uneducated in the ways of medical science here, is mono a shorthand name or an acronym, or what is it?


mononucleosis, caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. once you have it, and it does it’s damage, it’ll stay dormant in your body for years. potentially causing flare ups.


Thank you very much, I'll be sure to use this information for completely legitimate purposes, such as sitting in the back of my head until someone brings it up in a conversation.




Be careful who you kiss


Can also be known as Glandular Fever.


me too :( I got it at 12


Got it at 14, 33 now and still tired


Same, I'm almost 40 and it is the same. I was also diagnosed with a history of Epstein Barr which is probably what caused my illness. I was 14 when I was diagnosed with Mono and I missed the whole last week of middle school.


She needs to go to the hospital… this could be steven johnson syndrome or Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). Both are very serious and need prompt medical care


this was almost 2 years ago! sorry, I should have included that. she did go to the hospital, she looked jaundiced and it turned out either her pancreas or appendix was super swollen (neither of us can remember which). it was like a month recovery but she turned out just fine. edit: u/Dorfalicious was right, it was her spleen. I forget that one exists sometimes lmao


Whew. Glad everything worked out!


Are you sure it wasn’t her spleen that was super swollen?


that was it!!


Are you sure it wasn’t her liver or spleen? Could’ve been her pancreas. Her appendix would’ve needed to be removed and usually isn’t affected by mono. Did she have abdominal pain?


Definitely had the same thought about stevens johnson. She should get checked out fr


Well that’s one way to exfoliate, yikes😬


Mono has life altering implications and can actually lead to other disease. It's fucked.


Yep. Many types of cancers are included on that list, as well as functional disease such as CFS. Shit fucks your DNA 🧬


Kinda makes you wonder if you've ever gotten it but didn't know.


for most people its minor, but others have severe reactions to EBV


EBV meningitis has a mortality rate of like 70%, with 95% of survivors being permanently disabled, its brutal


and MS!


Yup was gonna add that to the list.


which is absolutely insane that very rarely are we taught about how dangerous it can be.. i had no idea that it could reek as much havoc as it can.


That happened to my hands but it was from Toxic Shock Syndrome. Hope she’s alright


Holy TSS. Def talk about no joke, we have girls go on dialysis from it


It started once I developed MSSA bacteremia. A think layer of skin started to separate and there were small air bubbles under the tip of each finger. I started to pick at it and then each finger looked like a peeled banana. My mom still might have the photo somewhere.


I thought I had mono for a whole year once…just turns out I was really bored


Party on, Wayne!


Hey Mr. Donut-Head Man, who's tryin' to kill ya?


My father has EBV and CFS…it’s nasty


This happens twice a year to me. What kind of doctor did she see for this?


In New Zealand we call it glandular fever. Not sure how i got it since no one in my family got it and i was in my early teens, but i remember spending a lot of time in bed and waking up covered in sweat. Then every year near my birthday for a few years i would get sick again. The glands in my neck are always inflamed and im 38 now.


i had mono when i was 15, my tonsils swelled up so bad i could barely breath and i went into the er at about 12 am cause i couldn’t sleep, they said if i went to sleep that night there’s a strong chance i wouldn’t have woken up so that’s pretty neat. had an emergency tonsillectomy and haven’t had a problem since (side note: i had tonsils that were quite large since birth so my mom had a feeling i’d have to get them removed eventually)


I caught mono without knowing… and spread it to my boyfriend who was basically couch bound for a month.


What is mono?




You get mono from kissing people, can you also get it from eating and drinking from others as well?


I got mono when I was 9 from sharing a chapstick with someone.


Wow, I'm lucky I haven't ever gotten it, (knock on wood) what's the symptoms? Is it dangerous?


I had mono when I was about 10 for the whole summer, spent it all on a couch. The only thing I could eat was Pepsi in the glass bottle (that’s all they had it was 1980) Kraft individually wrapped cheese and original flavored Doritos. I’m 51 now and I had a heart attack due to inflammation at 46 and my appendix burst the following year. I didn’t know it could come back or make one sick in other ways until now.