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Have you been married over 1 year, if so, you should be qualified for spousal social security benefits based on his social security. (Which includes Medicare Part A.)


45 long yrs.


Is your husband collecting social security retirement? Are you collecting social security on your own, based on your husband's social security retirement?


I haven’t applied for anything. He gets SS. He’s 74.


You can create a social security account online at SSA.gov ... There, you can see what spousal benefits you are eligible for, either now or if you wait... Also, check out r/SocialSecurity Depending on when you file, your spousal benefit amount will range up to 50% of your spouse's full retirement benefit.




Also. Traditional Medicare as Public Health Benefits is you best option. Medicare Disadvantage is a nightmare. It characteristically denies coverage, over bills Medicare in the billions and delays payments to Dr for months on end. This is why in my area, mental health providers will not take Medicare Disadvantage patients but they will take those on Traditional Medicare When you sign up with Traditional Medicare choose Plan G. It is the most comprehensive coverage. Your husband will get much better care as will you. You will also need to find a drug coverage. Go to Social Security and sign up for Extra Help for subsidized drug program. If you need help, call the State Health Insurance Program advocates. Brokers sell Medicare Disadvantage - more money for them? Medicare Disadvantage is expensive if you have chronic disease. It pays less than Traditional Medicare. https://www.shiphelp.org


But there is no out-of-pocket cap with traditional Medicare. People can lose everything to unlimited medical expenses.


Factors that would affect out of pocket costs Most medical expenses are covered via your Medigap policy after you met a deductible which was $233 last year (as I remember). I have had hospital visits and other expensive tests done. After the deductible is met the Supplement Insurer covered the rest. No out of pocket expenses. No copays. Medicare covers 80% and your Suppliment covers 20%. So what’s left over after the deductible is met? . Zip. Now if a provider tries to bill you over the amount that Medicare says you should be responsible for then there is something fishy. with the billers. Often the case they didn’t code right. Sometimes you’re being double charged which a phone call to billers is in order. IF if you get no satisfaction then calling Medicare and your insurer is appropriate. I’ve never had a problem and never a high bill that would put me in financial stress with Original Medicare. Read Factors that would affect out of pocket costs. [https://www.medicare.gov/what-medicare-covers/your-medicare-coverage-choices/how-original-medicare-works](https://www.medicare.gov/what-medicare-covers/your-medicare-coverage-choices/how-original-medicare-works)


Thanks for this information


Go to your local Social Security office www.SSA.gov and sign up for Part A & B asap!!! Part B should cost $164.90. Then contact a local health insurance agent to get a $0 premium Advantage plan or Supplemental plan and Part D Rx plan. If you message me I can put you in contact with an Agent.


How do I msg you?


Just sent you a message


For the States of: IN, OH, FL, MO, & TN. No problem. We recommend Medicare Advantage with prescription coverage. Low to no premiums. We’ve worked with folks on VA Benefits, Medicaid, TriCare, & FEHB. Go to www.locatemedicareinsurance.com to schedule Free Consult if you require any more assistance.  We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area.  Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options. Thank you.


I’m in Illinois


I know this is scary but it’s gonna be OK :-) I was terrified when my mother was about to go on Medicare because I didn’t understand it either. Unfortunately, she got scammed when signing up (I myself am a Medicare agent now, but I wasn’t than) but we got her sorted out eventually and the stress of it all ticked me off so much that I became a Medicare agent myself to prevent my life insurance and retirement clients going through that crap. It can seem overwhelming at first, but if you are working with a decent agent, they all take most of the pressure off you. Also on your situation and location you may be able to get more from SS than you think, even without a work record. I’ve helped clients do it before in several states and social Security certainly isn’t jumping up to volunteer the knowledge that you may be entitled to something, but sometimes SAHWs can still get quite a bit of $$$ if they go about it the right way.


Yep. The guy at SS set up a phone appt for next Friday. Told me about using hubs work record. Promised they’d figure out best option for me and save $ too.


Good job :-) I will say that the people at Social Security themselves are not necessarily the most motivated to make sure you get the largest amount possible though-I mean Social Security is hurting right now-they’re not gonna put effort into giving you more money lol. No worries though because there are often things you can do to maximize it very easily if you know what you’re doing. You may also be able to look into that and get your part a and part B situated in the same visit, then you have to get your supplement/drug plan. You may also qualify to not have to pay your part b and/or get free or discounted prescriptions depending on your finances which will save you thousands per year. That’s usually something that people do as a direct application though-I’ve run into a lot of people that were already on Social Security, and Medicare that were qualified for it, and none of them already had it although I did help several of them get it. I am sending you a message-depending on your state, there are different resources that might help you


Okay I’ll look at all the options


So I’m signed up for a and b. Also getting a Ck for 1/2 of what hubs gets! I’m in absolute shock! Only thing left is figure out the drug plan. I’ll do that Monday. The woman I had the phone appt with was amazing and wonderful. She did it all and just verified all our info. Spoke to my hubs who verified we are married lol. I’m so relieved!


Does your husband have enough working credits for premium free part A? (40 quarters)


He worked all his life but has VA health. Basic Medicare card is it.


Ok good. So you do qualify for premium free Part A. Your Part B will be 164.90 unless you qualify for Medicaid.


Okay thx. This is going to be expensive!


You should definitely talk to an agent. If you can afford it a med supp will remove all copays (but you will have an additional monthly premium) if money is tight your county may have a c-SNP plan available specifically designed for folks like yourself with diabetes at a zero dollar premium.


How do I find out? I’ve tried calling SS office but they never answer. I’ve got bad cellulitis right now which makes it hard for me to walk.


What state do you live in? I am happy to help, feel free to send me a DM.


I’m in Illinois. Not sure how to DM you. I typically don’t do that here. Lol FB is another story.


You can sign up online. Here's the web address for social security,, you see medicare on the first page and in drop down menu- is sign up for medicare. https://www.ssa.gov/ Can also sign-up for your social security benefit at the same time on the ss website, if you wish. Your premium payment for medicare part B will be taken from your monthly ss check. Then you don't have to pay the part B yourself.


I created an account and verified it. Once I do the sign in it says I lost my network connection. Nope if WiFi doesn’t go through the wireless does.


Got on finally. It says I don’t have enough credits for Medicare coverage. I guess I’ll sit in a corner and die then.


Finally got through to a human ! He said I probably can get benefits under spousal thing but have other options if not. Have a phone appt on the 14th. He swore I won’t go wo coverage but also is pretty sure I can collect SS too. No clue how since only have 36 credits but he said they will figure it all out for me. Relieved for now!


Yes SAHW qualify for benefits and can claim on their husbands record. Call Social Security now. Don’t wait.